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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to RE:ZERO Episode 10 of Season 2!



smth positive_

Next Episode is gonna be wild cant wait

Lijnaito2021 !

When is the new JJK episode?


I think Garfiel's whole thing is he just cares about the sanctuary. He couldn't care less about Subaru. So if he thinks Subaru could do something to help then he's on his side, but if he thinks Subaru is a cultist who's trying to harm the sanctuary, then he'll go all Tony the Tiger and squish him without a second thought.

William Armstrong

15:00 that's some loopy logic and an interesting theory, but it seems like you've missed the most important part 27:15 This is a very very important bit of dialogue that most anime only's seem to have missed the significance of, and that seems to have been edited out of the youtube reaction


Did I miss something in this episode or why is Subaru the king?


I don't read the web novels so I don't have any sort of inside knowledge, but I thought it was pretty clear Envy was or at least was inhabiting Emilia's body. I'd assume the reason she turned or whatever that cycle and none of the others was this was the first time Subaru went to Echidna right after waking, so his mind was preoccupied when Emilia woke up in a panic. I guess she was so messed up by her trial that without someone there to comfort her right away she snapped and transformed or got possesses or whatever that was.

Karen Porter

honestly I just call his ground dragon, "Patricia" lol.


I think the reason Re:zero jumped down to number 7 is from the wait time between seasons and some rumors about getting canceled. (dont worry its coming back) but it took 3years before they confirmed a season 3. And in the last 3 years hundreds of isekai's was released. So to that fact, it shows how strong Re:zero is still going by being in the top 10. Again this is based of my oppenion from articles and other videos talking about Re:Zero, its not facts :) but it could still take 1-2years before season 3.

Thiago Serra

I think the thing is: Garfiel dont want stuff to be done when the idea isnt his. I think that when something happens that he wasnt expecting he soon becomes angry


As someone who hasn't seen past episode S2Episode 10 nor read the manga. I assume that the reason for the witch of envy showing up was that Subaru was passed out and not there to ground Emilia after she is completely in distress from the trial which triggered something. At least that is my guess and is probably wrong. :D


it literally happened last episodes :DD Subaru woke up by dying next to Emilia.. traumatized by bunnies beint transfered to witch party by Echidna and when summoned back to the ''temple'' Emilia already ''left'' :D i know i seen this anime multiple times by now but i havent seen it in ages.. before watching it with you.. :(( (unless time doesnt move while subaru is on witch tea drink party and it wouldnt make sense to Emilia just instatnly disappear but i doubt that :D)


I don't think it was ever implied that Envy was inside Emilia. In fact, Betelgeuse even said that "she will make a fine vessel for the witch", meaning that she is not at the time and only would become it if whatever the cult planned to do that time succeeded. The only thing that was ever confirmed is that Emilia has an uncanny resemblance to witch's physical appearance, and anything else is just people's superstitions out of the fear of the witch.


Archbishop and Apostle.. two different things.. :D

Andrew Southwell

The reason the Witch of Envy didn't show up this time, is Subaru didn't spend time visiting Echidna. Time passed and something happened, which didn't happen when he was present in the previous loops.


I might be wrong, but I believe a pinch hitter is a baseball term. It is somebody who is subbed in over another hitter in a scenario where there skills are more valuable. I think subaru is saying he will always be second to puck, this way.


I saw some articles about that, but that could mean winter setup 2024 and sometimes its delayed :p I thought 1-2years would be a fair guess, and if it comes before that, it would only be a nice surprise :)


So Emilia disappears and the witch of envy suddenly shows up, she has the same voice as Emilia, and when Subaru pulls off the cloak covering her she has the same face as Emilia. I think you can make the connection as to why he said he was going to save "the witch of envy"


Petra wasted no opportunity sliding in with the rizz at the end

Rafael Souza

Some things to mention about this episode: 1) You seemed confused as to why Satella wasn't there when Subaru respawned. Thats because his respawn time is right after HE completed his 1st trials (where he met his parents). Last Episode, when he met Satella, it wasn't after he respawned, it was after he had a talk to Echidna. He mentioned RbD several times to Echidna and Satella wasn't able to reach him, so she went for Emilia, that was right next to Subaru. This time, when he respawned, nothing of that had happened yet, because in this timeline he didn't talk to Echidna about RbD, so there was no reason for Satella to be there. 2) I'm so happy you noticed how Emilia "overcame" her desperation after seeing Subaru was in pain. It shows how much she actually cares about him. So much that she forgot about something that semed very traumatizing in previous loops. 3) When Subaru said "did Echidna know this was gonna happen?" he meant something different. I don't know if you noticed, but when Subaru was inside the Shadow, the handkerchief turned into a blade and Subaru used it to end his life. This was Echidna's doing, when she asked for the handkerchief in last episode she said she was doing some "meddling", she did something to it that enabled Subaru to kill himself. And that only makes sense if she knew he was going to be in a situation that he would need to kill himself with it. Thats why he said "did she know this was gonna happen?". 4) The scene with Garfiel and Subaru is, indeed, very confusing. The anime, and TBH, even the novels were very confusing. What happened was that Subaru was, in theory, testing which subjects would take a reaction out of Garfiel. He wanted to find out what is really important to Garfiel, what does he care about, what motivates him. And, in that conversation, he had a realization and "found out" his answer. Thats why he said "oh you're so easy to read" haha 5) Back to Emilia conforting Subaru scene... the reason Subaru was shaking and crying... I don't think the anime does a very good job in showing it, but it was because he felt guilt. He is the person fighting for Emilia, his entire speech is always "Im gonna save Emilia, I'm gonna help Emilia", he hates everyone that treat Emilia poorly, out of prejudice for her look. He has said multiple times during the anime that Emilia is innocent and people shouldn't judge her only because she is a half-elf. THAT BEING SAID, when he respawned and saw Emilia there... he was AFRAID. He was thinking... what if she is actually Satella? What if the moment I wake her up, the one who opens her eyes is Satella and not Emilia? What if everyone was right and she is, indeed, the Witch of Envy? Thats why he was shaking, he couldn't control his fear. And then, when Emilia woke up and he saw it was... just Emilia. He felt guilty. Guilty for thinking about that possibility, guilt for even considering she could be the Witch. He is supposed to be her most trustworthy knight, and yet the first thing he did, after waking up, was to doubt her. Thats why he starts crying, it was because he hated himself in that moment.


re:zero is still better than 99% of all isekai with those two seasons so i dont think that matters in the slightest. (imo its better than 99% of all anime but thats a different story)


i'm fairly certain it's because he talked to echidna about return to death in a place where she couldnt reach him.


Garfield IS pretty easy to read one you figure out, it's just not clear from the beginning. 1st is he can smell the witch's scent on Subaru getting ever stronger in each loop, and that's why he gets increasingly hostile towards him. Except that loop where Subaru wakes up distressed, because he thought Subaru was some kind of victim of the witch. 2nd is he's really overprotective about the sanctuary and Ryuzu. As long as you keep these points in mind, you can figure Garfield out.


At the beggining I thought it was because Subaru talked to echidna, but watching it again I think it is both. That is why the body of Emilia is not there when Subaru wakes up because Satella took it when Emilia was in distress.


Also, a "pinch" means a dangerous situation. I think it is a slang with roots on baseball as people in the comments suggested, but personally I don't understand the connection. I guess because baseball is also a big sport in Japan, they end up using this term quite often in anime.


I really like next Episode, I recommend that you not read the titles of the episodes until they show them to you. I believe that is more significant because the titles in this anime always produce some impact, and also bc you don't spoil yourself.


I will never agree to that statement :) there are alot of Isekai i like more then Re:Zero but that is only openions, not facts :)

Keith Merrington

A 'pinch-hitter' in baseball is a substitute batter for another player. I guess Emilia wanting Puck to be there (but he's not) makes Subaru feel like a replacement for someone Emilia would rather rely on.


A pinch hitter is a substitute player- comes from baseball where they'd sub in a fresh hitter for a crucial at-bat, sending in someone who can hit the ball but isn't good enough for the starting lineup. Subaru's basically saying he'll only ever be a substitute player for Puck in Amelia's eyes.

Lucien Sommeregger

6:18 in jp he said kill The German dub is also wrong


Garfiel hates Subaru trigger is when Subaru says that he wants to do the trials.


Love to see Luke fall in love with re zero like so many of us have


Well, kids learn fast, so with Subaru around she might become the youngest prodigy in the field of rizzology the world has seen


Parachute ftw!


Re:Zero is top 3 all time anime and what I have heard it will just get better as all we have seen is just start for the show.

Rafael Souza

One detail about it is wrong... MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD, LUKE DON'T READ. Garfiel can't really smell the Witch's Scent, the one who smells it and warns Garfiel about it is Ryuzu Shima (the one with white clothes and also the one who orders him to lock Subaru in the cell). The reason Garf doesn't ever react when he first mets Subaru is because he can't smell it, therefore he doesn't even know about it. But, once he leaves and Ryuzu Shima warns him about the scent, thats when he starts being more suspicious about Subaru. If you look closely, you will notice how Garf was never really bad towards Subaru from the beginning, there is always a time gap in between.

Daniel Turchan

Last episode he mentally broke and smashed his head and was then transferred mentally to the witches tea party, he wasn’t awake when Emilia woke up so she had already left the chamber while he was at the tea party, in that time, that chain of events lead to her appearance


Luke, I don't know what top list you've checked but mostly Re:Zero on the 1st or 2nd place :)

Just Mate

Can't wait for next week already, with all of the stacked episodes that await us.


To the people who thought Garfiel was acting up because of the witch's scent on the last episode, here it is. The shows says directly "You didn't care how I smelled yesterday" Wait until Garfiel's episode. It's not anything supernatural, it's this rarer thing called good writing. Everything he does is perfectly rational after you know how he thinks


especially since Luke recognized that the dog of Flanders theme song was subaru's ringtone, but doesn't get the name?


They should at least separate "in another world" from "in a video game" Isekai, they're different genre's entirely. For instance, Log Horizon is hard into the "in a video game" thing and is the best Isekai in a video game. But it's nowhere near some of the other Isekai that are "in another world"


He's getting an episode. It's much simpler than that. It's good writing


She repeated the exact same line she watched Subaru say to Emilia. Worked twice in a row.

Ricko Andrew

6:25 Because he unveil the..thing, and saw emillia's face. The witch of envy just use her, or possessed her. So subaru ofc swear to save her.

Ricko Andrew

7:22 He didn't rbd, he just wake up from the witch's party, while he is still in there, times still moving.


The line about Garfiel’s “relative meeting with his lover” was Ryuzu-san joking that Subaru and Garfiel were a couple. That’s also why she offered Subaru a Garfiel hug pillow. Yeah, Re:Zero is very bingable. I went through over a dozen episodes per day when watching it for the first time.


I only rank Konusuba ahead of Re:Zero, but even then fanboys are ridiculous so who cares,

Jose Zeledon

the reason re;zero is not higher in the ranking of isekais is because so any people bombard it with bad score when season 1 was releasing at the part subaru was beheaving kinda like an "asshole" after his duel with julius cause nothing was going his way

Jose Zeledon

what? that was a joke right?xd, cause it was the oposite, ryuzu was saying as to use HER as a body pillow since he will follow subaru comand now, and that garfield and subaru are like relatives since both of them are apostles of greed and that the lover is ryuzu since it is her subaru is meeting behind garfield back

Daniel Golas

Ohh yeah next episode is sweet

Daniel Golas

I have a theory what witch of envy really is and this episode sort of proves it (I mean the one inside subaru)


Last episode, after he was eaten by the rabbits and restarted, he went a bit crazy and was granted another opportunity to attend the witch's tea party. Time passed while he was at the tea party, so when he came back, Emilia was gone.


what list is re zero 7th ? i saw two lists and re zero was first lol


Oooh that's a good point. I completely glossed over that he did and just assumed that just because he didn't witness any effect of him breaking that "rule" that nothing happened.


Yo Luke could yo link the list where Re:zero is ranked 7th I'm actually curious what this list includes in its top 10. While Re:zero is in my top 5 I'd say current top 3 are Mushoku tensei, Slime and ascendance of a bookworm... in no particular order.


Anime planet under the "Isekai" genre :) Where have you seen it as number 1? i have never seen that :)


Louispul5 i agree, nowadays Isekai has become too broad a genre :)


Barry We all have our own personal list, and only true fans respect that :) Toxic fans are a no go


His talking about the list from Anime Planet :) i was the one who told him about the list on stream. I did menttion that it was from 1 out of many sites, and i only picked Anime Planet since he had watch 7/10 of the top 10 Isekai and i was hoping he would like to know he had watch so many :) In my openion i dont care about placement, and i have never seen a site where Re:Zero in number 1 or 2, so what site have you seen that? :)


Anime Planet under Isekai genre, i was the one who told him about the list on stream. I did menttion that it was from 1 out of many sites, and i only picked Anime Planet since he had watch 7/10 of the top 10 Isekai and i was hoping he would like to know he had watch so many :)


Hi! Just google “top 10 issekai” and almost on all sites from 1st google page Re:Zero will be on 1-2 position :)

James Perrott

ryuzu was not offering Garfiel as a hug pillow LMAO WHAT how on earth does anyone come to this conclusion shes talking about using any of the ryuzu clones obviously

James Perrott

re zero is my number 2 anime of all time only behind attack on titan, no way in hell is it 7th on an isekai list lmao, that list must be extra garbage


This is super interesting and i see what you mean :) I am gonna analyze a few of them and share the details, then you can doublecheck if you want :) Number 1 website popping up for me and Game Rant top 10 Isekai, where Re:Zero is 1th and their souce is Myanimelist. If you google Myanimelist top isekai, and change it to score, then its rank 4th. So i am guessing Game Rant had old data so lets check the next one :) Number 2 website is CBR saying Re:Zero is 2th and their soruce is Myanimelist and the website is updatet 14days ago. As faar as i can see, the only place Re:Zero is 2th is in memberbase, which just means it has a bigger fanbase, but that does not mean they all rank it 2th, so i am kinda confused there. Number 3 website is Screen Rant saying Re:Zero is 3th, but no name of their source, and i dont trust an article that does not share where they have their info, so i am gonna skip that one. Number 4 website Ranker saying Re:Zero is 14th written by Anime Christ sharing his personal list. Agree that does not count? i am looking for a place where people have voted, not a subjective openion :) Number 5 website Imdb saying Re:Zero is 3th, with 22.803 votes. Now thats something we can use, but i am not sure Imdb is the place for most fans to go look for Anime voting, like Myanimelist or Anime Planet. And 3 isekai animes are over 20 years old, so i would personally not go for this site, but thats just my personal openion :) To be fair there was other sites, but they either keep referring to Myanimelist or were personal lists, which i dont count. This was fun to research :) and i hope you enjoy my comment, i found it interesting, and i learned alot about where to look for anime ranking, and where not to look :) Have a nice Christmas :)


I have done 4 hours research on it tonight and checked 34 websites, and most of them places it between 3th and 14th Most Popular Isekai. The numbers dont lie just because it dont fit your style of anime :) The list is from Anime planet. Myanimelist saying its 4th showing no number on votes Imdb Saying its 3th with 22.803 votes Anime Planet 7th with 11.511 votes Just to clearify, i was the one naming on stream it was ranked 7th, but i also said it was from 1 out of many websites, the only reason i picked Anime Planet, was because i thought Luke would like a list where he had watched 7 out of 10 in the top 10. But on most of the websites the top 10 was mostly the same, just different rankings from site to site, so who cares? Its a top tier Isekai nomatter if ppl like it or not :) The people has spoken ;)

Pilligrim Ilyas

6:16 Because it was Emilia under the veil. He always makes that promise to her. Even in the very first episode, he did it. You know, I find it very symbolic that these lines are recurring. Because you know which lines are also recurring? Emilia's phrase: "Thank you, Subaru. For saving me". And it's not like they're random because she says the same phrase word for word and in very important moments (episode 3 and episode 25). That's why I feel that it's so important and symbolic.


This is incorrect. He says 俺が必ず、お前を救ってみせる, 救う (sukuu) meaning to save someone.


I love your reactions but I think lately you are overthinking everything too much and pausing the episodes so many times to overthink something makes some of the moments less impactful and some times makes you go over something that happened in the episode. Is the impression it gives me, at the end of the day if u enjoy more the episodes this way is fine.(about the pausing) Thanks for the videos as always

Lu C

So that list is not from an article but based on ranking for isekai tag that could change over time?


#7 specifically the first part of the second season, the second part seems to be higher, it's 2nd or 3rd place if I'm not mistaken. It's hard to pinpoint the spot, but if it were a tierlist, MT and Re zero are S for me


It's funny because the first part of the second season of Re Zero is actually ranked 7th on MAL among isekai


You’re not gonna see this probably and it may be too much of an inconvenience to you but I’ll suggest it anyway, maybe you should pause watching this for a bit and rewatch it in bulk from episode 1 (of season 2) just because I think with your schedule and busy moving period you have misunderstood and forgotten some key details. I think moving forward the pieces will make more sense to you if you do that :)


MAL shows number of votes, season 1 has 1 383 957 votes with a rating of 8.23 placing it below entries from 5 other isekai, season 2 part 1 has 625 864 votes with a rating of 8.34 placing it below entries from 4 other isekai, and season 2 part 2 has 499 882 votes with a rating of 8.44 placing it below entries from 2 other isekai and same as 1 other


I still dont understand the title why is subaru the king


Myanimelist ratings are pretty bad, there are other anime sites which i think are better.

Hououin Kyouma

Where are you getting that number 7 rank from?

Regill Derenge

this anime is so cringe... "I'm the dark hero who knows hell" daaamn I'm so cool... god this is cringe... 3/10 max.