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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to JUJUTSU KAISEN Season 2 Episode 19!!!

... good luck.



It's honestly amazing that I just go and watch your reaction not even an hour after release of the episode, with editing considered, thanks for the hard work on these reactions!


Mahito is a menace, two in a row 💀 that yuji/nobara duo has always been cool. Oh well

Klein Moretti

You have remember yuji was just a regular highschooler 6 months ago and now he sees the people he loves die one after another😭


a lot of your captions for jjk are spoiler ish for people who haven’t seen the episode yet just sayin


Its been years since an anime has made me this angry..


Thought this was a rezero upload… disappointing


Monday, wednesday and saturday. Try not to be disappointed on a not Re:Zero upload day


yeah ur right, i’m just talkin more in general


Nobody is safe in JJK, except maybe Yuji but honestly I won't hope for that either.


This is an issue I've thought of a lot regarding tons of reactors. It's pretty bad when they get spoiled considering they're meant to enter all of these episodes completely blind. However, they don't think about their thumbnails and titles affecting OTHER people.


Man, we’ve seen Saori in season 1 in Nobara’s short backstory. She was a girl from Nobara’s village and was bullied by other villagers, and that’s what made Nobara to wish to leave the village and go to Tokyo chasing Saori

Rina Terror

I usually love when stories don't use plot armor and allow anyone to die but honestly this one felt really dumb if she did die


"Tell everyone for me: life wasn't so bad" I'm not ok.... I read that in the manga back then and it still hits hard...


Saori was brought up in season 1 as the reason Nobara moved to Tokyo.

Juan Contreras

Jjk really out here killing everyone 😭😢


Well least you finally got her name 😭❤️

Shiwa chan

Everyone asks if Nobara is OK. But nobody asks if Maki is OK.


Itadori is really going through it this season. The whole Sukuna take over, losing Nanami, Nobara and even Junpei to the same curse. He's gotta have some of the worst luck in new gen anime. The only consolation is the get back for this is gonna go off, not just on Mahito but with the end in the manga coming soon too, retribution is comin'! The next couple episodes will surely make you feel better, no spoilers but buckle up for the end of this rollercoaster


It’s OK the Copium is telling me she is still alive.


Mahito GOAT cleaning the stage. it would be great to start the next episode with Mahito and Sukuna laughing at Itadori again :D By the way, what happened to the "black flash" this season?


You picked the perfect time to become a Nobara Fan. Literally like deciding to cheer for someone just as the contest ends. I'm glad she became a favorite. Your only hope? They didn't want to show half her skull being blown off on the screen... but the way she fell leaves little to the imagination, that was a puppet with it's strings cut fall, not a "i'm in pain cause I lost an eye" fall.


I really, REALLY, need to not watch reactions just after watching the episodes cuz the double hit is gonna kill me emotionally.


Don't worry, the bad is over, now the worst is coming

Kaning Guliko

Everything I hope that they don’t do it, is too positive for this anime 😭😭😭


11:54 ig it's time to quit the anime


I haven't read the manga, and how do I feel you ask ? I feel happy, I only have the sense that it's a well written story. I'm also happy to learn more about Kugisaki-san. I don't know if she's really dead. But when an anime wants to make me believe it is the case, then I'll believe it 'till proven wrong. So yeah, even though for me she's dead, I'm happy to see this : I even thought "wow ! Kugisaki is a really well trained sorcerer, she is really feeling happy in her last moments in order to not become a curse or a bruden to her friend". So it's a good example to follow in life in general I guess : never regret your life even if it's ending shortly ! And of course, I enjoyed watching it with you for my first time ^^ I enjoy how opposite our respective reactions can be. P.S. : yes you "should" have remembered about the older friend, we saw a flashback of her and Kugisaki in season 1, but don't bother, keep being yourself in what you remember ^^


I'm only anime only and yeah I agree with you, we don't know but at the same time, spending half episode? for this. If she ain't dead then -_- anime scumbag for doing this. But based on JJK directive until now, we never got trolled, we only got 'happy scenes' before a character get dead starting with the girl at the start of s2 in prequel with gojo. So it would be weird to 1 april us by doing the template of death of a char then not kill it.


If you time the reaction with the moment your lingering despair comes back you can do a black flash 💀


Kudos to you you're really positive and supportive!! Its hard to see such positivity these days so we gotta keep at it...


Disclaimer: I'm an anime only, so this is just how I perceive the situation at this point in the show. Nobara doesn't deserve to be just a plot device for Itadori's growth. Why is it that Fushiguro is portrayed to be brimming with potential - and realising it, Itadori is getting more and more powerful. But Kugisaki is just a decently powerful girl with a hammer who first gets defeated rather humiliatingly by some nobody, then gets to have a little moment to shine - and voila, she becomes an emotional stepping stone. And it's not about "having the balls" to kill off one of the main characters. It's about neglecting to develop power-wise, and then killing off the most charismatic among the main characters - just because she was neglected to the point where her power became rather irrelevant for the current power levels, and she would make more impact dead than alive. Goddamnit author.


Facts: - we've hardly seen Nobara since the end of season 1 - we only see her again for...this nonsensical, badly-written event. - I know what happens next in the manga. My theory is that the author quickly either didn't know what to do with this character or was no longer interested in her. He solved the problem in a crappy way. Is she dead or not? Without spoiler, I'd just say that's not what matters.


Anime only here; Nanami is my favorite character, so his death hit me harder than Nobara, and i am still a bit numb from it, so Nobara's death (or supposed death) hasnt really hit me yet


I'm guessing no one has been in the right head space for a black flash to happen, since it's suppose to be a "you're perfectly in the zone" kinda thing.


Until I see what Sukuna has planned for Megumi, I think has got enough plot armor for now too


That "God dayum" hit different lol


I felt so empty after this episode. The older girl Saori was in a flashback from Nobara in season 1. I hope she isn't dead, but there's a pain in my gut saying otherwise...We'll just have to wait and see.


29:40 Dead? when her face blew up she dropped like a sack of potatoes. You don't see deader unless the body explodes. Sure, it's anime. She could put on a an eyepatch and say, "That was a close one." But she looks REALLY DEAD.


do we even care about her friends? the only relevance was herself to the story but her friends are normal humans so.. idk if we would see those chars ever again.


Oh I don't care about Saori or Fumi, I was just telling Luke about who she was. I'm upset over Nobara.


Another one bites the dust. And another one down, and another one down. Another one bites the dust. I guess this is the death season.


I just finished watching the episode. I’m shocked & speechless 🫢 of what i just witness with Nobara. Yuji’s facial expression of disbelief would probably be the same as mine. Just, OMG. 😳


First time watcher and it feels like Nobara was trying to not curse her friends by asking itadori to tell them she was happy. I wonder if she'll come back as a cursed spirit

Sora and the Stars

Her “death” is left very ambiguous in the manga, where most other characters have a very clearly unsurvivable death, Nobara only has her eye and the area around it explode, so it feels like there’s a good chance she’s gonna come back at some point as some sort of big plot twist (and maybe even stronger then originally)


the flashback was meant for us to love nobara more, so when she died it hit harder. Or at least that's what i think. If she's really dead this show would be very good in my book, because nobody has plot armor. Heck if this really happen maybe Gojo can die randomly as well, which make the world building really terrifying. 10/10 so far.


I highly doubt Nobara is dead, this show doesn't kill off characters that easily


Maki has a heavenly pact, she is 100% ok, she is the one person in this whole show I am least worried about


It's a really common thing to do a flash back before an important character is about to die, it's a traditional.


all he has to do is put the title of the show first, then the caption, that way as soon as I see the JJK I can immediately stop reading, but when I the first thing I see is Nobara is OP, before I've even had a chance to see the episode that literally just dropped, then yeah, it kind of spoils the way the fight is going to go.


Man, this animation is hurting me, they should just take a damn break.


Wow ngl this shit was super fucking lame, Nobara as a character is super likeable and her powers have a lot of potential. but then she gets completely fucked on by a side character we hardly know, that side character get no-diffed by Nanami so she looks even weaker then when she finally gets time to shine and evolve her powers she gets done dirty like this. Seriously she's both aware of Mahito's power and impresses him but then just stands there to let him touch her without moving or protecting herself like she was a min ago, ALSO then just goes down in the same exact manner as Nanami?? No lashing out, no getting back at Mahito or even trying for a final hit on him, just talk to the main character and smile at him while he also just stands there in a shallow way to make it impactful to the audience. Boruto ass level writing tbh. And watching Itadori continue to make the same mistakes in battle over and over again despite all that's going on and a whole bunch of extra fingers is just annoying. I hope the Nobara thing is a fakeout or some shit otherwise this just sucks.

James Dorling



Not true, it's actually Resonance - You and your reactor feel the same pain amplified as if someone is nailing stakes into your chest.


any realistic display of this she should be dead. Even if her eye is what was blown off (first it should be half her face, she got muffed) the explosion so close to the brain would usually do damage to the brain aka she dead. I'm sure anime logic can logic it away but if she ain't dead from that, she'd be dead from that hard ass fall to the back of the head she did.


Yeah the way she dropped is unrealistic to any type of surviving. that's "404 Brain not found" type ragdol, She hit the ground harder than my father hit me for coming out of the basement.


The title isn't a spoiler tbh , Nobara always have been OP 😂 I've seen way worse , but i'm fine with Luke. Cause other channel really have bad choice with thumbnail. That the biggest spoiler you can do to others. Mere title is nothing.

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"I'm slowly falling in love with Nobara" Me: ".... oh... oh no"


/!\ Spoiler : Yes, her status is uncertain, but as I said: dead or not, it doesn't matter. Nobara hasn't appeared since chapter 63-64 (end of season 1). We only see her again for this "death" (episode 19 of season 2, chapter 125), then for 2 years and another 125 chapters, nothing. She's barely mentioned. And a new member of the trio arrives. Dead or not. Doesn't really matter. Since chapter 64, this character is no longer part of the story, she no longer exists.


I don't know why i hurt myself like this. I watched the episode yesterday but here I am, not emotionally recovered but watching the episode AGAIN!


This perfectly describes JJK. Or that Simpsons meme "This is the worst day of my life" "It's the worst day of your life so far"

好花推し シャロ

Luke, you should watch Girls und Panzer, it is the best thing in the world. Give it a chance in the next poll!

Jason Frasier

I love watching your reactions. The emotional resonance of this show is insane. I had the same reaction to these events. It felt like I was being kicked while I was down. But I think that's the point. The point is Yuji being pushed over the edge and bent and broken. The point of the flashback is to add context to the other people in Nobura's life. To show how she impacted their lives. To reinforce how they impacted hers. How everyone has impacted her life. She starts the show very down on everyone and it's showing how much everyone has grown on her. To give a little context to the village thing, Japanese culture has a tendency to praise conformity and punish individuality. This seems especially true in remote areas where the villagers can be very xenophobic as well. That was what made Nobura want to leave so badly, and why she says she'll never go back. I know it hurts, but I hope you stick with it.

Hikari Ai

I mean, even she tried to react wouldn't change anything. The physical and power difference between her and Mahito is huge.


Even then it doesn't have to be that way, plus we know sorcerers don't grow in a linear fashion, Kugisaki was fighting the Mahito double without issue a minute before and the doubles were running at the same speed


7:20 You could say Nobara nailed it in this episode :D

abiyyu hilmi

i just heard that nobara wasn't died yet, she's in coma. i hope that's true

Kenn Souza

I can only imagine if you ever give to your eternity a try. It’s so intense


I disagree on every level. I mean, everyone copes with loss differently and I guess this is your way of doing it. And I also understand that your view seems to be rather emotional right now which is why you apparently missed a lot of the more subtle writing choices this episode, but to let it out on the story like that is trash. "Nobara as a character is super likeable and her powers have a lot of potential." - Well yes, doesn't mean she should be unkillable from a writing-perspective. I mean, the same thing could be said about Junpei too. "she gets completely fucked on by a side character we hardly know" - Mahito is definitely not a simple side character wtf. He's like the main villain besides Sukuna and Geto. I mean, Mahito had an entire Arc dedicated to him in season 1. "that side character get no-diffed by Nanami" - At this point I really have no idea who you are talking about. Maybe I'm missing your point and you are not talking about Mahito, but in case you are: When did he get no-diffed my Nanami? He was forced to flee when fighting against Itadori and Nanami but only because of Sukuna. If not for Sukuna Mahito would have killed both of them in a 2v1 battle. I guess maybe you're talking about the 1 on 1 battle in the sewers, but Mahito was simply inexperienced and weak back then in comparison. "Seriously she's both aware of Mahito's power and impresses him but then just stands there to let him touch her without moving or protecting herself like she was a min ago" - Well, she just found out that the clone she was fighting couldn't use his technique on her. She wasn't aware that the one in front of her was suddenly the original that she had to make sure not to get touched by. I'm also guessing that all of this happened much quicker so that she didn't really have time to dodge. It was just more drawn-out in the anime for suspense. "No lashing out, no getting back at Mahito or even trying for a final hit on him" - That's because she could accidently create a curse if she doesn't die mellow. "And watching Itadori continue to make the same mistakes in battle over and over again despite all that's going on and a whole bunch of extra fingers is just annoying." - I'm not sure what you mean by that... Are you talking about him holding back against transfigured humans? In which case I get what you mean, but it's simply his character. Also, I don't know what the fingers would have to do with that. Itadori doesn't get stronger with each finger, does he? Sukuna does. "I hope the Nobara thing is a fakeout or some shit otherwise this just sucks." - Honestly, I think it is. We haven't seen her actually die. Just some veins popping out, a little blood splatter, and that's it. Also, she does seem to have a lot of potential as a character. Still, there were other characters with potential that died, so who knows. I'm guessing she survives this but if not that wouldn't make the writing any worse imo. One more thing in reply to your other comment: "Kugisaki was fighting the Mahito double without issue a minute before" - That was because the double couldn't use Mahito's technique on her. The original obviously could. Edit: I just realized that the side character you were talking about earlier was probably the weird blonde guy with his hand-sword who was killed by Sukuna, right?


I disagree. We only saw some veins pop up and a little bit of blood splatter. That's much less than what we saw of Nanami with half his body burned up and even he would have probably survived if not for Mahito. I'm not saying I'm certain Nobura survives but I think that she does.


Not really emotional about it, it would have been nice to be emotional about that but the episode didn't allow for that from my perspective. It doesn't automatically mean the character can't be killed off of course, but that doesn't mean it's not bad when the way it is poorly executed. Someone like Junpei while interesting is interesting because of his impact on Itadori during that arc, and he was very clearly written from the ground up to be killed and for that to grow Itadori as a person - In my opinion, Kugisaki's death wasn't well thought out and just feels like a last minute stepping stone to break Itadori. From your edit - yes I was talking about the blonde guy, Haruta Shigemo. She figured out he's some sort of clone who can't use his power yes, but if anything that should only make her more suspicious when he runs away right after she figures that out and meets and/or swaps with the other Mahito. Yeah sure it could have happened a lot faster than was shown, but you can draw suspense while also showing a characters speed or acceleration, whether it's a writing issue or a directing issue - it's still an issue. "That's because she could accidently create a curse if she doesn't die mellow." Okay fair enough but that wasn't conveyed through the anime and my point was more so that it felt out of character AND was a copy-paste of the Nanami scene "Are you talking about him holding back against transfigured humans" - Yeah that and getting fooled by simple tricks or taunts by Mahito for example. Yeah it's in his character sure but when it happens again several times even after he grew out of before (beating down Mahito ignoring taunts and killing his first transfigured humans after Junpei, killing the two cursed womb brothers, killing transfigured humans at the start of Shibuya) it gets a bit old. Nevertheless this is a small complaint. "Itadori doesn't get stronger with each finger, does he?" Again i've not read the manga so maybe he doesn't but it does seem like he somewhat gets stronger after eating more fingers, plus he couldn't use cursed energy or see any curses before the school incident - but okay sure we know normal humans have cursed energy and we don't know much about Itadori's family but then why did Megumi explain eating Sukuna's fingers as "You'd do it to gain stronger cursed energy" and why did Gojo say that Sukuna's cursed techniques would soon be engraved into Itadori's body? I'm not saying he has to be anywhere near as strong as Sukuna, but it hasn't been implied in the anime that he doesn't get stronger with fingers and he would still of course need to learn to bring out that energy and use techniques. "That was because the double couldn't use Mahito's technique" Yeah but if clone Mahito could touch her with his hand then he could at least do some serious damage to her, yet even when she was handicapped by being weary of being touched he didn't seriously injure her. I think you saw my complaint and thought I was being emotional because a character I liked died, and that was reinforced by the Shigemo confusion, but that's not really true at all, I like Nanami but his death was fitting, in character and made sense. This has gotten long winded :)


Thanks for explaining. I get what you're saying a bit more now and I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I enjoyed every part of the most recent episode and love when writing catches me by surprise, which this definitely did. I guess the one thing I had a problem with was that you called it bad writing, when it was simply a writing decision you personally didn't like. I personally think JJK is one of the better written fighting-shonen out there.


Well, Yuji should get comfy with the fact he is taking L after L (Jujutsu Kaisen`s writer said he likes to make his favorite characters suffer)


That would be such a great show to follow Frieren with


This was a bad episode. Nobura's death was not earned in the slightest. I could see the writer going "Man, I really hate this character I created, so I'm going to kill her off in the lamest way possible." That's what I got from this episode. That's ALL I got from this episode.