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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 35!!




that thing with mei going north you should have known seeing how they mentioned it about 6 times in that one episode, thats why we bully you luke


We can point it out let's just be nice about it 😁 he's a busy busy man and FMAB doesn't like to overemphasize the clues it drops so it's understandable to miss something a few times. It's true tho, it was mentioned a lot 🤣


I can see why people would get annoyed lately, let's be honest man... you need to pay more attention, lol. You are missing a whole lot of stuff that is clearly laid out for you, causing you to ask questions which have been answered numerous times. Also, try not to take it the wrong way, I don't know about others, but this isn't me hating on you or trying to be an asshole. If I didn't enjoy the reactions then I wouldn't still be watching them. I don't think you are dumb either, I just think you don't seem to be paying much attention.

Dave M

dude comments are packed with people that can't wrap their mind around a first watch with an encyclopedic knowledge of what they love. Haters gonna hate, glad you're diggin the show definitely one of my faves


How can you miss that. Proceeds to point out foreshadowing your supposed to not notice.


I'm not wild about the super strong female trope especially after it's been done to death in recent movies and tv, but man especially next episode Olivier has one of the most awesome scenes in the show! If you like her now you're gonna love her to death after it.


And now start the unfolding of everything, little by little and things are gonna be big my man haha Also, i feel ya when you need to wait for another episode multiple days after ^^' . Also... as you found out, Briggs doesn't do the same as others military. They are feared and there are reason for that. You will discover later also that.. the same method used with Roy and his soldier cannot work on Briggs either >.<


it feels like Olivier has earned her strength rather than just having power. Thats the real overplayed trope where women are just stronger for no reason or just because there is a lack of masculine strength.


The reason he pointed gun at ed is so ed could use that as an excuse if the fuherer questioned him later


Way to ruin a first time experience for a guy trying to watch a show others wanted him to watch by shitty commenting. A large aspect of this show is that a lot of it is a mystery. Let the guy have his own experience without doggin on him, geez.

Aspy 130

Gotta love when the biggest clue is western colonization lmao

Shaun since we cant listen and read hentai. Can we read yaoi and listen. (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 02:24:11 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him
2024-05-02 02:24:11 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him
2024-05-02 02:24:11 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him
2024-05-02 02:24:11 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him
2024-05-02 02:24:11 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him
2024-05-02 02:24:11 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him
2024-05-02 02:24:11 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him
2024-05-02 02:24:11 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him
2024-05-02 02:24:11 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him
2024-05-02 02:24:11 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him
2024-05-02 02:24:11 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him
2024-05-02 02:24:11 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him
2024-04-17 23:11:36 I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him

I do like how the manga handled sloth better. Same result but the tank rammed sloth which made more sense then ed and al kicking him