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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FMAB Episode 29!!!




Has anyone else noticed how similar this is to Hitler, Germans, and Jews? But with Alchemy, etc? It just reminds me a lot of it. They even call Bradley “Furer”, which is a German word, right?


I’m mostly a Sub kinda girl, but if it’s some I started watching on Toonami/Adult Swim in English, I usually stick with the Dub. But there are certain ones, Like FMAB, that I’ve watched in both and both are equally good. Fairy Tail is one of them. Super amazing in both

Lu C

Oh yes, I didn't saw any Fullmetal series before Luke started The 1st episode - intro Fuehrer Bradley > me tagging him as a villain

Kal Zekdor

Ok, weird complaint incoming. I don't expect anything to be done about this, really, as most of the problem is stuff you have no control over. A couple of things coinciding to produce a significant effect. 1. Patreon will auto play videos when you go to the specific post URL. It also autoplays if you leave the tab open after finishing the video and then click back to the tab after a time. 2. Patreon's built-in player does NOT remember volume settings. 3. Your content, particularly the opening bit, is significantly louder than anything else I watch. All this combined, on more than one occasion I have had videos autoplaying at volumes high enough to cause physical pain. The main issue here is Patreon not remembering volume settings and playing at full blast every time, something you have no control over. As I said, I don't particularly expect anything to be done about this, but I figured I'd mention it anyway.

Nate Ming

All the love for Greedling

Nate Ming

To be fair, if I were to lose my hearing, I would be okay with it being from a WHEHELLO YOU AMAZING BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE For real though, this sounds like a browser thing: I use Firefox and it doesn't autoplay videos (and keeps my volume settings), while Chrome is... not as consistent I hope you can get it sorted out, this sounds like it sucks


"If you're a bad parent in an anime you can suck my balls." Ikari Gendou has entered the chat

Hououin Kyouma

Random fact about a different anime to illustrate the sub/dub argument: Attack on Titan's dub is good but the sub is soooooooooooo good that you are missing out on the true AoT experience if you watch the dub.


Ling “overlooked” as Ed keeps yelling that he is still alive and in there.