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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to Parasyte Episode 9!!



Fay X84

What if his face is fake? In Japanese she says “maybe it’s made/artificial” in reference to the plastic surgery thing.


In Japan, the school year starts in April and ends in March. There’s a six week summer break during the second half of July and all of August.

Guilherme Vergne

We meet lots because we know if they're around, other people may pass by and wont figure it was a parasyte, only if they see it eating. Plus, no one knows about Shinichi's mom, except his dad, police and Uda (bro with parasyte)


However the sky is not blue, it is the water particles that make it look blue <3

雷 稲妻

yeah this was annoying. normal people would not think " hey I saw his face morphing. but I might be wrong so maybe I should ask him if he is the face changing killer :) "


I remember that my school also started in April, I'm from Peru


Yeah, I do agree with you, her reasoning is very dumb and obviously should lead to her getting killed. My understanding for her doing it is just that she's a kid, she's still in school. Especially if she's had a crush on him for a while, she probably doesn't want him to go to jail or die unless she's 100% certain that he's "a bad guy". That may explain why she does it, but obviously doesn't change the fact that this was a very stupid and potentially life-ending thing to do.

noah van den berg

when you asked what she meant with ''toxic'', she was referring to the baby in her belly cause the other one said that humanity has become toxic to earth

Patrick Jacobsen

don't worry, I agree with you. she's a fucking idiot.

Nero Integrate

If there's 0.0001% chance you run into one and you're not leaving because of that then I got bad news Luke. Are you not leaving your house because there's a chance you get ran over in traffic?


he should start learning that his favorite type of anime is shounen.


11:30 did you just have a stroke Luke? lol

Antoine Jones

they literally were talking about plastic surgery right before asking if hes face was fake, also as for if the parasytes are alien or man made they literally hinted that answer right when you said it, and being confused about her saying something about a toxin in her was also explained at that same moment. You're struggling Luke, and I'm 100% sure you're not dumb, another reason to watch stuff dubbed, you'd have a much easier time following along/keeping up.


The Top50 anime openings of 2023 subscribers version came out today


It was an utterly stupid decision, and she's a prime candidate for a Darwin Award. However I can see how it might have come about, due to her obvious crush on the boy, as seen by her blushing in the first scene this episode where she's spying on him (plus lots of stalker-chan behavior throughout). Her raging teen hormones are in direct conflict with her rational mind.

Arcade'owy Łowca

Bro has split personality and he changes places with his tulpa xD

Kevin Vang

"Man has become toxic to Earth..." "So I am nurturing a toxin within me." Luke: A toxin? I don't know what she means by that. lmfao


So, the original run of the manga was 1988-1995. If we just take 1990 as a reference point, the population of the city where this takes place (Fukuyama, in Hiroshima prefecture) was about 445,000. We've seen maybe a dozen parasytes by this point, I think? Based on population and incident report statistics, the parasyte population can't be higher than about 1 in 1000 — about 500 in the city. At the same time, in order to have that many interactions with Izumi, there probably can't be fewer than about 100 parasytes in the city. 100 parasytes eating 1 human every 3 days over ~6 months would consume over 1% of the human population. (In fact, 75 parasytes would hit 1% of 445k in 6 months of consuming 1 every 3 days.) Compared to 4450 deaths, there would be an expected 2350 births in 6 months in Fukuyama in 1990. So still clearly a net negative human population, even with just 75 parasytes in a moderately large city. Quite a high death rate, but within believable bounds of keeping things suppressed from the public (particularly pre-internet). Factoring everything together, I would guess that there were between 50 and 100 parasytes within the city at the start of the story (ie: between 1 in 5000 and 1 in 10,000), some of whom were failures, like the dog.


just wanted to say I prefer the dub for this anime, the wording choice feels a bit weird in the sub. I don't mind watching sub its always nice to watch the original , but Luke if you ever rewatch this in your own time you should definitely give the English version a try.


i agree but this is the typical horror movie niche that all of them do. hmm something is weird let me go and figure it out by myself with little to no plan or assurance that i can defend myself or get away alive. it always end up with that person getting killed or multiple people getting killed. the worst part is she could have told her brother and the special division could have looked into to him because from my understanding her brother is just the suspect artist he does not much other work on the scene. this is the main reason i do not care for horror films but i love this series.

Miklar Sihn

They did kinda show why she keeps asking whether he is Shinichi, it is about their first meeting after the exams, so it is her reminding him of when they talked to each other the first time.


23:38 Ref running into Parasytes all the time. If you scanned in a 300 meter radius ALL THE TIME you would find Parasytes all the time even if they were rare. That's 283 thousand square meters! Imagine how many people you pass within 300 meters when you take a bus or train. Plus some of the Parasytes are searching for Izumi and know where his school is. And Izumi found his mother's killer because he was searching for "her" at the place he knew she was headed for.

Juho Kaartoaho

You are not your self when you are hungry. Eat a snickers Izumi.

Juho Kaartoaho

And the reason people see rainbows is because the pollution causes acid rains and that acid rain causes mass hallucinations.

Guido Muñoz

You should react to the full Parasyte opening once you finish the series, with lyrics included :)


Japanese school's year ends in March and starts in April, yeah, bit weird.


Loved the rant :D


I agree with you Luke. Stupid character with valuable information doing stupid things and getting killed is definitely one of those tropes that get me really annoyed. I can't even


Start in April, classes 5 1/2 days a week with an early finish on Saturdays. Break for Summer with a couple weeks off in March between terms, with way more bank holidays in between than UK schools get.

maratreus ,

Here in Brazil schools are February-November

maratreus ,

He didn't tell anyone about his mother

Lock G.G.

Even he is a monster, at that time she thought that he could understand if she would talk with him.


So I guess I'm going to be one of the viewers to jump up and correct you LOL 😂 but no one knows that his mother is dead. The information has not been made public, so no one knows about his loss. Not even Murano

no u uwu

Tomorrows episode 👀 if there is one

William Pina

She's not stupid. The whole "mince-meat murders" are being held secret. From her perspective, she's been watching him from afar, the information she has is limited, and he goes to school and acts like any other student. She doesn't want to accuse him and be wrong. She also went into the room and made sure she wasn't defenseless. She just has underestimated how dangerous he can be.


No no this time I agree 😂

Hamza Stiti

I disagree Luke. even if she somehow survives without Izumi that s still a very stupid decision

Hououin Kyouma

I agree, Velma should have told her brother about it. It's only possible in a horror fictional world where people do dumb things like confronting a potential killer/monster.

Gomez and Cook

It wasn't a hole in his head it was a bump come on man nah just kidding I agree with what your saying

Chicken Permission

I was just wondering if you've ever listened to much Tool. Their music videos are some of the craziest things ever, and if you can find their live performances, those are a ton of fun.


I love how people react to this teenager girls illogical decisions over evidence seen. Well females are emotionally based so logic isn't always their forte.

Jason Tam

Man, teenagers sure do some dumb things, ehh?


mince-meat murderers are not beeing held secret, its on the news and in the papers. So she knew there is at least one serial killer around.. + she has additional information from her brother.. so yes she is stupid for confronting him like that. She not wanting to be wrong is kinda ok, but not with all the stuff she already saw at that point. There shouldnt be a question anymore..


to be fair. he could just tell her that his mother died.. which would explain his "new" behaviour


For sure, I was just trying to let Luke know that he hadn't since Luke was under the impression that the whole school knew the reason for his absence. It would definitely explain his differences.

Karen Porter

"do you eat people?" "yeah, ITADAKIMASU! <3" LOL


lol, white knight much if needed to reply like that to my comment? =)

Adriana Flores

I felt the same way you felt about her at the end i was like she is stupid

Abe J

You got a sus look on your face when migi was talking in the shower Luke lol. Hentai.


Honestly, when I watched this first time I said if she dies she clearly deserved it and I would not be upset 😂

Oliver Schubert

I'm pretty sure someone agrees with you, so I disagree with your take "no one agrees with me anymore" One of the stupidest decisions I've ever seen in anime, I had a meltdown on my first watch back then


i made the same face i was like "ayoo? make him feel better???" LMAO


dude said humans are toxic and woman touched his belly and question about THE human within her and luke be like.. what ?? :D


11:07 certified Bijou(Biboo) moment ;DDD