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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FMAB Episode 40!!!



Abraham Perez

The man is asking the right questions now lol

Andrew Tangren

The hommunculus children were created after Xerxes. Greed does have a bit of resemblance to the city as many of the souls was put into him and he manifests them in the montrous form. Alchemy was around before the homonculus. Alchehestry and the alchemy used in Amestris find root at Xerxes. You almost have the full picture on the two, and it's a fun full picture to see when you go back and start the series over from the beginning.

Aisha Ashley

I think Father told them how to do alchemy and that's one of the reasons why they called him "Wise One", and had him there when Von mastered alchemy. (Purely my speculation. I never really looked it up.)

Godzy Lasserre

Hohenheim can’t bring the boy’s mother back. No one can bring back the dead as the soul is no longer there, what you will create would be something else. Remember, that is why he asked Ed to check what he brought back when he and Al broke the taboo. That’s because he knows, being a philosopher stone himself, that the dead can never return. Also, I do not know if you remember but it has been mentioned already that Amestris has been founded after the fall of Xerses and that war has been ravaging the country ever since, and strangely enough « Father » lives beneath central and all the high rankings knows about immortality. I will let you connect the dots with that 😉 Just like AoT, a lot of hints have already been given but since you do not have the full picture you can’t see them. I recommend rewatching the show on your own once it’s over to see all the foundation given without revealing anything. That would be the opportunity to see it in Japanese since you already saw the dubbed one 😀

Antoine Jones

well if you want more FMA you can always watch the first series after Brotherhood, that way you can give your own opinion and comparisons between the two instead of doing it based on everyone elses

Tom Boggess

for hoenheim to die he has to completely exhaust the energy of all the souls that compose his philosopher stone


listening to you talk about "Secret code words" in the previous reactions was great, knowing this moment would come up. It's a simple way to exchange information but unless they're following Mustangs literal every move it's almost impossible to crack.


What happened with mushoku tensei. Whole week without episode;(


It's never directly explained in the anime, but the way I understand it is that Father understands everything about how alchemy works to such a fundamental level that he's able to block it. The "strangeness" that May felt beneath the country was, I believe, Pride living within the tunnels that Sloth dug beneath the country. "A bunch of people squirming around" I believe she called it.

Steven Hardy

I've been waiting for you to get to this episode!


Looks like things are going to be epic real quick just by watching this episode, I dont remember anything at all but I bet a lot of things are gonna get wrapped up little by little now and I'm all here for it!


does anyone know when he will react to the ed/ops? I remember this episode's Ending song is fire


Let's watch the live action next. Its not bad

Anuar Erlanuly

Hi! Will you be reacting to Naruto?

Tony Walker

That end quote with hohenhiem being a stone in the form of a man is so amazing I love this episode so much

dragean greyfield

Finally we get to see the birth of the twin sages. The sage of the East and sage of the west.