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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FRIEREN Episode 20!!!




Thursday is fine, Friday is stacked already.

Daniel Griffiths

id prefer as they drop. but if you cant do it, it is what it is lol i wont moan... ill just cry on the inside XD

Daniel Griffiths

ahh man the comments spoiled how ferns team caught the bird


clearly, this comment wasn't some random thoughts, it straight up spoiled what exactly happened lmao

Daniel Griffiths

just saying... if you do a friday reaction you wont have to wait a week for the fight;) lol


At this point, Denken is probably the toughest opponent Frieren has had to face. His other party member, Richter. Also a name used to measure an earthquakes magnitude (Richter Scale). A fitting name for someone that specializes in earth magic. PS Thursday reaction is fine. Happy that you are watching this amazing anime.


So about Fern, Friren, and the spells they use. They both use the "Standard offensive magic" or "Zoltraak" and it is very much on purpose. They both knows other spells that can be used for attacking, but prefer zoltraak. The reason is their fighting style. Both were trained to fight demons, Friren by Flamme, and Fern in tern by Friren. Since the base of their training is to hide the amount of mana they have, they also have to fight in a way to exploit that fact as much as possible. By only using zoltraak they focus on a defensive style where they win through attrition. Safely fire precision barrages of zoltraak to break down the enemy. Since demons will fight based on how much mana they think Friren and Fern have, they lose when they use too much of their own mana. Demons expect Friren, or Fern, to use up their own mana sooner than themself. But as we know, they wont. Still, while similar, Friren and Fern do develop slightly different styles. *MAYBE SPOILER* Friren has more mana then Fern, but fern learn to cast faster than Friren. Both have a similar level of control, but Friren is a bit better. So a compression would be like: Fern: Is a tennis player that always shoots for the corners and keeps speeding up until you can no longer keep up. Friren: Shoots slower than Fern, but stronger. She also doesn't shoot for corners, but where ever you would like the least. She focuses on timing and hitting exactly where you don't want it until you lose.


I’m fine with Frieren reactions on Thursday. It’s a nice recap going into the new episodes on Friday.

Coping McCoperson

Please brother Luke I implore you. Fridays. Will do better numbers that way too


I bet Frieren's gonna ask Serie for a "legendary" spell, like something for cleaning stone statues. After all, she complained that unlike with bronze statues, she couldn't just use a spell.


@Rob It could be a spoiler, but I thought the same thing and I haven't read the manga. It's not like we didn't know about Fern's ability, the author has made it clear a few times that Fern's ability is important. All you needed to do was ask yourself how could Fern's team could have caught it.


Sure, but the fact that is was explained the exact same way the very next episode had me scratching my head about it haha


Man, Luke is such a good guy. Everyone out there is asking "WHO IS THIS NEW ELF?!" But Luke is the only one asking "How is this new elf?" Huge respect to him :D If you don't get it, look at the video description xD


The way i see it Frieren is crazy strong but she specialized in killing demons... and collecting random spells. Both she and Fern should have big arsenal of spells to use but as Fern said last time "Ordinary offense magic is enough to defeat mages of this era" so they just use that until they absolutely need to use something stronger


You said masterpiece should be a title given only to shows that are 'finished'. But personally I like to believe it's per season. Which is why myanimelist also ranks by season and not the whole show. E.g: S1 = masterpiece S2 = not masterpiece


Funny that you ask the question about how much offensive magic Fern and Frieren know. I think they know a lot more as Fern herself said to Ehre that she didn't have to use other kinds of magic as this was good enough for current-day magicians. So I believe they haven't even show a glimpse of what they are really capable of :)


Well, if you are in the front lines of a war and they send an army of armed children to fight you... You kill them or they kill you. I prefer Thursdays since I watch eps on my own first anyways. Can't put my 144hz interpolation MKVs to waste. Doesn't matter to me really since I can wait anyways.


I think keeping these on Thursdays makes a good reason to rewatch the episode the day before the new one drops.

_____ Rasse _____

I like the Frieren reactions being on thursdays since they act as a nice recap of the last episode before the new ones on fridays drop.

Sebastian Stróż

As one of the people who suggested watching Frieren on release day I will just say, you do you. Im sure people love the way you run your channel "you guys decide" but I think you should follow Iskandar and "be more greedy" and do thing because you want to (at least some things). At the end of the day those are your reactions and you should enjoy yourself because that's when your videos are the most fun.


Day #21 of asking Luke to watch Kamikatsu

William Armstrong (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 21:10:02 I actually actively despise that myanimelist system its just unnecessarily complicated, and makes evaluateing anything in an organized way harder. Some shows are stronger and weaker at different points in their run, but the current "seasonal" anime system" is inconsistent and random in what and how much material gets covered especially from shows based on manga or novels
2024-02-01 21:10:29 I actually actively despise that myanimelist system its just unnecessarily complicated, and makes evaluateing anything in an organized way harder. Some shows are stronger and weaker at different points in their run, but the current "seasonal" anime system" is inconsistent and random in what and how much material gets covered especially from shows based on manga or novels

I actually actively despise that myanimelist system its just unnecessarily complicated, and makes evaluateing anything in an organized way harder. Some shows are stronger and weaker at different points in their run, but the current "seasonal" anime system" is inconsistent and random in what and how much material gets covered especially from shows based on manga or novels


Regarding the show's perfection, I will say this was the first episode where I was annoyed by some of the dialog. Namely characters spelling out how their technics work for their opponents. Normally that just feels like lazy writing when it would make more sense to explain to the viewers through the opponent guessing it, but even then, why would they let on they understand how it works. Like just have that guy not break eye contact with Ubel when Fern shows up and let us as viewers guess that's the limiting factor the same way Ubel probably would have. No need to spell it out. I was kind of hoping in this case it was smart and he was completely lying about the limitation to misdirect her or lull her into a false sense of security, but I guess not.


Luke is the only one who cares. :')


Wellll if you ask, most people would probably prefer to have the episode sooner lol. That being said it's better if you don't overwork yourself.


Frieren does know a lot of different kind of offensive magic, she just doesn't need it (so far). I'm unsure for Fern, at the very least Fern has a better mastery of the basic attack magic than her other magic spells. I feel like you overrate Fern a bit, Denken (the old dude) is supposed to be the strongest in that exam, even if it's only because they didn't know Frieren was there and she's so skilled at suppressing her mana without traces.


i dont mind having the episode a week late. its probably better than watching it twice in the same day anyway


You'll know before the end of the season if Luke overrates Fern ;). Don't forget that she's been Frieren's apprentice since she was 9, and she already had some talent.

Kyle Garrett

I think the reason they just use basic magic is because an opponent that has absolute mastery over a single fighting style is much scarier than an opponent who has an intermediate understanding of dozens of styles. Also as illusion guy mentioned, custom spells tend to lack fundamentals, leaving gaps and weaknesses in the spells. The basic magic is the fundamentals itself, so there should be no weaknesses inherent to the spell. I also imagine that after centuries of practice with the spell, Frieren has probably optimized the spell, using as little mana as possible for the most impact, which lets someone like Fern just go insane and spam it without exhausting themselves.


I've read the manga. She's skilled in mana detection and suppression, but atm I don't think she can beat Denken. Even against Wirbel what would she have done ? She's younger than them and have more potential, but that's not what I was talking about.

Kyle Garrett

As far as Thursday or Friday I don't mind either way. I watch through your reactions, so either way I'm waiting a week between videos. Only benefit to Thursdays though is that in a situation like this, where I really want to see the next episode, I can technically just 'cheat' and watch it tomorrow to see what happens, and then next thursday see your reaction lol.


I knew as soon as I saw your silence at the end of the episode, when the ED started, to turn my volume down. Never change Luke.

en -V

The music remind me of The Witcher 3 a lot

Aldiandya Irsyad Nur Farizi

maybe a day after if it's too much. But sometime I like to watch first time with you


She's not only good at mana detection and concealment (for which she's maybe the most skilled in the manga); but with these clarifications I understand better what you meant :).

Thomas Juino (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 21:10:02 Frieren and Fern sure knows other spells, but they don't need them yet ^^
2024-02-02 21:31:26 Frieren and Fern sure knows other spells, but they don't need them yet ^^

Frieren and Fern sure knows other spells, but they don't need them yet ^^


Back in Episode 10, when Frieren was learning from Flamme, Flamme apologized that she only taught Freiren how to fight with magic. Frieren knows a LOT more spells than she lets on, she's just following her master's philosophy: "Let them miscalculate your strength so you can kill them." Frieren, like Flamme, approaches things like she does Demons: hold you cards close to your chest until you have to use it.

Lock G.G.

i do not know why he hates cliffhanger so much every time.


"And I'm alright" combined with your facial expression was golden

Bård Fredrikson

Code Geass cliffhanger has traumatized Luke.


I prefer the delayed reaction. I want to watch the episode first by myself on a big screen with no interruptions and later I'll watch it again with you.


Took me way too long to realize why he didn't recognize the elf, Serie!! She's been in the OP since episode 1 so most of the community has been Wondering who she is since the beginning but Luke has only watched the OP thru once or twice. So yeah "who the hell IS this" finally got answered this episode and it was a huge deal in the community


Wirbel is cool and his VA too:) Great uber driver:)) and don't be fooled by four eyed mage. That disappointed face expecting too see a battle between boomers:D

Hououin Kyouma

Well, Frieren knows a lot of other magic and Fern as well but as Fern said in her master's words: basic offensive and defensive magic is enough against mages of this era. There is no point in using magic with more mana consumption. The people who are drinking tea and watching over the test are the proctors. Does that not seem the most obvious thing just from their dialogue alone? They are sitting around and one of them tells the other one she is the proctor of the second test.