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Here is the PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to CODE GEASS Episode 4!




Good comparison with Lelouche and Eren. I see him as a mix of both Light and Eren. All 3 of them in my opinion are probably the greatest anti heroes in all of anime.

Tom Boggess

seems like every single reaction you do you're unwell. Maybe you need to take better care of your health. 👊


I personally feel like Code Geass is a bit similar to Death Note mostly due to the mind-games from the insanely intelligent main characters, but I don't know if that's the common consensus on it




And as for your comparison of Zero's outfit to Eminence in Shadow. Just remember, this anime is old, Eminence in Shadow is copying Zero. That was my first thought when I started Eminence, just a Zero copy cat lol


Yea I think you're right, Lelouche has elements of both though I don't think Luke will really see much of the Light comparison until later on.

The Luminary

Code Geass def has more things in common with aot than death note imo. AOT and Geass are very similar

Tyler Rimmel

Private Kururgi is my least favorite character. Ungrateful little brat

Tom Boggess (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 03:31:40 *spoiler* green haired girl is always alive. she is mostly immortal.
2023-12-22 17:45:46


I very much agree with the similarity to Eminence in Shadow, as someone who watched those two back-to-back. Secret underground organization, mysterious grand ruler of the organization, as well as some terms like "Knights of rounds". The biggest difference I can think of is the seriousness of the MCs


Code Geass is more like the better AoT, imo

Muligan Shinzuo

I would be able to see suzuki point if the britains not wanted to kill EVERY person in that sector of the slums.

Keith Merrington

Well that's it for me. Four episodes in and I still don't care about a single character. The characters seem very 2 dimensional. What's with that weird bird like power-up stuck in Lelouch's eyeball? That's a very convenient and arbitrary bit of silliness. And is the green-haired girl back?... honestly I couldn't be less interested. Truly I can't see any merit in this anime, but for those of you who enjoy it (and I know it has a following), I wish you a pleasant journey. But it's not for me I'm afraid.

Kaj Moroz

There's a strong commentary on consequentialism and deontology (mostly Kant). Lelouche is all about the ends, and how at the end of the day his people turn out. Suzaku on the other hand believes in a moral foundation that people buy into, not unlike Socrates. Even if a corrupt system is incorrect, we're duty-bound to do the right thing. There's right and wrong actions to take, regardless of what results.

Ale brenna

well cid from eminence in shadows has grown up watching anime and story like code geass that's where all his building is from

The Large Amoeba

A lot of people get confused when it comes to Suzaku Kururugi motivations. The whole point is he wants to be an example to Britania and other nations of working together instead of constantly fighting. In his mind if he can prove that Japanese people are capable of working with Britania they can have a better life. He wants to stop the fighting by being an example of cooperation. Its a flawed mindset to be sure. But is it anymore flawed than Lelouche's mindset of destroy anything that gets in your way? A big part of the show I think is the question of what is the right way and the wrong way to inflict change. Do you do it from within via your deeds and example or do you do it by force with violence and rebellion? Neither are wrong and at the same time nether are right.


The green haired girl will be explained. There’s more to her than what it may appear to be at the moment. Also, I find the politics in Code Geass very similar to the Marley arc from Attack on Titan.

Jammy Jimmerino

Orange was just a bluff it doesn't exist but by saying that everyone listening assumes "oh shit this orange thing made jeremiah release the prisoner and pull on gun on his men, it must be serious I wonder what orange is" even though is literally nothing lmao and suzaku going back to prison was explained, he knows if he didn't go to prison then joined the terrorists more 11s would get even more hate and racism. suzaku wants to change Brittania from the inside by rising the ranks and wants to do it with minimal death . Whereas Lelouch doesn't give 2 shits as long as he wins


People saying Code Geass is outdated? In what way? The art style? That's like saying Cuphead is severely outdated, because it used a 70's or whatever art style.


you're saying light wasn't 'evil for the greater good'? wtf u smoking bro? if light had his way, a lot more people would be alive and living happier lives overall. they don't need to be worried about being victimized by crimials that crazy people and democrats are blindly protecting.


Code Geass and Death Note both came out / were pirated online around the same time, and both featured morally grey super geniuses who used supernatural means to try and change the world through ultraviolent means. I realise I'm saying this with a Light Yagami pfp but I much prefer Lelouch as a protagonist

Suraj ayinde

You're right both mindsets are flawed, however Lelouch is doing a mix of both, whereas Suzaku is it ignorant of how the world actually works, his plan wouldn't work without some sort of sacrifices, on the other hand Kallen and Ogi have also been trying to fight back for a while, they just ain't as gifted a Lelouch, they as well are also ignorant, their rebellion has no structure untill Zero arrived. I do like Suzaku, because without his achievements lelouch wouldn't of got as far as he did, well it would've been harder for Lelouch, dispite how much Suzaku has been a thorn in his backside.

Suraj ayinde

They aren't forgetting the good he did, they are just choosing to completely disregard it, that's how much they don't care about the Japanese, they also just want someone to blame the situation on, and Suzaku just so happens to be the only and perfect candidate.

Karina ~ Stirret

You don't need to write spoilers. Why people always want to show they know? 🤦🏻‍♀️


also goddamn suzaku is such a cuck. he'd be the first idiot to die in a horror movie. How the hell did he even manage to live this long?

Aaren YASS

Well u weren't paying attention there, but that's okay if u got ADHD. This anime is wordy, not for everyone. -

Aaren YASS

The overall theme of freedom and war is more AOT, but the protagonist himself is more like Light. Both use supernatural abilities paired with genius to get what they want. They use the world as their 4d chess board. Important difference is that Light was a psychopath and didn't care about anyone but himself and his goal (as Kira) and Lulu has friends and family he cares for on top of his revenge quest. He actually wants to make the world better for his little sister. -

Karina ~ Stirret

And AoT didn't exist yet 😆 I think older Eren is who resembles Lelouch. But to be fair, at least just in anime, we know that side of Eren since maybe 3 years ago. But Eren and Lelouch are indeed too similar


Lelouch in nothing like Eren. Eren was posing as a Lelouch wannabe at some point, but he lacks the intelligence to be like that. Eren is dangerous because he is destructive and unstable. Lelouch is dangerous because he is calculating and cunning.


What is the point in typing spoilers? Just don't. Let Luke watch the show. What if he sees this on accident, your spoiler warning does nothing.

William Armstrong

The reason for the Death Note comparisons is mostly that they are 2 intelligent characters that execute Galaxy-Brained plans while keeping their true identities hidden and that the shows aired on television at the same time. However, I agree that the comparison isn't actually that strong and breaks down after a certain point, if Code Geass aired in a different year different comparisons would likely be made. Light Yagami becomes pure evil and power-hungry relatively quickly, Lelouch in comparison is much more morally ambiguous


I think a few more episodes in will make the similarties between Code Geass and Death Note more obvious or better said between Lelouch and Light. Teenager gets "power". Can force others to do what they want. Doing evil for their own vision of "greater good". A lot of "big brain time". Two timing. And so on.


*SPOILER* They're stupid and want to feel recognition for something in their life, they can't use these random anime factoids on their CVs' and Resumes' so they resort to making everyone else have to deal with it instead in the hopes that everyone thinks they're cool for knowing it. *BIGGER SPOILER* It doesn't


Orange boy saga has begun! And yeah, Suzuki is very stupid😄

Kiril Kupenov

suzaku is a fucking cuck, if this guy had a head on his shoulders the saga would have been a single season... tamaki and suzaku compete for the most annoying characters on code geass all the time. Orange boy on the other hand is entertaining as hell to watch


I think I missed the dub vs sub vote, when was it?


Eminence in shadow is a parody, as you might have already realized, basically the image of the main character is taken from Code Geass and Overlord. It's funny that you saw the parody before the original

William Armstrong

you should delete this, It isn't necessary to spoil this at all and you don't have nearly enough space between your spoiler title and the information

Mr. R

I think it still hasn´t happened. I am waiting for it too.


Eminence in shadow is a parody of isekai anime and anime tropes in general. That's the whole point of it.


Because Eminence in shadow is a parody of Code Geass. That's why they are so similar


Code Geass and Death Note came out around the same time on TV well before streaming gave more options on what anime to watch, and well before Attack on Titan came out. So people compared them because of the similarities of the protagonist being high school geniuses having mind controlling powers that they use to try changing the world.


Code Geass is one of my top 5 anime. That's why I liked Eminence in shadow so much. I immediately realized what exactly the anime was parodying, all these references to Overlord where the main character just talks some bullshit and is always right, his subordinates think that all his moves are a cunning plan, although he does them by accident, and everything works out in the best way. Sid, who behaves too theatrically and epically, dresses in such an edgy costume, is basically a parody of Lelouch, and some other isekai heroes like Kirito. I like both anime, so I couldn't stop laughing when I watched Eminence in Shadow.

Nicholas Romalo

I'll be honest, at this point I doubt Luke is going to swap. If he had done the poll before he started the series or did a comparison of episode one he might have swapped or considered it. This many episodes in, I think he made his decision which is a shame.


eminence in shadow costume is stolen from here , parody show.


Maybe. I don't hate sub, I just prefer dubs in this anime. I'll try to remind Luke a few more times that he didn't give us a choice, even though he said we were running his channel. If it doesn't work out, so be it, although it will reduce the enjoyment of watching a little bit


Honestly, I'd compare Lelouch more to Otto Apocalypse from Honkai Impact 3rd rather than Light or Eren.

Hamza Stiti

Light: a mega genius who got special power in a normal word fighting police. Leloche: a mega genius who got special power in a normal world (with mecs) fighting a goverment that s most likely how the simularity between them came to be I see how you compare leloche to eren but the main difference is eren is dumb


I think it's super naive and arrogant that Suzaku thinks he alone can change and fix Britannia. Like my man what are you going to do? Just trying to be righteous is not going to make the oppression and genocide stop. Also with his idea of "rules are rules" he is just enabling Britannia's actions. Lelouche's method isn't perfect either but at least he is actually doing something instead of telling the oppressed people that he will fix it by being a good soldier for Britannia.


Well Kururugi is just Spin Master, we don't need to understand him. As he is the I ignore all reasons for my own logic.


the comparison between this and deathnote isn't really much of a comparison, usually people just compare the two, to say that if you liked death note then you'd likely enjoy code geass as well, the only real comparison is that the main character is intelligent and obtains a power that lets them try to change the world. comparing the main character to Eren is also fair. but i think most pple would comapre Eren to Lelouch not the other away around just because code geass came first


One keeps more of his humanity the whole time. Even tho Light never fully loses it either Lelouch shows it more especially regarding killing people/guilt/lack of God complex since his is self hatred


Suzaku has noble but naïve dreams feed by pride based around his morals. Lelouch knows he will be the bad guy but is ready to be the monster,to hate himself and to be hated for his sister future

James Palmer

Lelouch and Light are superficially similar in a lot of ways, but I think deep down they are very different from one another.

Edge squared

I think a lot of people question suzaku’s actions in this episode, which is fair. It’s not a super logical thing for him to have done, but that has generally been shown to be his character up to this point. Instead, I bring a counter-point: lelouch makes a grave mistake in this episode: he assumes everyone will be willing to follow a masked shadow. How different would that last scene have gone if lelouch would have revealed himself to suzaku, who has already shown that he’s willing to defy the military to save him? Just something to think about.

Antoine Jones

You dont see the death OTE comparisons? Lelouch brilliant strategies,we've seen hi set traps and backup plans to protect his identity when that girl had him in the shower, we've seen manipulation. He's definitely Light or L then when they're trying to catch him there ll be equally brilliant person


Lelouch is like if Light was an 8th grade chuuni.


There's a lot of similarities to Death Note: Both have a weird power. The power can only be used once on a person. The power *can* be used to control what a person does.


Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wants your spoiler.


Exactly this. They were run side by side on Adult Swim when they were first dubbed. And like many have said, two high school aged guys of great intelligence, given a power to disrupt the world creating a revolution. The big difference you will see as it goes on is Lelouch has a purpose beyond his own self gain. Light ended up being a selfish self righteous ass only out to prove himself god of his world. Lelouch has no such desire.


True, it would be possible for Suzaku to join Lelouch's side or at least adjust his course of action a bit if that was the case.

Blitz Cam

There are some similarities between Death Note and Code Geass. People will generally say Lelouch and Light are both very smart people with some godlike power they use to plan out moves ahead. And that is true, but there are more comparisons. Another one simply being they were both released at the same time, or at least within a couple years of each other if not exact. Both Lelouch and Light claim to be fighting a world filled with problems(Britannia being a tyrannical government, and Light wanting to stop crime by killing criminals to rule over the world as a god of justice. Lelouch also fights for justice(more on that later, just say this for now.) Also, there are a few scenes where you can draw comparison from the shows. I think everyone can agree on one scene, but I can also point out others that have very interesting similarities, later on. However, there are many differences between the series as well. The stories are different and impact the characters in different ways as they develop in their respective shows. There's a third anime I could compare to both Code Geass and Death Note. That anime being Monster. I won't say anything else about Monster but if anyone likes both CG and DN, highly recommend Monster. Again, is different, but similarities can be found between the 3 shows.


Lelouch’s power is a one-off thing, if you look at the scenes when he drops a command, you can see the bird-like thing flew from his eye to the person’s eye into a mind-matrix, and the arrangements altered, the change is irreversible and permanent

Lu C

Both animes were not only released in 2006 but also both in Fall, their premiere dates a 2 days apart

Lu C

Lelouch and Light similarities are their extraordinary minds and usage of their abilities. When it comes to compare Eren to Lelouch there is a similarity in their motives - the burning hatred agaist titans/Britania and also the focus on revenge.

Karina ~ Stirret

My enjoyment would be reduce with dub.... English is not my first language and I don't enjoy it that much. But actually I don't care if it's sub or dub, I just want to watch Luke reactions of the story. Stop whining about it. And yes his channel is running by us but you have to understand that he is just a regular man with a normal life and things to take care of in real life. He was busy moving and he went ahead recording for the holidays too. I really appreciate Luke work 💜


well, they did not "forget" everything Suzaku did for them. But it is a very common theme in authoritarian regimes, that they don´t weigh up previous benefits against recent "miststeps" at all. For these regimes, any opposition is unacceptable, no matter what. So rather than "forgetting", it is "deliberately choosing to ignore" said things. About the eyes of those 2 passengers: you are entirely correct. It´s not hard to catch, but still very easy to miss/overlook. Yes, he absolutely could send a double controlled with the Geass in if needed. But i guess that would cause problems depending on the situation. I could think it would work, as long as he communicates what the double should answer and do over radio into the helmet or an earpiece. but the moment one of those gets removed (which is totally possible) the double wouldn´t receive any instructions anymore, completely breaking the illusion and destroying the already (or rather, still) extremely low trust. which in return, he would lose everything he built up with the rebels so far, bringing him back to square one. So considering the circumstances, even though it is a bit more effort and risky, going in himself is the safer, more reliable option imo. Especially if you factor in, that he can at least influence other people with his Geass should something not go as planned. The other big reason on why he did go himself has also already been shown in episode 1, when he played chess against the britannian noble (where he took the initiative with the king). It´s his personality, and his idea of governing. In order for the Geass to work, they have to see his eye directly. How exactly it works, or rather, its properties and restrictions may get explained eventually, but it has already been shown in Episode 2, when he tried to control the female pilot to hand over her knightmare frame. Since that didn´t work, he tricked her into leaving the knightmare and then controlling her with the geass afterwards. The exact scene would be in Episode 2, at ~2:54. Since the pilots don´t view their surroundings through windows, but screens instead, it is already confirmed that it indeed does NOT work trough a screen. The dialogue between Lelouch (in his persona as Zero) and Suzaku tells a LOT about both characters and their approaches. Which gives the story and their relationship an even deeper meaning. Lelouch wants to destroy Britannia in order to free Japan, while Suzaku wants to change Britannia from the inside into a state that is governed peacefully, with equal rights for everyone. They essentially have the same objective (making everyone they care about live in peace as equals), but vastly different approaches (Suzaku by changing the system, Lelouch by destroying the system). Neither of both is technically right or wrong. And especially since Lelouch knows Suzaku, but Suzaku doesn´t know Zero is Lelouch, it´s a very intense dynamic between those two. About the problem of Suzaku's escape and a potential punishment: it´s relatively simple to argue in his favor, considering it is a hostage situation. Sure, he´d have to come up with an excuse of how he escaped his "kidnapping" by Zero, but i don´t think it would be hard to make it believable, even as an honorary britannian. Especially since he has the backing of the scientists due to his compatibility to the Lancelot, which is a massively important military power.

BRUNO Marques

You learn more about why Susaku is acting the way he is. Britannia works a lot by power. This escape will severely weaken the purebloods and other factions will fill the power vacuum.


The pacing may be regarded as slow in terms of over the top action. But, the pacing of the political dynamics & world building is what makes this anime so intriguing . IMO


I'm not a native English speaker at all, so I prefer dub, especially in this anime where the dialogues fly. I'll stop whining when the vote is done, if the dub loses I'll live with it.

Bård Fredrikson

Funny enough, the character that doubts the MC is supposed to be representing the audience and the "doubters".

Hououin Kyouma

Lelouch is not a scumbag like Light and Shadow from Eminence of Shadow probably grew up with the idea I'll make my suite kinda like Zero from Code Geass since it's cool.

Chrono 1002

Their way of doing things and how they want to achieve their goals is what the biggest difference between Suzaku and Lelouch. Personally I think that every sane person would choose Lelouch's side at this point.


When it comes to the similarities to death note, I'd say think of it like if Light from death note was placed into the life of Eren. The conflict itself is much more reminiscent of attack on titan, but Lelouch, albeit that he has his differences too, is very similar to Light in how he moves through obstacles and in general personality-wise and intellectually. However, when actually comparing the 3? Light had drive and intellect, but lacked empathy. Eren had drive and empathy, but lacked intellect. Lelouch however has the drive, empathy, and the intellect, thus making him the best candidate out of the 3 to actually have a shot at changing anything about the world intentionally. If he succeeds remains to be seen of course, but when it comes to the real world, you definitely need all 3 traits to even have a shot, and probably why out of these 3 characters, he's the only one I'd actually consider following.

Anas Kournif

I think you understood one of the many themes Code Geass is talking about : reform or revolution. While Lelouch is a revolutionary, Suzaku is a reformist, while Lelouch knows his hands can only get dirty, while Suzaku accepts his place in the society with its imperfections. But Suzaku's views can be seen as idealistic, he thinks Britania can change without violence, while Lelouch is a fatalist : before he gets the Geass, he thinks nothing can change even if he hates that, but then he gets the possibility to do so. It's like Ireland at the begining of the XXth century : there was a struggle for the independance of the country, but most people didn't want to struggle against the UK. Then, with the Easter rising of 1916, the people of Ireland saw that with a few men and women in arms, you can make the greatest empire at the time tremble. Now you can compare it to other conflicts for National Liberation. I don't like the comparison with Light, because Death Note is just answering to questions for a philosophy exam : "Is death given by the State the only legitimate way to kill criminals ?" "Is it a crime to kill criminals ?" and all of that with an open answer depending on your morality. Code Geass is different : things can and need to change, the question is "how".

Josh Folk

"those" two characters are two sides of the same coin.


I like how anytime there seems to be an anime where Authority Figures are abusing their power by framing someone for a crime. Luke has a tenancy to dismiss it as ignorance or stupidity rather than intentional malice and racism. He did it with Maria Ross being framed in Fullmetal Alchemist too.


Suzaku holds his ideals closer than actual goals or results, sadly. kinda dumb imho but hey. why tf not.


Lelouche wants to wrap it all up as fast as possible imho, to avoid needless bloodhsed, but ye that s also not too wise. if u haste, u make blunders.


Eren after the AOT ending is considered Walmart Lelouche