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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to RE:ZERO Season 2 Episode 19!




oh opening :D

smth positive_

But flashbacks aren’t interesting and it’s hard to get emotionally invested in them right? 🌚 Sorry I had to 🥸 Also no worries credible leakers confirmed season 3 will almost double the Re:Zero content we currently have with 3 cours of new episodes :) You having to watch weekly knowing what awaiting you will be a feast muhahaha


I'd love to see a re- reaction to the openings of anime that you watched.


You are correct about someone getting stronger when they take an authority if they are compatible, you'll still get stronger whether or not you're compatible but the power boost will depend on how compatible you are. Also, we don't know a lot about Pandora but it seems her Authority revolves around bending reality however she pleases, that's how she made Emilia forget about her past, she erased her memories with her Authority.


I love the way this series plays with memories. Creatures and villains who can erase memories of a person from existence making for a weapon more terrible than death. And now a big bad who can erase all memories of her own existence and change people's perception of reality so no one even knows who they are up against or who's responsible for their problems. It does kind of make everyone's theories or things you've been told by characters rather pointless, because it could all be based on false memories.


#2 day of asking Luke to watch Kamikatsu

William Armstrong

We actually had a rare opening this episode, but yes you should definitely react to all the re-zero openings and endings again simply because they are top teir music design for a show. Good reaction. you still seem quite confused about Pandora the witch of Vanity, but yes she is an new character we had no indication of until last episode and an 8th witch, but it makes sense once you look up the history of the deadly sins that was pointed it many youtube contents last episode


I'm convinced Subaru and Satela or the Witch of Envy or whatever has some past life together. All her talk about him saving her and her loving him. If Emilia is her actual daughter, things could get awkward, but as a wise adorable bookworm once said "mother daughter double whopper".

Muligan Shinzuo

Luke is cooking some fine meal today.


After watching this episode, you can go back to episode 15. Petelgeuse says this and the meaning changes quite a bit... if you interpret he's talking to himself instead of Subaru: "This is the result of your actions, by doing nothing you practiced sloth... And because of that the girl is dead! You killed her! With my arm, with my fingers... killed her..." After which, for the only time as Sloth, he sheds tears.


You're getting so close to my favorite episode of the entire series. I can't wait

Jeff Drake

*breaks out the therapist's chair for Luke* So... show me where this episode hurt you. Petelguese - This took me forever to process. At first, I thought that he was just a weak-willed putz who couldn't handle being caught off guard by Pandora. Obviously, Pandora used some aspect of her Authority to make Guese see Pandora in Fortuna's place. But, then he lost his mind, started bleeding from the eyes, and went straight to denial. What bothered me the most was Pandora then stepping up and pulling a Jedi-Mind-Trick whammy and Guese just... accepting it. What I forgot about was the fact that the Sloth Witch-Factor was SERIOUSLY straining his mind to begin with. He was on the verge of collapse before he even arrived at the Seal because he was incompatible with the Witch-Factor. In short, he was being torn apart from the inside... and THEN he murdered the woman he most cared about in the world. Him going mad was almost a given, and we already knew he was going to end up crazy because we saw what happened to him 100 years after these events. Witch-Factors operate differently with every vessel they find, but how well they connect does have an impact on how they present and how strong they are. Think of it like this: A Witch-Factor isn't a set of powers, it's a dynamic force that responds to the vessel it's in. Some of the characters we have seen and will see in the future have very different powers even though they possessed the same factor. Oh, and I guess you now understand exactly how FUCKING TERRIFYINGLY POWERFUL Emilia truly is. Said in the web novel, on a scale of power, Emilia at this time would have been more powerful than Pandora. What she lacked was control. I want to bring up something said in the English dub that wasn't conveyed in the subtitles. When Pandora said, "I would be most pleased if you would engrave that fact (that Emilia kept her promise) in your heart, and forever stay as you are now." Added in the dub: "Trapped between your sense of duty and your regret." That line fucking destroyed me, because just think about what kind of person Emilia has been since we've met her. Trapped between duty and regret... regret for something she couldn't even remember! Stuck in limbo, always doubting herself, never seeing the good inside herself, never trusting herself, always feeling reliant upon others... and always feeling ashamed because of it. This is why Puck disappearing fucked her up so much. This is why her feelings towards Subaru are never expressed: she can't because she has no faith in her feelings, no real trust, no ability to accept herself. And you thought Subaru was the only character to have growth, right? Okay, Luke. I know you want an answer here, but you have to wait with the rest of us. You will get another piece to the puzzle as to how Emilia is the "Witch's Daughter," but it's not going to be as clear-cut as you'd like. Again, I will remind you of what you should say to yourself EVERY TIME THINGS CHANGE DRASTICALLY: "...but, this is Re:Zero..." When you think you understand, don't trust it. When you are confused, don't worry. When answers seem to not jive with what we know, get used to it. When the end comes, celebrate what you can and accept what you can't. That last bit you should have figured out last season with how it ended. "I really wish you guys wouldn't do things like this to me." It ain't us, Luke. Blame Tappei if you want to blame anybody. We're suffering and enjoying and enduring and celebrating this just the same as you. Only we have gone through our eight stages, or twelve steps or what the fuck ever you want to call it. We're here to watch YOUR reaction because: 1). You get into it so intensely and it's a treat to watch you. 2). You actually bring a lot to the discussion. You really have good instincts with this anime, and if you go back and watch yourself watching this, you will see what we see: You, being an amazing content creator who is thoughtful, makes amazing predictions, and get as invested as any of us fanboys and fangirls do. And finally, 3). We're all sadists at heart and enjoy your suffering so, so much. >:-) "Why was Emilia naked when Puck found her?" Well, she didn't stop growing, so her clothes probably got ruined and fell off when she was freed from the ice. What, you think the female protag in an anime should be wearing rags instead of completely nekkid? You are aware of the term "fan service," aren't you? Until next time, Luke. 180 kph, and we are not going to slow down. The first afterburner will hit in two episodes. Not a spoiler. Just look at where we are in the series. You KNOW it's going towards the endgame for this season. I, for one, am going to savor your reactions so much more these next six episodes.


"the Thing is i'm...ahhhhh" most relatable sentence ever xD

James Courtney

So to clear up some stuff: - I believe it’s less that Pandora was talking about “The Witch” and more of she was talking about “The Witch’s Daughter” as in Emilia is unique as none of the other Witch’s have biological children, so she’s very unique. - Pandora can manipulate not just the world, but people’s minds and perceptions. It’s why Fortuna thought she slapped Emilia - she didn’t, but her perception was being messed with. But more specifically, Pandora was the one messing with Guese to make him think Fortuna was Pandora. - So Emilia’s memories were completely shattered and made no sense to her, that’s what Pandora did. Part of Puck’s contract was making Emilia forget about that shattered past so she wouldn’t need to remember and not understand it. - Emilia is INSANELY powerful. The LN flat out states that she full on overpowered Pandora to a point that her Witch Factor couldn’t accomplish her goal, which is why she left. Also the Magical Release Period that Puck had is more likely that he’s been absorbing Emilia’s mana to keep her from having a Magical Release Period. It’s just her power along with his is very overwhelming, even for him. - So we know there is at least 8 Witches right now, but it seems like we are going off of the old list of Deadly Sins which there was 9 of - Vanity (or Vanglory) which was eventually merged into Pride, and Melancholy which was merged into Sloth. The Last 2 generally are considered “Lost Sins” so it’s very likely that no one beyond Echidna and a few select others would know about them. - Well this was explained to a cloning facility and a place where Echidna was experimenting to become immortal… - Also yes, you need to be compatible with a Witch Factor, as far as we have been told. Betelgeuse is very much not Slothful so he is not compatible. (Subaru’s natural tendencies tend to be somewhat Slothful so he kind of is, but it’s weak because he’s actively not Slothful.) But also if you aren’t compatible it can also break your mind. It was actually pointed out that Satella is not compatible with the Envy Witch Factor so it’s why her mind broke and made the other personality. Anyway, I’ll post my theories in another comment…


The thing the anime is trying to tell you, is that there is more than 7 witches and thus they do not just represent our traditional 7 seven deadly sins (though vanity and another one I won't mention were once deadly sins actually, historically). Afaik Pandora wasn't killed by Satella, that's why she can act whenever she wants, she's alive and well. The other witches manifesting themselves in Echidna's little dream world, are dead, except from Satella which invaded that space once, when Subaru was in. You could even wonder if those are actually the 6 dead witches, or just a representation of themselves. As for Emilia's mother don't worry I think nobody really knows for sure (though I didn't read the novel, maybe some readers know).

Jeff Drake

GAH! I really wish you hadn't mentioned the sins just yet! I did a bit of research and was saving it for next episode when it became relevant. You didn't really spoil anything... but... okay, I wanted to be the one to say it, damnit!

James Courtney

So Theories: - I actually believe that Betelgeuse that we met in S1 is actually even more tragic as it seems that he’s combined Fortuna and Satella in his head. This makes more sense when you note that none of the other Sin Archbishops are interested in Emilia as a “vessel” for the Witch. But with this theory, I think Betelgeuse was trying to actually bring Fortuna back into Emilia’s body. He’s been searching for Emilia but doesn’t fully know how she looks, and is insane enough that he’s fairly confident that Emilia would offer her body to bring her mother back… except that Emilia doesn’t remember that past, and Betelgeuse is constantly saying Satella. This makes sense of a lot of his weird “love” talk and repaying love, respecting it and most importantly - the idea that if you do not properly convey your meaning before one of them dies, that is slothful. He sees himself as terrible for what he did, and is trying to atone, but in a horrible way. He can’t accept Fortuna’s death especially at his hands and wants to fix it, but hasn’t realized he can’t… Now for a bit more of the explanation of my theory in the previous video - Pandora being able to manipulate people’s minds as well as perceptions and the ACTUAL WORLD really has to bring into question plenty of what we have thought about the past of Re:Zero… namely the question of “Did Satella actually kill the Witches and consume the half of the world in darkness? Or did Pandora make people think she did?”

James Courtney

To explain where Vanity fits in, it does need to be explained a bit. But I did leave out a bit more specifically because of next episode. (Although I will say the next episode makes it kinda confusing as the anime translations don’t use the correct word… and even then we’d have to explain how it’s connected…)

William Armstrong

That's what most people in the general public would mean, but there is no guarantee that this what people like Echidna or Pandora would mean

_____ Rasse _____

Don't blame us! Blame Tappei, who wrote the series in the first place, and confirmed on twitter while season 2 was airing that Emilia's mom is human, which makes it impossible for Satella to be the mother. There is going to be one more thing in the anime that hints at who Emilia's mom could be (emphasis on could, there isn't really any more evidence even outside the anime, at least to my knowledge)


Also little bit of trivia! You know how Subaru always calls Emilia out for using expressions people no longer use? That's probably because Emilia learned those before getting frozen, back when people still used them!

Pilligrim Ilyas

5:30 She said she's "witch's daughter" but she didn't say which witch is this. People in comments probably meant that she's not The Witch's (Witch of Envy) daughter which is logical considering that The Witch is half-elf. But no one said that all other witches are half-elfs too. So I hope that resolved all your confusing


Honestly we have no clue as Echidna and Pandora know a lot more than anybody else in this show :D


I honestly feel like Luke reads only YT comments which is more filled with bs comments and spoilers. As usually he talks about things when saying "you guys said" that was never said in patreon comments :D


You made a really long comment, but you honestly missed what was for me the main point what was the final straw that snapped Petelgeuse is when Pandora whispers something to his ear and after that whisper he starts his "normal" maniac laughter. But yes you were correct in all your points as everything you said and this final thing was what fully broke him.

Jay P

At this point comments know as much as you do, so everything said is either something said during the series, or only their theories, which are just as valid as yours. At this point sure, read the comments still but pay less heed to them. you might be more right than they are

James Courtney

This is actually part of my theory about Betelguese trying to revive Fortuna in Emilia’s body… and that he’s conflated Satella and Fortuna in his mind.


he hearts some of patreon comments so he does read them


"the two you are so worried about" and then saying their names meaning these two people who you are so worried about are safe


16:37 damn, the OST adds more weight to the scene


The stuff he's talking about has in fact been in the Patreon comments, I read most of the comments a day after the episode drops and I assure you, there have been plenty of spoilers.


Unfortunately, that's not the case. I'm an anime-only and a mod. But I assure you I've seen things I don't know and I've seen all of S1 and 2 like 5 times. I'll use 1 example Luke gave an episode or 2 ago, Regulus being SUPER STRONG, generally, but not always, anime will show you characters in ramping power, but clearly, they've shown the strongest bishop early on. I had NO WAY of knowing that, and people even replied to such comments with "Why are you spoiling that". Light novel readers get involved in these comments sometimes, and they get carried away or excited and share info we have no way of knowing, it sucks, but yeah :c


its totally valid to be confused by Pandora, hell even in the Light Novel's we still dont know that much about her. Her powers basically can warp reality to her will, to what extent, we dont know, but she is definitely incredibly powerful. I know having characters named The Witch of ____ can be confusing, but there are more witches than just the main 7 Witches of Sin, they are just the most well known.

Jeff Drake

Oh, just another little something for everyone to think about: What's to say that Pandora DIDN'T pad out Guese's memories as well?


Is it possible that Emilia isn't a child born naturally? What if she is like image of the witch. This would throw off the discrepancy of her mother being unable to be a half elf. I have no idea if this theory is plausible.


I wouldn't say that Subaru had an easy time with the trials. If I understand it correctly, he failed the second trial, and I doubt that he would succeed next time. It's just that while Emilia's biggest trouble was to accept the "what was", Subaru cannot possibly embrace the "what if". This is why Echidna said that Emilia would easily pass the two following trials.

smth positive_

That’s what I always assumed happened when she whispered in his ear or even twist the Iove he had for Fortuna into love for Satella


Yes please whenever you watched the Openings before watching the Anime, watch them again afterwards. It would be so cool to see the difference when you understand what the Openings actually show!


please fix the double audio thing lol


Vinland Saga has 50 episodes, which is more than Mob, and the same as Demon Slayer and Overlord. Wasn't the Friday slot designed for small anime with 12-24 episodes? If we take the popularity of vinland, it is not inferior to those three, this can be seen by the high place in the ratings of its openings this year. I'll agree with any decision, I'm just pointing out some discrepancy


what if the Dad AND mum are both Half elf, wouldn't that make Emilia Half elf still? assuming the mother IS the Witch of Envy of course. it's a decent point to make, tho i don't remember if it was stated that the mother was human or not


Petelguese saw her like that because of a trick from the witch of vanity, she did it briefly to Fortuna before too

Kyle Garrett

Here's a wild theory. What if Subaru is Emilia's Father? So we don't know why Satella (Witch of Envy) chose Subaru or why she's so obsessed with him. We also don't know why she isn't envious of Subaru's relationship with Emilia. If Emilia is the daughter of the Witch of Envy, then maybe the Subaru we know is a reincarnation of her father born into another world? Perhaps reincarnation is normal in Re:Zero, you just normally lose your memories when reborn, and the Witches just found a way to use that reincarnation to bring Subaru to their world / create the return by death ability. Maybe that's even the power Pandora is using in this episode, she's using reincarnation to reappear in the same world at the same moment? If Subaru is a reincarnation of Emilia's father then that would explain Satella loving him so much, why she'd search him out specifically to come to that world, and why she'd have no issues with him caring Emilia (their daughter). Could even sort of explain the relationship with Puck if Puck was Fortuna and therefore Subaru's past life's sister? Would make their relationship a bit weird, but not anything unheard of in Anime. Though who knows, maybe that relationship would let Rem fans ultimately win. xD


Honestly I don't think the light novels have even definitively said who Emilia's mother is. There's theories of course but no clear answer. I have my own suspicions based on scenes and phrases from this season. Also I think she's the Witch of Envy's daughter in a reincarnation kind of way. A vessel for her return but not her literal daughter

Just Mate

That is incredibly unlikely considering the creator of Re:Zero confirmed that Emilias father was an Elf and the brother of Fortuna, while her Mother was human.

Kyle Garrett

Ah well I only know the anime so I have no clue about that. Though if beings do reincarnate in other worlds then there's nothing preventing an elf reincarnating as a human in a world of only humans. Probably is wrong but it just came to me this ep while thinking about Pandora's power.

Just Mate

It is fairly certain that Satella is not Emilias mother, given the statements by the author and what the anime has shown (I'm not sure about the LN/WN) There is, however, a theory that comes up in episode 23 that might explain all of the comments made by the characters, while not really breaking any rules that have been established so far.

Kyle Garrett

Here's a crazy thought, what if Satella didn't kill the other witches at all? What if instead she hid the witches from Vanity for some reason? In that context the sanctuary isn't a prison but an actual Sanctuary, and the Seal isn't to keep something in, but to keep Vanity out.


I'm anime only as well so I don't know if this holds any truth but... I think there's at the very least a connection to this world in Subaru's family. Though my guess is his mom. Why? The eyes. A lot of focus was put on Subaru's "scary eyes" that he inherited from his mother. But, I'd say we've seen people in this world that has those "scary eyes" too, so maybe his mother originally came from there.


I don’t know who Emilia’s mother is but even when I was this far into the story I was pretty certain it wasn’t satella because it would be weird if both mother and daughter were in love with Subaru lol


That being said I think her mother is minvera or someone we don’t know

Cu de Cabra

Nah, their eyes are just "sanpakugan". It's a little rare, but it always existed. Even Abraham Lincoln had eyes like those. Sanpakugan are eyes with either the lower or the upper part of the sclera is always visible. Just search for it on google and you'll understand, but those "scary eyes" are just that.

ArtKi (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 02:16:47 1:46
2024-01-14 02:15:44 18:00 "Lia" She called Emilia, "Lia". That absolutely cracked "Puck is Fortuna" theory improves a bit. 31:28 "how easy Subaru's trial was." He LOST HIS MIND during the 2nd trial.

18:00 "Lia" She called Emilia, "Lia". That absolutely cracked "Puck is Fortuna" theory improves a bit. 31:28 "how easy Subaru's trial was." He LOST HIS MIND during the 2nd trial.

Cu de Cabra

And to add to that(MINOR SPOILERS), the Witches of Sin that are confirmed to be human are: Echidna, Minerva, Daphne, Typhoon and Carmilla, while Satella is a half-elf and Sekhmet is a Giant

Marcio Neves

"Is everyone naked"? When they thaw back? Probably, maybe? 😂


Well the trial difficulty very much depends of what you truly struggle with. Emilia's past was far more traumatizing than Subaru's, but I don't know if it's worse than Subaru's 2nd trial. I suppose they are both just as bad, being able to drag their recipient to insanity under the right circumstances. Also Pandora gives off such a Kyubei vibe. I always imagined her as what would Kyubei be like if he himself turned into a magical girl. Zero emotion + achieving their goal by any means necessary.

Jeff Drake

It wasn't stated and yes, technically Fortuna's brother could have been a half-elf who fell in love with Satella. Thing is that would make little sense as Fortuna seemed rather fond of her brother's wife and... well... Satella wasn't all sunshine and roses. It doesn't really make sense currently as far as the anime has shown, but there are things about Satella that get revealed in arc 7 (season 4 if we get that far) that would make you really question if it was possible. That isn't really a spoiler as even then it's still technically possible that Satella had Emilia as a child, so I can be totally off.

Gomez and Cook

Imagine the motion of shaking had me dead


Hi Luke! good day! Just a little explanation on pandora´s power (The lttle girl in white so call witch) without spoilets. She has the ability to rewrite reality in the moment, just like she been kill, or send the envy archbishop regulus corneas away, or must important, rewrite betelgeuse memories and make him a twisted folower of the wich cult and his wish to kill Emila during the 1rs season due to his "love" for the wich (Her self) BTW whaiting to see you reaction to the end of Re Zero and Code Geass, cheers from Mexico!!!

Pilligrim Ilyas

Minor spoilers to the end of season 2: Idk, but I'm sure that Emilia's mother is Minerva. Just from how she acted beside her. And because of her clothes.


Subaru had an easy, almost therapeutic first trial. He really needed it and got a lot out of it, and by comparison Emilia's past was hell. Subaru's second trial is hell though. For most people seeing "possible present realities" is probably not that hard because they havent created too many bad reality branches. Subaru has died more times than the anime has even shown, and each death has created a hellscape reality. It is pretty much impossible for Subaru or anyone in his position to pass that trial.


LN readers try not to spoil something that doesnt get revealed for another 6 volumes challenge (impossible). They keep getting in here and seeing anime watchers make "wrong" theories/guesses and not understanding that it's fine to not know something until it gets properly revealed.


He definitely reads the Patreon stuff too no worries. Ive seen him mention stuff in videos before that I posted in the Patreon comments

Harley Burnie

Luke, I’ve watched this series countless times and I’ve read the light novels. Doesn’t matter. I STILL have no idea about most of the shite I’ve questioned in the anime.

Harley Burnie

23:00 As you’ve noticed, Luke….these characters will always look the same, all the time. Vanity and Envy also mean completely, totally different things. Vanity is an over abundance of self-praise and self-admiration, envy is resentful jealousy and to covet something. Lolz. Just accept that a witch will always be the same person. Also, you’ve seen Satella’s face and it matched Emilia’s. You don’t have to figure out if a character is another character. The reacter’s curse is strong with this fun dude.


You mentioned in a recent video suggesting to rewatch openings & endings to every anime you’ve completed. I think that’s a great idea. It will definitely give you a different contextual perspective on them. Though you are a first time reaction channel, I would suggest naming it something like anime OP & ED recap, also to watch their full versions if possible. Thank you for making such top notch reaction /watch along videos.


Finally, you found out her background


NO SPOILERS AHEAD Since you were wondering about "vanity"... From a biblical standpoint, vanity is mostly considered to be a part of Pride, due to it's similarities. But many scholars, interpreting the translations in a different way, also consider vanity to be appart from the other sins. Especially since it lacks pride's lust for power and domination. And also, since vanity has the potential of leading to all other sins. Therefore, it should stand above the 7 deadly sins but bellow the eternal sin (against the holy spirit) and the "sins that cry to Heaven for Vengeance" (or "screaming sins"). In general, “vanity” refers to excessive self-love and/or an excessive desire to be loved, admired, or recognized by others. If vanity grows uninhibitedly, then one seeks to become the central focus of attention in others’ lives. If allowed to reach its “fulfillment,” it leads to a self-idolatry that replaces God and family. Such is the sin of vanity.


From these past few episodes my guess is that the witch of Vanity has the power of illusion, or something to that nature - but to a BS degree. That's why they keep failing to kill her, and why Betelgeuse mistook Fortuna for her. Idk that for sure though.


I'm so curious about the witch of vanity's power. I keep dancing around the idea of illusion/suggestion/bending reality. She doesn't stay dead, but the attacks do hit and kill her because we saw her blood on the ground even when she magically teleports somewhere else alive. She did get surprised about Emilia's reaction meaning she is not all powerful. She can will the key and seal to appear in the same place, but cannot force Emilia to open it. Probably how she wills herself alive. Or how she teleported Regulus away with just her words. Perhaps she makes whatever she says true, but a surprise assassination would have killed her by now if she didn't have time to say anything. I feel like I'm poking a nerve, but have no idea what it is attached to.


GOT Give Garfiel's mother some slack. I was tearing up because my mother also passed away when I was three. I'd love to imagine she left to do something amazing for me. Garfield's mother went to help/find their father, I don't think the trip was suppose to be a long one and she left them with "baby sitters" the Ryazu's. You say you wouldn't leave your kids yada yada but I'm sure you've went to the store to get pampers. Imagine you hug the little bitty ones, say you'll be right back with something nice (like its their birthday or something), get in your car, and get hit by truck that lost it's breaks. Garfield's mom's fate is similar to this, except it was a bunch of giant boulders instead of a bus. Remember, the villagers took only 3/4 hours to get to the sanctuary by wagon. Who knows how long she planned the trip to take, few hours? 2/3 days I'd imagine. She clearly loved her little cat family. Sometimes bad things happen to good families and I'm not sure why. But I like to imagine mom loved me as much as well.

Lu C

I was laughing when his mother commented that he inherited her 'scary eyes'. I was like either the translation has an error or of the charecter design... But it could have been just a joke. IMHO Black lagoon characters have a variation of scary eyes, Revy, Balalaika and Roberta especially.

Lu C

Agree, as I can't manage to watch all of the content I miss some info now and then... I could really appreciate a summary what slot is for what in any form (pinned community post, link for googledocs...)


do keep in mind that there are other witches besides the witch of envy, people actually do have theories as to who her mother could be


I agree with you Luke about reacting to the openings of animes you've already watched. There's tonnes of symbolism and visual foreshadowing hidden within the openings of most well put together shows (of course some openings like to spoil the entire season, but I'm more thinking of smaller details that would fly over the head of someone who hasn't fully watched the show in question). You reacting to openings but with the power of hindsight could be interesting, since it would put the opening into an entirely different context compared to your initial reaction. It would be cool to see you doing the Re:Zero openings once more when the you've finished the show. Perhaps you could even react to the endings again too. What I especially want of you here, Luke, for this to be as interesting as it could be, is for you to really put your analytical smart-goggles on. Look out for small hints and visual symbolism + other small details, and analyse and theorize what significance they may hold towards the show as a whole, and tie it back to your personal theories (if the show is still ongoing).


If you force the usage of a witch factor you are given, it continuously causes you intense pain throughout your entire body as it rejects you and you can only use a certain amount of it's strength. Geuse was many things, but he was never slothful. He is always the first to react to any of the situations we've seen. When Geuse would use the sin, he would hurt his fingers to focal point the pain that was erupting throughout his entire body Subaru is chosen by the witch factor, thereforth it doesn't cause him the same amount of agony.

David M

Emilia is the Witch's Daughter in the same way you're a "Son of Adam" and your wife is a "Daughter of Eve", except in this case it's a racist slur against half-elves with white hair.


You really don't remember the opening, you don't have a chance in anime op quiz if you don't watch it with the show:)