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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Episode 12!!!!!




Time to start looking forward to april :)


Luke shitting on Rudy for not recognizing Fitz, also Luke who is Rem, I mean Lilia.


"Why am I rooting for Rudy to have a boner?!?!" - Everyone


Up until now you've seen the more... "tame" side of anime. Not with Mushoku Tensei though. It is a weird side that you would mostly see in anime and it is one of the reasons anime watchers used to be branded as weird and called names like weaboo (which used to be insult) etc. While it grazes the weird stuff MT is mostly using it to enhance the story. (I mean we literally have anime about girls battling with their a$$, animes of inanimate objects transforming into cute girls and anime about guy becoming more powerful by sucking breast milk).We have this easily hated scumbag who after getting a second chance started improving little by little. And whats the most real part of it is that he didnt instantly turned into some saint. He still have a scumbag personality in some moments but his view of the world changed alot and changed him. Also if you think MT is being weird wait till you get to the "this is a little girl but shes actually thousands of years old demi-god" trend. And then theres alot of "Alabama stuff" in anime too. So buckle up! Theres still alot of werdness to conquer :D


As a light novel reader I was very happy with this episode. They could have gone a different route, but they decided to do this scene tastefully. Looking forward to Mushoku Tensei returning soon, there is a lot of exciting stuff coming up.

Gun Bunny

So... You recognize Dr. Porkenheimer's Boner Juice on sight, but can't remember who Lilia is. Priorities...

Fay X84

Lilia is the maid. The sister (maid’s daughter) is Aisha The mother though is Zenith😅

Tyler Rimmel

I also enjoyed this season but now that the love story is complete, let's get back to slaying dragons please (:

Muligan Shinzuo

What a nice finale. I love it. I am suprised that it is rated that highly. With so little action and so much character development and world builing it would not suit that many ppl but i guess i was wrong.


7:58 Take notes! It can be as little as writing down the names and positions of important characters. That's it! The act of writing a note helps you remember something EVEN IF YOU DON'T LOOK AT THE NOTE LATER. So, in 1x01 you could have written down "Lillia - maid" and you probably would have remembered who she was now. 32:24 "Eris fucked up." It's true she didn't write a decent explanation in her letter. If you want to find out what Eris has been up to, there's a 1 volume manga called "Eris Gets Serious" or "Eris Gaiden" that explains it all. It's good and it doesn't seem to spoil anything later on since it takes place in isolation from almost all the other characters and places. It would be GREAT if they adapted it into an OVA but I haven't heard about anything like that.

brotato 96

RIP Eris Ship and Roxy Ship. Childhood friend wins this time.

brotato 96

Mushoku Tensei S2 Part 2 has good potential for Youtube Popularity. It will be either Slime Isekai or Mushoku tensei which will come out as top anime of Spring 2024. I Would suggest not making it a Patreon Exclusive.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

We started the cour with Ariel putting the Sunglasses on Sylphie and now we end this arc by returning them back to Ariel. This finale is a beautiful encapsulation of Rudeus’ growth. Apologizing to Sylphie and explaining his ED issues is a total contrast to how things went down with Sarah. Big shout out to Luke this episode for standing up for Rudy in front of Ariel and for being a bro by providing the aphrodisiac and helping our boy get over the final hurdle. Now we wait for April, it’s going to be a long winter

brotato 96

In case you are wondering why Ariel gave 2 gold coins to Sylphy, that was her monthly shopping budget. Ariel and Luke are saving money to fund their struggle for throne, and Ariel is impulsive on spending money, so she restricts herself to spending only 2 gold coins a month. which is like a lot for a common person but very less for a princess.


Luke: forgets any character's name half a minute after hearing it for the twentieth time. Also Luke: "How could he not recognize her?!" Seriously though, different name, hair colour and big sunglasses would probably be plenty to fool me. I am not very good at remembering faces, after all. Besides, there are a lot of somewhat similar looking people in real life. So I find Rudeus' situation quite believable.

Nicolas Castro

And what's coming next is going to be incredible, although we're going to continue having these Slice of Life mini arcs a few times, but the story only gets better and better, I can't wait for the next part and everything that's going to be the 3rd season.

Fay X84

A happy middle season finale. Happiness is a magic word both in French and English when you switch the one who says it in the other’s language. When an English person says the word “Bonheur” it sounds like “Boner”. When a French person says the word “Happiness”, it sounds like “a p*n*s” since the letter “H” is muted in French. Congratulations Rudy 👍


"Why am I so excited about Rudy getting a boner/the romance?" Because this anime has never been about action and adventure, although it has that. It's never been about political intrigue, although it has that. It's never been about extensive and intricate worldbuilding, although it has that. And it's never been about a harem of waifu's, although it CERTAINLY has that. This anime is about Rudeus Greyrat, a worthless, pathetic, shut-in, degenerate drain on society being given a second chance at life, overcoming is traumas, relearning how the world works and how to interact with people, and growing from his degenerate, lecherous, cowardly, pathetic self into someone new. Growing from a mere point-of-view protagonist into something more like a hero. This show is about Rudy, and any growth (no pun intended) on his part is perfectly in line with the themes of the show and is worthy of celebration.


Very cute detail, this episode's special ending song is sung by Sylphie's VA and she was humming it to him in episode 9 when he was passed out in her lap.


With regards to when Season 2 Part 2 starts airing, I think it would be a good idea to split this timeslot, reacting to one Mushoku Tensei episode a week as it comes out and one Code Geass episode a week and keep this up through the new half-season. Just my two cents.

Nicolas Castro

We will continue to have these moments of Slice of Life, after all Mushoku Tensei always tried more of the day to day and the growth of Rudy, although there will also be many important events in history and epic moments.

Keith Merrington

Who's Lilia? (Shit - that damn whale is back!) Lilia is the maid. Zenith is the mother. A great ending - A happy ending! The anime could end here (but it wont). Loving season 2 so far. Thanks for the reactions. BTW: I remember you saying Luke was a great character - right from the start. I heard it too, I promise.

brotato 96

Rightly said. So many people make this about Rudeu's growth in terms of his combat ability or social / political influence. And even more people expect redemption or Rudeus learning correct behaviour with their own sense of morality. This is just a story of life from Rudeus's perspective. He is not even a hero. Obviously he is no one ordinary, he is powerful and one of those "named characters" but not the demon lord slaying hero who simply feel the moral responsibility to do so and are the chosen ones. This is just Rudeus's life story about how he saw the world, lived again, bonded with friends and family, explored places and went through happiness and sadness of life.

Gai Valentine

This first cour is the calm before the storm. Get ready for cour 2


This episode is the definition of "well, this escalated quickly" 😅

brotato 96

Interesting Suggestion, this way any unnecessary work pressure can be avoided for Luke since only 1 episode of MT will come out per week and people will be in no hurry to finish Code Geass. Also Currently airing show will be more popular rather then putting it out 2 months later.


Did we miss episode 11?

Guilherme Vergne

Its about 18 weeks to the part 2 start if you wanna know (its april 2024). As LN reader, i can just say that the season finale will be absolutely amazing.

Keith Merrington

It wouldn't suit the action/shounen crowd who do seem to be a majority here (looking at you Code Geass) - but I'm sure that many here secretly appreciate some romance & happy endings now and again :-)

Keith Merrington

Was recommending noting down characters right from the start. Ain't gonna happen though.


funny note that the ED song credits starts playing at the end when Rudy got finally cured from his ED xD


I saw a few comments that I will repeat, TAKE NOTES of characters and places, at least. ESPECIALLY if you're going to start a series like One Piece. Might want to ask JackTheBus about his note taking method for One Piece.

XT 421

It is hard to advertise Mushoku Tensei to a newcomer without spoiling it - it's not an action-adventure, it's not a rom-com, it's a fantasy-epic/biography of a man now called Rudeus Greyrat. By the time the whole narrative is adapted to anime, we're probably not even 40% done with the saga - think about that! We've only just begun! Glad you're enjoying it though!




I find this season not as strong as the first one. It is just too random. There is no real red thread except from him overcoming his depression and curing his impotence. Since LN readers said that the second part of this season will be good I expect it to be a little more like the first season. Not predictable but a good story line. They didn't even tease us what might happen in the second part... Code geass was an anime I watched a few years ago. Can't remember what the story was but I guess you will find out about other genres. I don't mind watching it again, although I don't watch many anime in this genre..


32:00 😄

Abe J

I agree. At least something simple, or a character list on the phone or pad.

Ron Farmer

I couldn't be more pleased with this finale. It's perfectly endearing and sweet. Little innocent Sylphie "Then please...dig in!" that had me howling 😂😂😇😂😂

Gai Valentine

Go powder your pussy, bud. I could spoil everything if I wanted. Nothing I said can be dissected for any info of what’s to come. The goddamn trailers and opening spoil more than my comment 😂😂😂


There are some people here in Patreon that are so neurotic about spoilers, it's crazy. You could say that in the next season Rudy is still breathing (of course he is, we haven't even covered half of the story yet) and these guys would cry that it's a spoiler

Kyle Garrett

I'm pretty sure the white haired girl in the opening is just a girl in a dream Rudy was having, but I am wondering if maybe Sylphie will end up growing out her hair and looking more like that for him. She likes short hair so probably won't happen, but would be interesting if she started to look like the girl from Rudy's dreams. Though now that I think about it, I am concerned that Eris is going to become Rudy's enemy in the future. Rudy just aligned himself with Princess Ariel, but it was Ariel's father the King that killed Eris' grandfather (and possibly parents?). So Rudy has just sided with the people Eris probably wants to kill. On top of that Eris' last request to Rudy was for them to be a family and have kids together, so when she finds out Rudy has not only sided with her enemies, but also betrayed their promise to one another, she's going to be very angry and upset. There's a chance she's found a new love and will be fine with Rudy moving on, though to be fair there's also a chance she got pregnant and comes back with Rudy's kid, causing entirely new problems for Rudy and Sylphiette. Either way I'm concerned about Eris and Rudy reuniting.

Aaron Yin

24:09 what do u mean we dont have anything like that? dont u pee blood once every month??


Luke mvp :D

Kyle Garrett

While the season is kind of random from a traditional anime viewpoint, I think the whole point of this series is genuinely just showing Rudy's life in this new world from his birth to his death, and the experiences he has along the way. If that is the focus, then this arc isn't random at all, since the point of the series never was beating some big bad villain, saving the world, or anything anime normally focus on. Could be way off the mark, but that's the impression S2 gave me at least.


One piece, 1 épisode per day is still 3 years+ as much one piece is good, it's not suited for reaction

Daniel Griffiths

i think every dude has fallen pray to accidental bus boner lol


Again, and as you've suddenly realized, the theme around Rudy's erectile dysfunction is a metaphor for Rudy's psychological state: Eris's abandonment => depression / PTSD/ ED => failure with Sarah => fear of women/rejection of feelings/deep depression/suicide attempt => meeting Fitz => a real relationship is created => gradual acceptance of feelings and gradual reaction of the body => Fitz becomes Sylphie again => Rudy's healing through the love of his childhood friend. Moreover, note that through this relationship (Sylphie becomes his wife) Rudy no longer behaves in the same way with women. The arc of Part 1 is significant and crucial: it's a healing arc. We go from a depressed Rudy, unable to move on, to a more adult Rudy, engaged and cured of his PTSD. That's why this finale is so emotional. That moment when he hugs Sylphie tight is powerful in its meaning. When he says he's cured, it's obviously not just about his willy. That's why this arc deliberately concludes with a scene mirroring the one that opened it. This arc also introduces some important characters and informations for the sequel. In short, Mushoku Tensei is Mushoku Tensei: an anime that's all about its characters (and Frieren too, btw). And it's much better written than most action/adventure anime. Part 2 is going to be something! You'll see, you'll see, but get ready :) ps : I'm still surprised by your reaction to Rudy not recognizing Sylphie before, when you yourself didn't recognize her in season 1 and you've forgotten who Lilia is when you last saw her, in the season 1 finale, just over a month ago XD.


Let's be clear: Eris totally screwed up her departure. From Rudy's point of view, this could only be seen as a total abandonment. I won't spoil anything. But you'll have to be patient. A lot will happen before then.

Daniel Griffiths

absolutely not lol if mushoku tensei starts before code geass finishes you make time, part 2 will be something else lol youve already committed 6months of patreon to one anime at least give us part 2 as it releases, youll hold more patreons if you have up to date content on previous patreon exclusive series:)


Congratz for both Lukes and Rudy! Now, the waiting has begun


Both Lukes in this Video are just pure Bros! You are right it must be the name

Hamza Stiti

Luke casually remembering the aphrodisiac and forgetting Lilia(the maid btw) and how she gave Rudy the panties and the necklace when he saved her

Regular Grayzone

I wasn't here for the start of your season reaction, so I ignored every video until I saw this one. What a spectacular finish!

Sebastian (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 15:52:00 second time watching this and second time shedding a tear to Rudy realizing he would not be alone anymore
2023-12-23 15:52:00 second time watching this and second time shedding a tear to Rudy realizing he would not be alone anymore
2023-12-23 15:52:00 second time watching this and second time shedding a tear to Rudy realizing he would not be alone anymore
2023-12-08 23:26:41 second time watching this and second time shedding a tear to Rudy realizing he would not be alone anymore

second time watching this and second time shedding a tear to Rudy realizing he would not be alone anymore


Lloyd In no way am I forcing my own way of enjoying something on Luke or others. He already cannot remember who Lilia is, a long series like One Piece is gonna murder the poor guy already trying to watch it on Twitch with a chat that likes to distract him every other moment.


Also hard to recommend it because of the climate in which anything that isn't punch-fighting is inherently "bad" or "problematic" because of the content.


There are anime reaction channels doing great with One Piece, don't spread this lie.


You said marriage and ED cure were random for a mid-season finale, but this entire series is all about Rudy’s new life in this world, from birth till death. Not the typical power fantasy shōnen. Remember back to episode one the final line Rudy gave us was “If I live and try as hard as everyone else, get back up when I fall, and keep facing forward, then maybe I can do it. Maybe even a jobless, reclusive bum like me can get a do-over at life and can get serious about living”. What is more serious when it comes to living life than marriage? Seems like a great plot focused mid-season finale to me.


Also remember that Rudy isn't just a badass he also holds political power having the name of Notos Grayrat, but he also has stupid power connections from being friends with the demon king and with the demon emperor, being friends with other monarchs like Zenoba, having an amazin reputation within the adventurer guilds but also with the demon and beast people tribes.


He said it would be on twitch. So he would be watching at least 5-6 episodes at a time. It would still take him forever, but if he did 2 streams a week or extended the streams and watched more than he typically does on twitch he could manage it over 2 years. It’s still ridiculous and kinda not worth it. Same reason people didn’t want monogatari yet, except so much worse.


A reason to fight hmmmm....... well well well


Men do also have a cycle. Stop reading if you don't want a biology lesson. Though the month guys get more aggressive and the sex drive rises until it resets with a wet dream. If you have sex or masturbate it resets (I wonder why its not really noticed lol). Its effectively for the same reason as periods, to expel old, less fertile reproduction cells to make room for new ones.


In the books sylphie was there when he woke up. No one has ever seen Luke openly oposd Ariel. He went straight up told her to shut up and not to joke about it. Sylphie is still working as Ariel's guard. And ye I loved this season. Luke is so misunderstood and such a bro to sylphie. As you loved this your gonna love the rest of the anime. This is considered the weakest arc. You are Not ready. I'm exiytonsee you watch part 2 when it comes out. I would highly suggest reading the books for this, I know in book 2 it covers the whole 10k year history of the world. And I'm still holding off to say what the glasses do, she should still have them for part 2 gonna be hard to explain stuff in it as they should explain the reasoning for all sylphie's magic gear she always wears.


Fun fact when Rudy first arrived it took him a few days to realise he was in a new world. But before he did realise it he promised himself he would get better and try harder. To get a job and stuff. Then he realised he's in this world and promised himself he would not waste it, he will seriously try at his new life.


That's our Luke, remembering the one small detail but can not remember names.


What you didn't realize this is MT: Unlimited Boner Works?


Ahh the University arc, there's still a little bit more left in it but it is considered the weakest arc... sooooo it can only get more and more crazy good from here.

Randi Sandhia

is episode 11 missing?

Hawk of Battle

Luke: Forgets Lilia, despite her being a prominent character and figure in Rudy's life and having entire plot arcs involving her. Also Luke; Instantly recognizes a bottle of aphrodisiac from one episode like 3 months ago. Ffs my dude!

Matt Tucker

Ill never understand you people.... just let people enjoy and watch a show without nudging them going hmmm hmmmmm REALLLYYYY?? People have no self control.


Yeah Ariel disappointed me with her reaction, too. In Ariel's defense, they probably don't exactly have sex ed on the level we do today. I bring it up because I had to tell myself that the only reason I knew anything about ED as a girl was because of sex ed and/or open communication about it with my parents. Given the medieval theme that usually goes with fantasy, I could imagine myths like a "if the hymen's broken, they're not a virgin" and such are still prevalent in that world. I still like Ariel, but I also remain slightly suspicious of her... I'm worried she'll somehow make Sylphie feel betrayed during her political endeavors.

Matthew Williams

And Lo a Goddess descends and unto Rudeus she spake "To thee Rudy I bequeath all of the boners", and his surprise it was risen. To this Goddess Rudeus did genuflect for the boners she had granted unto him were true. And thus did Rudeus take the marked cloth that signified the passage of the Goddess stained crimson aloft and proclaim "O' my Goddess, shall I now enshrine this new Holy Relic and with my boners granted me by my new Goddess shall I smash!" And then all was made right in the world as the masses cheered for the boners.

Chris Gama

All Luke's are such bro's! They got your back no matter what! hahaha!

Harley Burnie

I get that you’re bad with names, but HOW do you not remember Zenith, one of the baddest, most stunning moms in anime?!? 11:26 You seem to forget, too, that Rudeus already told his entire home room class about his limp situation. 14:10 I love how it wasn’t the sex that would heal, but the fact that Sylphy remained in his life the morning after is what broke his curse. Losing my cherry was….honestly, it wasn’t great, and it did in fact leave me with some issues and fears, even if it was willing(I think) and didn’t involve active trauma. Still, Rudeus’s agony makes me pleased that the few virginities I was involved with relieving did not cause years of inability and subconscious terror for anyone. Mushoku Tensei really is just fantastic and a grand journey. I super mega really look forward to the 2nd part of this season. If the trailer is to be believed, we are getting some truly epic and harrowing moments in this tale of magic, politics, history, and might.

Harley Burnie

29:50 Not only is it incredible for Ariel to have the name Rudeus the Quamire Greyrat in her corner, but Rudeus just gain an Asuran princess, who could be the next ruler should events play in her favor, as his supporter. They both win HUGE with him getting laid. 😎


Luke:“If Rudy have a reason to fight for, my god, the guy is gonna be unstoppable” LN readers:🦾💀


Helpful comment to remember character names: Rudeus = Okay you didn't forget this one Zenith = Rudeus mother. Best girl of the series, absolute MILF and PEAK. Paul = Rudeus father Lilia = Maid. Second wife of Paul. MILF. Aisha = Daughter of Lilia. Rudeus sister. Super smart. Also a maid. Norn = Daughter of Zenith. Rudeus sister. Hates Rudeus. Ghislaine = badass swords catwoman. NOT a wolf. Eris = red head girl Roxy = blue head girl. Ruijerd = Green haired Superd. Badass. DILF. Elinalise = beautiful elf. GILF. totally would. Cliff Grimoire = Genius. Was once in love with Eris. Banging Elinalise multiple times, daily. Linia Doldia = Classmate of Rudeus. Cat girl. Related to Ghislaine Pursena Adoldia = Classmate of Rudeus. Dog girl. Will trade sexual favors for meat. Fakku Nanahoshi Shizuka = Orsteds companion. Black hair. Isekai'd. Likes junk food. Zanoba = Otaku. Rudeus disciple. Prince from Shirone. Blessed Child. Juliette = Dwarf girl. Can cast silent incantations. Rudeus apprentice. Kishirika Kishirisu = Demon Emperor. Loli. Goofball. Gives people eyes in exchange for food. Badigadi aka DADibadi = Demon King. Kishirika's fiance. Badass. Elinalise tapped that. Ariel = Second princess of Asura. Bisexual. Kinky in bed. Totally WOULD. Luke = Not you. Rudeus cousin. From Notos line of Greyrat, same as Paul & Rudeus. Playboy. Orsted = Second strongest dude. Dragon God. Donut maker. Sara = Blonde Eris. Eris 2.0 "It's not like I like you or anything, baka" Soldat = Best bro. S-rank adventurer. This comment was fun to make.

Edward Of DOOM

Man, that Luke guy had a crazy journey. We were apprehensive and suspicious of his intentions, but he really pulled at our heart strings by the end. Oh, and the guy named Luke in the show was pretty cool fella, too.


monogatari would be closest to mushoku tensei when it comes to writing, animation and weirdness so for that i think it'd be perfect for patreon, but i'm glad code geass won

Bill Dieterich

Thus concludes what I like to call the "Little Rudy Rising" arc ^^

Nathan McCabe

My earbuds died so I will watch this episode after dinner when they have recharged enough to make it though.

Nathan McCabe

It's called a threesome Luke. Rudy will have a massive powerful family in season 5 or something its probably a ways off and he has his first wife.


Yeah, Roxy could prove a problem

Sean Mcguinness



Just a bit of extra insight into the inner monologue of both Sylphie and Rudeus during this episode that the anime doesn't really portray. It's not completely necessary, but it adds context. When Rudeus said that he loved Sylphie, his mentality was less "I definitely love her." and more "I want more time to think about this, but if I don't say something right now then I will lose her forever and I can't have that." He also went limp in the cave because as he was getting down to business he was flashing back to his time with Eris and constantly repeating to himself "This won't be like last time. I have to do better so she won't leave me." The fear caused him to lose it. As for Sylphie, her mentality through the entire episode is "Rudy is so much better than me. I'm worthless in comparison. I'm not worthy of him at all and if I don't do everything he wants, then he will definitely leave me." Lastly, the scene at the end was a lot less romantic in the book. It doesn't get graphic, but what you do get is Sylphie constantly hugging him and repeating ad infinitum lines similar to "I will never leave you", "I love you", "I will never hurt you" etc... It came off as less of a romantic atmosphere and more of a therapy session. Also, Sylphie was there when Rudeus woke up. It's a small detail, but I'm kind of surprised the anime changed it when it would have been simple to keep it. Small detail, but very important because of the situation and what it means to Rudeus. The insight you get in the book definitely changes the dynamic between the two, but it's very appropriate for where they're both at mentally right now. They both still have plenty of room to grow, but we still have like 16 books of material remaining.

David Pulver (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-05 16:36:37 Enjoyed your reaction! Weird but cool that Mushoko Tensei turned into one of the best romances of that season. (Hope you catch up with Eminence in Shadow some day).
2024-04-03 09:11:41 Enjoyed your reaction! Weird but cool that Mushoko Tensei turned into one of the best romances of that season. (Hope you catch up with Eminence in Shadow some day).

Enjoyed your reaction! Weird but cool that Mushoko Tensei turned into one of the best romances of that season. (Hope you catch up with Eminence in Shadow some day).


Now he has holy relics from both the goddess of wisdom and the goddess of love.