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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to Mushoku Tensei Episode 21!




Those question marks shouldnt be in the title :D


The long awaited ep

XT 421

So that dragon on the mountaintop flat out ran away in fear of Orsted. Either acknowledging his overwhelming strength or as a result of his curse.

Thomas Juino

let's go !!! my favorite episode from the all show


I'm reading the Light Novels right now, they're really good. Now that I know what is to come, I cant wait for more of this anime!

Regill Derenge

I still don't understand why patreon anime are not full screen ? you don't have to worry about copyrights so having full screen reactions for patreon could be nice !! ^^


FUCK YEAH been waiting for this one for ages!

Adam Juríček

laplace the demon god. heard of him in few episodes, namely 9 I think when ruigerd told his story of the war. also orsted said that rudy has big mana capacity as laplace not strength. laplace was a smart powerhouse of mana if I could name him something, rudy wouldn't stand a chance against him :D tho props for catching majority of this episode, most people weren't able to put most of it together until this season


Forgot to breathe during the episode lol.

Daniel Griffiths

right chat lets behave... i haven't read the comments yet but i know what your thinking lol

Leaving Guys

Laplace is the demon god; the being that caused the Superd to go on a killing rampage through the spears he made for them - a master of mana manipulation. Not many others can transfer a curse to another

Marcelo Coelho

Laplace is the Demon God, the one who fought and lost the war and was sealed. He gave the Superdia race a spear that was incredibly powerful but cursed and this curse made them kill even their families. Ruijerd killed his son but his son was able to break the cursed spear in the fight. The spear Ruijerd uses now is his son's (note that Superdia's spears are made from cutting the tail that they are born with, so it's really his son's remais). A power analysis - Ruijerd is the most powerful warrior that we know until now (exept from Gods) so you can imagine others powers comparing to his Rudeus isn't focusing in getting stronger because he only wants to get Eris back home for now. The girl that gave Rudeus the foreshadowing eye is the Demon Empress, not a God, and she doesn't have much power, she only have the Empress title because she can give those magic eyes.

Timothy Munk

Guy watched Rudy with the Demon eye score a sword fighting win against Eris, watched Rudy stand toe to toe against a North Saint, watched Rudy ready and able to drown an entire city, watched Rudy crush everyone besides Paul in his party.... thinks that since Rudy doesn't show off more that it means he's comparatively weak and not growing. Sad


If you want to listen and react to Mushoku S2 Opening [SPIRAL] you can now watch this version: {Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Opening【AMV】spiral「LONGMAN」} The AMV only shows events from S1 and its the full version of the song if not close to.. 👌


Keeping Castlevania in the patreon memory since once upon a time it felt like it was on the verge of being watched.


Laplace is the Demon God (the one who tricked Superds to oof their children)


See Luke ? Not mean to offense but You always forget something even you were told that information in some episode before like superd thing , And you planning not to react Fate UBW right after Fate Zero ? with this situation you will forget everything from Zero if you react Fate UBW some months later


31:26, who gonna tell him 💀. I guess mushoku tensei will not end up being top 3 anime for him. Only top 1 isekai.


I think the Dragon is the one who told Orsted about the strange accumulation of mana. Note that Orsted comments on it afterwards like it's the first time he's heard of it. I suspect Dragons more respect Orsted than fear him. The flame attack? Not sure. Maybe the Dragon wanted to be sure it was Orsted.

Thomas Juino

The ranking of the Seven Great Power (seven god) is made out of pure battle strength, but there is indeed a reason why Orsted is ranked second behind the Technique God even if he can best him in a fight It's a simple, yet, strange reason btw


I think one more thing to note from the episode, Orsted didn't say Rudeus was as strong as Laplace, only that they had a similar, huge mana pool


Orsted - "why don't you heal your lungs" Luke - "Oh he did 7u7" Orsted - "well, it doesn't matter, 🥯"


Really good episode with so many interesting things introduced and explained. I like how, even though he was killed by Orsted, Rudy felt bad for him because of his curse (which makes everyone fear him). The opening for this 'arc' is also referencing Orsted, you should check the translation, it's beautiful. Song name is "tooku no komori no uta"

Keith Merrington

He watches a lot of anime series at once so he's bound to forget stuff. This is why making notes is a good idea. It diminishes appreciation of the story if you forget key elements or characters throughout.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Hype, been waiting for the reaction to this episode for ages. All Mushoku Tensei enthusiasts clench up any time a turning point comes up


16:44 "We haven't met any of them (7 gods) yet." (besides Orsted) We've seen the Sword God. He wasn't identified but it's SCREAMINGLY obvious who he is when you rewatch the series. Some easy-to-overlook details. 15:36 Rudy uses air magic to force air into his lungs since he can no longer breathe. 15:49 Rudy uses air magic to move himself back from Orsted - out of range of the Disturb Magic counterspell. (have no idea how Rudy figured out that was a short range spell)

Keith Merrington

Great episode. I like the way Rudy accepts his fate (when he thinks he's dead) recognizing his good fortune that he even got a second chance at life. He shows sympathy for Orsted (because everyone hates him), relief that Ruijerd is making progress with his curse removal, and even gratitude to Hitogami for helping him and his family. Clear signs of growing maturity.


This opening is so good, full of spoilers from the side story "Old Dragon's Tale"


There's still time. If they actually continue with the anime.

Keith Merrington

Rudy has a huge amount of power that he doesn't even recognize himself yet - probably because the people he's been around have also been very strong. That fireball he blasted at Orsted would have gone off like a nuclear explosion had Orsted not opened a wyrmgate to absorb it. Would have vaporized everyone there.

Hamza Stiti

it is true that he is not growing tho. he did make a conscious decision to stop "training" and improving his magic until he can get Eris back

Sebastian Stróż

So it's not mentioned in anime but afaik in Light Novel they explain what kind of magic Rudy used this episode. Basically he was like "fuck it" and threw everything hes got into this single "fire ball". The thing is, if Orsted didnt absorb it, it would nuke the whole mountain or something. It was stupidly powerful because Rudy didnt think about anything else but raw power. You often shit on Rudy for being weak and all but he is just inexperienced.


if you haven't seen s2 you won't even notice it.. the part at the end is like 3 second clip of the og opening so it won't spoil a thing. 🤷🏻‍♀️ iyam that's like the best start up for s2.


You might not have seen it, but this episode was called “Turning point 2”… the mana disaster episode was “Turning point”. These chapters are the ones people dread in the story but they change so much. Super good


why start it anyway? does it even have proper ending? sorry I finished zero with a ridiculous amount of attempts and then started UBW but I noticed its just another version of the other fate series I can't recall the title and then I just find myself not continuing it altogether.. look I really tried but like what's the point?🤷🏻‍♀️

Matthew Williams

First off don't ask about why Orsted knows people and things that is MAJOR SPOILER territory. Second the Technique God, Sword God etc. are not actual Gods in the sense you're thinking, it is a title not a personification of being. Orsted being the Dragon God though is sort of an actual God like Hitogami the Man God, but again asking further falls into huge spoilers so don't ask. Rudy being able to look and talk to Orsted despite his curses lies in the fact that it effects souls of all in "this" world, which Rudys is not. Laplace was the Demon God and the spear Hitogami was referencing was the cursed spears that Laplace gave to the Superd way back when that caused them to go insane and kill everyone (remember the story told in the Midgardia Village back in episode 9). Kishirika the bondage gear wearing "little girl" isn't a God she's just one of many Demon Lords, actually at this point the weakest due to her recent reincarnation (think Ramiris from Slime they both used to be relatively strong died then reincarnated and are now super weak though still Demon Lords). Guess you missed it in Hitogamis' explanation, in terms of pure raw strength, pure power, skill and technique Orsted is the absolute strongest in the world period. He has multiple curses on him that limit his strength, limit his mana, limit his speed, heck limit everything, because of that he is weakened considerably to the point that the Technique God is somewhat stronger. If it came to a fight though Orsted would probably win. That being said Rudy of all people not only fought that guy (God) but actually made him get serious and injured him, a feat that very, very, very few people in the world could even come close to doing and he did it without Aquaheartia his super powerful staff at the ripe age of 12 years old. I believe you owe Rudy an apology for all the shitting you were dumping on him Luke.

Timothy Munk

Naw, Rudy's still growing. He hates killing and doesn't like to show off. Rudy tries to clear his conflicts as peaceful as possible. That doesn't mean he isn't training with the sword, magic, but his body in general. He's way stronger than he shows up until this episode.

Matthew Williams

That and his fireball nearly destroyed Orsteads Wyrmgate which should have been able to absorb anything and everything.


Not a metaphor btw - Rudy was recalling his "this world" knowledge and *literally* envisioned a nuclear explosion and tried to push that into the spell. If Orsted hadn't stopped it it would have destroyed the entire region.


laplace is the one who gave superds the cursed spears


also rudy can't use incantationless healing and that's why he didn't heal his lungs and once during the battle used spell to pump air into himself.


Subtle detail that you could have missed is the fact that nanhoshi(name of the girl) means 7 stars nana-7 hoshi-star/stars

Stuart Young

Orsted: Why don't you use incantationless magic to heal your lungs. Luke: Clearly he already has. Mushuko Tensei: Are you sure about that??

Sebastian Stróż

Thanks for the clarification! I remember reading some comments about it but couldnt recall the the exact explanation.


I think the problem is we don't get to see a comparison for Rudy. We get plenty of sword and spearfights, so we can judge where Eris and Ruijerd are in relation to them. The only other mage we've really seen is Roxy, and never in a combat situation. So we can't really see what level Rudy is in relation with other mages of this world, and that what he's done so far is stupendous


One more thing that's really interesting but easy to miss is that Nanahoshi, the girl with Orsted, is the only girl with dark hair we've seen in the series so far. Something to think about.


It's pretty hard to talk about what happened in this episode without massive spoilers, so instead I will say that you will find out eventually. That 20 second fight scene between Ruijerd and Orsted is one of the best if not the best fight scene in terms of animation and attention to detail. One little detail I will point out is that Rudy has never been able to cast incantation-less healing magic. He can do it with other types of magic, but not with healing. That is why when his lungs are crushed he uses magic to blow air into himself to breathe, rather than fix his lungs since he has lost the ability to speak.

Timothy Munk

You're right about that StabKing. Rudy doesn't show off and his sword training isn't nearly as intense as Eris. We also don't see him take point with fighting as often. Rudy's also humble about himself and his powers, readily giving credit to others. It's one of his better qualities. I won't give away spoilers, but Rudy is mostly hampered by a lack of experience. His training is less than a decade old. But his early start with training and being surrounded by high level fighters puts him WAYYY ahead of the curve. To go sword only with Eris who's Advanced Rank when Rudy's 12 is wild

Guilherme Vergne

Nice explaining, adding into it. The issue with rudy's eye against Orstead was the same he saw with eris and ruijerd when he tryied to predict more than 1sec, the stronger the person, his view becames blurred, because there are more possible ways he'll act, specially because Rudy knowing can change what he actually do. All the God, Emperor, King, Saint talk in Mushoku Tensei is about title based on power and class, for example its known at this momment that Pergius (one of the heros who fought to seal Laplace) is ranked as Dragon King, so he's King rank in the Dragon Tribe, that Orstead is ranked as God. The same gos with Demon God Laplace, its a title as the little girl Kishirika is ranked as Demon Emperor (empress), yet shes not much strong on combat, she's known by her Demon Eyes, just like its said by her to Rudy. Also, if you remember that ep, she used her Demon Eye to see Rudy and called him disgusting and compared him to Laplace (this comparation, just as Orsted's is about his ammount of mana, usually mages have to know, calculate and controll his own ammount of mana, but Rudy never had this problem since his 3 years old) To finish, its nice to see Luke noticing most of the plot relevant stuff this episode had, and most people just ignored, hope he still remember them in the future.


Man I love this series! I love how much setup there is early on in MT, that makes sense a lot later. Also Turning points are some of the best moments in my opinion. While reading the light novels I instantly started feeling a cold sweat when I read "Turning Point (Part X)" as the title of a chapter.


Not exactly, the maid which sauros banged in the tower has also black hair.


... and then the bison did a backflip and snapped the bad guy's neck.


Orsted is stronger than the Technique god if they fought with their full power but Orsted can't use his full power because of his curses, therefore he's ranked 2nd. Make sense?


When I read the WebNovel almost ten years ago this chapter make me determined to read the whole novel and made me crave for more: **VOL 6 - CHAPTER 58**: [...] And then, we came to realize. All things happen abruptly. Bad things happen at times when you're unable to predict or prevent them. Suddenly parents can die, Suddenly your siblings can come to beat you up, Suddenly a truck can come to hit you, Suddenly you can be reincarnated in another world, Suddenly your father can come to attack you and then force you into being a home teacher for a young lady, Suddenly you could be thrown to another continent as well. Most likely everything is a result of chance. Furthermore, we would come to realize. The severity of this world. The fact that people can simply die. The fact that any person anywhere can all too easily die. The fact that there are no exceptions. And the fact that for this rule there are no exceptions, neither oneself nor those around you have a rather convenient ability that requires you to live during long lives. Finally, at this late point. We finally came to realize this reality. The origin of the phenomenon known as death, the fact that a person nearby can suddenly disappear. And then foolishly. I was unable to connect the dots and to reach the truth at that time. If at that time, I had properly understood the truth, if I had been thinking of acquiring a strength that wouldn't lose to anyone. I may not have regretted it that much. If here with this event, I had aimed to be the strongest in the world. I may not have regretted it so much. Even after such a thing happened, I was unable to get my hands on the desire for power. However, there is someone who was able to assimilate this lesson... As expected of Eris.


Just a clarification, Laplace was the Demon God that was defeated long ago that Rudy heard stories about growing up. Remember that flying castle in the first core had a guy in it named Perugeus to was famous as one of the heroes who defeated Laplace.


Make sure to watch episode 0 of season 2. It isn’t a recap, it’s important to the story.

Ricko Andrew

If you notice, rudy use wind magic to give breath to his lungs. And Hh cannot use voiceless incantation for healing magic due to his lack of understanding in regards to how mana is manipulated to heal


I hope that patreon in the future has an option to download or something like that because when the internet is bad is imposible for me to watch the videos in a good quality or without lag. I was waiting for this cap, but I can not watch it yet


you can get video downloader extension in your browser, for example i use DownloadHelper for firefox


Does that work for Android too? I use my Samsung Galaxy tab when I travel

Colm Barry

I'm sorry, but I burst out laughing that you remembered that scene with Orsted and the dragon after forgetting Rudy's surname and half of his family

Harley Burnie

4:10 Sorry, Eris. That is a WYVERN, not a dragon. Dumb kids these days.

Harley Burnie

Yeah, dude. Either the app or the webpage, doesn't matter, neither of them are playing. Buffering every like 3-6 seconds. Le sigh


You can't blame her, it is called the king dragon realm she is in. On the red dragon mountains. Maybe this world sees them as dragons


Ye I'm rereading the light novels which the anime is based off of. I just finished v24 and instead of waiting till gone new years I'm re reading all of it. This episode gave me chills


Since you only have 2 episodes left in Season 1 ( or only 1 next week i guess) you should watch the "Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu - Eris no Goblin Toubatsu" Special. Its an Episode which will introduce a new character that will be important in Season 2 later on.


Nice Explanation. Seeing the fight in the anime was absolutly awesome, but sadly they didnt convey much of what actually happend there too much. But still awesome episode.


This is such a banger of an episode with the best fight scene! This sparked so many questions for me and the mystery this story & world hold! I’m very curious to know what you’re gonna think about season 2 since you can watch the first half RIGHT after season 1. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait with us until April 2024 for the second half of season 2, but the pacing is very different. I love season 2 and how they adapted it from the light novels, but I’d imagine it’d be a totally different perspective from someone who doesn’t already know what’s gonna happen and doesn’t have to wait to jump into season 2. Interesting analysis on Nanahoshi Luke…


I heard we get fighting. I was just stating that. At the end of season 2 of mushoku I felt like vinland saga season 2. I just accepted that it's about the life of an individual and not shounen like jujutsu kaisen q_q. Which means that in jujutsu you get epic action constantly while in the other two, you only get that ocasionally. Which is a shame cuz good shounen is rare while most anime that follow someone's life are good (Re:zero, frieren,mushoku tensei,berserk,etc). So IN A WAY since I actually love shounen and good shounen is rare, when we get those 'follow someone life' show that have good shounen parts, I kinda wished they were shounen instead.


Yes this is because he lacks the knowledge of how healing actually works inside the body. All the other "elemental" magic he does, its possible since he has a grasp of modern knowledge about chemical elements and how atom works.


Oh and also, yes there is an OVA episode you can react to between season 1 and 2, which introduces a new character & interactions with someone that’s brought up in season 2


As a side note, Rudy is the only one that landed a blow without his staff which amplifies his power.


Ruijerd is even dumber, how can he walk around in snow storm with barely any clothes, that is cold as heck, is he stupid?


I love in stories where they actually pop out overpowering enemy that just shock kills your main characters. Brings danger more close to the story and understanding that your characters aren't totally OP in the world. I dislike the trend of nowadays making MC's just walz dance through everything.

Cu de Cabra

Laplace was the Demon God who was sealed during the war between humans and demons. He was first mentioned in one of the first episodes

Crunchy Potato

This is one of the animes that really tease and drip feeds you the MC's character development. It takes a while til we get to the point where we see Rudeus getting really good. Season 2 is where we start to see that but man... I know it's not the typical power fantasy but they could at least give us nicer things more frequently.

Rodrigo Flamenco

Laplace was the demon god who betrayed the Sperds and gave them the black spears that made them go crazy. He was the Demon God. Kishirika is the Empress but she's not at God Level. This was skipped but Ruijerd was able to get his revenge. In the Demon/Human war he faced an army of thousands and was able to land the finishing blow to Laplace when the legendary 3 heroes failed to do so. Ruijerd is the leader of the Sperds fighters so he's the strongest among them. Ruijerd probably is along the top 25 strongest people in the whole world though that's still nowhere near enough to go against Orsted.

No One Important

The craziest thing about this video is that he pronounced the title right


This triggers the urge to rewatch an old anime called Seirei No Moribito. It's a story driven anime with the VERY best spear fights in anime ever seen. Instead of blurring spear to depict speed and power like Ruijerd's fight, that anime's spears felt.... heavy, real, and beautifully choreographed. Every swing and movement felt intended, and captured very well in camera angles. Sadly I don't think it will ever be recommended for review.....

Chris Gama

Shout out to the animators of this episode. The sparring match between Eris and Ruijerd was fantastic, but him against Orsted was phenomenal! And I loved that you saw Rudy's eye power seeing the hole in his chest like twice just before getting saved, it was a quick flash but man they did such a good job portraying that he saw himself getting impaled more than once before it ever happened! THAT is some scary shit right there!

Maurice S

Laplace was the Demon God so you know how fking crazy Rudys potential is when the Dragon God says his mana is on par with the Demon God. Also there were some really cool details in this fight that shows how insane Rudy really is. His first Spell actually landed a hit on the Dragon God. After his Lungs got crushed he actually used incantationless casting to press air in his lungs to give himself some oxygen to keep going and used earth pillars to set himself up straight for his big cast. Then he produced this huge fireball that looked more like plasma at the end which either sucked all of the oxygen out of the air or melted the complete ice in this cave (not sure what this effect was to represent exactly) and he even cracked the Wyrm Gate that the Dragon God casted. Now I dont know how powerful this spell of him was but knowing that he is the strongest being in this world according to the mangod and the spell looked kinda fancy it is an insane feat to actually crack that thing. I doubt most mages in this world would be able to make any dent in even the weakest spell of the dragon god. So yeah we have not seen much of a trainings arc from rudy and you called him useless in the group but after this fight he for sure showed us his already good skill and his absolutely insane potential


Btw when you finish season 1 you should watch the first watch special ep 1 and 2 before starting season 2

Kamil Butala

I would say that you give rudy little credit he is already insane there is not much more where he can improve ... he is bad at making decisions tho ...


The 7 Great Powers that are on the stele are not necessarily the only extreme powers in this universe, and they are not necessarily the 7 strongest things in existence. For instance, they clearly state that the dragons are more powerful than some of the 7. The Man God is not one of the 7, yet is clearly viewed as a peer or possibly even superior threat by Orsted, ranked just SECOND of the 7. This would seem to imply that he falls somehow outside whatever requirements may be necessary to be counted as one of the 7 Great Powers. Additionally, we have no confirmed direct influence by the Man God within this world. (Geese being the Man God is a popular theory and is rightly called out in this reaction series, but we have no confirmation) The Man God may simply be an entity external to the reality Rudeus finds himself in and that would make his interference within it an affront to the powerful beings within that reality who have the power to challenge that influence. In this case Orsted pretty clearly has that power.


You are very much on track from what I understand as an anime only about the Technique God vs Dragon God matchup. If you compare it to classic fantasy if the wizard tries to have a 1v1 with the fighter the fighter is likely to win, but if the fighter and wizard each try to stop an army the wizard is going to have an easy time nuking the army with a giant fireball, while the fighter has to go one by one and will eventually get tired, or else the army can simply bypass the fighter as he is dealing with only small part of it. Dragon God may have more direct combat power, but Technique God has more broken non combat or indirect abilities. Possibly including time manipulation with Orsted seeming to have knowledge of alternate timelines where Rudeus is not present, but being unable to do anything about it.


Laplace in the Demon God who is rank 4, so Rudy is pretty strong.

SunLovin Solaire

One of the big things about this series is that Rudeus Improves so rapidly when able to he almost instantly Plateaus. However most of his problems simply can’t be solved through raw power. He needs to either be more thoughtful or careful to solve his problems usually. Then there’s things that just flatly outclass him like Orsted here.

Harley Burnie

Ruijerd actually said the whole list of the Seven World Powers, and you know Hitogami(Man-God) was not on that list. There’s no way you would have not retained that info is the Man-God was on that list, so being unable to remember if he was on the list or not should default easily to the negative. 27:06 She was “Emperor” not a god. Le sigh. I’ve seen other reaction channels take notes while watching anime. That would help you enjoy the details you forget. If Mushoku Tensei keeps getting animated, all of this stuff happening and the characters we might just might be important going forward, idk.

Yami Shoumetsu

I would assume that the black hair girl was also from japan considering her name "Nanahoshi" is japanese. Also based on why Orsted know the 2 of them, either time travel is involved or some premonition skill/magic is involved.

BRUNO Marques

Laplace is the Demon God, number 4 on the list. Man-God is not in the list of 7 for reasons, there are many God ranked individuals not on the list. Rudy has similar mana capacity to Laplace. Just having a lot of magic doesn't make you strong though. Otherwise the Demon Empress Kishirika would be super strong, and she isn't really when compared to the truly strong. The Technique God is handicapped and Orsted has better things to do than antagonise him. If they fought Orsted would lose even if he won.

Andy Hinton

When Orsted said that Paul should only have to daughters how he knows that idk but that's because technically Rudy is an anomaly of that world. Rudy was brought in by the Man-God that's why Orsted asked if Rudy was an apostle of the Man-God. But even Rudy does not know why he was brought there, he's just trying to live his new life. But unknowingly is getting caught in the crossfire of everything around him.

yuzu hibiki

No luke, the bison killed itself :) gotta accept reality sometimes. So to answer a few question even if i'm late by more than a week, Laplace is the Demon god and also the one that gave rujierd the cursed spear that killed his entire family. Orsted Might be ranked 2 on this list but in terms of actual ability and strength he is considered number 1. You will probably not know the reason for at least another decade until season 5 or something comes out. Spoiler: Orsted mana can't be regenerated or takes centuries to regenerate, which is why even if he does beat the technique god, he will still lose since his life mission is to kill the man god whom is in the future.

yuzu hibiki

something else to note about rudy's magic is that he applies psychics to make it stronger which is why honestly rudy is the strongest mage and can't really get stronger since he doesn't know how else to do so considering his mana is pretty much capped and his casting is already the best


Love how u have a smile on ur face ending the video, i had too not gonna lie what an episode

Arcade'owy Łowca

Nah, he knows and everyone around him also knows. His magic is powerfull, but his traditional magic formules are capped at intermediate to saint/holy level. That's only 3-4 in a 1-7 scale. If he gets to understand how higher powers works, he's able to be a threat just by that. Even more so when he applies his way of formulating magic. Also noone's magic is really capped. Everyone can improve, and Rudy himself proved that by giving roxy a push to learn 5th level of magic.

James Yancy

I disagree about Rudeus not using his limited knowledge of physics to improve his magic, because he clearly does. His stone bullets are fired with spin to make them more accurate and have more penatration. That is definitely knowledge he'd have from his previous life dealing with the science of ballistics.

Paul Berry

All hail dragon god Orsted


Holy crap. That Conor Mcgregor vs Elon Musk comparison was actually spot on. I won't explain why, because spoilers...but damn. Are you a Sage, Luke?


Man It's been a while since I watched Turning Point 2 and it's still scary insane, I'm not ready for the next turning point...


I see someone had the same way of preparing for the upcoming episode.