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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to RE:ZERO Episode 11!!!



Jesus Lopez

Really enjoying the reactions


So close to S2 :D


Lets Goooooooooooooooooooooo XD Hype

smth positive_

Can’t wait for the end of season 1 :) Also it’s a mistranslation it was the previous sword saint who went against the white whale, Reinhard is the current sword saint and Theresia is his grandmother


Lol technically all 3 theories were correct It got aid (cloned itself) Healed (not really but idk maybe if you go through some hoops) Had a strong attack (fog)


Why the heck would you comment this? It even contains spoilers for arcs 5 that isn't even in anime yet.

Luca Bellan

25:28 ... and you're absolutely sure you want to view season 2 one episode at a time?


Alright time for a fun fact thats not a spoiler now, The author stated that if Ram still had her horn she would be strong enough to kill the white whale solo

Bobby Vang

Nice! We're closing in on Season 1. Glad to see your reactions!


Luke! dont overwork yourself please


the white whale is a mabeast while betelgeuse is a sin


Such an awesome moment. Great fight choreography and flow, with a monumental moment for Wilhelm and scene between Crusch and Subaru. And we are still not done. It's certainly one of these moments you truly wish that Subaru doesn't get forced to reset.


you should probably edit/remove your comment because that's not true. Theresia is Reinhardt's grandma, not his mother. Talking about Reinhardt's parents is spoilers for season 3


This contains spoilers... you should probably remove it


no need to correct him, everything will be explained later on the anime.

David.Perez Perez

The OST is perfect for this episode and makes it even more emotional.


It's okay, re-zero's season 2 has nearly 30 minute long episodes anyway. Really, the studio Whitefox spoiled us with it hahaha. Since season 3 is on the horizon, supposedly with something like 40 episodes, will you be watching that when it starts to air?

Muligan Shinzuo

Re:Zero likes their cliffhanger, so be prepared whenever you start S2. Don't forget that ppl had to wait YEARS between S1 and S2. :)


so being killed by the whale itself wont make people forget you .only the fog does that


god i loved every single bit of this episode! Thank you for reacting to it Luke. Its really fun to watch. So excited for the last finaleee


while i do want Overlord reaction i think Demon Slayer is better suited as its way more popular Still i think if you make a poll it should be about the order in which you watch these 3 animes and not to determine just one out of the 3 to be watched


Just pointing out that Theresia was forgotten by everyone BUT Wilhelm. Just like Subaru was the only one to remember Rem. Everyone else only remembers that "a sword saint was killed by the whale", but they don't remember her as a person. That's why when Wilhelm first speaks about his wife, he says it's just "ramblings of an old man" because almost no one conceives he really had a wife. Also, he never got to say "I love you" when she was still alive because of his tsundereness, hence he finally felt he could say it once he avenged her.

Patrick Jacobsen

about the Emelia Vs Rem discourse, yearh, the fanbase can get really heated about that.


Also none of this is spoilers, every information is properly shown, but not everyone pieces them together

Tamus Heath

Mmmm, would be real sad to hear that mobile alarm again. The one people were saying gave them anxiety every time they heard it. The one that's almost as famous as the witchy "aye-ayo"...

James Courtney

Although the cliffhanger itself only came out with the director’s cut, it’s not in the original ending.


Pretty sure that first part isn't true at all. The people that actually knew her do remember her since she wasn't killed by the fog. The reason that Subaru is able to remember people is spoilers though so I won't go into it.


25:24 (end of first part) I see you forgot the rules of Re:Zero. The first rule of Re:Zero is "It gets worse." The second rule of Re:Zero is "It gets SO MUCH worse."


Oh my... Imagine hearing it every single time Subaru resets from now on.


Patreon seems to be acting up a bit right now. Sometimes it doesn't register new comments or edits, for whatever reason.


@andres,moha,nik. Can't reply to my own comment cuz "it's deleted" by myself but you can see the replies (weird). This comment is just for those 3 people, rest of you who read just ignore this. (This comment in itself contain zero spoilers btw). I am an anime watcher and to answer why I posted it, it's because at the time when I watched in 2016, someone posted that exact comment and it got upvoted as top comment, and it was a cool info to know because it made you create theories (such as Luke being able to see ep 6.5 after ep 6, and predict ep 7-8 based on that, even tho ep 6.5 was released after s1 was finished so he shouldn't be able to predict in the first place). So my comment was about "stats" of certain character from s1 as an answer of who could "1v1" the whale. We already know who are the "top 3" most powerful characters in s1 based only on s1. And that info I guess decided who is most powerful of 'em 3 which can be a spoiler I understand. But from my anime perspective (S1,s2). Beside saying the stats of a character we know, I didn't saw in my writing anything 'extra' spoilery. I don't know anything about 'arc 5' or whatever so the info I shared I thought was cool, don't understand why its a spoiler even as I am writing this. My only guess is that certain informations become big spoilers once u get revealed something in the future, but without that reveal its like what attack on titan did on s2. In the ED of s2 there were future spoilers that were plainly shown directly there by the anime and there was no way to understand what's there unless something is revealed later or you read manga/ln. At which point manga/ln readers suggested anime watchers not to watch the ending because of spoilers but only they understand why its a spoiler. My comment felt the same. As an anime watcher I don't understand the spoiler (unless I guess I read manga/ln). I believe sharing 'stats' of other characters not a spoiler cuz it creates theories, discussion and it's cool, I may be wrong, idk. Ig a discussion in minus.


@mjaomjao2 Kinda spoiler from S2, but [Redacted]. I'm not sure if it's foreshadowing for something further ahead since I'm only on volume 17. [Redacted]

smth positive_

Don’t agree with that Emilia analogy at all saying Rem is perfect and Emilia never gave a shit about Subaru. She was the first one in this world to be kind to him and continued to be so in all the loops and saved him in the very first one and even comforted him while Subaru was traumatized because Rem was trying to kill him. I prefer Emilia over Rem bc at this point in the story Rem is just a Subaru yes man and even approved of all his bad behavior he was showing episode 12-17 and Emilia doesn’t just approve of everything Subaru does And the conversation where it gets revealed that Julius was actually trying to help Subaru happened while he wasn’t present so Idk why you’re surprised Subaru is still angry at him “not very manly” he’s 17 is it immature? Yes, but also it’s easy to say don’t act like this or that way when most likely all of us held on to petty grudges when we were younger at some point

Keith Merrington

Demon Slayer is popular but that doesn't make it on par with Vinland Saga - nowhere near. I've not see Overlord, so can't comment on that. I agree we need a poll.


Rem in Subaru's embrace is one of the most beautiful shots in anime I've ever seen. It's so pure, so heartwarming. I love it.


@Eliana, Can you explain why "stats" are considered spoilers of a certain character. So assume 'x' character is giga strong, you know that, but you know only let's say y% of their abilities, but then you find out more about their ability. My mind goes to the idea that if in the story there is a fight between MC and "x" then you knowing the stats of 'x' gives extra pressure on the viewer who know the stats of 'x'(for example let's say knowing all puck's abilities and assuming Subaru has to fight puck: A) knowing all abilities -> extra pressure, B) not knowing -> not extra pressure), and the pressure on the viewer appear only when they get revealed that info. So my question is, knowing the info prior or after, how does that change the viewing experience (pressure before, or pressure after knowing the info). Asking this because As an anime only viewer, I don't understand how for example knowing theresia's blessings a spoiler. I wanna know how would that destroy my viewing experience. Because I believe there are 2 type of spoilers, minor one and major ones, and minors such as yours I don't consider them 'bad' spoilers, Just spoilers that can make you create discussions, theories and so on. I wrote a similar comment, ppl told me it's spoiler I deleted. so i wanna know exactly, what's "bad" in sharing stats of other characters, since it doesn't in itself affect predicting the story (or at least with my little knowledge that's what I believe rn, maybe if I knew what manga readers or novel reader know i'd believe stats sharing is a spoiler). So basically I beg you to tell me an argument of explaining in a non-spoilery fashion why sharing stats is bad and its spoilery and it shouldn't be done. EDIT: going back to the 'puck' example, if we don't know that puck's full form is BIG, if we imagined puck vs subaru: 'not bad' -> no pressure, once he transform -> GIGA PRESSURE, OMG. But if we know prior he can transform -> giga pressure instantly. the "omg" factor you experience it the moment you find out he can transform(but you will feel the pressure even before he transform cuz u know what to expect), be it prior or after. Now we just take puck out of equation and add 'any other character' against 'any other character'. And how is knowing extra stats an issue on the viewing experience and bad spoiler. Since you still experience same emotions maybe just different order.


yeah season 2 is crazy in terms of run time. Didnt even have an opening or an ending most of the time so they could fit more animation into each episode


Vinland saga i started few times but since both times i tried to watch it was right after Vikings and The Last Kingdom i guess i was just burnt out on that topic... both times dropped it before episode 3. Im curious about it since if Luke picks it up it will be a first watch for me too. Demon Slayer has very basic plot but since Ufotable used their Unlimited Budget Works on it the anime kinda blew up. Im just saying it has probably the biggest fanbase out of the 3. Overlord has interesting setting but if i talk much about it it will be a spoiler. It is lighthearted but touches some dark topics. It have very extensive lore around it but the anime is adapting small portion of it


pleaase demon slayer next lmao.. it has been far too long ''of holding it out for'' xD


Was it the Ram comment one? I really didn't think it was a spoiler. For me, things like what the author said in an interview or that are more detailed in the novels are just fun trivia, and I have nothing against it. However, if it hints to something in future episodes, I'd consider it spoilers.

Faith Wrynn

Hey Luke, you told us about the possible upcoming series after Re:Zero, but you didn't forget about the season 2, did you?


@Frentzy I think [Redacted] could have influence in future events, and since the anime didn't show it, I thought I'd better mark it as spoilers. In general, abilities are detailed when they're relevant, so I'd just let the media show them. Just saying "X is stronger than Y" explans nothing and I have nothing against it as long as it's not something that will happen in the future.


Don't forget there is another Re:Zero movie to be checked out before season 2 😁


Fun fact: There are a series of two novels (and it's expected that a third one will be made into an official release sometime soon) about young Wilhelm and Theresia. The first one follows them in a conflict known as the Demihuman Civil War (which was vaguely alluded to in episode 20), the second is more slice-of-life stuff, and honestly it's hard to explain the third one but many people consider it to be one of the greatest side stories in Re:Zero. If you ever feel like getting into reading Re:Zero then the novels Ex 2 and Ex 3 are a great place to start


nooo how long will we have to wait for vinland saga if demon slayer next :(


This is just wrong. If Theresia was really erased from the memory, they wouldn't even remember that a Sword Saint was killed by the White Whale. Just like with Rem it would be like she wouldn't have existed at all.


@Solemn It's just like with the troops that were erased during the extermination in 14:40. They know they had a fixed amount of people and a fixed amount of units, but they can't remember who was erased. There's always a Sword Saint within the Astrea Family, so they just know there was one that was erased around the time Reinhardt got his blessing, but not who it was. Tappei is just not that consistent with the erasing thing, and Rem was a shock factor, so it was exaggerated.


Same. But popularity contests wont favor it. Most drones prefer the less mindful shows with flashy colors, than the ones that go in depth with life lessons and a mans redemption from his descent into murdering maddening thirst for revenge. Which surprises me, given were in a rezero comment section. Of which, won that very same popularity content.

Rafael Souza

This is simply wrong, lol. You said you're in Volume 17, once you get to volume 19-20 you will realize how wrong you are. Although you should have realized it by now, since there is absolutely no reason to believe Theresia was forgotten.


Luke lived a blessed life if he had a woman that is perfect and loves him and he can still pick and choose. That is not the life of most young men...


I know it was hinted [Redacted] Anyways, once I get there I'll know, but for now I'll stick with my theory. It also explains why Will always act strangely whenever Subaru mentions his wife, and why Subaru is the only one who actually speaks about her. Will always seems to enjoy taking about her, so you'd think people in Crush's camp would mention her at least a couple of times to enjoy an old man's companionship.


I know it's easy to start saying things, but don't spoil for people as there is lot of anime only people here too. Theories you like to discuss that you read from LN's can be discussed in forums where there are same people who have read them. Just wanting to point this out, nothing else. I am waiting for season 3 to be fully aired and then start reading the LN's.

brotato 96

Yes pretty much this debate is going on for years that Rem deserves the official ship and Emilia gets too much hate for just existing and doing nothing but getting all the love from Subaru. But remember the story has hardly touched anything regarding Emilia at this point.


@Thamor I thought leaving the blank lines would always trigger the "see more" button since I always check Patreon on the mobile app. After seeing your comment, I checked on the web and it really shows everything, so thank you I guess, now I will really avoid commenting this kind of stuff and edit the thread to make it spoiler free

smth positive_

SPOILER FOR SEASON 3 Arc 5 novel reader here Reinhard as well as his dad and everyone else remember her. It’s not the white whale that killed her someone else appeared there that eventually finished her off

smth positive_

I mean it has tho all of arc 1 & 2 I feel like some people watching this show have short term memory the way they immediately forget every and any thing nice Emilia has for Subaru as soon as Rem starts simping for him

Ron Farmer

Everyone puts Vinland Saga on a pedestal but I don't really see it. It wasn't bad by any means but will I ever go back and rewatch it? Probably not. While I've rewatched demon slayer multiple times solo and watched many reviewers journey through it. I guess it's just more my type, I like a bit more comedy+heartfelt with some action. More CSM and less JJK😁


True. Also i want to add, when i was in my middleschool, there were often rivalries, when 2 guys liked the same popular chick. Guys would go to such length as having fist fights after school etc. even if the girl wasn't really interested in neither of them. And those guys later eventually ended in normal relations. Typical teenager behaviour.


Yeah, though people call it a bad story, but in fact it's a simple story (not a bad one, just very simple/straightforward), it is a top tier anime (like AoT), and still a very beautiful/emotional story. Kinda weird Luke reacted to so many animes and there's still no reaction to DS, when it should be one of the first ones, considering it's popularity.


I don't think he forgot, he was talking about the S2 in this video, and that he's going to watch the normal length episodes (~20min ones).


It's a sad thing, but at the same time, you'll have more reactions to watch in the future. I feel like i'm running out of interesting reactions i'd watch in Luke's channel soon :(

James Perrott

Eliana dont go around claiming to correct people when you are wrong yourself Theresia was not wiped from memories. Willhelm is not the only one to remember her. That is not how that works at all, when wiped your entire existence is gone, there would be no master swordsman that died, she wouldve never existed to the world. And willhelm would not be able to remember her either, exactly how Ram couldnt even remember Rem. She was never erased.

James Perrott

You can like Vinland all you want, but do you really see it as a good REACTION anime? Personally i think its far too slow to be interesting for reactions, and isnt a very rewatchable anime at all i enjoyed s1 of it somewhat, but would have zero interest in reactions to 90% of season 1 coming from someone who rewatches anime myself tonnes, and still watches up to like 5 people react to the entire show afterwards too for Aot, re zero and more

James Perrott

Id be SO happy to watch a Demon Slayer reaction from you ngl, im glad it isnt going to be a twitch watchalong. It makes for such good reactions and its just always fun to watch


"You can die a bitch or die a legend?" What the fuck kind of response is that? Ain't no one wanna hear your ass sayin' that shit lmao


The fact that more people want lame ass garbage slayer over something like vinland saga just tells you the amount of braindead normies that are around here


Just give us two episodes of rezero and throw shitty demon slayer out into the garbage

Ricko Andrew

It's nice to see that the conversation about swordart and holy sword just happen and we didn't get any explanation. It's just so cool they just throw it as if it's nothing, compared to the other isekai anime that really focusing about those.

Micheal Magnuson

I'm not a fan of Demon Slayer either but you're being way too toxic man, like really chill out it's just anime...


It's not explained at any point at all in the anime, so I'll go ahead and say it. Subaru loves rem and emelia basically equally. Had subaru not met emelia that first day, he probably would have chosen rem in that moment.


Still not entirely accurate. Betelgeuse is the Archbishop of Sloth, he is a representative of the sin. The actual sins would be the witches themselves.

Guido Muñoz

The only braindead normie I see is you for not respecting people's opinions. Get your toxicity out of here pls

smth positive_

Yeah it’s way more realistic to still love the person you love even if a “perfect waifu” simps for you that shouldn’t change your feelings. Kinda lost on me why people expect Subaru just to change his feelings ima whim bc it’d be easier to get with Rem who if you think about it just transferred her over attachment she had to Ram to Subaru after he saved her in episode 11

Edu S.

what emilia did for subaru seems way more realistic than what rem did, she became obsessed too quickly, i suppose

Adrian Muñoz

This one gets me emotional as always. The thought of Wilhelm and Theresia story is a bittersweet for me.


@Edu S. I haven't read the light novels, but to me, that always seemed like the point. Rem always struck me as having a dependency issue, both with her sister and Subaru, and it always felt like something that would probably get addressed eventually like how both Subaru and Emilia go through big character development arcs.


Don't forget that there's an after credits scene in ep 13!!!

Marcio Neves

Subaru is anoying, suffers a lot, is stuborn, but when the reward of his feats come together, it is SO satisfying 😁


You connecting the dots at the beginning just from the flowers was awesome!

Kieran O’Neil (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-23 19:52:12 you’re so dumb.
2023-11-23 03:21:16


The studio also bought out the ad time for their time slot so they could use the entire 30 min.

Fay X84

Re Zero version of "Under the Tree"... maybe? lol Also, Theresia is Reinhard's grandmother. The dude is still 19yo or so, therefore his father cannot be as old as Wilhelm. As for his parents... Sorry I cannot see this far in the future...💦


You really subbed on here just to be rude. Take your negativity somewhere else


You watched it, don't you? It's his first time watching. Let him be. So rude for a stranger.

brotato 96

Hehe. Let him suffer a little. We suffered 1 episode a week with a waiting period of 3 months in between 2 parts.

Ainz Ooal Gown

i'm surprised that Demon Slayer isn't going to be twitch considering its simplicity, but makes sense ig because its really popular

Ainz Ooal Gown

subbing just to be annoying at a Luke's valid comment is crazy. he right all them knights just being cowardly. they can either die a bitch or die a legend fr.


Fanboys will always make me laugh. You can prefer one or the other, you can't say it's superior.


But you can say its superior. I can name off a list of why the writing is a thousand times better in overlord and why the characters are way more appealing and interesting.


Even a lot of prior normies that came into anime through demon slayer will tell you the series is nothing special and is basic as it gets.


But go ahead and call me toxic. That is fine. lol


Its super easy to be extra and exaggerate on patreon to piss people off. If you think I care that much I just find it a little funny how serious people will take a comment on the internet. I do think this way but not nearly as bad as I come off. I don't like garbage slayer fans but at the same time I am annoyed that it gets chosen over the other shows. I don't really care that much though. Just have to wait until the good shows start to come back around for reactions. Waiting until a shitty show like demon slayer is done isn't that bad as long as he does reactions to something else that is actually worthwhile.


Who is rem? I don't know who that is. Seems like a made up basic boring type of character


Well, he loves Rem but he's in love with Emilia. That's different imo


garbage slayer? the most overrated show of all time with boring basic characters? Oh yeah I remember that one.


Never watched Vinland saga, so i can't say anything about it. But that sounds like the same issue most slice of life anime have. Including the Monogatari series. Great to watch alone, difficult pick as a reaction anime. I remember that one channel who started Bakemonogatari and just sat around silently and in utter confusion most of the time, because they didn't know when to pause and say something. And they couldn't help but apologize to the audience the whole time, for not being able to comment much.


@Quagger "Most drones prefer the less mindful shows...." No idea why you would insult people as "drones" and downplay other candidates... Different people, different taste. Different anime, different forte and issues. That's all there is to it.


"Ain't no one wanna hear your ass sayin' that shit lmao" Aren't Luke's reactions precisely the reason why we are here? That's just what it means following a reaction channel.


@L.C. Well, it's their opinion. I do think Overlord is better than Demon Slayer tho but like I said, it's their opinion. If you like it, then you like it. That's it.


You're saying that to "a reaction channel"? This guy gets it "Aren't Luke's reactions precisely the reason why we are here? That's just what it means following a reaction channel.".


I mean... Good and bad are object to subjectivity. Heck you even find more than enough people saying that One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Pokemon and Black Clover are overrated garbage. You even have enough people on Twitter, excuse me "X", claiming that you shouldn't watch Mushoku Tensei, Re:Zero or One Punch Man because it promotes ped****ia and makes you one too. That doesn't make it true however. And whether you like it or not, Demon Slayer is extremely popular, especially in Japan. So it's can't be absolute garbage. Even if it's nothing special, like most shounen anime btw, i think Luke should decide for himself whether he likes it or not. And Demon Slayer will definitely help his channel a lot with it's popularity. I would also prefer more rare gems on his channel. But that would hurt his channel and go against the promise that it is viewer controlled.


Not to be that guy or anything, but please not Demon Slayer, do a new poll, because I want Vinland Saga and Overlord to have a chance to win too. But if DS ends up winning fair enough I guess, but I still think a poll would be the fairest way to do this. But just saying Luke, you may need to prepare yourself to watch Vinland Saga, because I have a feeling that you're gonna LOVE it.


It's ok HGK. Let this poor person keep talking to their mirror. They don't have anything else left in life i assume.


I mean, this is nothing unusual. It's pretty much JJK all over again. People were getting angry that JJK beat Parasyte in the poll and went all toxic in the comment sections. Saying that "normies are ruining everything again" and that "Luke should overrule the Poll and watch Parasyte." instead of "Jujutsu garbage" (Yes, those are all quotes i saw back then). Today, we have open minded Luke absolutely loving JJK.


L.C.... You claimed in another comment that you are not toxic. But here you are literally calling someone out of nowhere "gross", just because they have a different opinion on something harmless as an anime/manga... That's a prime example of being toxic.


@L.C. Well, I agree that the writing of Overlord is objectively better than in Demon Slayer. I mean, DS doesn't really set the bar high when it comes to writing. Still, I prefer Demon Slayer over Overlord. I really enjoy the action. I honestly don't remember any fight that constantly kept me on the edge of my seat for episodes on end like season 2 of DS did. I definitely prefer better written shows over action-focused ones usually, but when it comes to writing there are so many shows out there that are better than Overlord while when it comes to action there aren't many that top Demon Slayer imo.


Well if I post a full description of all powers of "a certain person" you think thats not a spoiler? You can say almost everything about that character just from posting power stats. So for me it felt like a spoiler for people who only watch anime.

Scott Clayton

I know it's probs been mentioned but I hope you know about re:zero in 8 minutes by Gigguk? Please watch that just after season 1. Then frozen bonds movie and then season 2 will blow ya damn mind


Its too late. The normies have already decided they wanted that garbage mainstream anime over the well written and worthwhile shows like vinland and overlord. You will just have to wait like the rest of us. It can't be helped. Too many normies that have terrible taste are on this patreon.


i think demon slayer is a much watch too, but for other reason. The red light district arc has insane animation.


Re Zero really gives the full package here. Emotions in every way. Just amazing


@StrykerEvol Same thing happen this time. @L.C. is one of them.


@StrykerEvol I saw that you're already read @L.C.'s comments and replies.


I mean demon slayer is good because ufotable. I only watched demon slayer because studio. When they will make genshin anime, I will watch cuz ufotable. Story is mid in demon slayer but I think ppl watch for animation idk.s1 ep 19 was 11/10 for me


Yeah nah Luke is straight missing the whole atmosphere and sayin dumb shit like he'd be better lmaooo nothing more annoying than a nobody egging others on like that



Scott Clayton

Nah ignore them. Please do. It's hillarious. Or even if you do it after you finish you should still watch it

Scott Clayton

Vinland saga I haven't seen but overlord gets worse with every season so don't bother starting it. Demon slayer is a safe bet and a really good anime so defo looking forward to that

Guido Muñoz

Even if so, you can say it nicely instead of insulting everyone that doesn't thimk the same way as you do

John Löfgren

It triggers me that the translation says "Master swords man" it's supposed to be "Sword Saint" which is a blessing to one loved by the world similar to how Felt has the wind blessing although I suppose in the case of the "Sword Saint" its more someone loved by the Sword. There can only be one at a time but there can be many master swords men.


You can't say Emilia doesn't give a crap about subaru. You completely do not know her character yet. Honestly Emilia has given more of a crap about subaru than anyone else ever did before Rem started getting spotlight. I don't want to make it a fight between "best girl" but you completely do not understand the dynamic yet.


Scott you clearly have no idea what good writing or characters are. Please don't speak on things you aren't smart enough to understand. Stick with your basic poorly written trash characters and story in garbage slayer


"....missing the whole atmosphere and sayin dumb shit like he'd be better lmaooo nothing more annoying than a nobody egging others on like that " You might want to take your own words to hearth and do what EduS. said. Seriously... Also not sure why you would watch someone who is annoying to you.


Indeed. Also, i can't seem to reply to your other comment since the op has deleted his comment. I feel like the toxicity has also started influencing myself and other who are usually calm and friendly. I have no idea why, but both spoiling stuff and toxicity has increased a lot lately. If i didn't know better, i would claim that some people are doing this on purpose. Or people just don't get the difference between "Me", "We" and "Luke", if you know what i mean. That being said. I actually talked to a few discord mods and Luke a while ago. At least Luke knows that the Patreon comment sections are not a safe space a.t.m. and therefore avoids reading comments here for now. In fact, a mod told me he got spoiler-avoidance training by them and that it's as big of an issue for the Mushoku Tensei reactions.


Definitely Vinland to replace Re:Zero


I'm totally agree with you ! Rem is a must protect but I love Emilia a lot more :3 I hope he's gonna change is mind about Emilia after season 2.


It's his early theory. I think he will change his mind after a few more episode. Don't expect people to know the story before it even finish. However I still agree with you.


@StrykerEvol I just think that they're trolls just wanting attention. Their comments gives me that idea. I guess it's like you said "people just don't get the difference between "Me", "We" and "Luke"" About the Mushoku Tensei reaction. Oh man, they infested to comment section with spoilers. I didn't read much tbh.


@StrykerEvol You're here! Glad to see you. You like the hypocrisy here? I can smell it. It reeks. I really think it's a troll. I do agree with some of his comments but the way he say it is a bit rude.


To each their own I guess, but I really think Demon Slayer is the weakest choice of the three. It's not bad per se, but in my opinion, a show must have more than a freaking good animation to be a "top tier anime". AoT, even if not my favorite (still like it a lot tho), has much more to give to viewers. But I can't argue on the fact Demon Slayer has the best visuals of the three, and probably the moments that cause the much hype. Idk if I'd watch Demon Slayer with Luke for instance, one watch is enough, but I'll gladly follow him for Vinland Saga and Overlord


Indeed. With some i agree, with some i don't. Having different opinions is fine. But the way some people behave is just ridiculous... People can also talk without insulting each other. And yes, they are probably just a sad troll. Since in another comment, they admitted being this way, since the angry reaction are "funny".


I didn't get to watching his Mushoku Tensei reactions yet, since i am a bit occupied on most days. But yeah, it's apparently really bad. Both in terms of spoilers and toxicity. Wouldn't be surprised if some of those weird "Watching Mushoku Tensei is supporting ped****ia" twitter people would show up at one point. Since there is a movement on twitter, raiding as many reaction channels on YouTube as possible to fight "ped****les". Hopefully Luke's channel is not big enough yet to attract those people... But if they do find him, some will most likely also find their way on Discord and Patreon...


@L.C. exact same thing was said about Attack On Titan multiple times while s1 and 2 were airing. I still remember people shtting on it when MAPPA took it over and changed the visuals. Same thing i can hear people saying about Vinland Saga, Fate series, JJK, Black Clover, FMAB, SAO and many others. Yes they were all hyped during their airing time but hype means alot of people liked it

smth positive_

Theory? I think he just completely forgot about arc 1 & 2 with all the rem simping he didn’t even say a thing about Subarus character all episode 18 and since then there seems to be lots of recency bias even tho it’s the directors cut and he’s doing 3 episodes a week. It’s low key getting frustrating to watch

Daniel Golas

Rem is the one with the Horn, I guess that makes her... horny?


Um, just a small info. Luke is likely avoiding Re:Zero comment sections a.t.m., because of spoilers. At least, he told me he will be wary. And i think the mods also told him to watch out. So it's likely he will never see this comment. At least not until after he started the next season already. But i am pretty sure that the mods already told him to watch Frozen Bonds.


In fairness, in anime sometimes parents seem a lot older than they actually are and sometimes they do have big age gaps. So with anime logic Wilhelm could possibly be only mid 50s and have had Reinhard in late 30s.


I wouldn't call it shitty, I enjoy. But it is greatly overrated. It's unique art style is the bugged thing it has going for it, I don't even think the fights are as good as people say.

Hamse Meygag

When watching this back again I just realized how much of a Simp Rem is for Subaru


@StrykerEvol Oh yea those Twitter freaks. We can just pray.


@smth positive_ Idk. He's not us. How he think is not the same as everyone. "I think he just completely forgot about arc 1 & 2 with all the rem simping" I guess. I just watch him because it's him. I just want to know how he thinks about the anime.

Harley Burnie

44:00 I actually cried again. I can't count how many times I've watched this episode now, yet every time I watch this, with Wilhelm and Theresia, I get at least choked up. I’m also a LN reader who is caught up, so I have exponentially more reason to feel the pain of their love and loss. One of the most kickass, “wish it was still a thing,” romantic couples in anime. Reinhard has some BIG shoes to fill, and his superhero powers ain’t enough alone.

Harley Burnie

47:57 Crusch is one of my favorite anime characters. Class, charm, honour, integrity, ambition, beauty. As of defeating the White Asshole, with how she respects our dear ex-hikikomori, she just shines so brightly. I can't wait to read the spin off of her story someday.

Regill Derenge

Subaru is still too cringe for me


You know, one of the common criticisms of Re:Zero season 1 is that no characters are developed/explored aside from Rem and Subaru. Every time someone says that, I immediately want to yell out, "What are you talking about?! Have you forgotten about mah man Wilhelm?! The guy who made us all cry with his vengeance on behalf of his wife?!" (I mean really, it's not just Wilhelm; the rest of the characters in this show are pretty awesome across the board. As I say, every character in Re:Zero is best girl, including the dudes. But, you know, if we're talking specifically about characters whose development is overtly in our face, how dare anyone forget about the man Wilhelm?!)

Beowolf Chow

I think the non-linear type of storytelling actually gives us more insight into the characters. Yes, some of them don't change much, which makes sense since the whole story only takes place over a short period of "real time" for everyone but Subaru, but that's not a strong criticism when in exchange you get to see them from multiple different angles and understand them in a fuller way than most other series ever accomplish over their entire run times. Usually you only ever get to make one first impression, but here, we get to see how each character reacts to different first impressions; to seeing different sides of Subaru and the people in his orbit that he influenced that loop. We get to know what characters love, hate, and fear more than in any other show, because of the show letting us see that for them, without it leaving permanent changes on their psyches.

Beowolf Chow

You're so right Luke, it is great seeing Subaru on his highs, and I think that's specifically because of his lows. One thing you were questioning was about why half the mercenary team was hanging back. This is not spelled out anywhere in the anime, and while I'm not a LN reader, I can make an educated guess. Essentially the Whale subjugation was mainly an effort by Crusch's camp. She supplied most of the troops, funded most of the weapons and transport, commanded the operation, and stood as a figurehead. The mercenaries work for Bubblegum Princess, and Subaru negotiated their contribution to the whale fight and the rescue of the villagers offscreen the same way he did for Crusch: Mining rights and info on the White Whale. However, politically, this is Crusch's operation, so Bubblegum Princesses' mercenaries were split between being a support force securing the area and elites aiding in the battle while Crusch's camp took the lead. With the mercenaries securing the area, Crusch didn't have to waste her own troops doing that, and could bring more of them to the fight. Meanwhile Bubblegum Princess risks less of her own troops and funds than Crusch did, and if everything went to hell, would be left in a better position politically, militarily, and financially than one of her main rivals to the throne. Politics, appearances, and plans within plans.


the ost played a big part in all of our teary eye, i see ur reaction in youtube and it felt bland, and thats why i subscribe to ur patreon coz i cant watch this epic episode without getting teary eyed, it just doesnt feel right, and now that i have watched it here, yup there the tear coming, lol