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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to MADOKA MAGICA Episode 11!!




I think you should react to the original Japanese Digimon openings. Because that’s just the kind of curveball an anime quiz would do to make sure you get a least one of them wrong. I made playlist for all the Digimon Japanese openings so you don’t miss any. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlHvRFmrcTI9o6BQf_aR9gDRrlUiKZX6P

Sam 2003

Definitely watch the 3rd movie next week after episode 12, it's going to be a blast.


Ever heard of "AMV Hell"? I wonder how you'd react to such a thing.


Please post movie three in one video.

Miklar Sihn

The pictures are like that because this anime is definitely happy fun times.


Yeah, the third movie "Rebellion" is the thing to watch after episode 12. I guess the opening of the first movie is fine to watch as well (though not critical). The OP is called "Luminous" I believe, sung by ClariS.


you enjoyed Aoi Yuuki a bit (the Voice Actress of Tanya from Tanya the evil and Madoka), how about Symphogear on Patreon? :P Had to ask :D


Video idea for you Luke. Soon you will be all caught up on Madoka and waiting for the new movie like the rest of us. Madoka rewatches very well. You should watch it again, off camera, and make a review video of the series, and another for Rebellion. When the movie gets close to dropping, people will be looking into Madoka for the first time. They will search for interviews. Yours will be pretty recent and will have a modern take on the show. Remember this came out 12 years ago, there are contemporary (ten year old) reviews that come up if you search for them. I think you could do 10 minutes on the good and bad points of the series and movie and give an honest assessment of the show. What do you think?


Please tell me you're not waiting till next week for episode 12

Keith Merrington

Madoka used all her strength, last time she became a magical girl, to one-shot the Walpurgisnacht witch. So Madoka then became a witch that could destroy the world. This time is a new iteration - Madoka is even stronger now and so won't necessarily need all her magic to defeat Walpurgisnacht. So it's not a given that if she becomes a magical girl then the world ends. Also - Watch the 3rd movie "Rebellion". You can watch the OP of the first movie as well. It's not particularly important to do so - but it's a nice song and cute visuals and quite short, so why not?


The two women at the bar were madoka’s mother and madoka and sayaka’s homeroom teacher not sayaka’s mother; that’s why she didn’t seem as distressed as you would imagine


Can't wait for EP 12 and the Rebellion movie! As for why magical girls don't tell their parents or anyone else about their powers: remember what happened when Kyoko's father found out that all his followers listened to him because of her wish, and not because of his own influence?


There COULD have been a good ending but Homura didn't think of the method. (anime only and I've only seen up ep11 so this is just speculation) Full power Madoka can one-shot Walpurgis. But then she turns into a witch because her soul gem turns black. The solution is to have Madoka carry a grief seed or three with her before she attacks Walpurgis. 1 Collect grief seeds 2 Zap Walpurgis 3 Don't one-shot it. 4 Half-kill it with the first shot, 5 use a grief seed to restore the soul gem. 6 Finish it off. 7 Restore the soul gem again. Now we still have the problem that Madoka is a magical girl and will destroy the world when she becomes a witch. The answer to that is STOP FIGHTING WITCHES. Let other magical girls do that. Kyube has to keep making them or his folk run out of energy. If Madoka is still worried she can destroy her own soul gem, die, and not turn into a witch. And she can wait 40-50 years before she does that.


I think he is according to the usual schedule 😭

Karen Porter

*facepalms* Luke, darling... You're silly. That was Madoka's mom and Sayaka, Homura and Madoka's teacher drinking at the bar. Neither of them were Sayaka's mom. LOL


idk about the first movie thing but the third movie is definitely worth watching

Kazami Agame

Hello Luke ! Yes the opening for the 1st movie is different and is really worth watching. Then, 1st movie and 2nd are recaps, with just really minor changes that don't change anything so you can skip those. As for the 3rd movie, it has to be watched because this is stuff happening after the anime

Danilo Takada

Luke, you can watch it in only 1 week. When this show first came out, we had to wait more than 1 month to watch de last episode due the 3.11 earthquake. The last episode was originally scheduled to air at March 11 night (Japan time), but the earthquake happened in the same day afternoon. At that time, all Japanese TV programs were broadcasting the Breaking News about the earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima Nuclear Plant 1st to 4th reactor meltdown incident that happened in Japan on March 2011.

Nikki C

I am so excited waiting for you to get to Rebellion! :)


Man I was so excited when you said you started watching Re:zero but then I realized you was watching Madoka Magica at the same time . And I thought to myself man you must be a glutton for punishment 🤣🤣🤣


where is the aot episode? its uploaded to youtube but its not here

Daniel Mata

react new attack on titan last epiode


The third movie, Rebellion, is a sequel so definitely a must watch. Also, it has two different audio tracks because part of the dialog was redubbed. I highly recommend the first take.


Its not explained properly in the anime but i think wishes are directly tied to a girl's magical potential. So if you are weak but make a wish f.e. to become the strongest magical girl it has a chance of failing and not granting your wish and not finishing the contract. Thats why in early episodes Kyubei talked about not being able to grant some wishes despite it constantly saying it can grant you any wish. Also i believe the author talked about Walpurgisnacht being not a singular witch but a bunch of witches fused in one. Its also supposed to be complete opposite of humanity.

Lex Garrett

So glad I got caught up before the last episode!

Aaren YASS

Unfun fact: Walpurgis is multiple magical girls fused, not just one. The implications of that are... Also, it's isn't laughing, but crying. The sound of Dozens, perhaps hundreds of children crying out in agony and despair.


Next episode I can tell you what I've been dying to say.

Somedude Watchintv

As for the animal rights thing especially in the case of actual activists they in general fight to end unnecessary cruelty. Those that don't want animals hurt at all become vegan. Hypocrites exist sure but I don't think it's fair to just assume hypocrisy on the part of anyone that wants to improve the lives of animals.

Somedude Watchintv

The reason Homura doesn't tell the truth is because she's tried and failed. She's been at this for years at this point reliving the same month. Also if Walpurgisnacht isn't stopped her whole city gets wiped out and Madoka wouldn't sit back without trying.

Harley Burnie

Idk about the first movie OP, since I never bothered with the recaps, but Rebellion, the 3rd movie, is the continuation of the anime, if you ignore Magic Record, which I would not. It’s awesome.

Harley Burnie

11:49 Did you mean "mother of Sayaka" or did you mean "teacher" or what? Cause this scene has Junko, Madoka's mom, and Crazy Egg Lady, Madoka and Sayaka's homeroom teacher in it.

Harley Burnie

24:40 And then you all die, because you didn't listen to your extremely trustworthy child, who has always includes you in their parts of their life that they could. Making your kid listen to you won't feel very validated as you drown from rain accumulation, as you're pinned under the rubble that was your shelter. I hear a lot of folks remark about denying Madoka her choice, but by this point in the series, we've already established that she was trusted to be out at crazy times with her friends.


Oh, Kyubei totally said that to be a dick. He may not exactly understand human emotions, but he at least understand that the characters don't want to become witches and that Homura made her wish specifically to *save* Madoka. Kyubei said what he said to increase Homura's despair because Kyubei's intentions toward Madoka won't come to fruition until the timeline is set in stone. Kyubei needs Homura to give up and stop turning back time. That's why he rubbed the truth in her face.


Walpurgisnacht is one of the best parts of the whole Madoka franchise. The way the music plays when it finally appears in this episode fills you with a sense of absolute dread, the knowledge that this is an enemy that you cannot defeat. The fact that we've already seen Homura try and fail to get a real victory in this battle numerous times enhances that even further, and even watching Homura throw everything and more into her attack and tossing the witch around like a ragdoll does nothing to lessen that sense of dread. Because the whole time, you know that all of this power Homura is throwing around won't be enough, that Walpurgisnacht is mighty enough to emerge from this virtually unscathed. It makes me actually scared to think that the name of the next upcoming movie is Walpurgisnacht Rising. Because for me, that name symbolizes a dead end made incarnate.


Oh, indeed, Kyubey totally knows what he's doing. He may not feel emotions, but he's not stupid. All it takes to understand how to expertly manipulate human emotions is observation and logic, one does not actually need to feel them. He also understands that what he's doing is considered evil from human perspective, he's just acting dumb with the whole "I don't understand why you ..." stuff. He just doesn't care.


There is the thing they say that magical girls will lead to pain,their wish will lead to pain, so even Homura wish led to pain. If Madoka was just average with no extraordinary potential Kyubey wouldn`t be so insisting on making her one. If she didn`t wish to never be one in front of Homura maybe she would`ve left it all end although giving how obsessed with Madoka she is I doubt