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Here is the PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Episode 3!!!



Roxy’s Holy Relic

Rudeus hitting rock bottom is always painful to watch. Shoutout to Soldat for being there for Rudy when he needed someone the most, ultimate bro. The events of this episode take place at the tail end of light novel 7. The anime cuts quite a bit from here so I’d recommend checking out the novel for more details/context


I'd vote for Monogatari. I've only seen the first Kizu movie but i really enjoyed it. Soon I will watch the whole series but if that ends up comming after Code geass or Goblin slayer that would be cool. Also Evangelion is amazing and needed as a pateron reaction because of nudity scenes


I’d love Monogatari. ❤️ It’s one of my favorite series, and I think Luke would really enjoy it based on his reactions to Madoka and Kaguya-sama. Evangelion would also be great, since Luke needs to see some classic anime.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Monogatari would be an excellent Patreon exclusive. 10/10 anime


I Vote Goblin Slayer :)


Idk what's going on but I support monogatari recommendation. Even if you don't understand a lot about it, it's still an enjoyable and amazing series. However, I'm worried, that some scenes might be too much for you to process and accept.

Tyler Rimmel

Code Gease is the way!


Would much appreciate toaru series at some point 🥸


Oh yeah, that's also great, especially Railgun and it's second season, one of my favourite arcs in anime.

Muligan Shinzuo

I understand that you dont like these situations, they are just a "cheap" way to produce conflict.


The Sara situation DID resolve itself in a very dark way. You sorta missed that flash of animation but what happened was...Rudy knew it was too late to explain himself and he felt that this second rejection from Sara was her doubling down on her hate for him. It was a major blow to his self esteem and he then picks up the dagger she droped in front of him and attempts to kill himself. Soldat then knocks it away saving Rudy. Rudy is done with Sara and he is done with Life also.


I think Castlevania would be excellent to watch. I'm not letting it go when you used to talk about it a lot.


Railgun is great, by far the best part of that franchise, but gotta remember that it wouldn't work as well without its sister series, index 😌


Why is girl-who-bangs-everyone looking for Rudy? - you'll just have to keep watching to find out


I understand why you are mad about Rudy leaving without talking to Sara and resolving things. The interesting thing is that I think Rudy doesn't want to explain himself to Sara because as he has said before, he doesn't really like Sara. He wants to move past Eris, but he never really connected with her personally, and was just trying to use her to get over Eris. Once he messes things up with her, his motivation to fix it goes away. I also hate the trope of people not explaining stuff though.


In the books the Sara situation is not left unresolved. The reason he doesn't try to explain himself is because it just would be too hard after everything Sara has heard (in the novel she also sees him with the cheeky lady). It's true though that Rudeus is somewhat of a pussy for giving up that quickly. However he was also drunk and suffering from previous traumas so idk. Just Rudy stuff.


I agree, though it would most like fall into the Twitch category and will take awhile to get to it. "Such Misfortune." - Kamijou Touma


Who knows if the Sara thing will ever be resolved, can't say anything more.


I just hope the wall of dialogues doesn't give him a headache. It is a show I'm worried about him reacting to it

freshyjazzy12 .

In the novel if I remember correctly, after Rudy leaves Elise ends up telling Sara about what's going on with Rudy and the difficulties that he's facing and Sara feels bad but it's too late since he already left. But yea, he was so brought down by this moment that he was actually ready to end his second life. If Soldat wasn't there to knock the knife away, we wouldn't be getting anymore episodes. This show would've ended on season 2 episode 3.


Monogatari is my favorite series ever, but it's not for everyone, in fact, very few can appreciate it. It's very dialogue-focused and sometimes has sick fan service. But it's brilliant


Man I felt so bad for Rudy everytime I saw this scene in any form. Not getting it up is one thing but also having that happening on the first time with a new person and that being the "first impression" hurts even more. Rudy's been burned by Eris even more than he realised.


Code Geass gang rise up. Like this comment!


Goblin Slayer gang rise up. Like this comment or reply, dunno!


Also, the Opening is a bit subtle but you can hear in some parts where the male voice is not singing alone and then does, if ya' hear the full version, it's just as good as the show


I've seen tons of people in real life who don't explain themselves when they could easily resolve their conflicts. So situations like Rudy and Sara's isn't unrealistic, it's unfortunately too common.


Idk, when I was young and dumb I made messed up comments/jokes about girls I dated and they never seemed to want to talk right after i said it. Even if half the time insulting them wasn't my intention! I'd usually be resolved a day or 2 later.


I did indeed catch that, apologies for not mentioning it. But I did see his attempt. Was just sucked into the scene.


27:16 Rudy not running after Sara... Rudy just attempted SUICIDE a minute or two earlier! Don't expect him to do *anything* sensible for awhile. Note that that suicide attempt comes after giving up and waiting for monsters to kill him in *both* episodes 1 and 2.


In the light novel it actually tells Sara's perspective as well. The following evening she really regretted what she said to him and cried herself to sleep. The next morning she went to look for Rudeus but he was already gone so there was nothing she could do.


I so want you to watch Monogatari for more than just the copyright, but because it's a series you'll only get away with reacting to on Patreon for it's content. I'm willing to back down for Code Geass if Monogatari has a better chance afterwards.

Keith Merrington

Luke: "Everyone is over 18" You live in the UK Luke, the AOC there is 16. Rudy & Sarah live in MT world where the age of adulthood is 15. So what's with the 18 stuff? It's all good (Rudy's 15 here. I assume Sara is too). Rudy wasn't really that into Sara. He's still depressed about being abandoned by Eris. Sara's just a bit of a rebound. So, seeing how he messed up so badly that day, it's reasonable that he would just take the easiest way out rather than bother to try and patch things up with Sara when their relationship is not that meaningful to him anyway. The 'girl who bangs everybody' is Elinalise. We last saw her on the Demon Continent with Roxy. Roxy learned (from Kishirika Kishirisu) that Rudy's mother (Zenith) is actually in the city of Rapan in the Begaritt Continent. So Roxy is off there to look for her. Elinalise is searching for Rudy to tell him that his mother is in Rapan.


I'd love to see both Code Geass and Goblin Slayer, but damn, Monogatari series IS a win. And in case you even ask yourself about Monogatari watch order - just do it in anime release order as it was supposed by the author. (You can watch Kizu right after Bake and before Nise though, book release order is just as viable)

Robert Franklin

Trust me, you'll forget all about Sara in the next few episodes


I agree with the trope being annoying but it kinda has its reasons since plenty of times the one you are chasing would be to mad to actually listen to anything and in this case like you said Rudy wasnt that into Sara and all that happened just made him feel worse about himself.

Renaud Nadeau

Some people hate this arc due to how real-life the issues are in this fantasy anime.

Hououin Kyouma

I always feel somewhat unsure about recommending someone who is new to the anime world the Monogatari series. I think someone who is well-versed in the anime world and enjoys Japanese folklore and myth will enjoy and appreciate more compared to others. It's dialogue-heavy anime and at times almost feels like a colorful Shakespear play due to how often actions are described through dialogue rather than actually showing us directly. But regardless of all that I can safely recommend the first anime in the series which is Bakemonogatari. Oh, also this series is pretty long. I personally love this anime and one of my favorite anime of all time. But I feel like if you want to watch it, watch the entire series but since you haven't watched that many anime maybe wait till you finished watching your 100th anime series and let this be the 101st anime series. It's just what I recommend. Between Code Geass and Goblin Slayer, I think Goblin Slayer should be Patreon exclusive because I feel like Code Geass could be a YouTube anime. There is no way you can show the first episode of Goblin Slayer on YouTube and Twitch. Code Geass on the other hand, despite being a dark anime and at times having weird camera angles, is pretty safe to show on YouTube or Twitch. Maybe there are issues with YouTube I am not aware of. If you can show Eminence of Shadow on Twitch you can show Code Geass on Twitch. Unless of course there are copyright issues. Don't worry about the issue with Sara, well volume 13 ... actually nvm, don't want to give a spoiler so I will shut up. I recommend reading the light novel as I think did once before. If you like to ever read a Japanese light novel Mushoku Tensei is a good one to start with.

Arcade'owy Łowca

Your girl and you getting the matching daggers is the equivalent of your bro and you getting the matching... S-swords... xD

Renaud Nadeau

You can hate what happened with Sara, but life isn't perfect and neither are these characters. It leads to a much better story too.

Hououin Kyouma

Oh, last time I watched Code Geass was like several years ago. I forgot there was nudity. In that case I choose to recommend Code Geass over Goblin slayer to be the next Patreon exclusive. Code Geass is one of the best anime ever made. If I make a top 10 anime list Code Geass would be in it.

Yami Shoumetsu

You have to remember that Rudy is an old man with emotional scars due to bullying and is an introvert. He even attempted immediately to kill himself after he got slapped and then you expect him to chase Sara and explain himself? Of course he can't do that.


I agree that the "no-one ever explains themselves" trope is extremely overused and annoying. I will say in Mushoku Tensei's defense that Rudeus is 1) still wasted and not thinking clearly, and 2) hella depressed right now. From his perspective, everything is going wrong and he is fundamentally broken and a screw-up. And he believes that even if he tried to explain and fix things, he'd mess that up too. Or she'd hate him anyway. Or any number of things that could go wrong because f*** his life right now. This is one of those rare cases where the trope is justified. Still annoying, but justified.


This is one of the most depressing arcs of MT. It's really hard to watch, to see Rudy fighting with his depression, but that's what makes this show so realistic and great. And now regain-boner arc starts. :D

Arcade'owy Łowca

Ah, yes, I forgot, there's that second-hand embarassment xD

Sebastian Stróż

Kizu MUST be watched after bakemonogatari. Its where the movies were supposed to be released but production got so fucked they got delayed by few years.

Vitaliy Kozoriz

as I understood the following monogatari. Code Geass has no chance of winning

Kaiki Deishu

i would usually agree with you about monogatari not being for someone who is new to anime, but I feel like Luke is VERY open minded and would actually enjoy monogatari.

Kaiki Deishu

monogatari has a smaller but more dedicated fanbase than code geass. so it might not win the poll but its worth putting it on.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Monogatari is my all time favorite anime series so that would probably get my vote but Code Geass is peak as well. You may have watched an edited version on a streaming service but there are several Code Geass episodes with nudity on the blu-ray release for sure


I don't know where all the bocchi support from yesterday disappeared to, but... Like this comment for Bocchi Next!


its not heebee jeebees shes giving you its ghonarea

Sebastian Stróż

Ok so this will be a longer one. First of all please keep up the "everyone is 18" attitude and crack the jokes. It's so much more fun that way. Now when it comes to Monogatari. It defo could win as it's super popular. I feel like explaining some things tho. Entire series is 100 episodes and 3 movies so it's a longer one but if you do decide to watch then please don't split it. I've seen some reactors do this and it just doesn't work. You will forget way too many things. (also the watch order is release order but movies should be watched after Bakemonogatari, that's the only difference) "It's not for everyone" - yes. But you are defo up for it. Apart from interactions with one character basically everything else is easy to explain and makes sense and even when it doesn't it's a very self aware show and it's not sorry for what it does. Bring out a notepad. Story is told out of order and that's how its meant to be watched. That being said, taking a not of when things are happening is very helpful. Look for that one guy who types out a small essay after each episode. Monogatari has A TON of references to Japanese folklore and stuff. It's almost impossible to know everything they talk about even if you are Japanese so many things will be explained by people who watched it 20 times. If you decide to watch it then you will experience one of the most unique story and storytelling in all of anime. If you think 2 people talking to each other in a room for 20 minutes cant be entertaining then this show will prove you wrong.

Kolben Mayushuuu

One Thing that was cut out of the anime but was in the light novel, is that after this episode Sara talked things over with her party and they concluded that there was probably a misunderstanding somewhere and she wanted to talk again with rudeus but at that point he had already left


Welcome to Mushoku Tensei Season 2: The Quest to get Rudeus a Stiffy.

Abe J (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-04 22:29:48 Lol. Poor Rudy. Bet ya didn't see that one coming. Que the GD awkwardness!
2023-11-04 21:19:14 Lol. Poor Rudy. Bet ya didn't see that one coming. Que the GD awkwardness! Btw, I completely agree with you at the end about Sara. This anime excels at those unnecessarily uncomfortable situations lol.

Lol. Poor Rudy. Bet ya didn't see that one coming. Que the GD awkwardness! Btw, I completely agree with you at the end about Sara. This anime excels at those unnecessarily uncomfortable situations lol.


It's crazy how quick Rudy was ready to kill himself with the dagger. Good thing Soldat had that fast ass reaction to it

Abe J

Awwww, that would have been nice to include.


You're right Luke, but not quite, Sarah was there because she was looking for Rudy to apologize, then she looked for him again after he said something but he was gone, (it wasn't in the anime), so Sarah tried to talk about it 2 times, and Rudy had already buried himself too much to say anything and suffer, especially since he didn't even want anything with Sarah, why would he suffer and participate in this drama anymore?


Spoiler alert! | | | | | After 5 years, they will meet again with Sarah and apologize to each other, he will tell her directly that he did not love her at that time, she will not be offended, she will be glad that he was honest, and they will part peacefully


If Monogatari should be picked, what viewing order should Luke watch? The age old question.


I rarely comment about things like this, but what you said about people not explaining themselves made me want to give my own thoughts. It's true what you are saying about movies doing this a lot and it sure does give an annoyance when they absolutely don't explain themselves, still on the other hand, it is not necessarily unrealistic. Speaking from experience it does happen at times irl too. Also, you have to take into account that Rudy with all his struggles in this world, and all his struggles from before, has been in a pretty rough mental state from the start of this season, so it is not unbelievable the way he reacted to it imo. Not to mention even when people do explain themselves, sometimes it is just too late and it doesn't do shit.


I love Monogotari because of the masterful story telling and brilliant characters. The abstract visual style and usage of color pallet. It's unique. Scholars don't flee from wall's of text. They flock to them! Surely Luke is a scholar. He's got the big brain. He will manage just fine.


The amount of second hand embarrassment this episode was glorious.


Lets go! Bocchi the rock for patreon! 🤘

Roxy’s Holy Relic

For a first time watcher I’d recommend Bakemonogatari, Kizu trilogy, Nisemongatari, Nekomongatari Black, Second Season pt 1, Hanamonogatari, Second Season pt 2, Tsukimonogatari, Koyomimonogatari, Owarimonogatari, and finally Zoku Owarimonogatari. You could make a solid argument to watch the Kizumonogatari movie trilogy first but I think Bakemonogatari is a better intro to the Monogatari world for someone completely new that hasn’t read the light novels

Bobby Vang

If it helps in anyway so you get less piss, in the novel, Sara actually tries to find Rudy again to resolve this issue, since she did really like him and wanted to explain her side of things. She thought it was a misunderstanding and he was drunk so he might have blurted nonsense. Rudy being very scared of women relationships after getting "burned" by Eris, as well as someone who doesn't know how to resolve social disagreements as much, left right there after Soldat asked if he wanted to go, therefore Sara never had a chance to confront Rudy. And yep, sucks for Rudy. This anime pushing that ED can happen... xD


While the "everyone is over 18 attitude" makes it much more fun and less awkward, for those that are interested: Rudy and Eris arrived back in Fittoa shortly after Eris' 15th Birthday and Rudy is 2 years younger than Eris. Rudy then left relatively soon for the northern Region of the central continent and since he arrived in Rosenburg roughly 1 year has passed. Making Rudy either just under or just barely 14 at this point. Sara was 15 years old according to the LN but im not sure whether that was when they first met or later on so she is either 15 or 16.

Ryan Clark

Damn, I wasn't expecting to be on the total other side of the realistic/unrealistic aspect of Rudeus and Sara's falling out. Personally, I have unfortunately never actually seen a falling out that wasn't caused by or resulted in some form of misunderstanding that goes perpetually unresolved, so I was actually really impressed by the authors courage to make something so uncomfortable but so real. These unneeded irresolution's are so common in my experience even when one party desperately tries to talk it out. All of my friends as teenagers' went through this, my younger sister (in her late 20's) has been in a dozen relationship which ended like this, my uncle and his wife too, and now even my own parents as 60+ year adults. Almost no one I've ever known has actually had the courage to talk openly with their partners about their deepest feelings, even if one of the partners is and all the couples friends try to get them to do it I've never actually seen it happen. Hell, it even happened to me, despite that I was constantly trying to get my partner to open up, even months and years after she ended it, she'd never opened up to me about how she felt during that time, and because of that even our friendship died out. I'd love to know what world Luke is living in that people, even supposed adults. let alone idiot 14 year olds like Rudy and Sara, talk about their feelings, and for him to let me know where I can find it. I'd love to vacation in this mythical utopia once in a while lol. I'm happy for you that you've at least got that with your wife, my dude, but my experience has led me to feel that the world and people are just a hell of a lot less wise than you think they are. Sure, a lot of grief could be saved if people talked about these things, I totally agree with you. But I struggle to think of a time where I've ever actually seen the people in my life talk about the stuff that matters. Instead everyone just let it fester until the relationship (romantic or platonic) imploded and they went on living their own lives apart pretending it doesn't hurt until they forget what life without suffering feels like and they can finally delude themselves into think they are living a normal life with no regrets. For me, watching that scene was like watching all the parts of my life, and the parts of the lives of those around me, that I hate and did try to fix come to life and slap me in the face like Sara, and I loved it (not a masochist I swear). Hope you read this, just so you can see there are those of us for whom this does ring true, despite our best efforts to the contrary. I'm not one to usually talk about 'representation' in shows, but damn if Rudy was just a little bit braver and went after Sara, he'd be literally me in that scene, though he'd still get shot down and everything would still go unresolved in my experience. P.S. Yep, Soldat is total bro, never let anyone disrespect Soldat. A man who never abandons a bro in the depths of ED despair is a bro for life and beyond. P.P.S. Do you you have any plans on when you might return to Mushoku Tensei for the second half of the season. Since you'll be replacing MT with another show for a while, will it need to win another poll for you to pick it back up, or are you planning to pick it up automatically once it begins re-airing and and you aren't watching its replacement? As someone who who has nearly finished the light novel series and also really liked this first half of the season (Woohoo for the ED arc lol), I expect the next half (episodes 13-24 or so) to be an absolute banger and should hit you like a truck, assuming it finishes where I think it will. Sorry if you've that published that elsewhere like Twitch or something. I believe you use twitch polls sometimes, but I don't really follow your twitch since I will always miss live streams since I'm on the exact opposite side of the world lol. So, I end up just following your youtube and patreon videos.

Ron Farmer

Best way to watch any bakemonogatari episode is: watch it once all the through, watch it again and pause to read some of the faster paced dialogue, watch it a third time so the scenes that didn't make sense now do because you actually know what they were saying, watch it a fourth time after you realise you know nothing of japanese folklore and spent a day goggling it, then watch it a fifth time just for enjoyment.

Lock G.G.

Mushoku Tensei is not a love romance story. This is just a story of the Rudy's life.

Ron Farmer

I feel for my man rudy. It's really quite erie how similar my life is to his(except for the reincarnation thing ofcourse) and yes after a horrible break up and divorce I went through the same thing he is now. All I can say is the similarities continue for what happens the rest of the season. Sadface😅

Ron Farmer

Aniwatch has it in that order I think and it's how I watched it


The Monogatari Series is my absolute favourite anime but I don't think you are "ready" for it


Okay, a few things need to be cleared up here because this is a VERY important episode. And actually a particularly dark one. First, Rudeus' erectile dysfunction has nothing to do with alcohol. It's directly linked to his mental state due to the Eris-trauma (a trauma that has been evident at several points since the start of the season). Rudeus is depressed, not just a little sad...I'll say it again because it's central in this season: Rudeus is depressed. It's a serious illness, today treated seriously, yet still misunderstood by many. Rudeus' ED is, in a way, a metaphorical projection of his deep mental state. Keep this in mind, it's important - it's the main theme of this arc, which will lead to important things for the sequel. Note that despite Rudeus's efforts to give the impression he's doing well, many behavioral elements show that he's actually doing very badly. And he himself is discovering this as he goes along... How bad is he? HE'S JUST ATTEMPTED SUICIDE (It's not a detail, it's fucking revealing!). Rudeus is barely saved thanks to Sol's reflexes. Next: people explain themselves? huh? We must not live in the same world. I can't count the number of times people don't say what they really mean, don't set things straight, don't explain themselves properly and the unresolved misunderstandings that ensue. And it's even more true for romantic feelings. And it's even MORE true in Japanese culture. Mushoku Tensei is a Japanese work, so it must be understood through the prism of the culture from which it springs. When you find strange behavior in anime, it's highly likely that it's due to a cultural difference. Rudeus' behavior is perfectly consistent with Japanese culture...and his mental state. Yes, we're talking about Rudeus' mental state again. He's just been through another emotional ordeal, another difficulty to resolve. One of the typical symptoms of depression is loss of motivation/ desire/ energy (in the case of deep depression, just getting up in the morning can become an insurmountable task). Another symptom is a disturbance of emotional feelings and libido... Rudeus has the symptoms of depression and his behavior is typical of a depressive (I've had this in my family and I know what I'm talking about). And finally, a few details about Sara. She is indeed in love with Rudeus. But she's also young and inexperienced. She reacted clumsily...as you pointed out. But I think you underestimated the impact of this reaction on Rudeus (remember that his first time is marked by Eris' abandonment, and this second time is a dismal failure with, again, rejection). When she arrives and hears Rudeus's nonsense, she was looking for him. It's only natural that she should get upset at this point. -> Since you want the end of the story, here's what happens next at the end of this chapter in the Light Novel that the anime doesn't adapt: Suzanne explains to Sara that it's not like Rudeus to act this way, and that maybe they've misunderstood the situation. Sara then intends to talk to Rudeus. The next day, the members of Counter Arrow are worried about Rudeus' absence. They set out to find him in town. This leads Sara to meet Elise (the prostitute). Elise tells Sara that Rudeus was upset after their date, and that he has erectile dysfunction, a disease. She explains to Sara that if she couldn't perceive Rudeus's distress and act supportively, it was because she wasn't worthy of being his girlfriend. Suzanne then informs Sara that she has learned that Rudeus has left town with Sol's party. Sara goes home and cries all night...both because she regrets her reaction and not having had the opportunity to apologize, and because she understands that her love affair with Rudeus has just come to an end. This is the 3rd reason why things happened the way they did => Rudeus and Sara are young and inexperienced in relationships. Who can claim to have had all the necessary maturity in a relationship from the first time and at a young age? In real life, young couples often screw up. It's a fact of life.


Continuing with the information from episodes 2 and 3: Episode 2: -> Although what we saw from Rudeus at the beginning is nothing strange to us, since many of us have started exercising on our own and in private at some point, in this world there is no such thing as exercise, and they always saw exercise movements as a very strange anomaly, even running, which is unpopular. -> Rudeus is remembered by everyone as "the Quagmire," this is because it is his most used magic due to its practicality in combat, although they say it in Japanese in the anime. -> He took on missions in every party he could, receiving a small fraction of the reward in exchange for making his name popular and also helping to search for his mother when they leave the city. On the other hand, he never formally joined a group. -> The cave/fortress they were in was made by a demon king with divine-ranked earth magic during the first human-demon war, which was the first time humanity came close to extinction. -> Although Soldat spoke to him in this manner in the anime, in the novel he said it in a much more hurtful and infuriating way that would make anyone bow their head and not be able to fight or argue without losing more of their pride. -> In the novel, Rudeus has a fight against the Treant (the one that captured Sara), it was somewhat complicated due to the weather but not difficult. Rudeus realizes something surreal that any healthy young person could have felt, he didn't feel it, but he still doesn't know what it is. -> It's not uncommon for villagers to not have a last name. Sara doesn't have one, for example. -> In the world of Mushoku, instead of slimes, there are Treants, they are found all over the areas and have various abilities depending on the area, like ice magic in this case. Episode 3: -> Rudeus began to prioritize the Counter Arrow team, as they invited him very often, although this meant going on fewer missions with other groups. However, his fame continued to grow. -> More details about both their lives are recounted. Sara was found by the other members of the party, who were survivors from other parties and decided to join together in one group. A Greyrat ruled Sara's village, and because he didn't send forces to protect it from the beasts, her parents died. -> The origin of Rudeus is clarified, that he supposedly was a noble of status (he is of blood, but Paul separated from his family...) -> Since the role of an archer as an adventurer is unpopular, she makes her own bow and arrows. -> There is a conversation about the swords to buy, it's not worth going into detail, but Rudeus helped her buy them because they are relatively expensive (one for arrows and one for personal defense). -> In the inn, after realizing the problem, he tried various things, including more direct stimulation from Sara. -> After Sara's response to retiring and her indignation, Rudeus believed that she was only thanking him with her body, making himself look like an idiot for misinterpreting things. -> When he arrived at the bar, the bartender refused to serve him a drink, but he silenced him with an Asura gold coin, leaving him with no choice and unwilling to get involved. -> There is a rule in Soldat's group that there can be no women, even if there is one in some branch of the clan, the moment a couple is formed, both are expelled due to the various problems that can arise. -> The brothels are very demanding with their prices, naturally, however, she did a lot of things for him that she didn't charge for, although it hurt his pride even more that a woman like her didn't stimulate him. Translated with ChatGPT Un beso ;)


Poor Rudy in that ED scene. In Sarah's defense, I doubt this world has sex ed like we do... and I'm guessing the other woman in the party talked to her and explained or something... ...aaaand then he blew that. Totally get what you mean about that trope where where people don't get to explain themselves. This one is a little more realistic I think - purely because of Rudy's preestablished issues - but it did still bug the heck out of me... for a couple weeks after the episode I think XD


I would support Monogatari over Code Geass and Goblin Slayer, not sure about others.

Suichoku (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-05 04:42:50 That unresolving thing happens a lot in real life too. Idk how many times it has happened to me, people just ghost you (not allowing you to even explain) or they don't explain themselves. People give up easily, especially if you are depressed, you just think everything is over and don't believe explaining can do anything... so you don't even try. This is why I do think it is realistic, especially with young people. It is annoying, but it 100% isn't movies / series only thing. In some shows it might unrealistic, but here it makes total sense imo.
2023-11-05 03:40:17 That unresolving thing happens a lot in real life too. Idk how many times it has happened to me, people just ghost you (not allowing you to even explain) or they don't explain themselves. People give up easily, especially if you are depressed, you just think everything is over and don't believe explaining can do anything... so you don't even try. This is why I do think it is realistic, especially with young people. It is annoying, but it 100% isn't movies / series only thing. In some shows it might unrealistic, but here it makes total sense imo. But I do have add that your point of the other side of people actually explaining, does happen way too rarely in shows.

That unresolving thing happens a lot in real life too. Idk how many times it has happened to me, people just ghost you (not allowing you to even explain) or they don't explain themselves. People give up easily, especially if you are depressed, you just think everything is over and don't believe explaining can do anything... so you don't even try. This is why I do think it is realistic, especially with young people. It is annoying, but it 100% isn't movies / series only thing. In some shows it might unrealistic, but here it makes total sense imo. But I do have add that your point of the other side of people actually explaining, does happen way too rarely in shows.


Bad depression and impulsivity after traumatic event.. is nasty. Unfortunately Rudy's reaction isn't even that weird. Soldat really is a bro for looking after him.


where is the aot episode? its uploaded to youtube but its not here

Cole Chard

My vote for the new Patreon exclusive would be Goblin Slayer, Cautious Hero, or Castlevania!

Zero Shonen

One of the things that I loved the most about this episode was when Rudy took 0.1 seconds to take the dagger and almost used it on himself but instantly being saved by Soldat. That gives you an idea of how much Rudy's mental health has been destroyed until now. Since we see him being depressed for moments but still trying to hide it, it is not until moments of high stress that he breaks and something horrible can happen if something or someone does not intervene for him.


Definitely throwing a castlevania vote in the mix


I'd rather have monogatari


Yess, I read the LN and read that chapter. After the incident, she was with Suzanne and Timothy and they told her that maybe Rudy was going through more than they knew. After that she met the girl from the brothel and she had explained Rudy's situation. After that she had seen that it was all a misunderstanding, she was filled with regret, when she ran to look for Rudy, he had already left the city. Also Rudy did want to explain himself but he was scared, so in the end he left without saying anything.

Kevin V

At least for me it wasn't unrealistic, because I experienced something similar with my first relationship. We both liked each other, but because of my immaturity and lack of self-esteem at the time we grew apart until we just stopped talking to each other.


Monogatari is among my favorite animes, so I consider it much better than Code Geass. But I do worry about Luke's ability to enjoy it. He struggles with normal anime subtitles sometimes, so Monogatari will destroy him. Also, it is one of those animes that reward the viewer the more knowledge they have of Japanese culture and the language - a lot of puns for example, which can't be translated to English.


Actually same. I was so rude and so unpleasant all thanks to my preexisting issues. She was really into me too, man!

Colm Barry

ED: it's not just a song that plays at the end of the episode

Colm Barry

"Just assume everyone's 18" Honestly let's just apply that to both ends of the spectrum, the 15 year olds and the 400 year olds


Man I honestly love Soldat. He's the kind of friend you want to have. All he wants is people to be real with him and he'll do whatever it takes to help you.

J van Weerden

The not explaining makes a lot of sense for Rudeus. The thing Soldat hated him for was exactly that: he keeps running from his problems instead of facing them and puts on a fake smile+formal speech which weirds everyone out and keeps them away

Alex Cline

100% I’d vote monogatari over the other 2


Rudy is not yet 16, I'll let you know when he is. He's still 14. Sara does have a backstory. The swords were both Sara's one for close distance fighting and one for making arrows. Rudy has no need for a new sworf


Best bro Soldat!! In the lasts episode Rudy healed the little girl. Normally when a mage does that they charge a stupidly high price afterwards and sell the girl off to be a slave to pay off the money they 'owe'. They heal them without asking then charge them.. but because he was nice the girl went and told the older sister. A cut scene was the younger girls washing Rudy in a big bath beforehand, and when they become of age they join the older women in serving the men. It's a dark world that's not meant to be all happy. You can become a slave by any means, Rudy chose that girl out of a choice of them. The girl tried everything to try to help Rudy, even stuff that would cost extra and stuff that wasn't in the 'list'. She left the area with Rudy as a sorry, and then explained everything to Sara and the older lady, so after all of this Sara understood what happened, why the things happened as they did. Sara felt she was at fault. For the ordeal. And it wasn't because he was too drunk he couldn't get it up.


Rudy has been in that town for a very long time, so they have had a long time to chat


A funny story about the 2 guys at the end in the pub, the area they were in were about to go to war and all the borders would be closed, she slept with them both, to get the info, she was soo good they stayed in the area for longer and forgot to leave the region and got locked into the region and had to go to war. F for the dudes who got laid by Elinelize

AnimeGT3 .

Dont get me wrong i love Mushoku Tensei, BUT i swear this is the episode, that TRIGGERED me so hard and the mangaka definitely did it on purpose to annoy us viewers to the death. I actually never want to see this episode again HAHA ^^


Trust me when i say this, Nothing gets unresolved in Mushoku tensei Universe, at least in the novels, you will be seeing Sara once again, in the distant future but you will


I love the monogatari series but I'd be pretty concerned about your ability to follow along with the dialogue overall narrative.

This Guy

As usual, I really love your reactions to these animes. In particular I feel that you may need something light after such intensity from the current and recent anime reactions. I feel that Bocchi the Rock as the next Patreon exclusive will be a good breather and it doesnt take up as much time in comparison with Code Geass or Goblin Slayer. Let's have Bocchi the Rock first!

Matthew Williams

You'll find out just why Elinelese gives you the hebee jeebees next episode. Why she is constantly going after every single guy with a working male attachment.

Tommy Jensen

Regarding Sara.... Patience, that's all I will say. You will get you're resolve of that storyline sooner than you think.


I would like to add here that in the Light Novel, Sara goes and talks to Elise and gets all his d the information from her and then feels like shit about how she left the room like she did.


Speaking on monogatari I don't think it would win any vote or should for that matter. It's a good anime series yes but it's so riddled with bullet holes there's several different ways to start and watch the show all correct. There's tons of if you can't read Japanese you'll have to pause every 2 seconds to read each sideshow screen that pops up for a whole minute. There's 20 min sow diologie scenes that happen 2-3 episodes in a row with very short scenes to break it up. It's a great show. It's a horrible watch along. You solo it at your own pace.


True, I heard from a guy who moved to Japan, a Japanese friend just starts talking in a very polite tone, and it must mean that you messed up, and you have to try to find out what you did wrong

MattShiro (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-07 05:39:47 It definitely shouldn't win a vote right now. There are still plenty of other good shows left that can go before Monogatari, since it's multiple seasons long plus the prologue movies. As far as watch order; I've never understood the confusion on stuff like that (anime, books, games, etc) it's very simple, just use the release order. As far as viewing experience, you have a fair point. He's gonna have to stop and run it back a lot. Both for legit "wtf did they say" reasons, and "oh damn that fan service" reasons. And considering dialogue/monologue is like 60% of the series, yeah that's a lot of pausing/running it back. I'd personally enjoy the watch along, because it is actually really good and has plenty of twists along the way. But I can't recommend it right now, for similar reasons to why I can't recommend Gintama yet. Let him clear the shorter, simpler (as far as wordplay, references, etc. Both heavily rely on Japanese wordplay/references) less niche anime 1st.
2023-11-07 01:17:02 It definitely shouldn't win a vote right now. There are still plenty of other good shows left that can go before Monogatari, since it's multiple seasons long plus the prologue movies. As far as watch order; I've never understood the confusion on stuff like that (anime, books, games, etc) it's very simple, just use the release order. As far as viewing experience, you have a fair point. He's gonna have to stop and run it back a lot. Both for legit "wtf did they say" reasons, and "oh damn that fan service" reasons. And considering dialogue/monologue is like 60% of the series, yeah that's a lot of pausing/running it back. I'd personally enjoy the watch along, because it is actually really good and has plenty of twists along the way. But I can't recommend it right now, for similar reasons to why I can't recommend Gintama yet. Let him clear the shorter, simpler (as far as wordplay, references, etc. Both heavily rely on Japanese wordplay/references) less niche anime 1st.

It definitely shouldn't win a vote right now. There are still plenty of other good shows left that can go before Monogatari, since it's multiple seasons long plus the prologue movies. As far as watch order; I've never understood the confusion on stuff like that (anime, books, games, etc) it's very simple, just use the release order. As far as viewing experience, you have a fair point. He's gonna have to stop and run it back a lot. Both for legit "wtf did they say" reasons, and "oh damn that fan service" reasons. And considering dialogue/monologue is like 60% of the series, yeah that's a lot of pausing/running it back. I'd personally enjoy the watch along, because it is actually really good and has plenty of twists along the way. But I can't recommend it right now, for similar reasons to why I can't recommend Gintama yet. Let him clear the shorter, simpler (as far as wordplay, references, etc. Both heavily rely on Japanese wordplay/references) less niche anime 1st.


the miscommunication trope is annoying and over used, however, this scene was a lot easier to misinterpret in the light novel, Rudy did bad mouth Sara pretty much same as here but the prostitute they had hired was still there and Sara saw her. all this while she came looking for him to apologize and save him from Sodat, 'because counter arrow heard Rudy got in a fight with Sodat, and then he got dragged off somewhere.'

Andy Hinton

It's more then rushing to fast with his ED is more of a emotional/mental block it's just everything that happened with Eris that has him. Also some stuff with the two other girls in his life.

Edward Of DOOM

the situation between Rudy and Sara stays unresolved for a reason: Rudy doesn't really have deep loving feelings for her, he just jumped at the opportunity. On top of that, he was a NEET his whole life and social skills are not his strength. The ED situation as well as being rejected again pushed him back into his prior-life shell.


I'm going to have to disagree that the unresolved issue between Sara and Rudy is unrealistic. It absolutely is, when you consider that people commit stupid acts of social cowardice all the time, and even more so when they suffer from social anxiety! Despite his combined age of 34+14, Rudy is still an awkward weirdo shaped by his past experiences, and he is going to continue to stumble until he learns to be better.

Matt Tucker

I dont think his 34 years even counts for much. He has a ton of knowledge, but almost zero social or emotional experience. He already has more in this life than his entire last life.


Yeah, that's why I began that sentence with "despite" and then proceeded to call him an awkward weirdo. He's still learning and his past trauma will hinder him.

Nathan McCabe

She is looking for Rudy on an errand sent by the Immortal Demon King Baadigadi.

The Pots

I think Luke isn't taking the Eris situation that much. all of what happened and Rudy's personality right now as a super depressed guy (yes, in these past 3 eps he is SUPER depressed and mentally ill) is all because Eris left him. that's how much damage she did to him. idk if Luke noticed that Rudy was gonna kill himself with the sword, that's how you know how fucked up he is currently


The situation with Sara had a little bit of closure in the Light Novel. In the Light Novel, Sara meets Elise (the prostitute who tried to help Rudeus). And Elise explained to Sara about erectile dysfunction. Until then, Sara thought Rudeus didn't find her attractive and took it very personally. Being young, she wanted to protect her ego and said the things she did to Rudeus. Anyway, after finding out the truth, she wanted to make up with Rudeus. But Rudeus had already left. So this whole situation didn't really get resolved, and it ended with Sara crying about the whole thing (not being able to make up with Rudeus). Because she truly did love him. I don't like to spoil, but... I will just say this isn't the last time we see Sara.

Alpha Beta

Thats why im disliking his reaction to S2 so far. Dude is completely ignoring the mental state of the character, in the season which is focused on him moving on from the heartbreak.

Regill Derenge

dude isn't understanding the character that is Rudy at all ... lol

Pilligrim Ilyas

That's especially weird hearing from him considering he told the story about his two friends that don't talk to eachother for years because of some small stupid argument

Aeris Asano

10:03 why you gotta do that to him 😂