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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE Reaction to Mushoku Tensei Episode 6 Season 2!!



Kamil Butala

Like before watch letss gooooo :)

Kamil Butala

Yes it is an actual opening and the girl is someone from the show but i wont spoil you :P


The opening kinda makes sense from this point as he is not moving to different places. In the previous episodes most of the time he moved between places which was an oportunity to show different places in the OP. Also, just keep in mind he hasn't seen Sylphy for a long time and her appearance as a dude+white hair appearantley is enough to throw him off. Edit: Allright, alright. Counter point for you then, so you instantly recognised Sylphy when she was looking over when Sauros got executed? But to your credit, Rudy is dense. That should be clear when in the first instance he thought Sylphy was a dude and now goes down the same path The wand is better explained in the light novels, they are very common in this world so this wand is not unique to Sylphie

Gun Bunny

That was, indeed, the scene where he rescued her from the tree.


dude doesn't remember Cliff, the person he saw several weeks ago, and says that Rudeus is an idiot for not remembering someone he saw 10 YEARS ago with different hair color and with her eyes hidden. Funny


that wand is a common beginner wand that A LOT of people have, and "she has the same ears, how he doesn't remember", there is a whole Elf race brother, Sylphie is not the only one

Roxy’s Holy Relic

To be fair to Rudeus it’s been several years since he’s seen Sylphiette, she’s using a fake name, she’s dressed like a man, and her hair is a different color than when they were kids. Cut the man a little slack


The white mask next saturday, already looking forward to it


Also if I recall right he gave the same type of beginners wand to Eris and Ghyslaine.

Timothy Munk

Luke man, you saw Sylphy's hair change color, watched her put on the glasses, and got a whole episode of backstory. Rudy didn't. Plus, Rudy hasn't seen her in a decade. Cut the guy some slack. He's not looking for a white haired man with his eyes covered

Kamil Butala

Yeah it was realy a halorious ark for me too but him getting back up in his mind getting exactly what he needed is amazing..which is a bit scary to much good stuff happening this ark that i am scared of next one in April ! :O


12:07 Zenoba has a tragic backstory. BLUF, he can't control his strength reliably and can (and has!) killed a woman during sex. So he sticks with statues. 13:13 "What am I watching?" rudy is trying to teach Zenoba how to create the clay for figures using incantationless magic. Not sure why it has to be THAT way. Since it's super-hard to learn how to cast without Incantations (Roxy, king level water mage, couldn't do it when she was teaching Rudy) Zenoba is failing. 22:29 "Buying a human? I hate this." You have NO IDEA how common it is, in Isekais*, for the hero to buy a slave in the first or second episode. *Those set in medieval (or earlier) fantasy worlds.


her hair is NOT the same, she doesn't look the same when she was 5-7, she dresses like a man and hides her face, uses a very common wand and Rudy thinks that using incantation-less magic is not special because he thinks very lowly of himself, so he couldn't stick those facts together. Bro is complaining too much when he is even worse with every character, forgets everyone he saw in like 2 mins

Hamza Stiti

What makes this funnier is that in the novel the author didn't reveal that fitz is silfy to the readers. the readers figured it out and rudy didn't


I do agree Rudy is an idiot lol

Timothy Munk

"If I came on my channel with a different color hair and glasses, you'd all recognize me". Probably, but if I hadn't seen you in a decade, you went by a different name and it wasn't on your channel.....


I'm just here on the journey to figure out if Rudy is gay or not.


Outside of what others have said about Sylphy's differing appearance, you have to remember Rudy isn't at the Academy randomly. He was sent here by Hitogami to investigate the teleportation, because if he didn't then he would regret it the rest of his life. His focus is almost entirely on this task so he can eventually save his mother. Everyone is telling him this person is a boy named Fitz, Rudy doesn't have the time, or quite frankly the interest, to doubt literally everyone here. Even if he thought this COULD be Sylphy, it is not uncommon even IRL for there to be doppelgangers or look alikes. Your frustration is largely driven by the fact you already have insight that this person is Sylphy. You know more than the characters in the show at this time. Edit: Rudy is also a teenager at this time, which we all know is usually the time in life where people have low self confidence and tend to over think, over feel, and over complicate everything. You can liken this to having a crush on someone in high-school, but thinking they couldn't possibly like you with such confidence that you miss VERY obvious signs that they do like you. The mind is tricky and easily manipulated by itself

Keith Merrington

We get it! WE GET IT! You can stop saying it every 5 seconds! LOL! Also - Why hasn't Sylphy simply said "Hey Rudy, it's me Sylphy!"? That's the obvious thing that would happen if it was Sylphy. As it didn't happen then Rudy would be forgiven for thinking "Oh it's just a dude that looks like Sylphy - I mean they say it's a man and the hair color is different...". If it helps, think of the sunglasses as providing a sort of glamour that stops people seeing her true face. Or just accept that Rudeus doesn't recognize her and let's move on under that assumption.


The wand means nothing, the wand she has is a beginners wand, it is very common, Rudy questioning it has nothing to do with him remembering it but due to a mage of such calibre having a beginners wand and not a custom made wand or staff. Silent spellcasting - Rudy, in his 5ish years of traveling back to the central continent, has encountered many powerful figures: Orsted and kishirika for example. So his sense of this worlds power scaling is different to ours. Him seeing a mage, who is a guard of a princess from the royal capital, having silent spellcast is normal, is in the realm of possibilities to him. Currently Rudy is on his depression / self deprecation arc, he thinks anything he can do, anyone else can do. Well i do understand the frustration, IMO, this is one of the logical routes to go with this arc, Rudy is scared of abandonment and women, if he know who Fitz was at the start, he might treat her differently. Like Soldat said in episode 3, gotta take it slow and one floor at a time. The eye of foresight, what allows Rudy to look a few seconds into the future, surprisingly does not tell him the identity of Fitz.

Nicolas Castro

It is justified that Rudy does not recognize Sylphie, it is easy for viewers since we had the episode about Sylphie, apart from him he changed his hair color, who did not see Sylphie 8 years ago since she was a child, pretends to be a man and is the guard of the second princess of the most important kingdom of the central continent, etc. It would have been interesting if you hadn't seen episode 0 when S2 started, I imagine it would also have been quite difficult for you to recognize Sylphie.


the "stepping stones" next to bridges are actually to control the waters flow speed. lots of smaller streams and drainage vents have them in Europe

Keith Merrington

It should also be taken into account that while Sylphy knows Rudy, she didn't reveal herself. I mean Rudy would imagine that if it is Sylphy she would have greeted Rudy as a long lost friend "Hey Rudy - it's me Sylphy - so glad you're still alive!!"

brotato 96

People are already arguing but Im with Luke here. Rudeus already mentioned in S1 that he is also looking for Sylphy, even though Zenith the the main focus of his journey. Even though Many years have passed, Sylphy is an important person in his life that he remembers. Now suddenly that person comes in front of him and he does not even mention once that he knew someone like that, an elf who could use magic without incantations and of similar age and similar backstory about being taught magic at a young age? I agree that the wand is not a strong connection because it is of a common type, hair color and glasses and whole Fitz Identity could mislead him, but still I think he should have mentioned it once that Fitz reminds him of Sylphy. This time they dragged the dense MC trope a bit too much.

Sasane Sane

To add to Rudy's confusion about SylFitz, there is some element that gets lost in the translation: Slyphie always uses the japanese pronoun "Boku" (meaning "I" or "me") and this pronoun is almost always used by males.

Ron Farmer

Luke you can't remember a character's name 5 seconds after hearing it. 😂 Go easy on our boy rudy! He's also dealing with the confusion that he might be gay now. 🏳️‍🌈

Daniel Griffiths

I'm not seeing any Luke defenders sooo... fucking Rudy you dumbass its clearly her! lol and i also learned Rudy wasn't born amazing anyone could get his mana pool if they trained early enough.... Judy's gunna be a beast lol


i dont believe this is a spoiler but Sylphie as fitz can be seen in season 1 when eris' grandad is being executed


Everyone has explained why he doesn't recognise her, I'll also add that her voice, no, it's not the same and she's been using male mannerisms (if you understand Japanese it's very easy to notice) to throw people off since she started working for Ariel.


About people who cast without using incantations, true, it's rare, but this is a magic university, plus Timothy has mentioned that there was a teacher in the university who is able to cast without incantations (he died of old age though, it was not mentioned in the anime)


This is the second time Rudy mistakes Sylphie as a boy if you think about it. Also now we know, Rudy swings that direction.


1. he is not looking for sylphie at the moment, he learned that she was alive somewhere and left it at that for the time being

Grant Beaudette

Yeah, Rudy! Why can't you recognize someone you haven't seen since you were seven who looks completely different and is actively hiding both her identity and her gender. Idiot.


Freeing Julie wasn't really an option in Rudy's mind. He said that with that Despair she had working or being free doesn't really solve her problems, since she would still have no will to live. That's why he wanted to at least hear her say that she doesn't want to die. Also for the opening: I think someone else already wrote it, but the reason for a fixed opening is that Rudy doesn't travel from place to place anymore like he used to do, so we as the viewers don't need this introduction to the place and the reason he is at this place.


2. "Now suddenly that person comes in front of him and he does not even mention once that he knew someone like that, an elf who could use magic without incantations and of similar age and similar backstory about being taught magic at a young age?" He thinks incantation-less magic is not special, so it s not an argument, he doesn't know "Fitz senpai's" age, and "my master rescued me and i started learning from him" shouldn't even ring any bells, because she never referred to Rudy as Shishou (Master) and story like that is not even rare


3. "he should have mentioned it once that Fitz reminds him of Sylphy" Fitz didn't remind him of Sylphie at all, where tf you got that from


zanboda lol...


Luke would lose his mind with Luffy in Long Ring Long Island

Keith Merrington

If it was Sylphy then she would have said "Hi" when they met. So obviously any resemblance is coincidental. It's Mr Fitz - everyone says so.

Keith Merrington

BTW - Feeding Julie like that immediately after freeing her was a risky move (unless dwarfs are made of sterner stuff). She was malnourished and so refeeding syndrome was a possible fatal outcome. And yes, I realize it's just an anime :-)


Bro, I swear, if I see you after 10 years, wearing half-face sunglasses, with a different hair color, different voice, different body type and different gender, I will never recognize you. Come on, I wouldn't even recognize my own mother with those changes 😂


Btw, this opening's lyrics are great. You should check them out

XT 421

If anyone missed it: the figurine of the girl Rudeus is bringing to Zanoba is actually a genderbent version of himself.



Arcade'owy Łowca

"You need to remmember so many years passed"... glasses. Like, literally, glasses. M A G I C.


Remember how at start of the series Rudy couldn't figure out that Sylvie was a girl? Yeh, he is hopeless. At this point it feels like Fitz being Sylvie is too good to be true / obvious that Rudy's mind is blocking that option. Have to agree, it is kinda annoying, but also funny. What makes it even funnier is your reactions, how it is driving you mad 😆


The next while is at the school. They figured a proper opening would be easier and more enjoyed then trying to come up with different ways to show the same hallways and people at the same location in the opening every week. Previously it was easier since they were traveling to new locations almost every episode. Very good opening though, ending is great too. You should watch it.


I agree it's justified, depending on how his childhood memories work, meaning, is it like a normal human where we can barely remember moments from our childhood? Or does the fact that he had an adult's reasoning and intelligence mean that those would be normal memories? If it's the latter then yeah, Rudy's a bit on the dense side. Either way, come on now, most people recognised her at the end of season 1, sure, she said that Rudy was her master and friend but her features are practically the same as when she was a child. You would have to be a bit dense to not recognise her, even without the hints she drops. You could argue that we can make that connection because we're only focusing on a "small" cast of characters as opposed to Rudy who lives in that world and doesn't think with the same mindset as the viewer, but Rudy literally knows one other person who can use incantationless magic, that being Sylphie, and it's not like he's forgotten her, hell, the first thing he checks when arriving to the camp with Eris is if Sylphie's name is on the list, so he does keep her in mind. I can't remember how it is laid out in the novel because it's been so long since I've read it but watching it animated makes him look so oblivious. At the end of the day I'm not bothered by it because I think it's a great plot device to get Rudy to get close to her while "leaving behind" the previous relationship he had with her, which was basically him grooming her. This is not me bashing the show, this is one of my favorite parts of the ln and the anime, but I'm not about to argue that Rudy not recognising Sylphie is very clearly a plot device, even if it is a very much needed one. All in all I'd say it's well executed. The only way I think it would be better while keeping the same narrative is if Rudy actually thought of Sylphie when talking with Fitz and tried to extract a bit more of information, and Sylphie lying to him so that at some moment he goes "ok maybe it's just my imagination"


The whole slave thing is meant to be very uncomfortable for the viewer. Rudy doesn't like it either. In the source material they had more inner monologue about the situation and his thoughts. I think the conversation with Julie made it clear enough to the viewer his feelings on it. Just know Rudy would happily free all these people if this was an illegal business(like with the smugglers in season 1). The problem is the slave trade is legal in most countries in this world. If he attacked a legal business even if its the "right" thing to do, he would become an outlaw. No one wants to be a wanted criminal and he doesn't think it's possible to survive if he did so. Also remember he said had he never thought about getting a slave to solve problems. Sylphy only knows this world and its morals, while also being around royalty for 5 years makes the suggestion as if it's normal. Rudy never thought of it because he still has the same moral standards of his past life. I think this series did it fairly well for an awful topic that is still practiced in some places in our world to this day. Sadly other series that rip all the well executed ideas from Mushoku Tensei, use all these uncomfortable topics in a way that is abhorrent to say the least.


But Fitz is a guy. There's no way he would be Sylphie, since Sylphie is a girl. I bet even if the thought of it came to his mind he would brush it off because of that.

Nicki Noble

You forget this has been several years since he's seen Silfy, she had the green hair and Fitz was introduced as male. His memory is from Silfy was a little girl not a young lady. And the clothing hides her body. Illusion is everything!


I'm honestly happy that you didn't skip the opening, it should be always like that

Jānis Briedis

About the glasses on Fitz they are artifact that can hide persons from identifying. and here is a link to reddit about it. (spoiler free) https://www.reddit.com/r/mushokutensei/comments/14r1dx1/where_did_fitz_get_those_modern_looking/


Then why the hell are you spreading missinformation knowing it is false

Tommy Jensen

If you get separated from a good friend at the age of 7, and you suddenly see them again after 8 years or so, different haircolor, different sex; would you realise it's actually your childhood friend? Keep in mind, you are an adult, so it's easier for you, and you didn't recognize her either after we saw her in the ending of season 1. And there was only a couple of months from the last time you saw her. You even said; "It can't be her, wrong hair color". So is it really that impossible that it might be that he just can't recognize her?


I never managed to read the books but someone in a comment when s2 was on going said that in the books the glasses block 100% of all the visuals. So you cannot see the eyes at all. So the perspective is: "different voice, different hair color, different background, DIFFERENT SEX", need to see someone's eyes to determine who they are as well. Voice actor is the same so one thing the anime fails at is: she at age 7 and she at age 15 (basically they didn't saw each other for twice their life span) is same voice (for us). But a person change their voice, they should've done that as well. I bet it says in the books all of these but they didn't made VISUALS & audio justice to fit the criteria, so it just blue balling everyone cuz of that.


If I remember correctly it's not said in anime but Sylphie's glasses are magical item which make person almost impossible to recognize

Marc Schuster

After seeing gow Sylphie was drawn in the Manga, it makes much more sence there. She looks so much more like a dude. It is still somewhat explainable in the Anime with what Rudi had to go throw in the last few years, his heartbreakes and the time with Eris, but yes, Rudi is an idiot for not even konsidering that coud be Sylphie

Nicolas Castro

I agree with what you say about Rudy I don't even relate Fitz to Sylphie even for a moment, but I think part of this is also due to the fact that when they meet for the first time, Fitz refers to himself as a man and does not give him any indication that he is Sylphie, but I think it is better that they have handled it as they did in the end, if Rudy had mentioned that he was capable the same person, it would have been more exasperating if it took a long time to find out. And with the first thing you say, I think it happened to all of us not remembering people even though we have spent a good time together after a few years, for example many co-workers surely if I crossed them on the street I would not recognize them, and it is not that it has been so many years since the last time we saw each other, but one simply forgets the physique and face of people but remembers the moments they spent together. I think that for this point you simply have to enjoy how the relationship between Rudy and Fitz/Sylphie is rebuilt after so many years, I think it ends up being quite nice how little by little they try to relate and get closer and it ends up feeling more natural


Totally agree. Man I get so annoyed at Rudy and Sylvie. Sylvie could easily reveal who she is at anytime but she says nothing. For Rudy, it's like some girl decides to sit on your lap and he would ask the question, "huh, you think she is into me?" IDK RUDY, IS SHE?! But then again, I've seen some dense people, myself included. Like when I was a teen and some girl sat on my hand during a bus ride. I'm just thinking to myself uhhhh....there's no way she doesn't feel my hand under her ass. Isn't it bony? What if I squeeze? um, um, um *panics inside my head and spends the ride in awkward silence* when my stop comes, I awkwardly excuse myself and wrench my hand from under her ass and exit* Or another time a girl actually confessed to me and asked me out. I thought she was joking because well we literally have never talked before. I don't know her, not even her name so I straight up rejected her. It was only later that I was thinking wait....was she serious? Speaking of disguises, we had to make a video/project for a final in college. I dressed myself up in different outfits and played all the characters myself. The teacher actually commented who was that guy. I was just like it was me. No, the other guy. I'm just like it was literally just me. All I did was wrap a towel around my head and put on a vest showcasing my muscular arms. Usually I wear hoodies and baggy clothes so I guess that caused a mental disconnect in recognition. For the despair thing, you can't save someone if they don't have the will to pick themselves up. You can give someone an opportunity/a purpose or support, but it's up to them to grab hold of it. They have to pick themselves up off the ground. Does that make sense?

Nicolas Castro

From what I read, it is the female version of Rudy done by the fans, and the animation studio added it as a wink towards the fans


I don't blame Rudy for not recognizing someone he knew 10 years ago especially when they're at the age where they grew up, wear a disguise, have different colored hair, pose as the opposite gender... until this episode's conversation. I still don't blame him for recognizing her, however, you would think that the incantationless magic thing would bring Sylphy back to mind, and then as she starts going on about little details like missing someone from the disaster, being taught as a child, having been saved from bullies, etc, Rudy should at the very least have questions.

Aaron Yin

I mean Rudy did consider Sylphy a boy when they were little, so it is not that surprising that he would go off of his first impression of Fitz and think she is a guy too.

Lv6 Esper

This really shouldn't be an argument since we have viewer's privilege. Looking for Sylphie isn't his main objective for being at the university in the first place, so it's not on his mind. Also, Sylphie knows EXACTLY who Rudy is and is only dropping "remember me now?" remarks, so why isn't she the actual topic of this discussion? Even though Rudy may be dense he's had a very rough teleportation experience. Worse than Sylphie's by far. With everything said, Sylphie should be the one at fault for this awkwardness, not Rudy.

Renaud Nadeau

Just gotta shout this until you read the comments IT'S BEEN 8 YEARS! GIVE RUDY A BREAK MAN!


remember luke its been x(11 years) amount of time.


hope that you will react to the ending too 🤩


A few things, the beginning of the season doesn't use the opening, I assume the school may have been to expensive or didn't have enough going on to animate for like 7 episodes. The girl in the bed in the opening is problem Syphie, but the second one that Rudy is holding is when he saved Sara from the Ent tree.


Is there any way to make it so Patreon videos dont start at max volume? My ears hurt every time.

Matt Tucker

A few points on why he wont recognize her. 1. He has not seen her for like 7-8 years. Since he left at the age of 7. 2. She was tiny with green hair. 3. The wand is a really common novice wand, Roxy went out and bought it.

Emilis2023 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-18 00:22:10 Allow me to poke a little fun at you Luke:
2023-11-18 00:20:39 Allow me to poke a little fun at you Luke: Bro doesn't remember Cliff from a few weeks ago. Bro gets pissed at Rudy for not remembering a kid from a decade ago.

Allow me to poke a little fun at you Luke: Bro doesn't remember Cliff from a few weeks ago. Bro gets pissed at Rudy for not remembering a kid from a decade ago.

GTB (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-18 00:22:10 About Rudy not recognizing Sylphie, of course, we agree, it requires a bit of suspension of disbelief...but that's more due to the fact that we're viewers watching a series, a production. From a plot character's point of view, it's pretty coherent. There have been times when I didn't recognize someone I'd known a long time ago, which seemed silly once I knew. Anyway, it happens. But yet, here are a few points to keep in mind: - First => Not seeing the obvious is quite common in real life. There's no shortage of examples. - The most important => Rudy has no reason to make the connection between Sylphie and Fitz because he isn't in a "ring a bell" state of mind. - His mind is busy with other things. Plus, in his mind, Sylphie is missing, lost, since the mana disaster. - He hasn't seen Sylphie in 10 years. They were 5 (it's not a detail). - In his memory, Sylphie is a 5yo little girl, "weak", with green hair. - In the eyes of the world, Fitz is a man, silent, silver-haired, a powerful bodyguard for the princess of the kingdom of Asura. - Fitz has a slim but believable silhouette for a man (Sylphie doesn't have generous curves). - Fitz's eyes are always masked by his glasses. - Fitz wears a different outfit. - Fitz is an elf...just like Elinalise and so many others. No reason to make a link with Sylphie on this detail. - The same voice(actress) is an extradiegetic detail due to production imperatives. You do know that your current voice doesn't sound like the Luke of 5yo. It's the accumulation of all this that makes Rudeus has no particular reason to make the connection, nor is he in a state of mind to do so. And even if he doubted it, he wouldn't say anything unless he was sure. In Japanese culture, it's rude to be mistaken about identity. It's because you KNOW it, it's because the story has given you the information that it seems obvious to you that Rudeus should understand. It's normal. Also because of the choice of chara-design, which remains fairly close to the young Sylphie. >>>>>> but the funny part is that you don't have 5, the last time you had seen Sylphie as a child was just a few weeks ago, and yet... You've been in Rudeus's situation. With no information, and in a different state of mind, you didn't recognize Sylphie either ;)...when you saw Ariel, Luke and Fitz/Sylphie in a long shot on them in season 1, when Eris's grandfather is being decapitated. They were there, you saw them and you didn't recognize Sylphie. So, in some way, you can relate Rudeus, right? :p But yes, even with all this clarification, Rudy is slow on the uptake. As for Sylphie/Fitz, she obviously recognized Rudeus from the moment they met at the academy. She doesn't reveal who she is on purpose. More on this later.
2023-11-18 00:21:04 About Rudy not recognizing Sylphie, of course, we agree, it requires a bit of suspension of disbelief...but that's more due to the fact that we're viewers watching a series, a production. From a plot character's point of view, it's pretty coherent. There have been times when I didn't recognize someone I'd known a long time ago, which seemed silly once I knew. Anyway, it happens. But yet, here are a few points to keep in mind: - First => Not seeing the obvious is quite common in real life. There's no shortage of examples. - The most important => Rudy has no reason to make the connection between Sylphie and Fitz because he isn't in a "ring a bell" state of mind. - His mind is busy with other things. Plus, in his mind, Sylphie is missing, lost, since the mana disaster. - He hasn't seen Sylphie in almost 10 years. They were 7 (it's not a detail). - In his memory, Sylphie is a 7yo little girl, "weak", with green hair. - In the eyes of the world, Fitz is a man, silent, silver-haired, a powerful bodyguard for the princess of the kingdom of Asura. - Fitz has a slim but believable silhouette for a man (Sylphie doesn't have generous curves). - Fitz's eyes are always masked by his glasses. - Fitz wears a different outfit. - Fitz is an elf...just like Elinalise and so many others. No reason to make a link with Sylphie on this detail. - The same voice(actress) is an extradiegetic detail due to production imperatives. You do know that your current voice doesn't sound like the Luke of 5yo. It's the accumulation of all this that makes Rudeus has no particular reason to make the connection, nor is he in a state of mind to do so. And even if he doubted it, he wouldn't say anything unless he was sure. In Japanese culture, it's rude to be mistaken about identity. It's because you KNOW it, it's because the story has given you the informations that it seems obvious to you that Rudeus should understand. It's normal. Also because of the choice of chara-design, which remains fairly close to the young Sylphie. >>>>>> but the funny part is that you don't have 5, the last time you had seen Sylphie as a child was just a few weeks ago, and yet... You've been in Rudeus's situation. With no information, and in a different state of mind, you didn't recognize Sylphie either ;)...when you saw Ariel, Luke and Fitz/Sylphie in a long shot on them in season 1, when Eris's grandfather is being decapitated. They were there, you saw them and you didn't recognize Sylphie. So, in some way, you can relate Rudeus, right? :p But yes, even with all this clarification, Rudy is slow on the uptake. As for Sylphie/Fitz, she obviously recognized Rudeus from the moment they met at the academy. She doesn't reveal who she is on purpose. More on this later.

About Rudy not recognizing Sylphie, of course, we agree, it requires a bit of suspension of disbelief...but that's more due to the fact that we're viewers watching a series, a production. From a plot character's point of view, it's pretty coherent. There have been times when I didn't recognize someone I'd known a long time ago, which seemed silly once I knew. Anyway, it happens. But yet, here are a few points to keep in mind: - First => Not seeing the obvious is quite common in real life. There's no shortage of examples. - The most important => Rudy has no reason to make the connection between Sylphie and Fitz because he isn't in a "ring a bell" state of mind. - His mind is busy with other things. Plus, in his mind, Sylphie is missing, lost, since the mana disaster. - He hasn't seen Sylphie in almost 10 years. They were 7 (it's not a detail). - In his memory, Sylphie is a 7yo little girl, "weak", with green hair. - In the eyes of the world, Fitz is a man, silent, silver-haired, a powerful bodyguard for the princess of the kingdom of Asura. - Fitz has a slim but believable silhouette for a man (Sylphie doesn't have generous curves). - Fitz's eyes are always masked by his glasses. - Fitz wears a different outfit. - Fitz is an elf...just like Elinalise and so many others. No reason to make a link with Sylphie on this detail. - The same voice(actress) is an extradiegetic detail due to production imperatives. You do know that your current voice doesn't sound like the Luke of 5yo. It's the accumulation of all this that makes Rudeus has no particular reason to make the connection, nor is he in a state of mind to do so. And even if he doubted it, he wouldn't say anything unless he was sure. In Japanese culture, it's rude to be mistaken about identity. It's because you KNOW it, it's because the story has given you the informations that it seems obvious to you that Rudeus should understand. It's normal. Also because of the choice of chara-design, which remains fairly close to the young Sylphie. >>>>>> but the funny part is that you don't have 5, the last time you had seen Sylphie as a child was just a few weeks ago, and yet... You've been in Rudeus's situation. With no information, and in a different state of mind, you didn't recognize Sylphie either ;)...when you saw Ariel, Luke and Fitz/Sylphie in a long shot on them in season 1, when Eris's grandfather is being decapitated. They were there, you saw them and you didn't recognize Sylphie. So, in some way, you can relate Rudeus, right? :p But yes, even with all this clarification, Rudy is slow on the uptake. As for Sylphie/Fitz, she obviously recognized Rudeus from the moment they met at the academy. She doesn't reveal who she is on purpose. More on this later.


Correct me if I am wrong, but don't the sunglasses have some sort of enchantment to prevent recognition? It never gets explained in the anime.


The magic wand is given to every mage when they start, to every single one My main reason why he won't recognise her, it's super expensive to go to the university of magic, how does a nervous quiet girl become hired by someone in line to be queen. Who taught her silent healing. Rudy can't do that. Anyway ye, it was made painful to us to think that Fitz wasn't rudy.


Oh and sylphie turned down getting a better magic staff because she wanted the magic wand she had already

Alijah Edwards

So funny watching his reaction cuz I was jus like him. Getting mad at Rudeus, then I was jus pissed with Slyphie.


Luke, did you notice in the opening that there were 3 birds: a Blue one, a Red one, and a Green one that turned White?


"I don't want to die" Kaie flashbacks....


My interpretation for the first girl has been Eris because of the red petals.


Continuing with the information not shown in the anime. Part 6: > Rudeus discovers that Zanoba used to be a troublemaker; well, someone capable of tearing off someone's head with their bare hands couldn't be easily intimidated, but he calmed down after Rinia and Pursena defeated him. > Zanoba is actually a quite violent character, like someone with repressed anger; in fact, he lifted and threatened to kill the guy at the counter of the slave stall just because he ignored a question from Rudeus. You might want to change his image for now, although there will be parts where you can't. > Juliet's gaze was identical to the one she had in her past life, similar to Paul's when he was repentant. All Rudeus could tell her were words that didn't imply a lie or an empty hope, so it was enough for her not to choose death. Fitz and Zanoba sensed that they shouldn't ask about it. > As a side note, the dwarf kingdom is quite secluded in the mountains, and everything revolves around blacksmithing, so there is a hierarchy based on one's skills. In fact, the best blacksmith of the generation receives the title of Mineral God, which is similar to a king. > Luke is bothered by Rudeus because he thinks he might have ambitions to get close to Ariel and somehow gain a title and position for being a Greyrat. After all, there is already public recognition of his talent as a magician. Un Beso ;)

Hououin Kyouma

As you were making fun of Rudy for not realizing Fritz is Sylphie, I was thinking don't you always forget stuff or make wrong guesses about things in anime despite it being right in front of your screen? Like for example not realizing who the girl is in the opening song.


you being bothered by something that should be extremely obvious to rudy but hes somehow not noticing is exactly how we feel sometimes with some reactions mate


Sylphie was looks for Rudy... but Rudy did not come to this school looking for Sylphie he a zero reason to think thats her


also hope you watch the ending... its really good and kinda hits different every time you watch a episode

Toast Ghost

"Oh it's his penis" lmao

Cédric Michaud

I've heard from self-claimed LN readers that both the glasses and the gloves have an enchantment that prevent people from recognizing her.

Cédric Michaud

Yes, boku (means "I" but a more masculine version) instead of watashi (also "I" but more feminine/formal)

Karen Porter

stop saying we all know what's coming, hindsight, blah blah blah... I don't. I'm watching this for the first time with you. Maybe most of the people on here know, but not all. I'm with you on the fact that I can't underrstand how Rudy hasn't put two and two together yet on Fitz/Sylvie. It really is infuriating but I'm not going to throw a tantrum about it. I'm just curious to see where the story goes.


Luke your idea of walk up beside Rudy and tease him "not ringing any bells" is basically what Luke(greyrat) did last ep "quite forgetful" XD

_____ Rasse _____

"some girl decides to sit on your lap and he would ask the question, "huh, you think she is into me?" IDK RUDY, IS SHE?!" Maybe she's just Canadian?


Since you are assuming we are backing Rudy, I'll add to the explanation in terms of your favorite anime: Erwin pee pee, Fitz pee pee, Sylphie no pee pee.

Hououin Kyouma

In Rudy's mind, Sylphie is a helpless little girl who is bad at socializing with others. and Fritz is an attendant of the second princess of the most powerful kingdom in the world. Although Fritz has a somewhat awkward persona for the most part people look up to him. He is reliable and knowledgeable and when he is serious he talks with full confidence. Sylphie from the past had a milder childlike voice. Of course, in Rudy's mind, Filtz would never register as the helpless little girl he knew as a kid. Besides that, why would Rudy assume Sylphie would change her name, introduce herself as a boy, and change her voice ever so slightly to sound like a dude? Unless something forced her to do so. However, in general, Rudy didn't imagine those things like any normal human being. However, all those arguments I do agree whenever Fitz was talking about his teacher who taught him about silent casting and other facts, Rudy could have at least suspected Fitz was talking about him and it's Sylphie but then again despite how others see Rudy as a great man, Rudy himself doesn't think that highly of himself. Anyway, although you making fun of Rudy for not recognizing Sylphie, I find it kind of funny how you don't realize who the person is from the opening song.

Lock G.G.

Rudy knows only her face in childhood.


Only thing I'll say is that Rudy was told Fitz is a guy. Also he is oblivious.

Andrew Southwell

I think the biggest reason Rudy hasn't recognised her is, from Rudy's perspective, "Fitz" hasn't recognised him either. It's probably reasonable to assume someone who recognises you after a long time would say something eventually, so it probably never even crossed his mind. Particularly when Sylphy has aged 10 years, changed hair colour, and is known as a man with a different name.


28:38 wdym by "super eye" 😂 The power he received on that eye "only" let's him see a few seconds into the future. It's particularly useful in battles cus Rudy can predict what the enemy will do a bit before he actually does it 😄

Kolben Mayushuuu

I dont think its that weird that he wouldn't recognize syphie. Like imagine you knew a peasant girl when she was 10 and went missing 6 years ago. The appearance of a person changes a lot from the age of 10 - 16, plus she always wears sunglasses. I probably wouldn't recognize that person when I suddenly meet another person, who is a completely different gender (presumably), has a different hair color and is close to royalty, plus she never acknowledged rudy either. I dont know how rare similar wands are in this universe but it would be like recognizing someone cause they have the same phone case

Hawk of Battle

This is just gona be a whole thing now isn't it?


I don't know why you ignore it, but Fitz is a GUY


In the opening there are 3 birds of diferent colors, those represents Eris, Roxy and Silphy, the girl in the bed is Eris who left him, and the Roxy and Sillphy birds shoe the way to the university, it its an amazing reference this op to the journey of rudeus so far

Stefanos Georgiou

Apparetnly the Glasses have magic to conseal the identity. This is why he dosent know.

Chris Gama

I wish it wasn't the case, but too many isekai anime such as this utilize the slavery trope a bit much, and often kind of minimizes the practice, like its not a big of a deal. Now, at least with Mushoku Tensei, yeah while they bought Juliette, they pretty much "employ" her but I kind of see it like Rudy adopted her more like. Taking her under his wing to teach her magic and such.


tbh when i watched this arc for the first time i was just as frustrated as you about Rudy being oblivious about Sylphy and her not telling him anything. Also this anime (well not the anime but the manga) is considered the Grandfather of Isekai for a reason. Many modern isekai animes and even fantasy ones draw inspiration from Mushoku Tensei. Also you mentioned Rudy buying and freeing the dwarf girl - that wouldnt help though. How many 6 years old that gave up on life do you know that would survive on their own :)

Jacob Langone

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canities_subita sylphie didnt dye her hair part 3

Colm Barry

They're at a world-renowned school for learning magic. Rudy isn't gonna recognize her by the wand, it was so basic he gave 2 just like it to Ghislaine and Eris. And he already heard of a different silent caster attending this school from the mage in Counter Arrow, it's like the only place in the world where you wouldn't be surprised to find someone with that ability

Matthew Williams

Luke, you met and got to know Slyphie what 4 months ago. You were reintroduced to her about 2 months later with the new hair color and outfit. You didn't know who she was at that point, granted you eventually figured it out true but you have hindsight Rudy does not. If your best friend from very early childhood disappeared and nearly 12 years later you run into them again but they're rocking a new hairdo and outfit as well as deep shades are you seriously trying to say "Oh I know you, you're blah be ti blah blah from back in the day. We was cool way back then"? Should Rudy recognize that starter mage wand he got from Roxy? No not really he gave the exact same style wand to Eris and Ghislane when he acknowledged them. That's because it's a simple bog standard basic ass starter wand that is mass produced and sold everywhere. If you gave your best friend from 12 years ago a kitchen knife you bought from say JC Penny and then see them in a complete disguise 12 years later but using that generic ass kitchen knife that is sold by the dozen everyday to peel vegetables you then shout "Eureka! I recognize that basic ass knife from 12 years ago! You're blah be ti blah blah aren't you?!" Do you see how weak the logic of that argument on why Rudy should instantaneously recognize Sylphie is Luke? It's not like there are modern hairdressers in a middle ages fantasy world so hair dye isn't really a thing here. Long eared demi humans exist so her having long ears isn't exactly a profound recognizable trait either there.


you forgot she was introduced as a man.. and like the case when Rudy visited Roxy's village and him calling everyone there Roxy we can assume its the same case for elves.


Blah bla blee bluuh, blah blahhh she was blu blee blah blaahhh a child blu blu blee blap when he last saw her edit: but to be serious, if Rudeus at any moment mentioned Sylphie...I have no doubt she would have revealed herself. Shes just not sure if Rudeus completely forgot her or not (thats part of her reasoning).


the girl in the bed is Sylphie, though. White hair. Turns into a white bird. The same white bird that the green bird turns into.

Nathan McCabe

I for some reason want you to color your beard pink for a two week period of time.

Alpha Beta

To add to that, even the voice has changed, even the attitude has changed. Theres nothing similar to Fitz and child sylphy other than eyes (which are hidden), wand (which is common) and ears (which again is common, hell he came here with a long eared person)

Alpha Beta

Luke when a guy who cant recognize the friend after 9 years, where all their features have either changed or hidden - what an idiot. Also luke - we havent seen a dwarf yet (Slutty elfs party member). Last seen 8 episodes ago.