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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to PARASYTE Episode 5!!



Von Yoosten

Still Parasyte and no Meduka? :c Did he say something about it in a Stream? Will he not do the Movie after all?


Shit gets real from here on out

Plou plus

From what he said in a Frieren episode, he will catch up on with Frieren, then catch up on SpyxFamily in a stream then finally do the movie when everything will be caught on.


He wants to catch up on Frieren and SpyFam first. By the time we watch Rebellion, he’s gonna be forgetting plot points. 😥


the dark age starting

Von Yoosten

Oof. So I better have no Expectations for that Reaction. The entire Series will be forgotten by then... Thanks for the Info though!

maratreus ,

Love this episode

Aaren YASS

Things really kick off after this episode. You don't even know how upset I was here ☠️ Things went down for Shinichi! To be that person, the story really starts here. Its the turning point-

Abe J

Man... his mom.. what a bitch. 😆

William Pina

The parasites don't retain memories from they victims, but they are fast learners. She got the address from her ID and was expecting to see the father, but was obviously not aware of their son.

Tsusaku Cohenat

That one white strain of hair or something on his shirt, on the fight shoulder did take my attention a lot :D

Fay X84

Best girl Kana!! 😆


Heavenly delusion is not 100% suited for youtube. In terms of how 'safe' it is. It has 2 scenes that u might want to censure. Can't even say "what" but someone will say what scenes and well that will 100% be a spoiler. Beside I think like 2 scenes I think rest of anime is fine but it's full of 'weirdness' overall.

Keith Merrington

How's that Madoka Magica movie coming along?

Keith Merrington

@FaerieRose - Agree. I don't get the logic of it having to wait behind catch-ups of other shows (was there a logic?). He's watched the MM show, so why delay the movie? As you say he'll probably have forgotten plot points by then.


2:40 "Do they know what they're capable of?" They're born (emerge from the spore case) with no knowledge and work off instinct. Afterwards they learn by experience. And... well you'll see later. 24:15 No, THAT'S how you end an episode!


I'd say the hand is go going to have to... handle things


From now you`ll start to see more of the themes of the series about what`s to be human and how parasites and humans, mainly Shinichi change and influence one another and their world views. About Parasyte being horror,I don`t see it as horror, it`s psychological/action supernatural story about humanity and as each human story, it`s also drama. If you want to watch horror anime, try Another,Higurashi [ the old original series since the remake is more like continuation] and Shiki


this show was really popular when it's airing, but cannot be put in the S tier Anime for todays standard. On the other hands, Code Geass stood firm in the test of time. If you do watch it i hope you can do 2 or 3 episode per video. Also Madoka when?

Wyatt Lewis

That ending had me in tears man

Tom Boggess

now it starts getting good.


This is one of those episodes like Turning Point from Mushoku Tensei. It's a big tonal shift from this point on and how the next episode starts is literally anybodys guess


Can’t wait for Heavenly Delusion


I remember when I first watched this anime and this episode hit hard. The way it was set up to hurt this bad from the last episode just perfect.

Dr. A

I prefer the manga. It's more graphic, and has small things that make it more suspenseful.


Holy Shaa!! That is what this episode ending inflicts on people. As he never watch openings it's not surprising he is lost. It's funny he is so lost :D

Nico Plett

the entire series will be forgotten..? did the movie came out directly after release of the series? I doubt it. so I don't see the point of this comment.

Nico Plett

This is one of my favorite episodes from the series.

Oliver Schubert

The mom-parasyte probably got the address from her ID-card. This moment is a real turning point for the show.

Silvio Guidi

i think now luke knows why the episode didn't end in a cliffhanger with the mother's decapitation. a bigger one was coming

Von Yoosten

1. Did come* 2. No, but back when the Movie came out, People would just re-watch the Series for optimal Context, so the average Time between the two would still be much shorter. 3. It's about Luke himself. He doesn't have the best Memory and knowing HIM, he will have forgotten Details that will be brought up in the Movie. Rebellion is confusing enough as it is, but it really rewards you for remembering the little Things from the Anime. Even if Luke remembers the overall Plot, by now too much Time has passed for him to recall Specifics.


I think people's "surprised" reaction to the parasites is best described as the "uncanny valley phenomena", which is the theory that humans instinctively perceive beings that look human, but in someway that can't be described, don't seem human, as threats.

Keith Merrington

Yeah, Rebellion can be quite impactful when you come straight off of the series. When you've lost some context though it can just seem like some weird and meaningless LSD trip. It's not a good stand-alone story.


the First gory anime I've watched was "Another", followed by "Akame Ga Kill" and then "AoT S1" after that is Parasyte damn it the last two both killed their main characters in episode 5

John Löfgren

The parasites dont retain memories. Tamiya Ryoko was not a teacher. The parasyte got that job on it's own. And Shinichi's moms parasyte likely found the adress on some documentation in her waller etc coming there looking to kill his father. Most of them are fairly intelligent and they change and develop over time just like a human child growing up.