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URM... WHAT?????

Here is the PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to CODE GEASS Episode 9!!




When Luke told us he started Code Geass, i was not excited, but i told myself to give it a chance as a reaction video. But..... after 9 episodes i dislike it so much.... Its not a anime for me, so i am gonna skip this one. (not gonna say what i dislike, since ppl take it personally) so i wait for the next Patreon Exclusive.


The JLF(Japanese Liberation front) is one of multiple Underground "resistance" groups throughout Japan. They're mostly independent, as communications are difficult under a sovereign state, but they're not constantly fighting, as they don't have the resources for that, so they're forced to use subterfuge and guerrilla tactics, lettting Britannia label them as terrorists easily.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

I was really hyped on Code Geass back in the day, circa 2006-2008 but now I can comfortably say that it’s an anime that hasn’t really withstood the test of time. I’ve still enjoyed re-watching it here but the plot has so many contrivances and is an absolute mess that only gets worse in R2. Solid 7/10 anime that had incredible potential but didn’t stick the landing


While I do not share your dislike for this anime (because I love it a lot), I respect your opinion and I wish you a nice weekend.

One G. O A. T. One Dream

Well i payed just to get to see a Code Greass reaction. But do people just go into reactions to stuff they have not seen before. well I gues thats how it is now days. This anime has it dumb stuff, but even that is still so much better than todays new anime where every thing get a anime. Meaning tons of super badly written low effort high fanservis stuff get realized. Like if you think code gears random fanservis is anyting, in todays world I dont get why anyone would even call this "nude" Its hard finding any anime now days that dose not have at least one panty shot per episode. Thanks for making my day better with another Code Greass reaction. It only gets better.


Sadly a lot of time you can be blind to things related to yourself. People come up with their own narrative and then stick to it, even when there is evidence to the contrary. Kallen hated her family, and constructed her own reality based on it. It's impossible to say for sure, but I feel like her mother probably did at some point tell Kallen she was there for her, and Kallen probably dismissed it as an excuse for what she was 'really' there for in her mind.

Nihilistic Blue

The last few episodes makes it so memorable for me after all these years, rest of the anime is a solid 7, it has a mix of so many genres not done today.


Why does a bath shot needs a reason? Why does any shot need a reason? I dont get the aversion to quasi-nudity. PS. Ive watched CG several times so i cant remember my first. But this episode hits hard man...

dragean greyfield

I think we can all agree cid’s sensei has to be lelouch.

Aaren YASS

I pay for things i want to see, but ive also watched shows ive never seen before/ wouldn't have watched without it, since the reaction feels like im watching with someone and it's more fun that way. At 1$, I'd say that's a steal! -

Aaren YASS

You're entitled to your opinion, but why did you feel the need to tell everyone you dislike it????? Share less, some things you can keep to yourself ☠️ People accidentally/ consequently start arguments this way. Remember that for the future, good luck. -

Aaren YASS

I had never considered Suzaku and Shirley before, but after Luke pointing it out, they do look good together. Their interactions do give the vibe they have chemistry together. -


Aaren YASS i made a comment on one of the first episodes that i would give it a chance, and this comment is a follow-up. I am allowed to respectfully comment my journey without being judged by you. For a creator it most be nice to know why ppl skip his video. So respect my openion and dont start an argument. I respect if ppl like it, but i am allowed to comment i dislike it. Remenber that for the future

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Unfortunately a lot of anime tourists and antis seem to have an aversion to this kind of stuff. Code Geass has some fan service and the occasional blink and you’ll miss it nudity but nothing crazy. This show is relatively tame compared to other stuff that was coming out at this time which is often referred to as “the golden age of ecchi anime” in the late 2000’s - early 2010’s


I'm glad you're enjoying the anime so far. You've only scratched the surface of this world, it gets very in depth and has many many layers to it. I can't wait for you to start peeling them back and having all the pieces align.


And its even done pretty well and woven into the narative. given your username, i have the same issue with MT. Like normal everyday couples have sex, its a fact. Why shouldnt an anime show that as a day to day event? Its real..

William Armstrong

Kallen's backstory is intense, but yeah it does seem its not that hard to see through from an outside perspective 9:35 the They you are talking about are basically active terror cells/ resistance groups but they have to be careful about taking action since Britania is so much more powerful and if they act carelessly and reveal themselves they will be killed/ wiped out.

isaac basabe

There is a Clannad arc that is this episode multiplied by 1000. And the most painful to watch imo.


I personally believe it doesn't do a good job at the in between moments. It just excels at the wtf moments and hype moments. I'm mainly here for those and the ending of s2

Juho Kaartoaho

Personally never got that feeling. To me it seemed just so obvious that Shirley had only Lelouch on her eyes.

Juho Kaartoaho

2 more episodes before episode 12. Ohhhh... the trauma, the furniture.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Poor Table-Kun is still in therapy to this day…if Luke was so hot and bothered by a little bath scene today I’m curious to see how he reacts to one of the most jarring moments in the series


Suzaku's naivety in these episodes kinda gets to me. "They should try changing the system from within before they have a right to complain." A corrupt system can't be changed from within by the people it's designed to oppress. We don't have to keep trying this and seeing that it doesn't work over and over again. He's young so it's understandable, but still frustrating. As for the fanservice, it does bother me. I know there are worse examples out there, especially these days, but I feel that people who defend its inclusion miss the point. It's one thing to have a bath scene and another for it to be an example of "male gaze" in media. It's one thing to have a character collapsed on a bed without caring to put on pajamas and another to have the camera pan over them the way it did here. And the fact that they're all underage just makes me feel uncomfortable that I'm being dragged into that gaze. My mother likes watching anime with me, and I think Code Geass would be a good one to watch with her because of its themes, but the framing of these shots makes me not want to.

Jurriën Bolding

25:05 had no business making me laugh so much. I imagined you waking up like a robot going " beep boop, initiate reacting protocol" and then once you finish "initiating sleep protocol" 😂


Same with FMAB, it used to be a good anime, but now I can't watch it, it's aged very badly

Karen Porter

no worries. I never could really get into Naruto or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure even though I adore action based series. Everyone has their own tastes. Sorry this one isn't working out. Hopefully you're enjoying some of the other series Luke's following currently though?


Curse of the old classics lmao, now that i'm rewatching this(bear with me) and before when we had fullmetal alchemist i like them even more than before. I think it's still one of my tops of all time and i've seen and loved a lot of "newer" stuff. You can simply not like it for a multitude of reasons starting from not being used to an artstyle, not liking the story or just not vibing with it and it's perfectly fine and normal in the same way you dont like something that comes out this season. What i mean is I don't think there's a curse of old classics, good shit is still good shit even if time passes, but not everybody has to like it. Just wanted to say to keep it in mind and not discard an older show next time because you gave one a try and didn't like it :D I hope you find something that suits your tastes better!

Edu S.

Caraças Cauê, tu viu o After Story? É tipo a temp 2, não tem como não chorar com ela


Long post but i think it's worth it, bear with me I feel like you're very quick to judge the characters when it comes to parent-child relations like Kallen and her mother. I always like to think about it from both sides, for example: Kallen's mother: Is japanese, had an affair with a britannian noble. In pursuit of well being of her daugher's future, she lets her lover(that comes from a country that stripped them of everything) adopt her daughter which will allow her to have a better future. So she didn't fall for a total dickhead, though it still was an affair. By making this choice she basically limits her time with her daughter while she's in a very crucial phase of her development(as you pointed out in re:zero reaction from today). She stays there to be close to her daughter and withstands abuse, but she doesn't ever explain it clearly to very stressed out child, years later she snaps and fall victim to drugs. Understandable, good intentions, outcome wasn't the best but i'm sure she thought it was the best option at the time. We don't know that much about her other than she wanted the best for her children and took a gamble. Kallen herself: She's been living her life as a japanese person, her country is attacked and demolished, everyone is stripped of rights and at a young age she suddenly is adopted by a father she probably know into a household, where we can guess her stepmother doesn't like her, abuses her mother which is reduced to a maid(out of her own volition). Her mom most probably just doesn't have the time/isn't allowed to spend time with her anymore. Sounds quite traumatic for a young child. You have one identity, suddenly you must fit in people that destroyed your home. I don't think it's the age you process stuff like this well. It's a fucked up childhood, she joins a terrorist organization, her brother is killed and she lives her everyday life among people she fights, kills and despises. Considering she's at an age where future usually seems hopeless and you think you'll never figure it out, she just doesn't have the life experience to handle it properly. And so a take like "Be a better kid, sort your shit out, be nice to your mom" has a similar level of nuance to telling a depressed person to go outside and be happy. Of course we're talking about fictional characters so it's normal to throw stuff like that around but i think it's more interesting to take a deeper look into the characters and why they behave in certain ways, and what might have made them to be like this. Though that only works if the author actually put in enough work into making one. I'm sorry if i sound mean or condescending somewhere, i really don't mean to. English is my second language and so sometimes i express my thoughts awkwardly. Love the series, love the reactions, keep up the good work, can't wait till you get to the high points of the series. Cheers!

Marcio Neves

5:56 you DO know your are analysing high-school girls in the bath, right? 😅 And the reason is: fanservice

Marcio Neves

8:40 "So kana?" - interrogative form: "Is tha so?" "So dayo" - afirmative form: "It is" Same meaning as the subtitles, basically: "Really?" / "Really"


I get your reaction to Kallen and her mother, it was my take the first time around too, but to simplify it her mother is on some heavy duty drugs and that in conjunction with a not ideal home situation she grew a resentment towards her mother out of not understanding or having the full context behind the actions until obviously the end of this episode. Code Geass is a show dense with information that ties in upon itself in both the short and long term, the overall story is easily followed but the finer details are often harder to keep track of... I'd say this episode would have benefit from being told in multiple episodes instead of cramping it all into one, something that could be said for a handful of episodes, but way the plot is structured basically requires things to move at the pace they are to tell the story they will in as many episodes as there is.

Kieran O’Neil

No idea where you’ve gotten this idiotic notion that Shirley likes Suzaku and not Lelouch lmao.


Karen Porter - Thank you :) and yes i really enjoy all the other shows his waching atm :)


Kobury - okay i could have put some more words into it, but i am trying to avoid a riot in the commentsection xD there are older shows i still enjoy, but when i say "curse of older shows" i meant that i notice that some ppl dont enjoy the same anime 10 to 20 years later. You can still be a fan of a show that meant something to you, without watching it. Thats what i call a classic :) hope i made more sense this time, have just woke up xD

Abraham Perez

The real world is cruel. Learning and growing up with things like this and seeing it in a show and done so well hurts the soul. I love episodes like this, that take you to a shows world and gives you the harsh reality some people face when life sucks and there are no good choices you can choose from

Deion Garcia

oh god I just remembered that there's a specific table scene coming up soon....


Kallen is being awful to her mom and it's not fair but it also makes sense why she feels the way she does. As outsiders not in the situation we can clearly see how much the mom cares for her to stick around being abused just so Kallen can have a chance at life and she can stay near her. However, it must be painful to see your own mom acting that way as a kid not really understanding everything behind it. To Kallen it seems like she is just humiliating herself and accepting everything (which she kinda is but for good reasons), but Kallen has been part of a resistance since a very young age and is doing everything she can to make a change so she most likely can't understand why her mom acts that way. Plus sometimes when things are bad it's easier to put blame on people closest to you and Kallen most likely just doesn't have the maturity or understanding to deal with all these feelings as she is still a teenager. And they probably aren't super close as the mom has to act as just a maid so Kallen might feel abandoned by her mom even though the mom is trying her best.


Suzaku didn't annoy me the first time I watched this show this much but right now I get almost mad when listening to him. He has such a naive and idealized idea of how the world works and doesn't understand how the oppressed group can't just "join the system and make it better". Just look at Suzaku, he's an honorary Britannian and he's super successful in military etc but they still call him an eleven and see him as inferior and they're basically using him as a propaganda piece, they would not let all the other elevens join the military or government. The system is made so that the oppressed people can't change it, and it's like you're asking the person causing the oppression to please let you change it, when they will never allow it. Like you do you Suzaku but you can't say that they first must try to go by the system when they are actively being slaughtered by the said system. Also what is he doing to change the system? Absolutely nothing. He thinks that just by "being a good person" he is making a difference but he isn't, he is just upholding the systemic oppression while feeling good about himself for not being the absolute worst person. He's young but it makes me mad lol.

Aaren YASS

That's exactly why I never saw them that way before! But Luke's interpretation makes me reevaluate their interactions. They're similar in many ways and Shirley is , casually, much like a slightly more jealous Euphy (im over simplifying and taking away nobility for this example) so in that regard, they work. -


I used to find Suzaku cool lol but now I just see him as a hypocrite with half-baked ideals

Hawk of Battle

Oh man, table episode is coming. Luke's either going to blow right past it without comment, or lose his goddamn shit. There can be no in-between.

Danielius Stanevičius

towels in hot springs/baths are normal in soma parts of japan


If scenes like that last one with Kallen and her mother got you a little bit, I can't wait for you to what Clannad. That show shaped my perception of being a father for the better. It my wife's and my favorite anime.


Apart from the EU and the Chinese Federation there isn't a lot entities left in that world. One of the main critiques I'd have for the 2nd season is actually how it fails to develop a reasonably complex and coherent world, which was done only for Britannia/Area 11 (in season 1), the rest is very shallow. It's a shame considering how I liked season 1.


6:32 It's called Fan Service. Just wait until you see some animes from Gainax.


They really threw all of that worldbuilding into Akiho the exiled. Like just watching that really explains all the EU stuff and greater conflict.


I honestly can't remember as I haven't watched it since it originally came out 16 years ago. But I'm assuming maybe her dad was in Japan and married or just had children with a Japanese woman. But then after Britania conquered Japan he either had to leave her or an arranged marriage was set up for him with a Britanian woman. Her father didn't just sleep with maid, she became the maid to stick around later. They had 2 kids and picture shows Kallen, mom and brother walking together and ending song pic shows Kallen as a kid, and all acting like a family happily in some house.

Chrono 1002

It's not that hard to see Karen's point. No child would want to see their parents acting live slaves in front of them no matter the reason Let alone running away to drugs. They want parents who they can be proud of. It's probably especially true for Karen who at her age is literally fighting for something she believes in (or just going through a rebellious phase).

Khanh Minh

I find it really funny haha. It's literally just Shirley being friendly with Suzaku


I forgot about drugs parts and that cat still remains relevant in the story:)

Conta Aleatória

I never knoe if he hates or love nakes scenes 😅 he says it has no Reason but always stare for neaely a minute 😂😂


23:38 How could you possibly think that CC is normal at this point, lol.

Mei .L

It's common for children to hate their parents. I did, in my twenties I realized that they gave me everything and were patient with me.