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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FRIEREN episode 6!!



Joku Jussi

I love that there's someone else too who gets basically hit by a train when the ending song starts.


15:43 At that moment, Fern learned the most powerful spell against male opponents.


man, these episodes just fly...

Sai Pavan

Yep, its coming and I'm hella excited!!

Keith Merrington

Oh No! The Madoka movie is getting sidelined? I was looking forward to that this week. Try not to leave it too long - watch it while the details of the series are still somewhat fresh in your memory. These Frieren episodes are getting better all the time. Looking forward to more of these as well.

Keith Merrington

They seem way too short now - compared to the way we are currently spoiled with the extra long Re:Zero director's cut episodes.


If you count the start of the fight as first contact (after the Eisen flashback) the fight was 30 seconds long. Precisely what Frieren asked for.

Nicki Noble

"Bravery is not the absence of fear, it's the ability of feeling fear but doing it anyway because you it needs to be done."


Seems like you're putting out a lot more stuff recently than you used to. At least more stuff I enjoy watching. Appreciate it, but don't forget to sleep now and then!


Yeah, please don’t sideline the Madoka movie. I’m surprised (and a little disappointed) you didn’t complete the anime before moving on.

Marcio Neves

The dragon wasn1t just "chilling out". As you saw, it was AFRAID of facing Stark, that's why it kept the village alone. Wasn't for that, it would have destroyed the village by now And I love the comments of Frieren and Fern, about "he is not moving", when at first I though they were talkinng about Stark, but actually it was about the dragon! (well, at least in Portuguese, both subtitles and dubbing, becaus we don't have the equivalent for "it": everything is gendered, even objects and animals, with the equivalent he/she) And don't worry, things will start to ramp-up from now on. GREAT stuff incoming :D


I think they only spent like 1 maybe 2 days in that town. Fern of course was afraid they'd stay there for years but I suspect that Frieren is actually more conscious of time than before. She may have only wanted a couple weeks to hang out and relax but her history worried Fern more than needed lol

abiyyu hilmi

The OST fight just perfect. Fyi Mappa studio founder masao maruyama it's ex-director of Madhouse Studio, the studio made this anime frieren.

Abe J

For me, this show really became one I look forward to each week after this episode. Besides the great action, the dialog became much more interesting.


idk what the actual translation is, but in the Manga when Frieren asks why he'd go so far to save the village and Stark answers, she responds with "That's ephemeral (incredibly short)". Stark's response being "that's a lifetime" really hit home as to how simple yet powerful this story was going to be, since keep in mind that we're still only on chapter 11 of the story even though it feels to me like we're a lot further on.


yea i bought the membership this month because i was anticipating Madoka movie reaction. But since he's going to release it for free here anyway i guess i can't complain even if he release it next month xd. it is what it is guys.


Translator has taken some creative liberty there, in Japanese its just "thats pretty short" and "its super long", same lines in both the manga and the anime. Some classic "manzai" humor

Cédric Michaud

Next episodes are going to be CRAZY, it's the only thing I can say

BRUNO Marques

You'll be meeting different races as they travel northwards. Elfs aren't pointy eared humans, and same with the other races. They see the world in a fundamentally different way. Frieren is actually a bit of an outlier as an elf.


He feels bad for the dragon cause he is sitting there minding his own business? I guess he casually forgets the entire part where the dragon destroyed and killed majority of the village nearby?


havent felt a burnout watching alot of anime.. :D dont think its even possible :D .. but i did get burnout from Genshin :D really bad burn..


thanks to that little combat that there is im still able to watch this.. :D dont take it away from me lol


I love what you said about regret. I always say, regret is the price we pay for wisdom. You show me someone with no regrets, and I'll show you someone who hasn't learned much.