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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to PARASYTE Episode 18!



Karen Porter

The audio from you in this video sounds really good, Luke. Whatever your other option is you're right, it does indeed echo quite heavily. I'd use the mic and at that point I don't know that you'd need sound proofing.

Alexandre Le Lay

Impossible not to cry during that scene


I’m so glad the baby is okay. Honestly, I can’t tell that much of a difference with the audio. But maybe that’s because my setup is mediocre.

Muligan Shinzuo

The first part was a little low but the rest of the audio was totally fine (i could go either way, my ears are not good enough to hear much of a difference). Additionally echo should not have much to do with the size of the room but more about the flat wall just reflecting your voice easier because it is "naked" (your attic had angled walls which makes sound bounce alot more before returning to the microphone and therefore losing alot of its power/volume, as far as i understand the physics side) . It should help to put more stuff on the wall.

Nicholas Johnson

One must also realize. The parasites are also children.

Pilligrim Ilyas

I honestly didn't find much difference in sound tbh. But maybe I'm just not that good at specifics of sound quality idk

William Armstrong

agreed this was an absolutely incredible episode from start to finish and the cliffhanger is dirty


6:14 Finger off the trigger. EXCELLENT form! Most tvshows/movies get this wrong. 9:40 Explain to me how the police KNOW that's a baby? It could be camouflage - a piece of parasyte shaped like a baby. 10:15 Her speculations on why Paraystes are here are speculations. There's little evidence backing it up. At least, no evidence we've been shown. My personal speculation is that parasyte spores drifted her from another solar system. Panspermia could the reason why they were able to adapt to human's so well. But that's not what the series is about 10:55 She could have used her armored "hair" to protect her body. She sacrificed herself to protect the baby. 15:44 Luke, after the head-bitten-off in the first minute of this series, could you have imagined you'd be crying your eyes out now? 18:01 You've seen "that man" before in this series. You noticed him at the time and then forgot about him in the madness of the later episodes. 25:01 Strangest cliffhanger ever!


The audio isn't bothering me in any cases, so either what the majority or you prefer is fine by me ^^


haven't seen the anime nor your reactions, but this thumbnail intrigues me, was always scared of parasyte but i'll check it someday, so thx


This episode is my favorite of the series - I’ve found myself having gotten so into the narrative that I cry as well 😭

Juho Kaartoaho

There is no supernatural ability or telepathy. The parasites emit a wave length that they are able to discern to be different things as for example if the other party is hostile or not. You could think it to be similar to how some animals/insects use different kinds of hormones to emit smells that others can understand. It just happens that some peoples brains can sort of detect these wave lengths, but not really understand them. This is not a spoiler since it has been talked multiple times as the show has gone so far. Pretty weird to me that you have missed it since you usually figure out stuff way earlier than I personally do.


Spoiler: Parasites are alien in human Environment....but they we're send by a "Higher" life form that deemed humans unworthy of existing...but that is LN content that doesnt play a role in the anime yet (it gets briefly mentiond in the anime as Well)


Yeah the government is trying so claimed telepathy guys cuz the serial killer is like kana and able to react to the wavelength. Imagine one day parasites come and we suddenly have people who can detect them, did we had telepathy all along? or is just a new element human body wasn't exposed to.


luke said it's horror for him. So take that as you wish.

anime boss

If this hurt you this much one piece will break you its so well done

no u uwu

We in the end game now baby


If you are going through the ending, check it out. After episode 18, it changes to the "Shinichi is coming back" video.

Weed Smell

Tamura is one of my favs from this anime, her character development is so interesting.... this episode is why parasyte is a goat and yes it allways hits hard


Well gentlemen, it is a terrible day for rain...


While the audio is less echoey, the quality is worse because the audio is peaking/clipping (I have a high end audio set up too), I'd just use your streaming mic tbh. Or maybe look up something called a Modmic, good quality and you just attach it to your headphones.

Ashtail Foxclaw

It's a very mature show in many ways. I saw an analysis that once said it was a metaphor for puberty and growing up, childhood to adulthood thing. It's an amazing show.

Chrono 1002

An incredible episode.


Even worse Clannad After Story will kill him


I don't think of them as superpowers or supernatural within the context of this show's world. Some humans can see wavelengths of light beyond the usual spectrum of visible light or hear sounds at higher or lower frequencies than most people in our world. If the parasites release 'signals' using some sort of wave they are equipped to perceive, then it's not out of the question that there would be a few rare 'normal' humans who were able to sense those waves.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ull hit the boy

AchmodinIV SWE

This is the most I have seen you cry

Antoine Jones

lol, one piece making someone try is about as likely as Dragonball, Bleach or Naruto making you cry... (even though ppl did die in every single one of those) no... just no.

Aaren YASS

You should check out Violet Evergarden movie and Made in Abyss (season 1, ep 13) cuz he was crying just as hard as I was 😭

AchmodinIV SWE

I watched his reactions to them, but I don't remember him crying as much as this.

Kieran O’Neil

think we all know who the real baby is


tbh, your audio is fine, but your intro is super loud cause you start screaming into the mic. and here on patreon, all vids start with volume 100%.. i have to crank it down to 50% during your intro, and then take it back up to 100% again during the watchalong.

Alexy Guerrero Ceja

Tamura was a child in a way, killed 38 people but did not forgot about'em, and priorly as food, the were made for that and even so, 38 in nearly a year is a lot less that I was expecting, she found a way of eat without kill, she make them a group of politics instead of something worse, she killed many of her kind just because they were bad, she didn't tell the investigator that she didn't want his family to be killed, and she avenge them. she was not bad at all, just wanted to be normal and discover the world with her baby. I cried a ton with this episode, was alright before in all the show, but this part instantly made me go into tears, just like you, it really is a weird feeling, parenthood hurts even more than normal sad.


It's is speculated and hinted at through out the anime that Shinichi has changed and became more like parasytes in his thinking because of the "merging" with Migi, but to me it seems different, especially after this episode. It looks like he was just a human going through trauma. Certain trauma, including loosing people, can lead to emotional numbness and distancing from people and he has always stayed worried about other people and got angry, even as he grew numb, which is something a parasyte normally wouldn't do. I don't think Migi changed Shinichi's personality at all. I think he just went through something difficult and it broke him, until he found a way to move on.


I think we got the best episode from Parasite, noice:) That is the killer guy from the beginning, noice pair we got here. Shinichi is back and weak again?


I think it makes sense to feel bad for Tamiya Ryoko as she was just put on this earth in a human body and the feeling of need to eat humans and she had no concept of emotions or morals so she didn't know any better at first. But she kept asking questions and trying to figure things out in a way that made sense for her. And while doing that she started to get more emotions and eventually protected her child at the cost of her own life. Like she isn't good by any means and extremely dangerous and cunning, but she never asked for any of this and she tried to find ways to live with humans, so I also wouldn't call her evil and I do feel bad for her. Sadly in these circumstances she didn't have the chance to live peacefully with her child. It is sad and tragic. It's also kinda messed up that none of the police even asked Tamiya to put down the baby before shooting. They really didn't care at all if they killed the baby.