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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to Mushoku Tensei Episode 17!!




What I love most about this Rudy and Paul argument is that I can see where both sides are coming from, yet I can also see how both sides could have handled it better


Was really waiting for you to react to this episode, because i knew it would hit you :D


Bocchi for next patreon ^^ It should be long overdue at this point to do a proper music anime


Love this episode.... can't imagine the pain of drugging to get back all desperate then finding out it's even worse and there is no home... truly gives the despair of a disaster zone Ain't nothing else make me cry like seeing a grown man cry. But really there is something to be said about the epitome of rampant machismo that is Paul breaking down emotionally that just hits hard. Was probrably quite cathartic for Paul too, finally letting out some of the worries he's been holding in this whole time. That bread animation tho...


It will only get more emotional as the show goes on man


Its a very subtle scene but when Rudy started explaining what happened to him he noticed Paul's face and tried to make it sound not as threatening as it was Also Paul's argument was that Rudy never tried to contact him but last time the 2 of them spoke Paul beat the crap out of Rudy and loaded him on a carriage to another town


What makes this scene so emotional is because it easily relatable to a lot of us , cherish what you have right now and live the fullest.

Matheus Vitali

Its funny how everyone loves the bread animation hahahahahahaha

Kamil Butala

We all knew you will cry coz we all did haha :D :D

Keith Merrington

Vierra (woman with the big breasts) distracted you on purpose. To draw attention away from Shierra (her sister, covered with a robe) - the reason being as I commented last week.


Posting to keep Castlevania in the patreon memory. Especially relevant since the first season of the new series - Castlevania: Nocturne, released yesterday.

Keith Merrington

Great episode - thanks for the reaction. The OVA would have fitted in here nicely (before E18), but it can be watched at the end.

Victoria Pritchard

Book spoiler warning!!! There's a reason for the bikini armour, her sister was assaulted and doesn't like to be noticed by anyone so she wears a long robe with hair covering her face, the armour is meant to distract so the sister can remain unnoticed.

Keith Merrington

Not sure how Rudy could have easily contacted him anyway. It's not like they have a telegraph service. Any letter would have to be hand carried and that was as fast as they were moving homeward in any case.


The story behind the sisters (the "naked" and the other girl) is that after teleportation they both became sex slaves. After the rescue, the younger one was very afraid of men watching her, so the older one decided always to wear provocative clothes so every man looked at her instead of her sister.


We even got him to watch that bread scene on stream a while ago, and now it actually got a reaction out of him independently of that. Gotta love to see it


It's always difficult to be critical with yourself and your own actions. Both Paul taking Geese's advice and Rudy taking the bartender's advice set that selfcritical consideration into motion. It's not easy, I sometimes can't do it myself, but it's always a good step in resolving an argument. It's not always about right or wrong, sometimes it's just about acceptance


I like how at 9:47 Luke and Paul both have the same chin holding pose lamao.


Luke - "Mushoku is an emotional anime???", me - "Always has been :)". But ep 17 is easily one of my top 3 favorite episodes in season 1 after 2 other episodes. As viewers we definitely have the benefit of hindsight and it makes it easy to see how characters react and approach things that will have consequences as it will be very obvious to us but not to them and its going to occur a lot in Mushoku.


I wouldn't really say Rudy had an amazing time from what we saw, he had a good time at the Beastfolk's yeah, but only after he was in prison and mistreated. All the other times he had massive guilt issues because someone died because of him, he has to constantly be "on" because he would have to be there to protect Eris, and even if he knew later that Ruijerd was on there side, he also saw how ruthlessly he could kill if it was morally okay for him (als he himself "threatened" Rudy after he didn't help someone). Iirc Rudy also said that the stories he told Paul were exaggerated so Paul only knew the big amazing things. In the end both are wrong


Rudy was really roleplaying to act happy, so much acting that he couldn't held the puke from how disgusting and stressed he was feeling with himself with the blames from Paul stuck in his head. Imagine if he were to find his wife, but as his wife was stronger and better adventurer than him so then be an excuse for Paul to trash on her for not finding anyone... bro. I guess the rest stuff are enough explained even if Rudeus made it look easy, he was in many life or death or event to strand forever situations as even with his powers he could do nothing about it but be patient and cross the seas in his own way.


The difference here is that Paul actually did the right thing and shaved

Peter Parker

in my opinion, to be fair rudy was not with his family for few years during the disaster happened meanwhile his father was with the family. i think that is why he didn't think about his family getting teleported etc.

Maurice S

The more I see you react to this show the more I am hyped for your Re:Zero reaction.. :D I love that you react to the characters as actual characters and try to understand their personality and not just oh he is an op protagonist he shouldve done that and that. You try and see the "human" side of these characters. This will be great to see in the Re:Zero universe ^^

yuzu hibiki

Actually it was more like he didn't expect the teleportation disaster to reach all the way to the outskirts


Agree I cant wait for ReZero too ^^ But when if i may know ? why Fmab so long ? 50 episode and still not end yet ? how much eps that Fmab ends ?

XT 421

Yeah should be higher up. They were both assaulted IIRC, but the robed one has a lot more trauma around it, so her sister tanks the attention intentionally.


i dont think Luke has picked up yet that the whole country they lived in is gone

Tommy Jensen

Was just about to give the explenation of the two young women, but I see you beat me to it, and with a nice, short and to the point explenation.

yuzu hibiki

^this right here, It's not like Rudy didn't want to send a letter. He really only had a breather to send a letter when he arrive in Millis and he WAS gonna send it until he saw a "kidnapping" happened.


In regards to the women working for Paul....he's a Greyrat, what'd you expect haha

yuzu hibiki

Someone correct me if i was wrong or just remember wrongly. Didn't Geese brought paul to fight some monsters in the sewers and they barely managed to defeat it before Geese said those words to paul about the demon continent? Or was that just in the WN or i imagined it?

Ricko Andrew

True, but that is why Paul send messages for people to look when they are in a guild. Unfortunately, Rudy was too focus trying to erase superd's bad reputation...


On the subject of Eris' affection for Rudy, remember back to when the kidnappers offered him a cut if he helped them and his response was "money cannot buy dere" he was referencing one of the character tropes female characters often have towards a love interest. In Eris' case, she's Tsundere, which means she's often cold towards him, usually publicly or even when she's embarrassed, but has a soft and caring side they have problems expressing.

Fay X84

Not the whole country. But only the Fittoa region which is under the responsibility of Sauros (Eris's Grandfather). The Asura kingdom Royal capital was totally fine right? Also Sauros was executed in the Royal Castle to make him take responsibility for loosing his territory, as some kind of political conspiracy or something. By the way, Buena Village(Rudy’s village) is a small village belonging to the Fittoa Region.


You're definitely missing some of the nuance when it comes to character interactions and the how this world works as a whole, but that's fine. The characters are complex and the world is vast, so it's difficult to get a grasp of everything. I think the important thing to understand as the viewer is that the anime won't explicitly give you every little detail to explain why each character makes decisions. Instead of saying whether a character is right or wrong, I think it's better to explore what could have led them to those decisions. One of the great things about this show is that you really have to think about things beyond just your initial reaction to them. There's a lot of depth to the world, story, and characters, which requires people to think more deeply if they really want to understand.


This show is great! Don't worry i also shed tears with you during this episode despite watching it before


So something that's never explained in the anime is why the woman wears so little clothing. Her sister is a victim of assault and has a severe fear of men. She dresses that way to keep people from looking at her sister

Sebastian Stróż

I remember it clearly so it may be a spoiler from next episode (dont think so?) or it was wildly popular explanation which should 100% be in the anime.


3:53. Yeah. Every Living Thing that was hit by that light was teleported. Bare ground and ruined buildings are all that's left behind. 16:56 "To be frank, this has been like a game to me." When you re-watch the series you see, over and over again, how Rudy was behaving like that. Sometimes he got away with it, sometimes it blew up in his face. He's learning. 29:55 "That women (Vierra) is so distracting.' You missed the explanatory comments in the previous episode. She's TRYING to be distracting. Both Vierra and Sierra where teleported (together) and wound up as sex slaves to bandits. After they escaped, Vierra got over it. Sierra gets traumatized when man look at her. So Vierra dressed like THAT (and stays near Sierra) so men look at her and not Sierra.

Zero Shonen

I don't know about the WN, but in the LN it does happen. That gives Paul a massive understanding of how extremely dangerous the Demon Continent is since if I remember correctly, Gesse also stated that those monsters were just like minions in the Demon Continent, not a high threat, meaning that in the whole time that Rudeu's party was in there (even if it is not shown), they were always fighting monsters C-rank monsters (Demon Continent rank) every single day.


I think both guys are flawed here. Rudy is selfish in sense. And Paul seems to have an inferiority complex.

Zero Shonen

Actually, the real reason why she dresses like that is that her sister with the robe was S3x 4buss3d and she decided to wear those protections to drag the looks to her instead of her sister, Paul knows about this and doesn't try anything with them, but without that mini-story everyone would think about the Greyrat blood XD

hussam abdelalim

no spoilers here just that is detailed in the novel and not mentioned in the anime, now to explain the distracting-looking woman, when she and her sister got teleported they ended up with the worst people, men who enslaved and raped them repeatedly for a long time, now when they were saved somehow that woman was able to put it behind her and relatively well adjusted, but unfortunately, her little sister did not and so she is suffering from severe trauma and terrified of men and can't communicate or deal with people attention to her in general, so the older sister started to dress like that to take any kind of attention from her little sister onto her self, and judging by the fact that you did not notice the little girl in the huddie, I would say it is very effective

Zero Shonen

As we would expect, there are a lot of things that the anime does not take from the LN, such as the meeting Therese (Rudy's aunt), Geese and Paul fighting monsters in the sewers, and the family dinner with Paul, Norn, Eris, Rudy), but even with those mini-stories out, you can feel the character development of each one and their relationships. This was one of my favorite parts in the LN, manga, and anime, and in all of those, I couldn't avoid crying, it was a magnificent moment


It has always been emotionall. You just couldnt identify with the weirdo shut in neat, or a person looking to resset their life. So it didnt hit you as hard. But you are a father.


I would cry like that too if You react to the baki openings, My guy


I don't understand how Rudy was supposed to message his dad from the other side of the world, not knowing the location of anyone he knew after the disaster. His dad literally tried and failed to do the same, and Rudy's travels on the demon continent were fun for us, the viewer, but not for him. He was not having a great time. We heard his inner thoughts in several scenes and he was always overwhelmed with responsibility, even being an adult (a shut in) in a kid's body, being powerful and having a guide, being transported in the middle of hell would not be a great time. I think you just have an easier time understanding the father because you are one and are more emotionally attached to that character. Also, dont focus so much on what Rudy says, he clearly puts on a front and rarely says what he is thinking, focus on his actions and inner thinking. Sometimes other characters even give hints to what he really is thinking and meaning to do.


I called it :) in your last mushoku tensei post I said you would cry 😂

Gabriel Pires

29:50 - Luke, there's actually a very good reason for that subordinate of Paul (named Vierra) to dress in such a skimpy way. That other woman at her side is her sister Shierra, and apparently, after the Teleportation Incident, both of them were captured by bandits and sexually abused every day by them. After Paul rescued them, Vierra managed to recover emotionally, but her sister didn't, and suffered from severe PTSD, so Vierra started wearing that skimpy bikini armor on purpose, to focus all the male attention on herself, and away from her sister.


He couldn't have messaged, I explained why in the last episode, the chance of Paul getting that message were almost 0 while Rudy was still in the Demon continent.


So the anime skips over the sexy assistant story. Her and the shy one in the robe are sisters who got teleported and sold into sex slavery. Paul saved them but the sister got traumatized so bad she basically has a panic attack anytime a man looks at her. The sexy one dresses that way so that guys look at her instead of her sister.


EVERYONE loves that bread scene. Haha! That hug gets me every time.

yuzu hibiki

I feel that the anime might have took out certain stuff in the demon continent that made it seems like a stroll in the park. If ever the chance, you should read at least the Web novel. I just realised that the novel solidify alot of the chars in my head than the anime did


We love to see you cry, Luke. That's why I want to see if an anime can make you cry from LAUGHTER. Make an executive decision and demand that your followers find you a comedic anime to put into the rotation. I recommend Prison School and Grand Blue, but there are many more out there as well.


It's kinda funny how the fatherhood moments in anime win over Luke so quickly and consistently. At least we know he's reacting genuinely


my goodness I'm so afraid of april.. 🤧


I'm at the 11 min mark Luke, it is absolutely wild that you think he had "An amazing time". Which part of it was an amazing time? having to shit in the woods (remember he's from mordern day Japan and this was his first outing), Having to trust a complete stranger to get him through a hellscape where even the turtles eat YOU? Facing monsters that dodge your spells and deflect your weapons as you watch kids your age ripped in two? Being threatened by giant horsemen? Watching your only source of protection gut a guy for kicking you, showing at any moment he could easily do the same to you? Having a "fangirl" leave literally everything to you, her life in your hands if you make the wrong decision? MAKING THE WRONG DECISION AND HAVING YOUR TEMP GUARDIAN PISSED AT YOU? He had a few mental break downs from over thinking literally every critical move. Lets continue... Rudy is a pacifist believe it or not, His morals of morality from Japan carry over heavily here. He doesn't want to kill or take life. Every fight he's been in. you expect him to "level up and be badass" but he's very human in all of his encounters. Having to work with cut throat smugglers to get across the sea to the point he was willing to sell his 1/ of 2 prized objects. Being knocked unconcious and hung naked for a week in a cage? Almost dying in a giant forest fire and almost dying to said smugglers? Spending almost half a year in some trees in the beastmen forest soaked in flooding downpours? Just because Rudy's nature is to make light of the situation so others don't worry about it (aka comparing his JAIL CELL to an all expenses paid resort with bad plumming) doesn't mean that's the reality of his situation. Rudy wanted to work hard get some dough, go to magic school with his Crush. It's easy to forget how hard rudy has had it because of how well he paints the situation. I share that skill and get frustrated when people miss the struggles i'm in as well. But even before the teleportation incident, Rudy was daily getting his ass kicked by a spoilt brat who if he made the wrong move would turn an entire Game of Thrones house against him. Dude has suffered a lot of PTSD from his first kidnapping (Paul) his second kidnapping (Butlers) and first forte with death and seeing someone killed. You see it in his hesitation all the time.


Sup Luke again, @24min mark, 20 secs. Yep, You are describing how things really are vs the rose colored glasses Rudy uses to get through all the brutality of the world. Which was what Geuss was saying to Paul from the start, "dude, an 11 year old actually made it out of my home land, HELL... wtf be happy he's not turtle shit." The Man God originally told Rudy straight up, if you dont make friends with the Superd, you and Eris will die here. But I relate to Rudy hard, when the situation is that tough, you'd crumble under it unless you dress it differently. Instead of "We are lost in hell more than a year's journey from anything we've known" he says "We're on an adventure!". Just like if your power goes out and kids get scared, you'd do your best to make light of the situation for them. Even in the bar he was committed to shouldering all the blame and pushing "it was all a game dad, I have it light, i'm the bad guy".

Kevin Baker

Tomorrow is going to be special.


Also Eris is NOT dismissive of Rudy in any type of way fashion or shape. To Eris in this moment, Rudy's words might as well be the words of God. I'm not exaggerating. Eris would fight anyone, including everyone there to defend Rudy and she is able to "enjoy the journey" because she relies on him heavily, literally leaving all the tough decisions in her God's (Rudy) capable hands. She fought Ruijerd to try to protect Rudy from his father, and this isn't even new behavior, Anytime anyone or anything has gone against Rudy, from kids tearing her gift clothes, to Ruijerd being pissed Rudy allowed kids to die. Eris has stepped up to defend her religion (Rudy). She states multiple times her thoughts on him "Rudy is amazing!" "Rudy can handle this!" "Rudy is right". While this puts a huge burden on Rudy to try to live up to those expectations, it is quite the opposite of her being dismissive. Her love for him isn't sexual, she's still young and doesn't even think about that stuff, her love from him is respect and adoration. From the moment he saved her from kidnappers, He is and will always be her hero.


Vierra dresses that way to protect her sister Shierra, who has extreme androphobia. Paul's group rescued the sisters from a group of bandits who had their way with them for awhile. Afterwards, Shierra has PTSD when men even lookat her. Vierra, who went through the same trauma as Shierra decided to wear an outfit that guarantees no men would focus on her sister. As you can see Shierra is also covering as much of her body as possible. Also, it looks like she did her job properly since you never mention the sister or how she's dressed.


Lol next topic, man I LOVE this episode. The ending with Geese. Remember how Geese was thrown into the "prison cell" with naked Rudy? Remember how you said he was so easy going and adapted to the whole thing really well? Geese was a member of Paul's original squad and if you remember right, Paul sent out an SOS that brought Roxy, Elaine and the Dwarf together to search. Well Geese is HIM, He's the guy who didn't even need to tell you he had your back but has you covered. Notice Geeses line about how he's checked most of the Great forest and next up is Begariff, Geese didn't do anything randomly. The Great forest is home to a ton of different beast tribe towns. Geese visited them all looking for members of Pauls family. He was so complete in his search that in order to leave no stone unturned he got himself "arrested" for cheating at a card game so he could even check the jail cells. And after coming across Rudy, notice he never left Rudy's side when in any sort of dangerous situation. Even against the smuggler, only acting when Rudy was in direct danger. Geese was on a mission from the start, and continues it here. He's that friend, mayb we all one day have a Geese in our lives, may we never lose him.

Connor Hennessy

I really like this episode, and I'm glad you enjoyed it as well.

Connor Hennessy

Also, I will once again shill the 6 episode, 1980's anime Gunbuster for Patreon. It was recently added to Crunchyroll, and it would be a great first Mecha anime for you. It's beautifully animated and incredibly influential to mecha and anime as a whole.


from the moment on the first episodes where you said you had a sweetspot for father son things I knew you would cry on this episode

Nicholas Johnson

Anyone notice that he stopped calling Paul "Paul" and started to call him "father?" Subtle change, but a significant one.


i've seen shows with "english voices". A.k.a real people, real people, real movies, real actors. And some anime dubbed with english voice actors. None ever got closed to the japanese voice actors. These dudes know how to make you cry. They manage to create that "cry talk voice". That voice make people cry.


Not to mention just how long he was in the demon continent. Like what was it a year or more of surviving in the hellscape that is the demon continent. The show doesn't go out of its way to make you feel sympathetic to Rudy there but its not a fun place and hes is marching pretty much every waking day just too get out of there... idk not my idea of a fun vacation or one I would choose anyhow.

Colm Barry

The fact that you can't focus on anything but the girl walking around in her underwear means her plan is working perfectly

Chris Gama

Luke, I can only imagine with you being a father, how you feel for Paul in that if you were to be missing your child for so long, your reaction to their return would be just as dramatic too. This anime is SO GOOD. Even though its in a fantastical world of magic and monsters, the story is just so... human.

Chris Gama

Gunbuster is fantastic, such a classic! And if we're going retro, we really need more reactions to some retro OVA's too. My first vote: Gunsmith Cats. My second vote for Luke to watch: Golden Boy! haha!


MU SHO KU, not MO SHU KU lmao


also remember Rudy DIDN'T KNOW that many got teleported, he thought it was just that one town.


A fantastic car accident that you walk way from with only scrapes is scary as hell while it happens and immediately after. But it becomes a rad story you can tell people with a silly grin on your face once you are past it. The headline is how time slowed and you could perceive so much in that instance, instead of how shaken you are, as you are no longer shook. Kill or be killed across a whole continent is not 'awesome' in the moment, but makes a great story months later in the safety of the largest human city on the Millis continent.


How much gold would Rudy have to pay for a letter to travel from the Demon Continent to Buena Village? Because that's where he would address a letter. Rudy's letter would not reach Paul before he did, even if he had a mountain of gold to pay for it to leave from the first demon city he visited. The letter would have to travel the same long path around the world, and miss Paul. Paul would be in Millis while the letter gets within a kilometer of him, and keeps going all the way to Non existent Buena Village. Once it gets to the refuge camp, they would figure it out, and may even pay out of their pocket to mail it back a whole continent away to where Paul actually is. Paul is drunk, depressed, at the end of his rope, working on bad info, and not thinking clearly when he beefs about letters, 'fun adventures', and Rudy monopolizing Eris.


The lady in the bikini armor dresses like that so men stare at her instead of her sister. Her sister was traumatized in the aftermath of the teleportation incident, and fears the gaze of men. The anime does not say it outright, but they were some of the rescued people in this episodes OP.


its kinda spoilery but not realy since they never explain it in the show but the 2 girls that follow paul were both victims of the teleport incident and are sisters. they got teleported together and were for lack of better words used by bandits until they were rescued. the reason the big chested girl wares the revealing cloths is to help her sister the mage with hair hiding her face who suffered more mentaly from the whole thing so as to keep eyes of men from her.


My shout out to G.O.T https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8MBQ1du/

Guilherme Vergne

Some anime skipped interesting contents. Big Booba Woman: Its funny that you said she was so distraction, because it is her intention, have you noticed the shy girl around her? she dress like that to protect the shy ones from man gaze, its said at the novel when rudy was thinking Paul was banging her (which he didnt). Geeze: I said last episode about the teaching Eris how to cook and how it fucked Geeze life in the past, well the past party was Paul's and who quited the party to marry were Paul and Zenith. Geeze thought that he teaching Zenith to cook had a part in the end of the only party who accepted him and after that he had a real hard time. Plus, thats why Paul was so surprised Geeze was already and still helping to search his family at the end of this episode.


Best episode so far


The "government" did react, they blamed Eri's grandpa and beheaded him for it, so that's the end of something like that for a king (because don't forget we're talking about a medieval society).

Suraj ayinde

You can't really expect Paul to act as a father to Rudus, when Rudy doesn't necessarily act as a child, remember Rudy is an adult in a childs body, he isn't your conventional child making it difficult for Paul to farther him.

Justin Poirier

They didn't exactly blame Sauros for the mana disaster, more like blamed him for his poor response to it.

Justin Poirier

I can't remember if they went over it in the anime or not, but Vierra is literally dressed like that so that she can distract people (mainly men) from looking at Shierra. This was because they were both captured, enslaved and r*ped after being teleported, and while it didn't affect Vierra as much, it gave Shierra a really bad case of androphobia.

Andrew Southwell

"The whole town?", it was an entire region that got caught in the teleport incident. If you think about it, the place Rudy was with Eris, and his home village weren't particularly close but were both caught in the incident.


Just to reiterate some topics regarding the rudy/paul fight. 1. You keep saying Rudy "should have just messaged him", you do realize that what you are asking is impossible with the technology level in this world. To send a letter, it has to be hand carried to its destination. You either send it cheaply and have no guarantee it reaches its destination(or even if it does it reaches the destination after you arrive), or pay outlandish money for a dedicated adventure to carry it for you (ie you basically have to pay for that adventure's travel costs at a minimum). You are basically wasting money that could be used for advancing your own travels to your destination. 2. As others have previously mentioned, when he got into territory that had a reasonable chance to deliver the letter, he started to write it. Only to run into Paul before sending it. 3. In part, what paul was faulting rudy for was based on an unequal knowledge of the situation. Paul had spent months already to understand the situation, whereas rudy had yet to complete the first step (return home) which paul completed on day 2. Paul was criticizing rudy for not going and looking for other transported people in the demon continent or looking for his family, when it is unreasonable to expect rudy to even know what happened or the extent as to what happened.


3rd time rewatching S1 and i cry everytime at their re-reunion. Its done so well. Also I agree with the one girl being distracting. I have not read the LN yet but i get why she dresses that way. Still on screen it is just a glaring distraction that does nothing since they dont touch on her backstory

Patrick Jacobsen

don't worry it... I'm not a dad, but that hit me hard as well.


He...needs to see aphrodite's boobs from record of ragnarok xD


With regards to the message part, that's just what his father said to him when they met. So I just thought it would have been possible for him to do if his father said he should have.


The message that Paul was talking about was a note that Paul had posted in the adventures' guild at the port town. On account of being locked up in the beastkin town, then stranded due to the wet season, Rudy never went to the adventures' guild in the port town, so he never saw the message. This gets back to Paul being angry at Rudy for missing one random note among many others posted in the adventure's guild.


Ruijerd's line to Paul is my favorite line in this anime, and one of my favorites in all of media. "You may have your grievances, but they only matter while your son is alive" spoken by someone from a culture where your spear is your soul, who is literally holding the spear of his own dead son hits like an entire mountain getting dropped on you.

Sage Robinson

I haven't seen this episode since it came out and mannnn... I actually shed tears just now. I totally forgot just how much I'd cried when I first saw this.


No, the government bodies only saw this is a political move to deep power the person who lived there, the one they beheaded. They did not care for the people there. They only cared for their power.


You're correct as simple as that. 26:10


But unfortunately (or rather, fortunately), they were some of the lucky ones who actually got rescued. Philip and Hilda (Eris parents) met a similar fate...


"his poor response" despite being a victim of it, himself. But yeah, that's their excuse to execute him. It's basically Game of Thrones. Any reason to remove a political adversary.

Alpha Beta

26:10. Well she is not too proud to show her feelings. She just doesnt want to be a burden to the team, and thus hides her emotions. But to some others her emotions are clear as day (probably why Ruijerd asked her to comfort Rudy last ep). Remember how pissed she was when the first clothing bought by Rudy for her was damaged?


it most likely is a sourdough bread. Either that or they would have used the yeast that settles out from beer brewing. But it's a little early in that time for that to happen I think.