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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to JUJUTSU KAISEN Season 2 Episode 17!!



Daniel Costello

This episode has the best animation I’ve ever seen and people are still saying it looks like trash. Unbelievable


Now that the GOAT mahoraga (or Makora ig) has been revealed, here are all the times Megumi tried to summon it in season 1, effectively almost committing suicide: 1. In the very beginning of the show when we’re introduced to yuji and he eats Sukunas finger and Sukuna is in control for a couple seconds. Megumi is about to summon Mahoraga but stops the summon when Gojo arrives. 2. The next occasion is in ep 5 iirc when Sukuna takes out Yujis heart to hold him hostage and Megumi is forced to fight Sukuna. Sukuna notices Megumi is about to summon something crazy and encourages him to do it since he wants to see it. I could be wrong but I think this is why yuji decided to take over and kill himself, because he knew Megumi was about to commit suicide. 3. Third, when Hanami invaded the exchange event, Megumi and Kamo fight Hanami but aren’t doing much damage so Megumi decided to bring out Maho, but Inumaki stops him. 4. Again, also at the exchange event against Hanami 💀 this time Maki stops him and they tag out and let Yuji and Todo fight Hanami instead. 5. The last time is toward the end of the season, when the main trio were fighting the special grade finger bearer curse and Chosos brothers under the bridge. Megumi is split up from the other two and is fighting a special grade on his own and losing. The curse notices Megumi is about to summon something frightening and jumps back in fear, lots of people think the curse was afraid of Megumis domain or something, but no, it sensed Mahoragas presence. He almost summons Maho but has a flashback to his training with Gojo and remembers what he was told. “Dying to win, and winning by dying aren’t the same” (or something like that idk). He stops his summon and tries his domain for the first time. There’s a running joke in the jjk community that Megumi summons Maho at every minor inconvenience 😂


I am speechless, this episode is insane.


The ost in the Sukuna fight was amazing, the animation was also amazing considering the time pressure they were under. This was peak cinema, had the animators been afforded more time, this would probably be episode of the year, but even through the immense pressure they were under, they delivered PEAK. Thank you animators 🙏

Marcel Badberg

wait a damn minute, who the f is makora? LUL for you luke, in the manga the name is mahoraga


Man there were some interesting choices for translations in this episode. I know kanji can often be read multiple ways, but it made for a weird watch to be sure


On what site are you watching this? 'Cuz Sukuna's Domain Expansion is NOT called Malevolent Kitchen. It's Malevolent Shrine. Malevolent Kitchen is a meme name for it so those can not be serious subtitles xD


Not sure why Crunchyroll translated Sukuna's domain as malevolent kitchen, in season 1 they translated it correctly to malevolent shrine, it looks like a shrine too. Also, imagine having this badass super strong evil dude and his ultimate technique is a fricking kitchen lol

Nero Integrate

Because it does. It looks 2000s good, not 2020s good. It's not comparable in even a fraction to the current best looking anime. And it stopped being subjective when the staff behind it started breaking down on social media. It's made by tortured people who would've done 10x better if they could just work on it under normal circumstances.

Daniel Costello

You literally have no idea what you are talking about. Go educate yourself. Please. I’m going to be nice and not go off on you. Please, just educate yourself on topics you know nothing about before speaking about them.

Etienne Lubert

This episode was actually unaffected it might start next ep cuz this was probably one of the best-animated things I've ever seen.

Sebastian Stróż

Damn, im so glad all the pain is over... Can we get a beach episode now?


Don't forget his attempt against fucking Todo of all opponets...


I don’t think he was summoning Maho against Todo, the hand signs were different, but if he was that’s crazy 😭

James Dorling

Yeah this one left me speechless for at least a few minutes after watching, I don’t think I could handle watching it more than once in a 2 hour period so I’ll watch it later lol

James Dorling

Yeah, what is up with that? I was watching it on a totally legal website and the translations were fine (from what I’ve seen complained about here)


I think people have been influenced by the news and are imagining this as a lower quality episode.


Respect for the "Not going off" part, but you can still make points calmly. And no, "Educate yourself" isn't a point. Tell me how exactly this is peak animation aside from a gut feeling

Sebastian Stróż

On the topic of Mappa being ass. Last episode was a treat. This one however was actually a whole lot of random things just to fill in those 20 minutes of animation, sad but true (and i know the animators did the best they could). I'm not happy about it but at that point I just hope Mappa crumbles like it deserves for talking big about wanting to create this amazing studio thats friendly and fair to the staff while taking a stupid amount of worth they clearly cannot handle. If someone is not too familiar there were a lot of animator who started tweeting how shit the conditions at Mappa are now. And it goes a way back. JJK0 movie was done in.... 4 months. It would be only impressive if not for the amount of work those people had to put in which would be both inhumane and illegal but you know... Japan so they do it anyway.


Its sad to say but JJK might actually be in trouble as Studio MAPPA is getting some backlash from animators saying they work on an episode literally till hours before the release :( Also this type of things are not exclusive to MAPPA. There was a similar situation few years ago with another studio and also Japan introduced a new word with the meaning of "death by overwork" so you can imagine how bad things get. I think Zom100's first episode and what happened with the anime after that is perfect example of this type of things


It definitely wasn't bad, but I doubt that this is as good as it would've been under humane working conditions. The effects weren't noticable yet, especially to a novice like me who knows nothing about the details that make "good" animation, but I have a feeling it'll become noticable with the coming episodes unless MAPPA finally shows some humanity


If you listen closely, even in Japanese Megumi says “Makora” so ig the manga translation for Mahoraga isn’t correct, or perhaps it’s one of those things that the Japanese characters can be pronounced in multiple different ways so the translation isn’t so linear


They get their translations sent from Mappa, so perhaps it was a creative decision from Mappa considering how often we see parallels between Sukuna and a chef in the manga. It kinda makes sense to me but at the same time it’s so funny seeing malevolent kitchen 😂 sounds like a parody

Nero Integrate

You're a real one for mentioning the issues Luke. Love you. Can't wait to see you in the next video!


Thank you for this detailed breakdown. This changes how I will view rewatching this show when I eventually do.

Marian Negoșanu

it really was badly animated, you could see through the frames and through the endless debris everywhere...it reminds me of fast paced naruto animation days lmao


For anyone who is in the same camp as luke. Sukuna's technique is slashing. The "gun" sound is played when the slash happens. At many points in this "non sense" animation, make sense if you realize that his technique is just slashing and they just move around as he keep slashing more and more and at some point, the "creature" start to negate his technique cuz it understood it. rewatching the episode twice helps a lot understanding the direction of what's going on.

Daniel Costello

If you’re serious about wanting to know, I would suggest starting by checking out a YouTube channel named mankoman. He makes very good long form videos breaking down good and bad animation and all staff behind every cut of an episode and goes very in depth about everything to do with animation quality. He will soon be releasing a video on the last episode, and then this episode of course will come after. Another good channel to check out that does a very similar thing but a little bit shorter and more concise would be a channel named “probably pretentious” start there. Trying to explain why this animation is literally the best of the best, would be impossible on a Patreon comment. And these guys would do a much better job anyways.


People straight up imagining shit when it comes to the animation for this episode, it was fantastic. I think just cause a lot more people are learning about the horrible shit going on with the animators they've started to nitpick far beyond what's reasonable, no one would say this shit if they hadn't recently heard about the working conditions at Mappa. In reality we've known this for quite a while now and this episode was not badly affected, genuinely blew my mind when Luke said "this wasn't the best animated", i'm guessing cause he personally had a hard time following the action he somehow equated that to the animation being worse but he also did make that comment at the start of the episode which im guessing was about the animation somehow so idfk. Of course I absolutely agree it would be best for jjk to go on hiatus, get delayed significantly or for the animators and viewers to boycott or at least pirate everything Mappa but the comments about animations especially from people who admittedly don't know anything about animation are actually insane. Crunchyroll translating Sukuna's domain into malevolent kitchen is actually the funniest most ridiculous shit ever though.


there also a similar sound when the wheel on Mahoragas head turns, which signifies hes adjusting


Nero is right on the second part though. Every week since ep 14-15, animators are literally saying they're not happy with what they've done. They are rushed to do their parts and the episodes are released unfinished.


First part of the season with gojo flashbacks IS peak animation, everything was clean and polished and episodes were visually close to perfect. But those recent ones, you can clearly see which parts had to be rushed. Some cuts are very rough but they managed to make it look like it was an artistic choice. Amazing episode still, but we have to give a ton of love for those animators because they are all burn out.

Nero Integrate

It was doodles at best instead of animation for most of this episode and the framerate goes down to single digits on many counts. And it was also a clusterfuck difficult to look at during the second half of the fight so even regardless of whether it LOOKS good or bad, if it's hard to follow it IS bad. You are imagining shit saying it was fantastic, sorry.

Daniel Costello

No, actually those really actually are artistic choices. Both episodes 16 and 17 actually were NOT rushed nearly as badly as the rest of the episodes (like 14 and 8, and others but those are the worst) but any animation in these 2 most recent episodes was finished like 99.5 percent. There could be a few things here or there that some of the animators would have changed if they could, but it was finished. All of these cuts that seem “unifinished” look like that on purpose. Just look at any other episode made by miso (episode 16) and hakuyu go(this episode) and they all look exactly like this, and people said the exact same thing you just did. It really is an artistic choice by these 2 animators. You can choose to believe me or not.


Yeah that's just straight up bait but good one, also I didn't find it hard to follow at all.


Just so you know, in the manga Sukuna’s domain expansion is called Malevolent Shrine, and his techniques are called dismantle and cleave. I don’t know why they translated it the way they did.


@Nero Integrate I don't think you understood his point of view. If you watched at least 100 animes and not "top 100". you actually know that this episode and "this bad of an animation" is actually still PEAK. I agree that with some extra time for animators this could've been even 10x better but as a standalone with all its flaws it's still in the top 1% , this was fire, and not many animes can get to this level. Might even be in top 30 best fights of all time in the anime world. Through that perspective I think @himiyo is talking. BUT if you watched only like the best of the best and u don't watch POWER POINT FIGHTING animes like many of us have seen. then when you compare power point animation to this, this is god tier. now if we compare "good JJK Quality" with this episode then yes it's pretty bad. Depends with what you compare.


The only thing that was bad in this episode was translation. Like, seriously how can you translate Sukuna’s domain expansion “malevolent shrine” into “malevolent kitchen” and his techniques “slice” and “dismantle” into “fillet” and “dissect”.


So Sukuna is a fan of hell's kitchen. M'kay. It was cool we actually got to see him take a fight seriously and figure out his attack is a super fast slashing attack. That thing that got summoned though. Wow, it's the ultimate adapting weapon. So does that mean it can now be impervious to sukuna and gojo (clan leader with same abilities) because it fought them and evolved against their techniques. Or is it that since it died, all it's evolution is reset and not carried over?


Sebastian Stróż

I am sorry but you should rewatch what Luke said and the re-read what you typed. We can agree to disagree to about quality of the episode but he said nothing what you are implying. Quite the opposite actually. And anyone who says that production will drop next week because the people spoke up this week is just plain ignorance. There have been A LOT of issues at Mappa forever. JJK0 movie was made in fucking 4 months and yet some of you discard that because animators didnt say anything till like what? 3 episodes ago?


The weirdest part is that the domain was also called Malevolent Shrine in Season 1 of the anime.


dude this episode was sick... i recently read the manga to finish shibuya arc and holy crap... the next coming up episodes are just gonna be so epic. Can't wait to see ya react to them. Love ya Luke and love your reactions!


Yes, cuts animated by those two animators are made this way on purpose, I know that and I can recognize those, they were my favorites in this episode. Season 2 part 1 had a ton of those cuts and I just said it was perfect. But I know a cut is rushed when I see one. And recent episodes had a lot of them. And don't get me wrong, I loved the ep and it still looks good, as due to very very great animators. But they are exhausted I have not made up what I said about the "episodes not finished" thing, those are words from the animators themselves who worked on the last few episodes. You can't say they are 99% finished when they are delivered few hours before release haha... Tons of cuts were not corrected and were kept at a "layout" stage. You can't say it wasn't rushed, animators are complaining every week about the schedule.


I think the animation has been pretty spectacular for these last two episodes, but yeah, maybe the action sequences were a bit harder to follow for this last one. The last anime I saw with this level of animation has to have been Mob Psycho 100. The art style of MP100 can take some getting used to, but the animation is still top-tier - and JJK's is too.


INSANEEEEEE.. :D hmm in my opinion.. fighting animation is great but.. normal animation (when they dont fight) is taking a good beating because of it :D if you know what i mean.. like some shots are literally awful tbh.. and not just now.. even at the very beginning of this season


I've seen it translated as Malevolent Shrine even in this episode when I've watched other reaction channels.


Speechless....the animators at Mappa deserve a year paid vacation! Realistically I hope they at least get a few weeks to a couple months break.

Daniel Costello

But season 2 part 1 had no involvement by either of those 2 animators, and kept a consistent art style through all episodes other than episode 5 which was VERY stylized and incredibly well animated. Nothing in the show resembled the art style of episode 16 and 17 until now. This is completely new for JJK.




Not particularly from those animators, but part 1 did have some purposely made art style changes. They could switch from highly realistic visuals, to goofy ass (in a good way) walking animations for gojo & geto, this kind of stuff. Ep 16 might be my favorite one from part 2 though, the points i'm making are more for this last one, and some previous ones like 12 and 14-15 maybe


very few things come close to the level of quality the last 3 episodes have achieved but it is undeniably hard to follow the fight at times specially when the spirit grew in size and all hell broke loose and although I enjoyed the fact that I couldn’t tell what was happening since it’s supposed to be just chaos, I understand that it’s probably not supposed to feel like that

James Dorling

That OST at the end of the fight tho?! That orchestral choir was sick as fuck watching the ep a second time


gonna quickly grab a bite to eat for my buddy Makora from the Malevolent Kitchen, god the subs are atrocious


Did Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine really get translated into Malevolent Kitchen?? lol Unrelated, the way the narrator is done in this reminds me a lot of Hunter X Hunter MAPPA: I don't know much more than you, but I think it's not just MAPPA. I vaguely remember something about animation studios in general having problems... plus Japan just has that extreme work-ethic. There's also been a recent awareness for voice actors everywhere having pay issues and the like. There's a lot that needs to be changed and I'm glad it's getting awareness and hopefully making progress.


Seems to be fixed now, when I watched it on Crunchyroll, it was named correctly. Ofc might be a regional thing too, but I would presume it is fixed globally now.


Gotta love how the arc is named "Shibuya Incident". Feels like this is a bit more than incident. This is more like massacre / war.


we had beach ep already, the one when toji fights that crab thing 🤭


After reading the manga to the new chapters, the scene between megumi and satoru hit so different

MaxValion (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-17 10:00:53 Technically, if Itadori/Sukuna wasn't there, there would be nobody who could stop Jogo with Gojo being sealed. He would burn all the sorcerers present, then all the civilians just for shits and giggles. So yeah, I'd say it could have been worse.
2023-11-17 10:00:14 If Itadori/Sukuna wasn't there, there would be nobody who could stop Jogo. He would burn all the sorcerers present, then all the civilians just for shits and giggles. So yeah, I'd say it could have been worse.

If Itadori/Sukuna wasn't there, there would be nobody who could stop Jogo. He would burn all the sorcerers present, then all the civilians just for shits and giggles. So yeah, I'd say it could have been worse.


The animation was incredible and some of the best in all of JJK. But the art was subpar


Sukuna was cooking. That's why it is the Malevolent Kitchen

Samir Larras

Sukuna's domain is intentionally named in a way that can be read as shrine or kitchen. Please do 5 minutes of research before complaining about nothing.

Samir Larras

Because in Japanese they're named that way. The kanji for his domain can be read as Malevolent Shrine or Malevolent Kitchen. The kanji for either dismantle or cleave, I believe it's cleave, is also the same kanji used to describe filleting fish.

Samir Larras

It's a proper translation for his domain. It can be read as shrine or kitchen.


I just found malevolent kitchen to be funny sounding. Relax bud. You're the reason people hate anime fandoms.

Rina Terror

The director of the episode himself said that this episode was only 30% of what they were planning. It's objectively unfinished no matter what your opinion on it is

Rina Terror

crunchyroll fixed it pretty fast but it was malevont kitchen right when the episode released lmao

Rina Terror

Yeah it's crazy how powerful jogo was all this time but everyone underestimates him cause he only fought the 2 strongest characters in the show

Nero Integrate

@Frentzy Yeah I'm comparing it to the "good JJK quality" Also being able to enjoy it is nothing bad. I'm enjoying it too. I wouldn't bother to watch it once, much less twice (rewatch with Luke) if I didn't enjoy it. When I'm watching shit anime with powerpoint fights I know I can't expect any better. But when I'm watching Jujutsu Kaisen and it delivers a powerpoint fight it burns my eyes, cause I'm actually expecting something top of the top. It is what it is, but it sucks :(


If you're going to fight Sukuna, collateral damage should be the furthest thing from your mind. And yeah, MAPPA deserve a break after all the great anime they've been bringing us these past few years. Unchain the animators from their desks and let them go home.


I cant be agree with those who say that this and the last episode have a good animation, especially in the draw style cause it looks awful sometimes, comparing to Choso vs Yuji fight that looks GOD. So i think that me and much other viewers will be agree that the better solution is to take a break and give Mappa animators enough time to work properly in the anime. Honestly i feel that they ruined Sukuna's fights trying to rush the season or at least they could have been a way better than this.


The animation looks plenty fine, its REALLY good, stylized sure, but still amazing. Choso vs Yuji went insane though. And yeah, I do agree, it likely could've been WAY better if they... you know. Gave their animators what they deserve.

Abe J

I was trying to get an idea of how big that circle is and it's like 3.5 american football fields across with end zones. What's a better example?


Je voulais te signaler une faute que les français font souvent à propos 'd'être d'accord' en anglais : "we agree with someone" au lieu de "we are agree with someone". Oublie juste complètement le verbe être et considère que "agree" est le verbe. J'espère que ça te sera utile, ne le prend pas mal surtout ^^ If I made a mistake and you're not french so sorry but that was just a mistake that French people tend to do quite often with english ^^"


Ah oui et du coup si tu dois faire une négation ça donne "I don't agree"


Should've this fight be 10/10? yes Compared to a 10/10 fight from s2 and even s1 (jjk) we can agree this fight looks around 7-8/10. Now do we have 'bad' fights in s1/s2? yes, is this fight animated better than those 'bad' fights? yes Is this fight GOD TIER compared to the vast majority of anime out there and their 'peak' fights? yes. In terms of the product itself, it's a good animation. In terms of WHAT IT COULD'VE BE if they let animators extra time (imagine this fight with extra 3-4 months on it), it could've been one of the best fight scene of all time). the only thing I can think of is, season 2 Mob psycho, teleporter shimazaki fight. Which was In my opinion one of the best fight scenes I ever saw, same for boruto ep 65 (Naruto & Sasuke vs Momoshiki, which was Probably top 3 fight scenes in the anime history, the team behind worked for 6-7 months only for that 1 standalone episode and I highly recommend you watch that episode even if you watched naruto but never wanted to watch boruto, it's an episode dedicated FULL Fight, epic as hell, even for non naruto fans is worth watching that animation). I believe if animators had those extra months just for that 1 episode, we could've get something better than a 7-8/10 fighting animation.

Julian R

It's honestly not as big as I imagined. The full 200-meter scale is roughly 2 1/2 football fields long and the 140-meter is a little less than 2 lengths, 70%. It would barely take a chunk out of Central Park in Manhattan. 17.5% of its width.

Hikari Ai

The animation is fantastic. The art couldn't fully keep up, but they still did an amazing job. Also, this fight, as many in the series, is way better in the anime than the manga. In the manga is much shorter and quite anti-climatic actually. The anime's version of the fight is like 10x better just on choreography alone.


The Japanese characters/words they use for incident, while a correct translation, is not a direct translation. It means incident but it’s the characters they use when describing death tolls like wars. This amazing person goes explains it pretty well https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRvfGxFa/

Toasted Toad

The fact that a word can be translated one way does not make it the “correct” translation. Many literal translations lead to absolute nonsense. There is a literal shrine in Sukuna’s domain. And I don’t know what it sounds like in Japanese, but calling it a kitchen in English makes him sound ridiculous.


That’s just radius though, so 280 meter diameter. Also Meters are more than yards, adds up once you’re in the hundreds

Barack O. Llama

you crying at a bad translation? Crunchyroll obviously know its shrine and still put kitchen

Abe J

<- 🇺🇸 . We use our feet and real football to measure stuff like a civilized society. 😁

Munteanu Tiberiu

I think what you said in this episode is what most people had complaints about in Season 2. It´s not that the art itself (drawing, color palette, animation) are bad or low quality, they are quite beautyful. The problem for me at least is that they are not "clean" in terms of choreography and visuals and it´s hard to "follow what is going on".