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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to JUJUTSU KAISEN Season 2 Episode 22!!!




It should’ve been me in that bed, not Ui Ui 😔


MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! We’re only a few hours away!


It was mentioned when MeiMei was making the phone call in the KL hotel, that UiUi(her brother)'s technique "teleported" the siblings to Malaysia, because they almost got killed (by "Geto"). Escaped to the country that a former trader/banker wanted to retire.


Yay, Marry Christmas!!!


So Mei Mei and Ui Ui used Ui Ui's technique to leave (I'm guessing teleportation) and go to Malaysia. It's also a great parallel showing how the just and righteous Nanami could only ever dream of going to Malaysia while a greedy and selfish person like Mei Mei can go when she pleases.


Chose had false memories implanted in his mind right before he delivered what would be the killing blow on Yugi.


Merry Christmas everyone. I am Jewish and plan on watching a movie with my mom then capping it off with a Chinese food dinner. :)


Man this arc is going to go down as one of the best arc's in anime history! Every episode is just amazing


Yes, the memories are not real. But it feels real. That's the point. He realised he was supposed to have a memory like this if they knew before.


It's not exactly false memories, more like a deja vu. In other words, he knows he never actually experienced that, but it's how he feels after he realized he was related to Yuji.


Like others have said, yeah Mei Mei and Ui Ui dipped. She considers the battle/war lost, and that Japan's economy is doomed because of it (which should be pretty much felt by the entire world). Mahito knew that Fake!Geto was gonna absorb him with Geto's technique, so he tried to kill him before that, but he missed. Fake!Geto then took control of him, and used him for Uzumaki (Geto's most powerful technique), turning him into pure cursed energy, essentially "killing" Mahito, but extracting Mahito's technique(idle transfiguration) in the process. What exactly "extracting" the cursed technique does hasn't been properly explained yet. As to the whole Choso/Yuji thing. Choso is a human/cursed spirit hybrid that was made by a mad scientist sorcerer named Kamo Noritoshi about 150 years ago.He mixed his blood into the experiment, so that's why Choso has the Kamo family's Blood Manipulation technique and is, under a certain point of view, his son. As this episode revealed, Kamo Noritoshi had been possessed by Fake!Geto, and he's the one who created Choso. When Choso's and Yuji's blood mixed during their fight, he realized that Yuji is somehow related to Fake!Geto as well, that's why he considers himself his older brother. Exactly what this means for Yuji hasn't been explained yet.

Ethan Cain

Just to let you know the 4 special grades are gojo geto yuki and yuta


Mei Mei was literally like “I don’t get paid enough for this” and dipped, she doesn’t care at all about what happens with the fight she just wants to save as much as her money as possible.

Arcade'owy Łowca

Mei Mei ran off, using Ui Ui technique. That's why they suddenly are in Malaysia. They are alive and thriving. Mei Mei basically said "fk this sh^t I'm out🎶"

Jason Frasier

A comment from a manga reader: The answers to your questions are coming. Seeing these fights animated is unreal. Unfortunately, the animators at Mappa won't necessarily be getting a break, since it's standard practice in the industry to have contracts on multiple anime all the time. They just keep cranking on the next show in the queue.


Fake Geto mentioned something from the Jujutsu Kaisen Movie, that if real Geto didn't spread thousands of his curses fighting in the city, real Geto would've won his fight against Okkotsu Yuki (the other special grade from the movie, who was overseas the last time we saw him). Also just to remind you, when Gojo was bound from the prison realm, he told Fake Geto that even if Gojo gets imprisoned, Okkotsu will kick his ass.


Mei Mei said on phone that is UI-Ui technique (and she was selling whatever she had in Japan + converted her money, it was presented before that money is the most important thing to her). We found a new brazar :)) Btw, that guy from Kyoto school with blood technique it's so unlucky, he has the same name as the worst sorcerer in history, Kamo Noritoshi who happened to be possessed by the curse user who is possessing Getou now, it's like being named A. Hitler 100 years in future:)) Choso suspects there is a blood connection between Yuji and the curse user who possesses Getou (Choso being blood related too to him)

Captain Warcrime

For me, Choso also went from a character I was like "Meh" about to one of my favorite characters in that one instant as well, though I was a manga reader.


8:28 he was talking about what Geto did during the movie, if he hadn't split the attack into multiple locations.

Captain Warcrime

There are 4 officially recognized Special Grade sorcerers/curse users: Geto, Gojo, Yuki, and Yuta. Sukuna is obviously Special Grade level. Fake Geto, whose first original name is "Kenjaku", is also Special Grade level and is even stronger than Geto was. Uraume, the ice girl sorcerer, is Special Grade level as well. There are several sorcerers that show up later in the story and are on a Special Grade level, but are not officially recognized by Jujutsu society as such like with Kenjaku and Uraume. Hell, even Toji is Special Grade level, but since he is not a sorcerer, he could never be classified as such.




eh not gonna really mind it but the reveal of fake geto's name doesnt happen until later so it wasnt very cool of you to reveal it here


I can totally understand that "logical" argument over Yuji's execution. At that point Gojo is probably the only sorcerer that could beat Sukuna with that many fingers and now that he is gone, no one would be able to stop Sukuna


Thanks, this is the perfect recap ! The heavy load of informations in this episode was a bit too much for our boy Luke haha !

Captain Warcrime

Give me a single reason why revealing Kenjaku's name is bad. I only gave his name. I didn't reveal the rest of the stuff that Tengen reveals about him, so it literally doesn't matter at all without context.

Brett Ripley

As an anime only, I think that Choso calling Yuji his little brother huge. The way I see it there are only a few things that his referring to Yuji like that could mean. I think that he means it literally as in Yuji is a perfected version of what Choso is and likely shares at least one parent with him. It would go a long way to explaining Yuji’s strength and his ability to maintain control of his body. The other things Choso could be implying don’t make since because he called himself the older brother. Yuji became a vessel long before him so it can’t be about their similar conditions and it can’t be anything to do with Sukuna because it sounds like he is a much older curse than Choso.


Its already been said but Mei Mei ran from the Geto fight by using her brothers technique. You asked the right questions about Yuji. Yes, Choso is the best.


Im guessing either Yuji shares a parent with Choso or thats maybe one of Sukuna's cursed techniques manifesting through Yuji passively, brainwashing anyone who pose a real threat to him. I mean it was curious when it happened with Todo but then Choso comes out and suddenly believes thats his brother? But then again if that really is his brother how could Itadori forget them? Anyways, i dont think we gonna get our boy Gojo back anytime soon. He's just too OP to be around


it’s not a major issue but it’s still a spoiler nonetheless. anime watchers and manga readers both, at this stage of the story, did not have any clue as to what pseudo-geto’s real name was, and by revealing it here you’ve now given information they’ve yet to see for themselves. needless to say, it’s clear who everyone else agrees with more considering the difference in likes. if i were an anime only for jjk, i wouldn’t want you to reveal his name either to be fair

Nacho Córdova

Yes Mei Mei ran away using her brother's technique, and about Yuji and Choso, Choso is one of the death paintings wombs, experiments from Noritoshi Kamo who impregnated a woman who can bore childs from curse spirits, Kamo made her had 9 babies and aborted the 9 times, those aborions were held as cursed objects and three became cursed incarnations at the end of season 1, Choso can sense his blood-related brothers death, and the 'fake memoreis' he got from Yuji was he sensing his death, so as far as we know Choso believes Yuji was also born from the brain that's possesing Geto when he was inside someone else

Patrick Jacobsen

I agree with inno#2732. not very cool to name drop him, when it hasn't been revaled yet.

Captain Warcrime

Lmao, bringing up ratios as if a majority of Jujutsu Kaisen fans aren't notorious for being idiotic crybabies who can't even read or comprehend the source material properly and have meltdowns over character deaths that were unsurprising from all angles. And you still haven't given an actual reason as to why name dropping without its accompanying context is bad, aside from "The notoriously immature and childish fandom agrees with my personal opinion, so I must be right!" It's a name. People forget names all the time and have to be reminded, and many times they are reminded, they act as if they've heard the name for the first time. Names are unimportant compared to character actions. Character actions are what matter and thusly why names are often forgotten but actions are remembered.

Captain Warcrime

I'll just copy-paste most of what I said to him: You haven't given an actual reason as to why name dropping without its accompanying context is bad. It's a name. People forget names all the time and have to be reminded, and many times they are reminded, they act as if they've heard the name for the first time. Names are unimportant compared to character actions. Character actions are what matter and thusly why names are often forgotten but actions are remembered.


wasnt there 4 special grades before Yuta ? or he counted him even then ? :D


You didnt miss anything. You just havent read the manga

Josh Lomax

Also an anime only but Choso referring to himself as older brother makes sense because Choso was "born" hundreds of years ago, even though he didn't get awakened into a physical body until recently.

Brett Ripley

That is kinda what I was going for, in that Yuji is some kind of half curse half human that was born after Choso. It still wouldn't make since for the connection to be due to Yuji being a vessel because it doesn't make since for Choso to have such a strong instinctual reaction to Yuji unless they actually have some sort of blood relation.


I mean on the topic of whether Itadori should be executed or not, people also seem to ignore the fact that there is now literally no one capable of such a feat. Do they think Sukuna is just gonna roll over and die? The sorcerers do not have a single person even in the same BUILDING as Sukuna power wise, much less the same level. The only one that could've done it was Gojo (according to him). So the question of whether they're gonna execute him is irrelevant, they can't.