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Here is Part 1 of Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul and BUCKLE UP! This ride gets BUMPY!!



Dersimcan Bulut

lets wait one day for the second part and than tomorrow movie night

Andrew Lindsey

Agree. With a desert of Fullmetal alchemist.


i remember watching this in cinema when it came out. such a great movie


Can't wait to watch this tomrorrow! It's gonna be a banger


A chunky reaction, and i like it

Michał Jastrzębski

With white whistles, its easy. The one in Riko's posession, its original, true owner, was her mother, Lyza. Noone else but Lyza can use it, it will just not work. Bondrewd can only use his own, same with Ozen, etc.

Rimtia Crowing

Reg is the only one immun to the curse, Nanachi just said it in this part of the Movie: "I'm used to the curse of this layer and when you can see the forcefield you don't lose consciousness." So for both Nanachi and Riko this is the last Layer they can go up.


I don't remember the rules of the 6th layer very well, but Nanachi is already a Hollow right? Could they still die from the strain of the 6th layer?


Can't wait for the rest tomorrow!


Bondrewd is one of the 2 characters I love in this show, him because he's the best villain I've ever seen, he has a wonderful characterization, the other is in season 2, and I can't give spoilers.


I absolutely love how you guessed Bondrewd’s power 30 seconds before he actually used it. Though, I don’t think that all the Umbra hands are actually him, and how they refer to him as “The sovereign of Dawn” instead of referring to themselves as that. I think they genuinely do just work for him and he can transfer his consciousness into them with that helmet. Pretty sure this isn’t a spoiler btw, it’s just a use context clues about his whole deal.

Rimtia Crowing

Would like to answer it, but we don't know, all we know is, that Nanachi still get hit by the 5th layer curse. And in the Manga they still haven't tested it with the 6th layer curse and if I where them, I would not test it too. Would be interesting if Nanachi is immun to the 6th layer curse, since that would open up a way for cave raiders to raid the 6th layer.


Luke I think you’re getting niceness/kindness mixed up with politeness. Bondrewd isn’t nice, unless you honestly think experimenting on children against their will is nice, he’s polite in the way he talks to people with decent manners and some respect but ultimately just does whatever he wants to them without any care for what they would want. Like experimenting on them against their will.


Mmmmmh I just had a brainblast. you need to React to Code Geass

Frank Stendal

don't worry, your viscera will just churn a bit


i cant believe he called that at 1:02:04, thats amazing


Incorrect, I will word this extremely vaguely, but for what happens in the next part (since you seem to have seen this), it is REQUIRED that he genuinely feels compassion, love, etc in reference to *redacted*. Bondrewd himself is a good guy, fucked by the abyss to an extent, but his true goal is noble, just extremely fucked in the way he goes about it, Comment on tomorrows and I can discuss at length since everything is able to be discussed at that point :)


Some notes: In combat, from what we know Lyza was the "strongest", Ozen the strongest by way of strength itself, and it can be greatly inferred that via cunning and methodology Bondrewd would be the top. As for who would win, fuck knows... lol I really don't like that this community spouted this "Nanachi might be a boy" thing, I think it's very easy to infer from the one "weird" scene in Part 2 we get tomorrow that Nanachi is a girl (because of Reg). Reg didn't have any reaction to Maulk for this very reason. It's mostly whatever, but for argument's sake, Nanachi is female. As 1 other comment pointed out white whistles may only be used by the original owner, Bondrewd said that the method to go to layer 6 requires a white whistle, which none of our party has (that is usable), hence them staying the night to think of something. The shadowy thing on the stairs is mostly visualisation, she lost her senses, all of them, hence questioning "What way is up, where is where" etc, she actually cut herself up falling down the stairs I believe. LASTLY, Bondrewd never wanted to KILL Mitty, this is merely inferred, but because Nanachi was his first successful experiment, he had to see if Mitty showed any differences, upon damaging her she healed, unlike the other hollows, upon "killing" her he found she would revive, and using his mini version of Regs incinerator he burned off her eye. At that point, Nanachi runs away with her.


they didn't want to kill mitty, they just wanted to test and experiment on her and see different things that could potentially hurt her

Regular Grayzone

I don't quite remember what this episode covers at the end. But answers will be had. The way down is shown, and you will have your answers

The Whole Unit

POV: I'm about to make the mistake of watching this before waiting for tomorrows half

Regular Grayzone

I believe Mr.B; dad of all dads is aiming for the same blessing. I don't think it's limited to physical improvements, and will indeed protect against the curse, at least to some degree. Like the other creatures that are unaffected by the abyss, I believe that becoming a hollow grants you immunity. If nothing else it's an immunity to the 6th layers curse! In the clip where Nanachi and Mitty is being lowered into that layer, the other kids/hollows approach the elevator up on a small hill. I don't see any sign that they are morphing any more than they already have been. Escaping through the 5th layer uphill with Mitty on their back; you can see that Mitty has enough awareness to react to the bug landing on them. Has she gotten used to the curse of the 5th layer too? I would think that they would be hit by the curse if they were not immune. Well. I guess she is immortal and might be immune that way, but the healing seems very slow when we see her get hurt from the poison. I really think a hollow has become a part of the ecosystem in the abyss, and though you can't really envy the state the other kids are in, they have the blessing too. Bondrewed did say something about not being able to see the blessing because of the curse. With love shouldering the curse, the blessing can take hold without consequence. Resulting in a transformation into a creature of the Abyss. Though I might be wrong, I'm no Abyss-ecologist. Only have uneducated ramblings.


It might just finally hit her with the curse part and deform her. Already deformed people already got the curse, and also it is possible to get hit with the curses more than once


pretty sure Nanachi says at some point that everything grew back, but it is always more and more mutated? so when Bondrewd burned Mittys eye, it just mutated into some sort of mutated mass. He also didn't try or didn't have way to erase whole Mitty, but he did try to kill her?

Edu S.

imagine being a crazy scientist alone down there with other "copies" of yourself i wouldnt handle it well tbh


I'm gonna watch this one tomorrow. I need it in full.

Scott Humphreys

I imagine that Hitler was like Bondred. Just not so smart.


Most likely not really an apt comparison. Bondrewd is very much about scientific inquiry, no need to weigh yourself down with those pesky 'human morals'. Hitler, himself, was not about the pursuit of scientific inquiry... just a thirst for power. However, there were some famous Nazi scientists/doctors—Josef Mengele being perhaps the most well known, who did outright despicable human experimentation to prisoners during the Holocaust in the pursuit of scientific inquiry. So it is probably more apt to compare Bondrewd to someone like Josef than Hitler.

Scott Humphreys

He got that. But didn't understand falling down stairs. Or that white whistles are a key. But I think you meant to say Subarashi.

Scott Humphreys

I assume Bonedred wasn't trying to kill Mitty. He just hit her eye either by accident or as an experiment. I think he easily could have killed her.

Ringo Tang

also i want to point out that the abyss itself might be conscious and intend for them to keep going deeper, thats why the water support collapsed infront of them so they can pass

Ringo Tang

why does he always end at the worst part always, the 5th layer curse will hit him right at the gate on part 2


@Addstir> I really don't like that this community spouted this "Nanachi is a girl for sure" thing. The author himself says he wants that Nanachi is whatever you want. He takes great care to ensure that Nanachi's gender can never be anything more than a guess. And this is not by accident, that's perfectly on purpose. So, what about Reg and Nanachi thing? Nothing more that Reg loves fluffy thing. He does NOT do the same with other girls, ever. And guess what...younger, my boy sometimes got erections while cuddling his soft toy (it's perfectly normal). It seems more than obvious to me that Nanachi refers directly to the comforter/soft toy. That Reg likes to cuddle Nanachi is absolutely no proof of Nanachi's gender. Everyone loves touching, cuddling, smelling Nanachi; because the blessing has made Nanachi so. Girl or boy, it doesn't matter. Because it has nothing to do with sexual attraction. Riko loves to cuddle Nanachi as well. Bondold often pats Nanachi and says how cute, soft and adorable it is. In season 2, too, Nanachi will be nicknamed for this. Plus, Reg is uncomfortable with touching girls and the "reactions" it provokes; if he saw Nanachi as a girl, he would tend to avoid hugging/touching/cuddling her, don't you think? If you want Nanachi to be a girl, it's fine. If you want Nanachi to be a boy, it's fine. If you want Nanachi to be anything else, it's fine. >>> Just accept that's an opinion, not a fact <<<


Where is oshi no ko? I can't find Luke's reaction to episode 9


In one of his anime op reaction or was it MiA reaction? Anyway, he mentioned there that OnK will be on Saturday or Sunday this week but I don't remember which day exactly it was supposed to be


He was on a vacation, all anime were pre recorded. But that was not possible for Oshi no ko. :)


Nice stranger things spoiler, lmao.

Daniel Griffiths

calling nanachi a guy is irritating me lol i know the genders unconfirmed. but come on lol shes definitely on the feminine side of the spectrum calling her a him feels so wrong lol


Only one ear is not enough to fully enjoy this movie soundtrack.


Yes, Lyza is the greatest white whistle, it's said when her whistle return to the surface, probably the strongest.

Tom Boggess

strains of fifth layer ascension: total sensory deprivation. self-harming behavior.

Tom Boggess

look. you're not...totally wrong about prushka. but she serves an integral role in the story that would not be able to be filled by anything else. She's not just a cinnamon roll character made to be killed off just to make this more fucked up. She dies for a plot driven reason.

Tom Boggess

bondrewed "sparagmos" doesn't have enough power to kill Mitty. reg's incenrator has enough power to completely envolop mitty, thus being able to completely kill her.

Tom Boggess

bondrewd is possibly one of the most complex characters in all of anime. His absolute purpose is to discover everything possible about the abyss. In order to do that, he has to be able to travel beyond the fifth layer, and everything he does is towards that goal. That said, he actually does have ethical qualms about using innocent children as his test subjects. He has taken the time to learn their names and connected with them. That said, he is not above using anything or anyone to complete his goal.


50 seconds in and I'm already smilling. I absolutely support that. All those few but vocal people boohooing about tHe WaTcH eXpErIeNcE are just ridiculous. Sometimes I wish the comment section here has more functions.


I watched the Movie in Cinema and it was an awesome experience

David M

What you said about Nanachi being added is pretty spot-on. Believe it or not, the Made in Abyss manga was NOT popular when it first came out. People thought it was too cutesy and not realistic, and didn't like the reg/riko dynamic. It didn't really start to gain popularity until Ozen was introduced and really began to shoot up in popularity with the BRUTAL Orb Piercer event and the introduction of Nanachi as a foil to Reg and Riko.


Basically to use the device to go to the six layer you need a white whistle but each white whistle only works for its original owner.