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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FRIEREN Episode 7!!




oh boy, cant wait for episode 9 and 10 reaction :D


More Friren episodes~~desperately wanting~~~


I wish Frieren and Fern took me to heaven

Russell Gambardella

Let’s go! You’re going to LOVE the next couple episodes!!


Your reactions to the next two episodes will be .... extremely interesting.

Lv6 Esper

i always find that in any piece of work, whether it's from a book, tv show, anime. etc., that uses the 7 deadly sins as material, it's really interesting. And since the sins are such a real part of human nature, it's easier to enjoy.

Abe J

(Edit: ghost at 13:00. 👻 ) You may be the most suspicious person I've seen 😆. Someone picks up a pencil and you squint and make some theory on the significance of lead over ink. Don't trust pencil users!!

Keith Merrington

Demons in this world are pure psychopaths. Only effectively limited by their lack of ability to understand humans.


11:51 The voice actor for Lugner is legendary. He also did the voice for the antagonist in "Monster". Hell, he's almost playing the same character! BTW, if you want a nice, comfy longer anime that tells a complete story ... Monster is what you want. About 78 episodes and no filler. It's like watching FMA:B but without the fantasy elements. 21:51 "logic" Yeah, it's demon logic which reminds you of "Insane Troll Logic" (Buffy) 20:42 "I could recognize famous people from 80 years ago." only because you seen pictures or movies of them. If, all you had to work with was random and rare portraits - which might not even be accurate, you wouldn't. Would you recognize a Roman Emperor if he walked right up to you and the only time you saw his face before was on some coins? 30:28 And you thought this wasn't an action show! GIRD YOUR LOINS!


You say you’d recognize famous people from 80 years ago, but that’s because video and photography are constantly reminding you what they look like. The world of Frieren doesn’t have that media barrage; there are only a few statues.

Sai Pavan

Man, I can't wait to see Luke's reaction to the next few episodes!!

Daniel Griffiths

whenever frieren flexes, i get chills lol


Frieren is relatively popular. Apothecary Diaries is the real under the radar hit imo.


I love the depiction of demons in Frieren, it's the most accurate one I've seen to this date. Shared with Dungeons and Dragons (depending on the DM). They should be manipulative predators and not just mindless beasts as many series depict them.


You missed the title of the next episode: Sousou no frieren (which is the title of the anime). The thing is that the title can be translated as usually like "Frieren at the funeral"...or it can be translated as the title of the next ep "Frieren the slayer"


my dude please delete this comment. We need moderators for the patreon comments honestly.


Totally, Frieren is far from underrated. The manga was already pretty popular even before the anime. I don't see much talk or reactions around Apothecary Diaries or Pluto which is a real shame.


True, though I feel like people in cities that have a statue of the heroes party should be able to recognize Frieren. She's even wearing the same outfit as her statue.

Joku Jussi

Frieren definitely not under rated, It has surpassed Full metal in MAL top rankings and is #1 now. Most likely not going to last there, but it deserves top 10.

Bård Fredrikson

The 7 thing is a magical number they got from us. The seven deadly sins, 777 being the number of heaven (as opposed to 666 being the number of the beast) etc. We also have a tradition of magical numbers from 3, 7, 9 and 13. Often you will see these numbers used in games, as the most prominent "special" number you will see from Japanese mythos is the number 4, which is also what they use for the word "death", so it is considered unlucky and it's considered bad manners to use that convention of the new in certain circumstances. "Yon" is the safe one, "shi" is death.


Slight spoiler I wouldn't call next episode a fight any more than I call it a fight when I stomp on a spider.

en -V

You dont need to spoil the title, let people find it out next episode...

Marcio Neves

I really like how the author defined "how Demons work", in that world 😁

Marcio Neves

What the hell? How can that be a spoiler if it is the title right there at the preview? If Luke choose to skip it, it is his fault 😝

Marcio Neves

The Apothecary Diaries is one of my favorites from this season: - Frieren - The Apothecary Diaries - Shangri-La Frontier Those are my top 3 from the current season (among the ones I am currently watching)

Marcio Neves

They may just not consider her to be the SAME elf. Most of them can't fathom the long life of an elf

kazadori164 .

Demons are no more evil than a hungry bear if it has the ability of speech


The 180 in "it makes you feel sorry for them" to "nope, kill them Frieren" chefs kiss.


*Doom Slayer perks up*


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the parallels between Frieren and the demons. The episode starts with Frieren talking about how elves are solidarity creatures who differ in nature from humans (lack of romantic feelings and reproductive instincts). Frieren says later that "demons are man-eating monsters". That's a statement of their nature as described by Flamme. That statement of their differing nature leads to the question: "Have you ever wondered why they use the same language as humans?" Like demons, Frieren has spent most of her life living in solitude. She's a solidary creature by nature and we don't know if she has a concept of family similar to demons. We find out from the flashback that demons use human language in order to deceive. This leads to the question: "Why do elves (especially Frieren) use human language". Perhaps through our journey with Frieren, we will discover that answer and that answer will tell us about the nature of elves. If demons are man-eating monsters, what are elves?


I mean do you not get background music when you engage a spider in battle?


This is a SCARY image, Bears will eat you without care for killing you because you aren't even a threat to them.

BRUNO Marques

Demons mimic humans. They are a type of magical creature and take on many different forms. Human looking demons are not unusual. Demons are immortal btw.


I'll be checking out Shangri-La soon too, heard good things.


coincidence is what youre looking for. its quite the coincidence indeed

Sharif Alvi

I just love sukunas VA so much. He just sounds perfect for villains of shows. Can’t wait for Dios VA in ep 11 reaction


For the next few episodes gonna be interesting. Hehehe

Oliver Schubert

She doesn't quite "always arrive at the right time" since all the stuff that happens tends to be months apart. It does happen A LOT though. I'd say it's just plot conviences though. I still love the line "What's a father?" so much.

Avis Pakaya

The next 2 or 3 episodes gonna be 🔥🔥


With no evidence to back it up, I just headcannon that they started the journey around the same time of year as the original group of heroes and so they keep arriving about the same time they did the first time around.


21:20 I'm glad to see for the 1st time, someone having the exact same interpretation of this scene as I had. There's not really a definition of good or bad on a demon's head. They just decide to do something and go forward with it. In this case, it seemed she just wanted to live peacefully, and so decided to try to reconcile with those 2 that hated her. But her means are obviously "evil" in the eyes of humans. So there's just no telling when a demon will do something problematic on whim.


Yeaah this voice actor is a GOAT haha. It might ring a bell to Luke if we tell him he's also Sukuna's voice in JJK !


Because the translation twist is litteraly the climax and cliffhanger of next episode.


wait what? what twist? It's literally the title of the next episode shown on the preview how the hell is that a spoiler?. And the translation twist is not known unless you know japanese or just look for it just out of curiosity.


demons seem to be varied, that's actually the second demon you've seen. The one she broke the curse from and used his own vastly improved attack against him was also a demon.


So, I don't believe it's explicitly stated until much later. I don't remember exactly when (Probably not even in this season even with 28 confirmed episodes), but it doesn't really effect story to know this information now. But only two of the seven sages of Destruction are still alive after the war 80 years ago. Qual (The Frozen Demon early in the story) isn't a member of the seven. But he was known as a Sage of Corruption. Which could imply other strong demons with different titles.


I've been wanting to watch Monster for a long time, but I don't like FMAB, so I guess I won't like Monster either?


It would be hard to find 2 animes that were more different that FMA:B and Monster. Monster follows a West German Brain surgeon in late 1980s through the 1990s as he tried to correct a tragic mistake. The only fantasy element is the competence of the "Monster".


Sukuna weak here :)