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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OVERLORD Episode 4!




Overlord! Overlord! 🗣️🙌🏾


After all the blood and gore you’ve been consuming lately, you need a chill series to relax with. Day 1 of asking for Ascendance of a Bookworm to follow Vinland Saga.

Cyrill Attakpah

didnt even watch the video yet but BIIIIIIIIINGE!!!!!!!!!! BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! BINGE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 clarification: Momonga does know how strong he is... he just doesnt know how strong the people of this world are


This anime never fails to hype me up for every single massacre that is about to happen and I am LIVING for it


The guild name is much more well known in Yggdrasil than Momonga


You will love it and hate it, in a good way obviously

Tsusaku Cohenat

There are 2 more floor guardians, but you will see them in second series.


When you said you thought Overlord would be more funny, i couldnt help myself to giggle a bit. I am from Germany and in the German Dub Version some texts are rewritten in something funnier, especially Momongas monologues.


Glad you like Bonedaddy :). You will learn more :D.


Momonga is the name of his character. Ainz Ooal Gown is the name of the guild, and Great Tomb of Nazarick is the name of their base. The guild name is obviously more recognizable for all Yggdrasil players that might've come to this world.


Ah, nothing more relaxing after bingeing the 4 Gate episodes than a relaxing episode of Overlord mayhem. Again Ains tossing out gacha game trinkets like candy. Overlord does have it's light moments like Konosuba but then the dark moments will be like Subaru petting winter bunnies. Just a reminder there is an after credit scene in episode 9 that's kinda important. Also, keep your flashlight batteries charged, there are some dark times in your future.


come join the wholesome alliance at the anime stream votes and aid us in getting bookworm as one of the next anime


If we are talking chill and relaxed - Laid-Back camp comes to my mind!


All hail lord Ainz Ooal Gown...!


Remember people, him saying he wants answers does not mean WE should give them to him, let the anime teach him as we go along. If anything once a season is over we could fill him in on stuff the anime skipped over for that arc. But don't tell him things that will be shown later on.


sasuga ainz sama~


Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, banzai!

Mason D

One of the cool things about this show is the autonomy many of the leaders of the Great Tomb of Nazarick are given and the fact that they do not need their hands held. This is largely due to them having actual fleshed out personalities and a fleshed out world and leads to you actually wanting to see them in equal measures to the MC.


A momonga is a mouse like rodent native of Japan so he may have thought Momonga was too common of a word for it to be instantly recognizable.


Luke cooking as always. Remember when he almost exactly cooked MT season 4 reveal

Lu C

I agree with the change just please not another recent isekai...


Yeah, Overlord is one of those series that I just LOVE. The characters are amazing, the fights are awesome (even if heavily one-sided, as you saw here), but just watching Ains is so much fun (and his name is pretty much pronounced EXACTLY as it's spelled, except Gown is pronounced "Gohn".


he changed his name so anyone who was from the game might recognize it since it was his guild's name, not just guild members but anyone who mightve played yggdrasil

Charles Fine

fun fact, not related to the show, but the creators of Overlord and Saga of Tanya are close friends.


I think Luke probably has nightmares about the bunnies so that will give him a darkness gauge.


when your done with season one you should check out a yt video that goes over the skipped content in the light novels


I wonder if Luke would be interested in reacting to AniNews breakdown of the characters of Overlord once Season 2 or 4 is done?


Luke forgot Eminence in the isekai *serious* rank, everything related to cid is dumb and funny but what actually happens to the people is kind of Fkd up


the anime doesn't explain things as well as the light novels do. but Ainz Ooal Gown is the name of his guild, I don't remember the exact ranking but I believe his guild was in the top 5 strongest guilds so random players would be more likely to recognize the guilds name.


I'd say Overlord is the middleground between Konosuba and Re:Zero actually


This show is devoid of humanity. Ains did let humans die in this episode but the reaction from everyone is: "meh". But in other shows there is shock. So we the viewers end up feeling the same when characters die, less emotion.

Bryan Wells

I still do not understand how this man managed to watch konosuba before watching overlord bro that is absolutely insane to me

Danny Lesse

You should be informed about, that sometimes they skip times in Overlord. The answers you want to have come drop by drop between the episodes and seasons, so no great revelations in the series until now. And btw his new name is the name of the guild. That is why he changed his name. The guild Name was really famous in Yggdrasil and not the single players of the Guild it self.

Patrick Jacobsen

Ainz Ooal Gown was the biggest nonhuman guild in yggdrasil. they were legendary. Momonga is spreading the name of Ainz not to just finde his old guilmates, but to find any players that might have been teleported as he has. and a little note, when Ainz (I'm just gonna call him that from now on), was talking with Demiurge in the sky, the part of him talking over the world was said as a joke, but Demiurge thought him to be serious.


I'm pretty sure Momonga renamed himself to Ains Ooal Gown (the name of his guild) because his guild was one of the biggest in the game


Honestly how much idiocy is in Eminence I would rate it equal to Konosuba on seriousness scale.


Shh...don't speak out of turn. Ains hasn't done anything...yet.


It's little twisted for Luke to say everyone needs Albedo in their lives. I know he doesn't mean this, but what he implies with that statement it's okay to BRAINWASH woman to love you. He meddled with her NPC code and changed her original lore how she is a character.


I LOVE the german dub for this anime, the voicelines from Momonga are GOLD


Momonga hopes to find his guildmates, but obviously doesn't really expect to see them in the new world since they weren't online at the time the transition happened. Any other players who were online at the end are much more likely to recognize the name of one of the game's top guilds than the name of that guild's leader. Momonga was a roleplayer, not a PvP player, so while his guild was well-known, he personally was not.

Lucas Gianini

Oh Luke, you poor summer child. I have no clue what made you think this was going to be like Konosuba but I find that hilarious lmao


Presumably the game had thousands of players potentially right up until the end. His guild name would almost certainly be much more recognizable than his individual player name. He's trying to make it so that anybody from Yggdrasil would recognize the name not just his own clanmates.


Holy shit, the audio at Beginning was so clean that I had to take my earbuds out, to be sure I had not my surround sound boxes at full volume 😂


their guild used to be top 20 if I remember correctly, not the best of the best but definitely still really famous enough that people know their guild name

Micheal Magnuson

6:40 a horseback charge against Zeke? Oh no that never ends well...


Luke has completely forgotten about Mushoku Tensei 😂


Now you know why in Eminence in Shadow Cid says some shit, and his organization understands it in its own way, it's taken from Overlord


More insane that he first watched a parody of this anime and then the anime itself 😂

Beowolf Chow

Albedo opens up interesting questions and conversations about the nature of free will, that I find fascinating. Anyone who has been in love can tell you that you don't have a choice in the matter regardless. There is a reason it's been likened to the fickle actions of a god rolling dice or a cherub shooting arrows over the course of human history. You have the free will to act on your feelings or not, of course, but you have no control over whether you experience them. Ainz's choice to change an NPC's settings is morally neutral. Gamers and programmers do that every day. Once Albedo became a real person, it would of course be wrong to brainwash her, because that would be a violation of her free will. But as an NPC, she had no free will, so it wasn't brainwashing. What we are talking about in Albedo's case, is whether the change from being an NPC, to being a real thinking being, somehow retroactively makes the setting change immoral; and that is a very interesting conundrum to ponder. For example, what separates that setting change from all the other setting changes from the date of her creation as an NPC? Remember, the setting that was changed was "bitch" which in Japanese isn't "abrasive woman" but is more like "skank" and implies promiscuity. Is that setting immoral, or is that setting more moral when Tabula wrote it simply because it predates the "in love with Momonga" one? What about Shalltear, and all of her... questionable proclivities set by Peroronchino? Is Ainz's guilt over this justified? Or now that Albedo feels this way, is his guilt actually getting in the way of giving her the support and acknowledgement she needs now as a thinking feeling being? Now that she feels this way, and is a thinking feeling being, if it ever became possible to reverse the change, would that be immoral? She certainly wouldn't consent to it, so you would have to essentially brainwash her back to the way she was, being immoral in order to try and be moral. Do two wrongs make a right in that instance? Like I said. Fascinating to ponder.


Thats partly why, he named it because of that so that he can find other players that might exist or someone from the world that knows the name.


You forgot Mushoku Tensei and Emenince in Shadow. Though, I would still put konosuba at the bottom in seriousness. Re Zero and Mushoku tensei are pretty close to each other in seriousness. (This is just for shows luke has seen)


I'm so stupid, I forgot to write the second half of my message x) But yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking too


Consdering her orignal settings, i'd say we're all better off that way, including her lol


@Beowolf_Chow Something interesting as well is that all of the NPCs (now people) love Ainz anyways. Sure, hers is exaggerated because of the setting, but his actions in staying behind would've affected her regardless. But it is really fun to think about when you put it that way.


Luke. Did you eat something funny before that introduction? Your voice took a strange tune. jk 😁

BRUNO Marques

The world building is top notch. Momonga may not have resonated with other players not in the guild, he wants to find any1 that recognizes the guild name too. You get more info on why he picked this name later this season, and some more info later seasons. As for guardians, you meet Victim and Gargantua in future seasons. You never see some area guardians (only vaguely mentioned), but many inhabitants of Nazarick make appearances.


Best thing about Overlord is it just gets darker and darker for every season


I'm curious to know what made you think Overlord would be an Isekai like Konosuba 🤣


I can't wait until he see ep 9.


I don't have 100% confirmation but iirc from the comment I read they're top 10 and they're most well known for their base(Nazarick) defense in the game, specifically that even with no player present, the guild base have never been breached.


Its rare i can join the streams, since i have work 3 hours after the stream ends xD


It's not really explained in the anime, but in the 1st volume of the novels its explained that Ains Ooal Gown was one of the top 10 guilds (I believe they were ranked 9th highest) in the game. Their base (The Great Tomb of Nazarick) was famous for being almost impossible to raid and reach the lowest levels. There was even a collaboration between guilds with over 1500 players and NPCs who died trying to make it to the Throne Room and Treasury. They only made it to about the 8th floor in the tomb before they were completely wiped out. So yes, all players in the game knew the guild's name. That is why Momonga changes his name so that everyone who may have come from the game like him, especially his friends, may hear the name and come seek him out. Unfortunately the anime doesn't go into this detail, but its some cool backstory to gauge just how strong their guild is.

brotato 96

I just want to say Luke is such an awesome creator. I mean I have been here for more than a year now but still Whenever I go to check any other reaction channels I get super annoyed quickly at how they are just focussed to making their reaction look big instead of actually watching the show. Luke is almost like our watch together buddy, like he said in his Extra channel that people enjoy seeing him actually fall in love with shows like they did and be able to discuss about it with their buddies.


First of all, I want to say that I realy like your videos and, as an Overlord fan, I'm particularly enjoying your reactions to the anime and I'm happy that you like it! That being said, as much as I love the anime, there is a lot of details, especially about Yggdrasil as a game, the Guild of AOG and the state of the "real" world of 2138, that are in the novels but didn't make it in the anime. Of course it's not essentials to understand, and enjoy, the story but, to me, those details explains a lot about Momonga and his relationships with Nazarick and it's NPC. I'll try to not say to much because you're just at the start of season 1, but here are a few tibits of informations that can, maybe, help you like the show even more: - as said upstare (and a bit in episode 1) Ainz Ooal Gown was a very well known guild, and they were also infamous for a lot of reasons but what I want to point out is that all the members of Ainz Ooal Gown were Heteromorphs (or non-human/monster) characters who, for differents reasons, decided to roleplay there guild as an Evil organisation of monsters with the Great Tomb of Nazarick as there evil lair. And since they were fans of complex backstories and lore almost all of the Nazarick's NPC have settings and flavor text that reflect that. - The world of 2138 from which Momong come from is a dystopian world in which the Earth is completly polluted, nature only existe in green house control by the wealthy or video games, the sky is always hidden behind black smog, thick toxic fog frequently covered city and peoples have to wear hazmat suit and gas mask to go outside. Big conglomerates took over the country and keep 99% of the population poor and uneducated and force them to work all there life, all day everyday until they died. That is why the 6th floor of Nazarick was like a jewel for the guild because it represent Nature, and why Momonga was in awe when he saw the sky for the first time in ep2, and why he, obviously, has no-idea and does not know how to ruled Nazarick now that everyone worship him. Ok that's enough lore for now! Sorry for that unending comment. Anyway thank you for your work, I realy apreciate your content, the genuine reactions you show in your videos and hope that you'll continue to enjoy your journey through music, anime and video games. Much care and until next time! PS: sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.


I hope one day you also watch Log Horizon.

Russell Gambardella

It’s a pleasure to see Luke get so absorbed in the world of Overlord, I’m loving this journey! I’d highly recommend the novels to him and anyone reading this, even if you’ve already watched the anime. There’s so much lore and detail to be discovered about both worlds, and further insight into Ainz’s thoughts is intriguing and entertaining as he cautiously analyzes this world and reminisces about Yggdrasil. The artwork in the novels is also cool as hell and there’s even bonus panels at the end of each describing characters levels, classes, skills, and even info about his guildmates. Anyway, thanks for the video, much love!!


I find the line he says : "I think its almost time to switch" in the German version better. There he says: "Das kann ich nicht zulassen". Which means: I simply can not allow that to happen.


Just fair warning, the first arc of season 2 is considered to be the big low point in the anime. It's an OK arc, but it really isn't as good as the rest of the series.


You are correct that the name change is less for the other 40 guild members and more for randos who he might be able to help assuming they're friendlies.

Beowolf Chow

@OvidLiam Thank you. I think the NPCs are all very interesting in that they are mostly adults, but with no real life experience to speak of. Them being in love with Ainz for staying, is almost like a newborn child imprinting on a parent. While you have characters like Albedo and Demiurge who are incredibly intelligent and competent otherwise, certain actions of the NPCs align more with a child-like nature than fully formed adults. It is unclear exactly how sentient they were pre server shutdown, they have memories of events, but were they able to think or consider things? Were they able to communicate to each other? I think the story is clear that they were not, but as soon as the timer ticked over to 00:01 they all had the exact same understanding of the order of things. For example, there is no NPC that feels the before time was a purgatory of their bodies being under the control of capricious demons. They all feel they are the children of benevolent gods who loved them. In some ways they were literally born yesterday, while in others they weren't. Ainz being godly is as natural to them as breathing, even though it's not based on real prior experience, just simply by inception. As you highlighted, the events that occur post -00:00 are really all that can be looked at when evaluating their character growth and what is appropriate or reasonable to expect from them. So yes, Albedo would have loved him for staying, just as Sebas or the twins do, but both her and Shalltear have pre-sentience settings that take that one step further, and watching how the writer has them deal with those is fascinating. It reminds me of that quote "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" Is it less valid to be born loving someone, than to fall in love with someone through their actions towards you? Do the emotions feel different? Are they different in some other qualitative way? So. Many. Questions. To. Ponder. :P

Nathan McCabe

And just so you know. Overlord is the name of the legendary species of our mc Bone Daddy.

Rave Recage

Overlord and solo leveling have quite a bit in common. I just love power fantasy.

Nathan McCabe

Ainz Ooal Gown means My Shining Everything. The significance of this comes up near the end of Season one.

Nathan McCabe

Please after each season of Overlord. Check out the channel AniNews. He dives into details the anime left out. The anime is based on the LN not the manga or the WN. The WN came first and the LN makes Overlord watchable. Believe me now in version 1 the WN was unbearably dark.

Coping McCoperson

damn, luke listing isekais and forgetting about Mushoku and Eminence. We are really in dark times. Eminence gang on suicide watch

Casey Mitchell

To put it in perspective, in Yggdrasil, Momonga (Ains) was level 100, which was the max level. In the New World, humans are at strongest lvl around 30-40. Creatures that are considered legendary or god-like are at most lvl 60 or so. Ains is basically seal clubbing without realizing it.


Kono Dio… sucks here. All Hail Ainz!

Tom Boggess

demiurge: 1000 years of plan Ains: there is no plan.


You dont like Shalltears pets from the WN? How could you?

Shawn Oxley

Gazef is a fucking chad

Ricardo Fierro

He changed his name, cause ains ooal gown is the guild name, so it's easier to identify than to the name of a single player, Even if momonga was a powerfull carácter among the others, there are a lot o players that maybe arent so knowledge to each player, but a guild is more easy to recognize, so it's for that, that he do that


I think it's mentioned later in the anime maybe even a later season don't remember, but yeah a bunch was cut or pushed back


i love the bit in this episode with the gacha gimmick item, because ainz spent his entire bonus on that gacha to get the prize, so he has an ungodly number of those little gimmick things. he still has them because he's a hoarder and goes "i can't get rid of that, that's 500 yen i spent"


Speaking of voice actors that get around, its kinda shame you havent watched Gundam yet... the character Char Aznable there got such a unique voice, and his character is so powerful, but in a unique way. whenever i hear his voice, i see him as that character in whatever anime he's in.


I dunno why, but it’s rly funny to me how flabbergasted he is about Overlord not being comedy XD Btw Luke, if you want a bit more comedic OP bone action, watch Skeleton Knight :3 Surely not the best ever done, but I find it quite entertaining


I think Luke really forget Cid & Eminence of Shadow in terms of similiarity of the "Misunderstanding" Parts lol

Amarjit Ubhi

Bro, it's not that he shot that arrow at Ainz that pissed Albedo off. What she meant was that because Ainz's level and the fact he's literally the last boss, none there had the "level requirements" to physically attack Ainz. It would like a level 5 rpg character trying to attack a level 100 final boss, you literally wouldn't even be allowed in the same part of the map cos the levels too high, but these guys somehow have the end boss in front of them, but there's still that level gap to follow and Albedo saw it as a great insult to Ainz lol