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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to Mushoku Tensei Episode 1!!




It's been about 3-4 months after the end of s1. He was almost 13 at the time. So he is 13 now.


No, it is 3-4 months. Spoilers He was almost 13 at the end of s1, he turns 15 a little bit before he joins the academy (vol8), he turns 16 in episode 10 (vol9).


Sylphy did not change her hair on purpose, it changed as a result of using too much mana trying to break her fall. It's not really explained in the show, but is in the light novel. Her hair was changing color as she fell. She didn't have time to be thinking about something like her hair color in that situation. Besides, why would she have kept her hair green all that time if she could change it/wanted to change it? Also I want to vote for Bocchi to replace Mushoku Tensei as the patreon exclusive. Of the main ones that have been recommended I think it would be the most fun. If I could recommend something that I think you would enjoy the most it would be either 1997 Berserk, or Claymore, both of which are perfectly up your alley in terms of taste in shows, but they aren't getting many votes so I'm going with Bocchi.


He can cast elemental spells without incantations because he understands the physics behind them, he doesn't know how healing works (cell regeneration etc) so he could never understand how to cast healing without incantations.


The exact reason is not explained exactly until much later on, but yeah, it's not such a big spoiler, mana exhaustion is the reason. Japanese people believe or at least they used to, that extreme stress, fear etc will change your hair to white instantly, which is an exaggeration of what actually happens.

Baneful Otter

I think that's kind of true? Sylphie can cast healing without invocations, so I'm not 100% about that. I think in the LN, they describe it as you needing to be a certain age, if I'm remembering correctly, and they don't know what the age is exactly.


It's only true for Rudy, Sylphie doesn't know physics or chemistry, for her it's just the feeling of the spell, nothing more.


These Mushoku Tensei reactions are honestly the highlights of the weekend for me. <3

Kaiki Deishu

Rudy uses incantation for healing magic because he doesn't understand how it really works. the elemental magics are easy to imagine because they are just elements from the world. in S1 ep 21 Orsted even said along the lines of "why don't you use incantationless casting to heal your lungs?" and its because he simply can't. I remember reading somewhere that if Rudy had any medical experience, he would be able to use healing magic without incantations.

Tyler Rimmel

The song that the show ended with is the new opener. Such a good one

Matthew Williams

It has only been a month or so since the end of season 1. Just the time it took to travel from the Fittoa region to the northern part of the continent. Rudy is still only 12 or 13 years old at this point.


Reminder that (his mom) Zenith's location was given to Roxy who hasn't encountered Rudeus yet tho she knows too about him being "ok" in a way. The bears covered in mud probably because I think it has tolerance to fire so they got natural Fire resistance by just bathing on it, smart bears.

Matthew Williams

No, in the novels when he gets to Ranoa magic school arc to go to school it's been about 2 years or so not during the depressed magician arc.


sylvie didn't turn her hair white on purpose if forget the name of the syndrome but under extream stress and fear, like suddenly falling out of the sky your hair can run white

Matthew Williams

To be honest it's actually more of a logic thing for Rudy he knows from science how elements are logically formed and he is able to work it out in his head that way, but he just can't grasp the logic of healing since he didn't study it at all while on Earth. What it comes down to is mindset Rudy can't do incantationless healing because of that, while Sylphie can after being trained by Zenith who was a S-Rank healer in her younger days.


We know very well how cells repair and how wounds heal, Rudy hadn't studied them in school or read about them after he shut himself in.


wdym "used to". My friend had black hair, once he got on a bad project at work, he started telling me how stressed he was. Now 10% of his hair is gray..... and he is 23y old ._. I also googled now, there is 2020 and 2023 studies that this is not a lie but. there is correlation between gray hair and stress (now it might be correlation and not causation)

Patrick Jacobsen

the Marie Antionette syndrome. I thought it was that too, but after a bit of digging I found out it wasn' the case. it isn't stated in the animé but is explained in the manga. if a mage over a short period of time completely drains all of their mana, their hair will turn white, as was the case with Sylphie when she was falling from the sky, trying all sort of different methods trying to slow her fall.


Nobody dyed Sylphies hair. We saw it change its color seemingly on its own midair.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Only a few months have passed since the end of season 1. If I recall correctly in the light novels he’s around 13-14 years old at this time

Kamil Butala

Yes theu are taking a break.Same as season one, season two is split into 2 cours of 12 episodes airing at different point of time... Second cour of season 2 should be airing in April 2024 :) #


6:39 Ref those female clerks at the guilds. That's such a universal trope that it would be shocking if you didn't see it one day. 16:08 Why is Rudy so depressed? He's the same as he was at the end of s1. He was able to force himself out of the tent because he's trying to get better... But he hasn't been able to do that yet. While he's trying... he's going to look for Zenith. It's important to remember that Rudy is MESSED UP IN THE HEAD and is trying to work it out by himself. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

Sebastian (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-20 15:25:34 the info on the mom being underground was given to Roxy not Rudy so he has no idea
2023-10-28 17:18:43 the info on the mom being underground was given to Roxy not Rudy so he has no idea

the info on the mom being underground was given to Roxy not Rudy so he has no idea

Matthew Williams

I realized my mistake right away, tried to fix it as soon as I posted but unfortunately my internet was acting up and couldn't fix my mistake right away. Thanks for the correction though.

Euan Thompson

The thing with the women at the adventurers guilds is actually something Rudeus notes himself in the light novels


It's only been a few months. He looks older now, but that's just a matter of ageing up his character design from season 1 to season 2 since it went mostly unchanged throughout season 1.

Keith Merrington

It's not long since Rudy set out at the end of Season 1. Our poor boy is still a wee bit depressed from all the (apparent) abandonment. But he's doing his best...

Alex Pallisgaard

If a person has green hair and a red gem in their forehead they are a superd like Ruijerd, otherwise it can be mostly any race to my knowledge.


is he suppossed to know about that yet? Not that it's a big spoiler

Rodrigo Flamenco (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-20 15:25:34 Rudy is 13 right now, it's been about 2-3 months since he was abandoned by Eris. By the end of Episode 3 about a bit less than 2 years would have passed.
2023-11-20 15:25:34 Rudy is 13 right now, it's been about 2-3 months since he was abandoned by Eris. By the end of Episode 3 about a bit less than 2 years would have passed.
2023-10-28 17:47:33 Rudy is 13 right now, it's been about 2-3 months since he was abandoned by Eris. By the end of Episode 3 about a bit less than 2 years would have passed.

Rudy is 13 right now, it's been about 2-3 months since he was abandoned by Eris. By the end of Episode 3 about a bit less than 2 years would have passed.

freshyjazzy12 . (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-20 15:25:34 You kinda see it at the end of this episode with hun crying and breaking down, but losing Eris wasn’t simply “losing some girl” to him, our boy got messed up but he’s healing and I love that for him. He needed that smile with Counter Arrow.
2023-10-28 17:53:21 You kinda see it at the end of this episode with hun crying and breaking down, but losing Eris wasn’t simply “losing some girl” to him, our boy got messed up but he’s healing and I love that for him. He needed that smile with Counter Arrow.

You kinda see it at the end of this episode with hun crying and breaking down, but losing Eris wasn’t simply “losing some girl” to him, our boy got messed up but he’s healing and I love that for him. He needed that smile with Counter Arrow.


That's the end of ep4, almost exactly 2 years, ep3 is 1 year.

Muligan Shinzuo

Suzanne the de-facto leader is a FANTASTIC people person, she aknowledged his personal space and accepted it instead of trying to force him. That is rare to see nowadays. The information was given to Roxy by demon king lady.

Abe J

I hate Rudy's whiney little bitch phase. Get over it. 🙄


I think it's hard for people who've never been through it before to grasp what it's like to have depression. It doesn't necessarily have to happen because of something big; sometimes a small inconvenience could make you depressed. When you do go through depression, none of it matters if it's a big or small problem; you just don't care and wish you didn't have to do anything.


The person he loved, had sex wth him, asked to be family and just vanished. He is alone, traumatised and without purpose..

Gai Valentine

It’s not mentioned until after Orsted’s next appearance. It’s best to just explain it now so people don’t form wrong theories over something so trivial.

Abe J

Not blessed. Rudy isn't a 14-15 year old inside. He's had his many decades to feel like crap then gets the blessing to get another chance with elite magic. No patience for that.


First time watching this episode too! A few things pop up as part of it. Rudy being isolated and depressed after 'losing' all the people he loved (in his mind), makes sense for someone who self-isolated for as long as he did pre-isekai. If the connections you made along the way (which he clearly were using as crutches to stand on his own two feet in this new world in a way) all leave, then its easy to fall back into depressive habits that come with isolation. He made initial steps such as leaving to find his mother, but he's overall still by himself. All the symbolism in his first night there (windows shuttered, no fire in an obviously cold room) showed this depressive mood. This in contrast to the last scene where he opened the window and the fire was burning. I'm glad that Rudy learned the importance of the connections he makes with others in this episode, as opposed to dwelling so strongly on the past. I was in that sense disappointed that he didn't burn away both 'relics of the past' (Eris' hair AND Roxy's panty), but I guess that is an indication of how far he still needs to go as a character. Good on Counter Arrow for giving him a chance even though he was quite...standoffish to them in so many ways.

Somedude Watchintv

It wasn't Rudeus that learned where his mother was. That information was given to Roxy after she helped the demon empress.

brotato 96

I have been following Luke for about an year now and Im happy to see he is becoming more like a weeb now, like getting Japanese / anime references. Also, yes Rudeus has to do incantation for healing magic every time because it has been explained that he does not understand how healing fundamentally works. You would notice that Rudeus is very knowledgeable about monsters, and adventuring in general. It has become a habit of his to do research after so many years of adventuring. The Mother's location was revealed to Roxy by the Demon Emperor Kishirika. Rudeus has no idea about it so far.


Overcoming depression takes time. Step by step. Rudeus has only taken one step here. Healing is long and difficult. You should keep that in mind. And why is Rudeus still in depression after a few months? Because depression isn't just a temporary mood swing. Secondly, he shared >>8 years<< of his short life with Eris. She's the person who's spent the most time with him, and they shared some intense moments. Their relationship was sincere, deep, based on a promise, until it suddenly became intimate, with talk of starting a family. Without having had time to process this relationship, Eris left without saying goodbye, deliberately cutting off all possible contact; letting him all alone. If we know why, from Rudeus point of view it's a total abandonment; the worst there is. Once again...after 8 years and an intimate relationship with the prospect of starting a family. And we're talking about Rudeus, whose past life is nothing but trauma. About Sylphie/Fitz's hair...although everyone seems to give you the cause, you're supposed to figure it out later. I'll never understand why some people like to give information in advance that comes later.

Hououin Kyouma

Rudy uses incantation for healing magic because he learned it after he was 5 years old. As Rudy theorized if you want to learn a certain type of magic without incantation you better learn it before the age of 5. After you grow old enough it's hard to learn it. Just like how we learn languages. It's easier to learn them when we are young. Rudy is not as good at healing magic as other attack-focused magic that's why he needs to use incantation to cast them. As of yet he never mentions it in the anime but he mentions it later on in the light novel.

Gun Bunny

@Matthew SPOILERS He spends two years adventuring with Soldat between eps 3&4. It's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it throwaway line in ep4.


Spoilers No, he spends 1 year with Soldat, that makes it 2 years in total adventuring after Eris left. I've watched the season 8-9 times by now and read the books thrice, I think I know what I'm talking about, I even have the specific volumes where Rudy talks about his age 2 comments above.

Robert Franklin

I think Sophie's hair changing color gets explained later. But if not, I'm sure somebody here will. Its kind of obvious once you find out.


Sylphie didnt change her hair on purpose, that was cause of all the mana she used up while falling down, after the teleportation incident. She used pretty much everything she had and that caused the hair color change.


Syhpie's hair changed color when she was falling due to depleting her mana trying to save herself (The anime doesn't explain the hair change but the novel does). Also the green hair is an identifier for the Superd like Ruijerd. However my guess is it is common in elfs like Syhpie too.

Ron Farmer

Dude you just said everything I was gonna say. Good on ya. As someone who has personally dealt with abuse, bullying, trauma and abandonment I can attest that this is an accurate portrayal. When you finally give your trust to someone just to have it broken... It's gonna be a while before you're chipper again. You'll have moments when you think you're OK and then it all comes back. Rudy is strong and wants a reason to live.


Rudy has to figure out how to recreate the feeling of the magic in order to cast silently, he hasn't figured out how to do it for healing. If you remember the fight with the dragon god he couldn't heal himself because his lungs were damaged so he used wind magic to force air in his lungs to keep breathing.

Kevin V

Seeing Rudeus in a depressive state always hits hard


You are ignorant it doesn’t matter how old you are depression is still a serious issue


in the Ln the reason he says is that he simply doesn't understand how it works. Not that he is too old that doesn't matter. That is only in relation the the SIZE of your mana pool. You can grow it buy exhausting your mana continuously at a young age. He knows what Fire is made out of, what water is made out of due to our world's knowledge. This makes it so he can do chant less magic Like When he was fighting the Dragon god he was making a Nuke due to our world's knowledge and that it is basically the strongest thing he could think of. But our world doesn't have magical healing magic so he simply doesn't understand how to do it.

Hououin Kyouma

Yeah, you are right. I think I mixed up the facts. He was explaining about it when he was practicing healing magic later on.

Abe J

It's that attitude that kept him a loser for 34 years. You help nothing.

aldo montoya

Dear luke fitz, there is a lot about this story that you don't know yet, I think this is the first anime that you will see broadcast with us, the story is long and you will know a lot about this world but it will take time, it may take a few years, but You're going to enjoy it a lot, I'm sure I'll see you cry more than once, you'll have to wait with us for the whole manga to animate, greetings from Mexico!!!

XT 421

There are a number of things the anime skips over, you just found one of them: Healing magic, in the LN, requires physical contact and Rudeus doesn't "get" it, like he "gets" fire/water/earth/etc. Interestingly! Sylphie CAN cast healing magic without incantation - she "gets" magi differently than Rudeus. Not a spoiler, just an omission of the anime.

Hawk of Battle

1) Sylphie's hair turned white as she was falling. It was due to using so much mana to arrest her fall. You can literally see her struggling and straining to cast a big enough wind spell to not die that causes it. This is not some great mystery. 2) Rudeus didn't get the info on where his mum is, that was told to Roxy. Rudy still has no idea where she is, so he's checking a location where he knows nobody has checked yet. 3) Yes, Rudy always uses incantations when healing. It's because he doesn't understand the biology and how healing magics works to fix it as well as he does basic elemental stuff. Silent casting pretty much works because you understand the science and physics behind the thing you're trying to do.


Information not shown in Anime #1 -> Rudy took on various jobs in Fitoa (where he parted ways with Eris) out of a sense of responsibility after what his grandfather did for him and to gather funds for his indefinite journey. In addition, the Asura currency is quite valuable. -> Everyone really saw him as mediocre, because at that age they barely graduate from any magic academy and he seemed like an arrogant boy seeking adventures who would either get himself killed or become a burden to someone. -> First of all, archers are quite rare in reality, although they can be used in wars to eliminate unprotected soldiers without resorting to mages, it's quite obsolete. For an archer, all their power will be based on penetration and critical damage like eyes, but naturally their impact will be lower according to the defense and strength of the beast. Of course, there are still many meticulous uses for them. -> Here, there are no things like enchanting weapons to become much stronger, everything is based on techniques and even "tricks". -> The blonde girl hates him because of his noble origin, even more so after confirming it. His surname Greyrat is one of the main noble families of Asura (remember that his father separated from his family many years ago). -> Everything she said is not incorrect, so she cannot be hated or reproached, because the mages don't even have half of the mana well that Rudeus has. He saw them all as very weak people after traveling with Ruijerd and Eris for so long, so it's natural to think that way. Traducido con ChatGPT Un beso ;)

Timothy Munk

Rudy, who suffered from decades of depression in his last life discovered his mom's missing, had his party broken apart and the girl he loved left him. Luke here "why would he act sad? I don't get it"


In the books it wasn't hair Eris left it was her panties. And she took a pair of his. Not crucial but ye, she traded panties. He is still 14 in this episode.


Sylphie's hair being white is unknown for where you are at Now. She didn't change it, and not did anyone else. It is a mystery.


Re-read my sentence. Stress making your hair gray over time is real, the instantly part is the problem.

brotato 96

That sounds like you cant complaint if you have won a lottery even if your loved ones left you and cannot feel depressed because you have been blessed with money.


yes they're taking a break, its being broke into two halves again i think

yuzu hibiki

Rudy can't use chantless healing, The black grizzly covered themselves in mud to reduce the fire damage, they are smarter than the other type of grizzly. Slyphie hair changed DURING her fall not after her fall and she didn't do it on purpose, you could see her shock when she looked into the mirror when she woke up.


As someone else who only watches the anime as well this is good to know! I thought it was weird he always chanted it.


Sylphie dient changed her Hair one porpse this was a cause of No man's flowing anymore in her Body after her Last attack


The Banger op is here.


#1 Rule every isekai/fantasy story will tell you, the most important rule of survival, work up the Tavern/Adventures guild people and you're solid. Buy them drinks, stroke all their egos, etc and you'll be king.

Kolben Mayushuuu

About the location of rudeus mother, it was Roxy who was given that information that she's supposed to be underground in this labarynth but not Rudy. They haven't met up yet so he hadn't had the chance to exchange that information


green hair AND a red thing in the middle of their head is bad, not just green hair.


Did everyone else get a laugh from how assured Luke was about his theory about the green hair and sylphie, but being way off?

Guilherme Vergne

Probably someone already said but, yeah, seasson 2 stoped in half, and will return april 2024

Andy Hinton

Sylvie didn't change her hair on purpose, nor did someone change it. You will find out later.


It was hard to watch. I had to keep remembering how my first breakup felt, as a teen with some depression and other issues. I believe this was Rudy's first breakup, first intimate experience, and as others have mentioned, he was with Eris for 8 years. That in addition to having been depressed and traumatized in his previous life. He probably feels the about same as an actual teen in that situation + depression and trauma.


he was '13' in s1. My guess is he is either 14 now , or 13.5.


You are not supposed to know why Fitz is in the Manga or light novel the anime is the only one who says it first

Jacob Langone

sylphie did not change her hair intentionally. she got so scared of falling to her death that her hair lost pigment, an incredibly rare but real phenomenon known as marie antoinette's syndrome


Basically, Sylphy got teleported in a lucky situation, because the boar also got teleported to the same spot as Sylphy, her hair changed from mana exhaustion because she kept throwing big spells mid air For Rudy, it's been around a year since last time we saw him

Ian Campbell

Problem is people who have depression (medically or traumatically) can't exactly choose their attitude at times.


Thats kinda a spoiler. They don't know where the mother is exactly, just that shes alive and in the Begarrit continent.


I'm sure this was already answered by all these comments. Just in-case: 1. Approx 6 months have passed since the end of season 1. And we know Eris is about 2 years older (almost exactly) than Rudeus. Eris turned 15 when she slept with Rudeus. Therefore Rudeus should be about 13 and a half in this episode. 2. Sylphies hair change was not a choice. It was never really explained, in Anime or even the Light Novel. But its implied because she used all her mana in an attempt to stop her falling. Basically, severe mana exhaustion. 3. Green hair is associated with the Superd clan. But because most of the curse has already faded with time (and Ruijerd cutting his hair), its not so bad now. Green hair + red gem = Superd. Green hair alone = likely a relative or ancestor was a demon or Superd.


Rudy always says incantations for healing because he cannot use healing magic without them. His method of silent spellcasting is reliant on understanding and visualizing the spell effects, and it seems in his original life he was much more interested in physics and chemistry than medicine and biology.


It isn't, Visoth. the demon emperor clearly stated she was in the labyrinth city of Rapan (or something along those lines, going by memory of watched that ep about an hour ago and having never seen any additional info given). Rudy of course has not received that info as far as we know.


On point 2, it does get explained indirectly in vol 15 of the LN (so next season) based on something specific that happened... I'm not going to say exactly what will happen because I'm not going to spoil it, but one of the end results is it's confirmed that extreme mana expenditure can cause a person's hair to turn white.