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THE conclusion to the Made in Abyss Movie!!

Here we go!!






I've been refreshing all morning!!!


In regards to the papa pole. That is a name prushka mistakenly called it during a disection/biology lesson, bondrewd didn't bother to correct it. I feel the need to correct it because the other implication ruins bondrewds character completely.

Idris Naama

A lot of people I see basically try to portrayed him to be an evil piece of shit that likes to experiment on kids for the fun of it which is far from true. To clarify what Bondrewd did was morally wrong, I literally cried at the end of the movie with what happened to Prushka. However I was still able to not let my emotions take over and not jump to conclusions about Bondrewd and who he is as a character. He loved all the kids that he took down with him to the 5th layer of the abyss. If he was truly evil why would he even care to remember every single name & dream of each child he experimented on? If he was truly your generic "Evil Mad Scientist" he wouldn't have cared about any of that. The mistake that a lot of people make with Bondrewd is that they try to compare/associate him with the qualities of that of a human being. Bondrewd long ago lost his humanity when he sacrificed his own body into a White Whistle turning him into a cold hearted machine all in for the sake of progress. However he still understands human emotions and the importance of them especially that of "Love" and he reciprocates them to all the orphan children. He's able to turn on & off his emotions like that of a switch which allows for him to conduct such horrific experiments. You may say thats a contradiction BUT THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF HIS CHARACTER! He's literally a living/walking contradiction & paradox where 2 things shouldn't exist at the same time. He's a genuinely compassionate/kind man and a loving father while at the same time a cold hearted machine capable of despicable acts all in the pursuit of progress and knowledge nor for selfish gain and all for the sake of a brighter future for humanity. His mask is also symbolic of his character as its split into 2 half's by the purple light down the middle: -One half being the loving father -And the other half being the cold hearted machine He's literally meant to be a character we will truly never understand/comprehend as he's someone who's "TRANSCENDED" his own humanity into something else completely different due to the Abyss. They literally named OST just for him that has "TRANSCENDANCE" in it that plays when he's on screen. He literally symbolizes the main themes of "Lovecraftian Horror" aka "Cosmic Horror" which are: "Fear Of The Unknown" "Detachment & Isolation" "The Fragility Of Humanity/Sanity" Thats just to name a few. The Abyss also symbolizes these themes which parallels Bondrewds character. A lot of people somehow forget that the experiment of him gaining "The Blessing" aka turning into a hollow as we saw in the movie can ONLY WORK based off genuine real LOVE and it has to work BOTH WAYS, it couldn't only be the children that loved him and he didn't feel the same way back or else the experiment would have never worked. With Prushka he actually loved her more than any of the other children because when Bondrewd found her she was in critical condition due to experiencing the curse of the 5th layer. He took a big interest in her and actually admired her. That is because no matter what pain & suffering she went through she still pushed forward and survived through to until the end. He nursed Prushka to full health MULTIPLE TIMES when it could of been just easier to throw her away like trash and just start over with all the other children to create a new bond of love. Bondrewd is technically doing good things with his experiments, but he knows that they way he's going about it is horrific, but he's able to overlook that because he knows he will get results as long as he gets from point A to B and thats all the matters in the end. Which further shows how he's a contradiction to himself thats able to turn on & off his emotions. He doesn't view himself as a "Good Person" nor does he ever claim to be one either. Everything that he has done has not been for himself, but for society as a whole. In the past he had already benefited society as a whole through his experiments but he had done so at the expense of all lives he deemed necessary to sacrifice, because for Bondrewd The Novel even his own daughter Prushka who he loved so much was no exception to the rule "All is worth sacrificing for the sake of progress even that which he loves." Bondrewd objectively believes that what he's doing will provide benefits to the scientific field in studying the Abyss in the long run while morally it's obviously wrong what he's doing. (He kept mentioning of some catastrophic event that would happen every 2000 years within the Abyss that would be a huge threat to humanity.) Which is what played a huge part in shaping him as character and the reason behind all his actions.

Zagrom Field

Lol. Im here laughing ah his "Anime Movie Pattern" talk. He's kiiiinda right :p But, If you went from MiA s1 final to MiA s2 pilot, you'd have thought you'd missed a whole season haha.

Michał Jastrzębski

Also, I think that he would gladly just experiment on himself, but, as he says - he's not seen by the abyss as a human being anymore (after all, real "him" is his white whistle, and he's controlling the bodies through the zoaholic...)

Scott Humphreys

Bondred is dead. He used himself to make a white whistle. You have to make a white whistle out of someone who loves you. He loved himself. Before he did that he put his consciousness in that artifact. All the vessels of his consciousness can use his white whistle.


I think at the end this anime would be your favorite. My personal opinion: season 2 is better than season 1, in terms of stoytelling and writing. The soundtrack is already god tier, but it get's even better in season 2 old ost's mixed with new ost's it's amazing. :) And no, the story isn't finished and all fans are waiting for season3 or a second movie... But the manga isn't that far ahead. So we must wait years :(


The OST from beginning is goated. W for Kevin!


He is a victim of the Abyss like any of his research subjects. He lost his humanity.


Season 2 is not the end actually. The story is still far from finished. Season 3 has also been confirmed recently but it will take a while maybe 3 or 4 more years because new manga chapters are being released just every other month. I think Akihito Tsukishi took some time off and will hopefully start releasing new chapters more frequently now.


When that beat drops in Rumble of Scientific Triumph drops I get chills.


I heard it was due to him wanting to focus on the anime, so manga was left on back burner.

Michał Koczorowski (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-29 13:04:08 Episode 13 is definitely the saddest of all anime. One strongest punch. If i were to describe the movie and s2, it would be.... draining.
2023-11-29 13:04:08 Episode 13 is definitely the saddest of all anime. One strongest punch. If i were to describe the movie and s2, it would be.... draining.
2023-11-29 13:04:08 Episode 13 is definitely the saddest of all anime. One strongest punch. If i were to describe the movie and s2, it would be.... draining.
2023-06-17 17:36:12 Episode 13 is definitely the saddest of all anime. One strongest punch. If i were to describe the movie and s2, it would be.... draining.

Episode 13 is definitely the saddest of all anime. One strongest punch. If i were to describe the movie and s2, it would be.... draining.

Zagrom Field

Him calling Reg a "Beyblade" was hilarious to me.


one thing about bondrewd no one has mentioned yet is that yes hes not human but his body is also full of relics that he implanted into himself, like the tail and the weird alien eye are all relics that he installed into himself.


I also personally felt that Season 1's ending was 'sader'/more emotional than the movie's (not knocking the movie, but saying how powerful Season 1, Episode 13 was to me). That said, imho, Season 2's emotiveness is a *real* contender there up with Season 1, but in a slightly different way. And overall, I think Season 2's storytelling is a good notch above the first three-quarters of Season 1. Looking forward to you cryin' some more, because I know I sure as shit did. Sadly, the manga for Made in Abyss is only maybe 3-4 episodes ahead worth of content of where Season 2 ends. So, as some people mentioned, there will likely be a long gap before Season 3 (or anything else) comes out. There was ~2 years in between Season 1 and the movie, and ~3 years in between the movie and Season 2. So my rough ballpark estimate is probably 2025 for Season 3.

Andrew Southwell

Bondrewd is such an interesting character, in that he truly feels everything he does is morally justifiable. The love he feels towards people like Prushka and Nanachi is very real, but he still sees his work as a "higher purpose" where great sacrifices are necessary and justified.

Michał Koczorowski (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-29 13:04:08 Bondrewd is by far my favorite anime antagonist. I even cosplay as him and have a mask of him in my room (which got damaged recently, dang it!) He isn't evil, there is no malice behind what he does, that is the thing i love about him. If circumstances were different, he would be the hero everyone admires. Something that the movie never touches upon, is that Bondrewd only wants what is good for humanity, progress, safety, and preparing for this 2000 year cycle that they mentioned. It's just that over time, the relics he used (mostly the Zoaholic) degraded his mind to an extent, where his moral compass is just non-existent. Of his experiments require a sacrifice, that's just how it is, if he needs to have his daughter, who loves him dearly, to become a cartridge for him to use, it will happen. There is no malice, no ill-intent behind it, it just has to be done. He does not think about being hated, regrets, that someone may take revenge on him, because he doesn't understand why what he does is wrong. He's a very tragic character, because despite what monstrous things he does, you can see he could be a genuinely good and caring being, were his mind not compromised by the Abyss. Also, Bondrewd totally beats Shao Tucker in "Dad of the year" contest. He is the undisputed best dad!
2023-11-29 13:04:08 Bondrewd is by far my favorite anime antagonist. I even cosplay as him and have a mask of him in my room (which got damaged recently, dang it!) He isn't evil, there is no malice behind what he does, that is the thing i love about him. If circumstances were different, he would be the hero everyone admires. Something that the movie never touches upon, is that Bondrewd only wants what is good for humanity, progress, safety, and preparing for this 2000 year cycle that they mentioned. It's just that over time, the relics he used (mostly the Zoaholic) degraded his mind to an extent, where his moral compass is just non-existent. Of his experiments require a sacrifice, that's just how it is, if he needs to have his daughter, who loves him dearly, to become a cartridge for him to use, it will happen. There is no malice, no ill-intent behind it, it just has to be done. He does not think about being hated, regrets, that someone may take revenge on him, because he doesn't understand why what he does is wrong. He's a very tragic character, because despite what monstrous things he does, you can see he could be a genuinely good and caring being, were his mind not compromised by the Abyss. Also, Bondrewd totally beats Shao Tucker in "Dad of the year" contest. He is the undisputed best dad!
2023-11-29 13:04:08 Bondrewd is by far my favorite anime antagonist. I even cosplay as him and have a mask of him in my room (which got damaged recently, dang it!) He isn't evil, there is no malice behind what he does, that is the thing i love about him. If circumstances were different, he would be the hero everyone admires. Something that the movie never touches upon, is that Bondrewd only wants what is good for humanity, progress, safety, and preparing for this 2000 year cycle that they mentioned. It's just that over time, the relics he used (mostly the Zoaholic) degraded his mind to an extent, where his moral compass is just non-existent. Of his experiments require a sacrifice, that's just how it is, if he needs to have his daughter, who loves him dearly, to become a cartridge for him to use, it will happen. There is no malice, no ill-intent behind it, it just has to be done. He does not think about being hated, regrets, that someone may take revenge on him, because he doesn't understand why what he does is wrong. He's a very tragic character, because despite what monstrous things he does, you can see he could be a genuinely good and caring being, were his mind not compromised by the Abyss. Also, Bondrewd totally beats Shao Tucker in "Dad of the year" contest. He is the undisputed best dad!
2023-06-17 17:47:54 Bondrewd is by far my favorite anime antagonist. I even cosplay as him and have a mask of him in my room (which got damaged recently, dang it!) He isn't evil, there is no malice behind what he does, that is the thing i love about him. If circumstances were different, he would be the hero everyone admires. Something that the movie never touches upon, is that Bondrewd only wants what is good for humanity, progress, safety, and preparing for this 2000 year cycle that they mentioned. It's just that over time, the relics he used (mostly the Zoaholic) degraded his mind to an extent, where his moral compass is just non-existent. Of his experiments require a sacrifice, that's just how it is, if he needs to have his daughter, who loves him dearly, to become a cartridge for him to use, it will happen. There is no malice, no ill-intent behind it, it just has to be done. He does not think about being hated, regrets, that someone may take revenge on him, because he doesn't understand why what he does is wrong. He's a very tragic character, because despite what monstrous things he does, you can see he could be a genuinely good and caring being, were his mind not compromised by the Abyss. Also, Bondrewd totally beats Shao Tucker in "Dad of the year" contest. He is the undisputed best dad!

Bondrewd is by far my favorite anime antagonist. I even cosplay as him and have a mask of him in my room (which got damaged recently, dang it!) He isn't evil, there is no malice behind what he does, that is the thing i love about him. If circumstances were different, he would be the hero everyone admires. Something that the movie never touches upon, is that Bondrewd only wants what is good for humanity, progress, safety, and preparing for this 2000 year cycle that they mentioned. It's just that over time, the relics he used (mostly the Zoaholic) degraded his mind to an extent, where his moral compass is just non-existent. Of his experiments require a sacrifice, that's just how it is, if he needs to have his daughter, who loves him dearly, to become a cartridge for him to use, it will happen. There is no malice, no ill-intent behind it, it just has to be done. He does not think about being hated, regrets, that someone may take revenge on him, because he doesn't understand why what he does is wrong. He's a very tragic character, because despite what monstrous things he does, you can see he could be a genuinely good and caring being, were his mind not compromised by the Abyss. Also, Bondrewd totally beats Shao Tucker in "Dad of the year" contest. He is the undisputed best dad!


There will be a season 3 too because the manga is not finished yet. But I think it will not be soon because chapter are long to be realese (1 chapter per 3 mouth or even 6 mouth sometimes) and the end of season 2 is close to where the manga is...


I've been waiting so long in order to spit this theory out. this isnt really spoilers as even in the next season its only mentioned once and is very VERY brief. We don't really know a whole lot about it yet but there is a massive cycle that takes place in the made in abyss universe that spans over 2000 year gaps. firstly there are happenings on every layer that stay with the 2000 year cycle, on the first layer there are bodies in prayer. which are remains of people found that are always facing toward the center of the abyss and are always praying. on the second layer, riko mentions that their are windmills that spun off of the updrafts of winds, however no one knows who built them and they were dated to be at least 4000 years old the third layer had petrified remains of ships stuck within the walls and the fifth layer had the entire base that bondrewd stays in that was created by an ancient civilization that was far more advanced than the current surface world. We have absolutely no idea what will happen at the end of the current cycle but my personal theory is that the abyss actually expands and grows. early in the watch along luke pointed out that none of the creatures actually leave the abyss and it kinda made me think that maybe they understand that they don't have too. On the surface the birthday sickness is happening to all young children that are located near the abyss but their symptoms disappear when they leave the nearby area. so what if the curse of the abyss is actually rearing up to expand and the reason why each layer of the abyss is like entering a different world is because they are different worlds. just a crazy food-for-thought theory about what may happen 2 or 3 seasons down the line from now. also if anyone knows anything more about the 2000 years feel free to reply, ive watched the series like 10 times and have played the game so id love to see another perspective on this


can't wait for s2 next week, finally get to see faputa again

David Molin

In addition to the second season there are also "Marluk's Daily Life" and the "Together with Papa" shorts which I would recommend watching.


Well, that’s something I had glossed over before. Every time he uses the Zoaholic all the umbra hands become stupider, and lose more sanity. Noticeably the one that took care of prushka seemed to be a regular guy somewhat. Hell, even bondrewd stated that Prushka’s the daughter of two umbra hands. And noticeably when they experiment on reg they seem brainwashed, and even more noticeable when the power goes out, you have that one that can’t even form a sentence. Even in the end, they all stand beside bondrewd without any personality holding their hands together to say goodbye. Honestly, if you want to learn a lot about Bondrewd, there’s someone on youtube who really does a good job in explaining his lore. The video doesn’t spoil anything in season 2, it just talks about stuff in this movie. Lets see… ““Bondrewd Did Nothing Wrong” - Made In Abyss” By the doomer den. After watching their video I personally understood way more about Bondrewd then I did before. There’s lots of interesting lore implications that are talked about in this movie, that’ll even fly over your head upon rewatch.

tyler Pantaleo

Bondrwed sacrificed his own body to obtain his white whistle, because he could transfer his conscience into a new body. Which makes me wonder how the other white whistles got theirs? Also if MIA is top 3 then S2 will solidify or raise it for sure!


I agree that most anime movies, even ones that are canon, are not needed. This is one movie that is REQUIRED watching between Season 1 and Season 2. You probably figure it out by the end (haven't finished your reaction) but all of the events that happen here are extremely relevant for Season 2+ understanding.


As others have said, if anyone were to skip this movie, you'd end up with Riko in the ball with a white whistle and you'd be so confused since the movie is literally between seasons. It just worked better to tell it as a movie since season 2 is "The Golden City" bla bla (name of the season) Others have said this but in short, Bondrewd genuinely loved every child he sacrificed, if he hasn't he wouldn't receive the blessing, it's sickly ironic... I agree not seeing more of this layer, the creatures etc definitely sucks, but it was a very large exposition-based movie, and establishes A LOT of future plot points and wraps up old ones. The main thing I wanna see down the line is who Lyza or Ozen sacrificed for their whistles...


It's theorised Bondrewd intended for Prushka to become her white whistle, knowing of her dreams for adventure and asking her to befriend them. Knowing Riko couldn't progress without a whistle, he could have easily just had her not meet them and attempted the blessing without that. I find ep 13 and this heart breaking in different ways. 13 makes me cry or bawl everytime without fail, but it's a backstory so it's already happened, this movie makes me cry and feel sick because it can be "avoided". Season 2 I'd say is about as good as season 1, I can't say better cause to me S1 and the movie are already like 10/10. It's early in your journey, but there is 0 shame in this being top 3 or no.1 anime. Heck s1 won anime of the year 2017 :P

Bartosz Sucharski

s1 was sad movie is fck up, and there goes s2 sad and fck up

Marc Schuster

dont worry, i was verry loud when "the rumble of scientific triumph" was pumping

Michał Jastrzębski

Second season is even better. Or worse. Or both. Depends on what you hope for I guess :V Enjoy, and despair. Also, season 2 doesnt wrap the story up, the manga is about half way through the story currently, iirc. So for the entire story to wrap up, it will take a few more years still.


A bit of trivia that the movie didn't bring up is that Bondrewd just showed up one day. Little is known about his previous life except he came from a foreign nation and foreign bounty hunters used to go into the abyss after him but stopped since not a single bounty hunter ever came back. Bondrewd is revered for having made many scientific innovations that helped cave raiders and society as a whole, most cave raiders see him as the only person that will be able to discover a way of returning from the sixth layer. Ido Front is a city from a long dead civilization, aside from Bone daddy Bondrewd and his staff there are no other inhabitants. In a brief conversation Bondrewd mentions that the two other white whistles, Srajo and Wakuna, have both already descended into the sixth layer and if I remember correctly at least one of them found a way of doing it without actually having to go to Ido Front. Bondrewd is kinda the gatekeeper but not really, he has minor obligations and duties when it comes to seeing people off on their last dive. He also saw it as rude that at least one of them chose to bypass him but for obvious reasons most of the other white whistles don't particularly like hanging out with Bondrewd. Most of this information comes from two conversations, one between Habo and Riko's surface friends, and the other is between Bondrewd and Nanachi while Riko is falling down the stairs. The anime does a really good job but it leaves out a good amount of not necessarily important stuff but good worldbuilding info like how Bondrewd saved the abyss from a huge bug infestation but did it by poisoning all the water sources the insects would breed in.


So white whistles are made of a Human who is deeply connected to the "owner" of the whistle. So to become a "white whistle (the owner) you need 2 people who are connected and one has to sacrifice him/herself and want to be with the other person and to become the white whistle (the whistle itself). Also the movie is definitly essentials for the story, since if you just watched the seasons you dont know how riko gets her white whistle and the new little "companion" and you dont know who prushka is. Bondrwed is defintly an insanly good written antagonist. He is not inherent evil, as you stated yourself since he doesnt know/fell what he is doing is evil. Hope you enjoy the Season 2 as much as season 1 and the movie. you wont get disappointed in terms of quality.


I dont know if it was mentioned earlier or later. But it is know (at least in the light novel/manga) which person is lyzas White whistle. Dont want to spoil it so look it up yourself pls

James Perrott

You are totally wrong about how the movie is and that you could go from the end of season 1 to the start of season 2 lol. there are movies like that yes, when theyre original movies made to "fit in" to the canon story, but are original and not part of the original manga This movie is literally a direct continuation of season 1. the manga story that the anime is based on includes this, this is simply the next arc, and then season 2 is the next arc after this. This is no "separate" optional movie. skipping it would be like just skipping 6 episodes of season 1 and carrying on, who on earth would do that and it would make zero sense The reason this is even a movie is because there was not enough source material (the manga) to make any more content yet, and this arc isnt enough for a full season, it would be like 6 episodes worth, and this arc just works exceptionally well in a movie format from start to finish it couldve been any arc, any character introduced COULD have stayed throughout the story, this arc was never made in it being a movie in mind, it was simply another arc of this story.

Polish Ambassador

as an expert on "Poles" I can assure you that "Papa's pole" is about Prushka assistance with dissecting people, not about bad stuff. She's a girl, she would ask question about body parts that are human, but seemingly "missing" on her.


I will agree with you here 99%. But you textually sound a bit harsh on him for being new to both anime and as a first time MiA watcher.


I agree with this opinion. Best dad made sure to guide his daughter into knowing anatomy, without using the word "penis"!


season 2 starts where the movie left off, this movie is pivital to the story and was just a pretty short arc of the story so they decided to make it into a movie so it would flow into season 2 perfectly


I am a little sad you didn't listen to the end credits but I enjoyed the reaction nevertheless.


I find Bon to be one of the best villains ever written, end justify means. And he truly wants to help the world and science by furthering his research. I also belief that he loves each child he uses. He remembers each name (when they fall to the 6th and he battles reg). He remembers the personality, aspirations, dreams, and all. He truly loves those children and beliefs that they are also helping him. He is a psychopath to the end, fully disconnected from human nature. He loves Prushka, loves those children, love Riko and reg. He adores Nanachi and it’s blessing. Everyone has a soul that is trying their best, and for that he thinks there are no limits. Even if he loves those children. He doesn't feel guilt towards using them. Because they are being useful to humanity. What else can those orphans ask for. At no point does he hate anyone. He gets destroyed by the trio and he completely loves it. Because it is humanity trying their best to go deeper and find more. What more could he ask for an encounter with 3 individuals, just meeting and discovering their resolve has made him happy beyond belief. Truly a psychopath, but damn it is an amazing villain. Haven’t seen one like him. Never


Dang it, he skipped the ending :(


The story is not finished yet, even the source manga is still airing.

James Perrott

while youre right about some things, youre making it out like hes not a bad person somehow lol. Yes, he is evil. he sees the orphans are unwanted and not worth living as they were, and thinks using them for research is perfectly ok and sees zero issue with it he truly belives what he is doing is just, and okay. he doesnt see himself as a bad person at all, he belives he is good. 100%. "to clarify what Bondrewd did was morally wrong" is such a funny staement its like clarifying what hitler did was moraly wrong lmao He also does not "turn on and off his emotions" what. he always is as he is, he loves them while still killing them and doing what he does, he doesnt have 2 personalties or anything like that, he just genuinely belives hes doing thr correct thing And you are totaly wrong about him not doing this for selfish gain, its absolutely for selfish gain, he wants the new body himself more than anything. He loves prushka, but that is not why he saved her and chose to keep her alive. The literal moment he meets her he chooses to save her TO USE HER. specifically saying children who only know joy wont be of use. he wants the child to have been through a lot to strengthen the bond, all to make use of her as a cartrige. it was always the plan from the beginning. His love for prushka and the other childern is not pure love, it is all for his own gain, as he learnt that love is needed for them to be of use. he is not at all doing good things with his experiments, there is no need for humanity to be able to use the blessings and traverse the abyss freely, sacrificing 5+ children that deeply love you to be able to just do that, is not a benifit for humanity. its entirely his selfish want to explore the abyss and use this stuff for himself. there is absolutely zero defence for his actions lmao, he is truly evil, he is just incapable of seeing it that way himself, wether that be due to the abyss affecting him. losing his humanity, or being very mentally unstable to begin with, or all of the above. he has zero regret or sadness for killing the children, not even prushka, as that was always his goal from the very beginning, even if he shows love to them and treats them well until the end. incredlbe character. but absolutely irredeemable, evil character.


btw to commment on what you said at the end, season 2 doesnt wrap the story up, the manga is very slowly made so we're currently waiting for enough manga content to be able to have a third season or maybe another movie, so made in abyss isnt over yet.

James Perrott

hes right about movies being like that in other cases, but absolutely not here. its like skipping riko getting poisoned and the curse, and all of nanachi and mitty story, and then going into this movie right after leaving layer 3 lmao.

James Perrott

Bondrewd is not dead. His original body is. his contiousness or soul, is very alive, and thats him, his original body doesnt matter

James Perrott

Nah this movie is peak soundtrack for any single season/movie imo. the music direction here is unbelievably good season 2s soundtrack is absolutely incredible too, but very different, and they dont use much of the old OST tbf, the issue is the music direction of season 2. SO MUCH of the ost is either fully unused, or massive amounts of songs arent used, including the best parts of multiple. its the only major let down (besides one moment i hate...) for season 2, i just hope they use the rest of the unused music in the future

James Perrott

uh the manga writer doesnt make the anime lol tuomas. he likely oversees it, but he is not a creator.

James Perrott

i love it cause it feels like the song is just about to end, then suddenly it becomes the best part of the entire song and is insane

James Perrott

youre right about most of this, but he is without a doubt, evil. he just doesnt see himself as in the wrong at all, he thinks hes doing the right thing, but he is absolutely evil. he can be evil without being malicous or evil towards everyone for no reason he is evil for his own reasons, and just doesnt see it that way, but evil to absolutely everyone else

James Perrott

i forgot about this cycle thing, but i assume the abyss takes in what was on the surface and pulls it down over time, and the entire abyss essentially shifts down 1 layer. so the city at the top with eventually be taken down and become the new first layer, and the surface becoming empty, with new civiliation beginning so every layer was once the surface, thousands of years ago, who knows what happened the people from each generation.

James Perrott

This is absolutely in my top 3, with attack on titan and re zero, nothing else even comes close from what ive watched

James Perrott

season 2 is more of "what in gods name am i watching" than purely messed up or sad imo lol

Nate Ming

"I'ma move on" YUP

James Perrott

harsh how? i know by the end he realises this is not a movie like that, and is essential

James Perrott

yeah, its still meant to come across as a pp joke to us lmao, but no, bondrewd was not into incest lmao

Zagrom Field

"Evil' is a word defined strictly by human morals; and morals among humans are debated all the time. There is not true 'evil' OR 'good'. His actions are messed up by our views; but in the grand scheme of the universe; you can not definitively define his actions as outright, no questions asked, "evil". Its not a black and white; yes or no, debate like you are making it out to be. Proof and point "evil to everyone else". All the black whistles there are there WILLINGLY despite knowing what he's doing; most of them directly participate because they think Bondrewd's actions are beneficial to the GREATER good, even if they are morally distasteful.

James Perrott

its not a short arc, its the longest arc so far, this is like 5 episodes worth of content. the poison/nanachi/mitty arc was from 10 to the double length 13, so also 5 episodes worth but before that, each arc was 3 episodes max, the surface, first 2 layers, ozen, then the very short 3rd layer descent

James Perrott

ikr how can you not just sit and watch the credits fully after this experience..


The Abyss twists and corrupts people, turning them into something even they wouldn't recognise. Ozen was twisted. Bodrewd, even more so. The deeper you go, the more it seems to twist people. So I ask this. Lyza is the whole goal of the series, but who is she really? When we finally find her, will she even have a shred of her humanity left?

James Perrott

How can you not just sit in awe watching the entire credits after such an experience lol, missed out on the ending theme entirely too?? i do wish you did say more of your afterthoughs and what you thought of diffrent parts of the movie instead of finishing the video so fast

James Perrott

Youre going to have to react to the full soundtrack at some point, the OST to this movie is the best single season/movie OST that exists to me I think it would make for an amazing (long) video to just react to evert season 1 OST, and another video for the full movie OST, since it can be hard to take in all of the music with everything going on, its truly a masterpiece soundtrack that neeeeeeeeds to be listened to on its own Season 1 has 2 discs, 1 hour 53 mins of music altogether, that would probably be split into a long video per disc, like 50 minutes each and this movie has an hour and a half long OST you could split it up more, since theres so much, but i think going through it all would be better than just the odd song here and there, cause every single song in the entire series is worth listening to, and it would take an eternity to get through them one at a time lol you could even livestream reacting to them tbh Would love to see that eventually, 1000% reccomend

Pete Bickmore

The movie is absolutely pivotal to the overall narrative. It covers an arc that would only really fit in to 4 episodes so there was no natural place to put it as a series. It’s a similar situation to the Kaguya-sama “movie”. They aren’t really movies like Your Name and Pancreas per say but they release them theatrically because there’s no reason not to. I think you’ll like season 2 a lot, particularly the new characters it introduces.


Especially since they went through a whole layer during the credits. All the water that's fallen down into the abyss for thousands of years, all collecting into an ocean. And a mile thick pile of bones, of everything that's died above that layer and fallen down into the sea of corpses. No more messages going up from here on, thanks to that.


Prushka does stay throughout the story, though. She's on an adventure with her friends like she wanted. Papa's even there looking out of Nanachi's eye with his weird eye relic. It''s a completely happy ending... evil laughter.


IF he didn't actually love the kids, the blessing wouldn't have worked. He was able to dissect kids he truly loved, well written villain.


Too bad he skipped the ending. It beautifully shows their descend into the next layer while rolling the credits and playing a beautiful music.

James Perrott

You called nanachi a he, then 10 minutes later said reg is the only boy there, im so confused on what you think she is lol, but more confused how you saw her as male, i can only assume its because shes shirtless, but since shes fluffy all over, that covers her body as much as clothes would, so its really not weird You can probably see now that she is female, based on her reactions wards reg touching her, she gets extremely flusted and blushing every time, but when mitty and riko touched her, she doesnt get all blushy and accepts it almost immeditely, she hides her feelings from reg often too, and any time reg compliments her her says nice things, she also blushes. She shows a lot of signs of being attracted to reg, just as he does to her Reg gets flustered around riko especially if shes naked and stuff... and now also shows hints of having feelings for nanachi, aside from caring for her deeply, theres definitely romantic feelings there. As well as his uh, physical...bodily reactions to touching nanachi lol, hes definitely being more open about it to nanachi haha, and no, he isnt just horni for fluff lmao The only reason people bring up Nanachis gender is cause the author made one tweet saying her gender is unknown, feel free to imagine :) the smiley face making it seem very jokey and non serious of a tweet. However this tweet was made before nanachi was fully revealed, when she had her clothes covering her entire body and face, thats when people asked about her gender, but then it was clearly shown later that shes female. They just dont outright say it, cause they dont need to, its not relevant to the story and not every character needs their gender stated for clarity when she clearly looks female both as a human and a bunny, her voice and personality and reactions to reg all make it obvious shes female too. Its pretty clear the author designed her as a girl, and thats what she is, but since people asked about it he was just like, it wont come up story wise so you can see her as whatever you want since it doesnt matter lol. but she is obviously actually female. Even Marulk, a male character who looks female, was clarified to be a guy since he looks female, there truly isnt a single thing that hints towards nanachi being male, and theres no reason to believe so. It just comes across as people wanting to be different by calling her a guy, or thats just what they want her to be, not what they actually thought she was Yes i somehow just wrote 5 paragraphs on nanachis gender lmao, but anyway Nanachi best girl i love her, shes too cute, must be protected


disagree. Bondrewd is doing a ton of good. The relics brought out of the abyss alone are worth millions of dead. Not speaking at all about if the abyss faith is true and god really is at the bottom. And wiping out the Amaranthine deceptors wherever they appear is a damn miracle saving thousands of cave raider lives.You'd get a nobel prize for wiping out parasitic insects that keep human hosts alive while worms eat their brain.


It's like Berserk. A week to write it, 6 months to finish drawing the art you can look at with a magnifying glass to see ever more detail.

James Perrott

Zagrom no. he is evil. straight up. To the overwhelming majority of the population, he is evil, thats more than enough to be considered evil. just cause his mind is so far gone that he doesnt see anything he does as evil, and that he isnt just being evil for the sake of it, doesnt change the fact that he is evil Being evil doesnt mean you have to act horrible to everyone you come across and for no reason what he does is pure evil with no justification. theres no defence for his actions

James Perrott

it would be possible to send messages up but someone has to send it directly through the ball thing, since the wistle can call the ball down like a lift it seems and then someone would have to take it from the top and send it off, bondrewd likely would do that

James Perrott

it feels like GOT doesnt read many patreon comments at all, weve said so many times season 2 does not wrap up the story yet he still doesnt know


I just assumed it was her husband. They both were gone at around the same time, and considering what you do to get a white whistle, I wouldn't want to touch my kids either.


When Prushka says "Papa Pole", the author confirmed she received biology lessons as part of her upbringing and she understands it as something that "makes a papa". Of all the messed up things Bondrewd does, exposing himself isn't one of them.


Everyone seems to forget, because of the art style, that this is "Dante's Inferno, but with kids." Of course it gets worse!


Yeah but to make it go up you have to be inside it, like we'll see in season 2.


Now for further evidence Nanachi is a girl. Every one of the cartridges and Hollows has a girl name. The boys get turned into more bodies for Bondrewd. Bondrewd only has daughters.


I love that everything is explained eventually. Nanachi hates being called cute and being rubbed, because she lured kids to their death that way. Most of the things Bondrewd said are brought up again in season 2. And we even find out why Reg likes fluffiness a bit too much.

Edu S.

what moment do you hate? use names, so if luke read this he wont remember anything when he starts season 2

Edu S.

I think Clannad is the saddest (and most beautiful in a way.) MiA didnt made me cry, made me kinda depressed. (I love it btw, my top 2 anime) But Clannad... Holy shit, that made me cry 3 times, a REAL crying, i was sobbing lmao


exactly. its super exciting to think about what will happen. another theory i have is that reg wasnt sent up to bring riko down but rather warn everyone to stay away because of whats at the bottom

Edu S.

He still has a mind, still has consciouness, and he can act. He is not a person in the sense that he has not a human body and the "Humanity", the moral compass that belongs to humans. But, he still does shit, and that shit is evil.


NOOOO! YOU'VE SKIPPED THE ENDING! 😭 It's an important part of the show that's carries a lot of emotion. And also the song is from a band that you love. Make sure to watch it and don't skip the Season 2 one (spoiler free).

Edu S.

I agree with james. I think that the "golden ring" that was stated to be in the seventh layer may be the cause of everything, like a magical meteor or some shit. But also... Humanity seems to be 99% annihilated everytime the cycle happens, since the civilization in the fifth layer was more advanced, and none of that remained in the surface. Also, it seems that the sixth layer seems to be immune to it. Bondrewd stated that this would prepare humanity for the next 2000 years, and also invited our protags to watch the "new dawn" along with him. All that implies that they could survive everything that happens and restore humanity or smth like that


oooh i never considered that the 6th layer would actually be a safe zone to avoid the coming apocalypse. i like that one

GTB (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-18 03:48:47 Now that you've seen the whole movie, I guess you understand how essential it is to understanding season 2, and how it adds a LOT to the Made In Abyss story. Many people were completely lost when they watched season 2, not knowing there was a movie. It's not just added filler. Let's be clear: the end of season 1 and everything you saw in your "part 1" of the movie come from volume 4 of the manga; the very same volume. It's a continuation of the main story. The animation studio decided to make a movie because the 5th level arc fit the format perfectly. It's too short for a full season, and that would have meant cutting the next arc (a long one) during the season 2, which would have been a very bad decision. The way the studio has adapted the manga arcs in season 1, the movie and then season 2 is perfect. It was exactly the right thing to do to make the best adaptation. What a movie! And Kevin Penkin's music is a pure work of art here. Now, you're not ready for what's coming! Next week promises to be full of the unexpected for you :). And soon enough...the best character, sosu. PS : For the "papa pole" that Prushka says, it's in reference to the function of the organ. This comes from a dissection lesson with Bondrewd in one of MiA Anthology books. And anyway, once again, beware of the cultural prism. If the Japanese are prudes, baths are culturally very important. Public baths where you bathe naked. Some baths are even coed. In Japan, there's nothing shocking (and certainly nothing obscene) about parent and child washing together (up to a certain age). Cultural differencies.
2023-06-17 23:11:13 Now that you've seen the whole movie, I guess you understand how essential it is to understanding season 2, and how it adds a LOT to the Made In Abyss story. Many people were completely lost when they watched season 2, not knowing there was a movie. It's not just added filler. Let's be clear: the end of season 1 and everything you saw in your "part 1" of the movie come from volume 4 of the manga; the very same volume. It's a continuation of the main story. The animation studio decided to make a movie because the 5th layer arc fit the format perfectly. It's too short for a full season, and that would have meant cutting the next arc (a long one) during the season 2, which would have been a very bad decision. The way the studio has adapted the manga arcs in season 1, the movie and then season 2 is perfect. It was exactly the right thing to do to make the best adaptation. What a movie! And Kevin Penkin's music is a pure work of art here. Now, you're not ready for what's coming! Next week promises to be full of the unexpected for you :). And soon enough...the best character, sosu. PS : For the "papa pole" that Prushka says, it's in reference to the function of the organ. This comes from a dissection lesson with Bondrewd in one of MiA Anthology books. And anyway, once again, beware of the cultural prism. If the Japanese are prudes, baths are culturally very important. Public baths where you bathe naked. Some baths are even coed. In Japan, there's nothing shocking (and certainly nothing obscene) about parent and child washing together (up to a certain age). Cultural differencies.

Now that you've seen the whole movie, I guess you understand how essential it is to understanding season 2, and how it adds a LOT to the Made In Abyss story. Many people were completely lost when they watched season 2, not knowing there was a movie. It's not just added filler. Let's be clear: the end of season 1 and everything you saw in your "part 1" of the movie come from volume 4 of the manga; the very same volume. It's a continuation of the main story. The animation studio decided to make a movie because the 5th layer arc fit the format perfectly. It's too short for a full season, and that would have meant cutting the next arc (a long one) during the season 2, which would have been a very bad decision. The way the studio has adapted the manga arcs in season 1, the movie and then season 2 is perfect. It was exactly the right thing to do to make the best adaptation. What a movie! And Kevin Penkin's music is a pure work of art here. Now, you're not ready for what's coming! Next week promises to be full of the unexpected for you :). And soon enough...the best character, sosu. PS : For the "papa pole" that Prushka says, it's in reference to the function of the organ. This comes from a dissection lesson with Bondrewd in one of MiA Anthology books. And anyway, once again, beware of the cultural prism. If the Japanese are prudes, baths are culturally very important. Public baths where you bathe naked. Some baths are even coed. In Japan, there's nothing shocking (and certainly nothing obscene) about parent and child washing together (up to a certain age). Cultural differencies.


Movie so good it leaves you speechless 🤣 its fine man, everyone just loves watching each other enjoy a show they themselves also enjoy 😄


"The only reason people bring up Nanachis gender is cause the author made one tweet saying her gender is unknown" Nope. To me Nanachi had no gender way before I knew about this tweet. And you keep saying "obviously" but never give any proof. You think Nanachi is a girl, I'm totally fine with it. But it's an opinion.

Nathan Johnson

Not enough crying? Oh, wait until you finish Season 2.


Bondrewd, Best Dad Award.


Yeah he says he reads them, but he clearly doesn't. Not just this series but other ones as well. Multiple times he has asked for some clarification on something, then many people will give him an explanation, but the next time he's still oblivious.


Okay is your opinion. For me, the movie is the weakest part of the Anime, but still one of the best Anime movies, to be fair. :) The Ost in the movie is on the same level as season 2, but you have "old stories" and "gravity" in season2. These two ost's are enough for me to rank season 2 ost's above the rest. I didn't noticed any issues with the use of the ost's and i don't know what "moment" do you mean.


I'm up to date on the manga, and for me nothing hits as hard as ep13. Sure there's tons of sad messed up things that happen in this crazy world, but I think that for me, Mitty and Nanachi's friendship and whole backstory was the most hardhitting. The rest of the story gets pretty good, but not like....bawling watching it every time like ep13 does. I'm looking forward to watching the next season with you because there's still a lot of complicated subjects that I don't fully understand and a 3rd watch through with you will probably do me some good LOL. Your questions and theories have helped make some things more clear to me. So thanks!


I absolutely love Bondrewd as a villain. He's definitely evil in the sense that he commits some of the most absolutely unforgivable atrocities I wouldn't have even been able to imagine. The thing that's so odd though is his complete lack of malice. I don't think of him as particularly friendly so much as just absolutely consumed with curiosity. He's got to learn and do everything possible and he has absolutely zero morals holding him back. He doesn't dislike anyone he's hurt, rather he actually seems to genuinely care about them. But no one is above sacrificing for the greater good of learning more about the abyss, himself included. Such a great concept for an antagonist!

Tom Boggess (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-18 10:24:17 okay...okay man. look. it's not as bad as you're probably thinking. This is all manga stuff. When prushka was younger she did some autopsys on creatures of this abyss. She once asked bondrewd about the reproductive organs and he said that the creature had a "papa pole"
2023-06-18 08:24:07 okay...okay man. look. it's not as bad as you're probably thinking. This is all manga stuff. When prushka was younger she did some autopsys on creatures of this abyss. She once asked bondrewd about the reproductive organs and he said that the creature had a "papa pole" also, no. s1 and s2 don't stack up at all unless you watch dawn of the deep soul. it covers 1.5 volumes of the anime and if you tried to watch s2 right after s1 you would be completely lost.

okay...okay man. look. it's not as bad as you're probably thinking. This is all manga stuff. When prushka was younger she did some autopsys on creatures of this abyss. She once asked bondrewd about the reproductive organs and he said that the creature had a "papa pole" also, no. s1 and s2 don't stack up at all unless you watch dawn of the deep soul. it covers 1.5 volumes of the anime and if you tried to watch s2 right after s1 you would be completely lost.


"What the fuck even is the sovereign?" Well, technically, he's literally a white whistle. He split his consciousness into many parts and then sacrificed his original body to make the whistle. He can still use the whistle, as the other bodies are still him in a way. Before experimenting on children, he used himself (the extra bodies) for those experiments. But those experiments failed because the abyss doesn't consider him a human anymore. Also, it's really chilling when it's said that he and Riko are very much alike, because it's true in a way. Bondrewd is Riko's dark mirror. The sense of endless curiosity and the will to discover the secrets of the abyss, but with none of her inhibitions. What makes it even more twisted, is that he's not even a psychopath. For someone to receive the blessing, the love can't be one-sided. He has emotions and he really did love Prushka, but he sacrifices her anyway, thinking that it's for the greater good. The insanity induced by the Zoaholic doesn't help either.


Will you react to the openings after finishing the show or did I miss an earlier video?


Bondrewd did nothing wrong. Shocked you skipped the ending. The song is very good. Not like YouTube is going to copyright strike you here. ;)

Prince Wulf

Time for season two is upon us. Personally I'm excited. I doubt what I'll say is spoiler, but just in case; spoilers: While I'm sure you've already noticed/guessed, but unlike your usual anime movies, this one is very relevant to the main plot.


Bondrewd is a really complex character. Ill try to explain some things i guess :D with the Zoaholic hes kinda immortal since his soul gets moved to a diffrent body if he dies (to keep it easy). He used this to sacrifice himself to get his white whistle. Some suggest he "sacrificed his humanity" kinda to get it which might explain things. Thing is that he actually loves the children, and that he loved prushka, as he explained only with love the blessing works, love from both sides. He even remembers the name of every children he sacrificed (Thats why he calls the Cardridges by name). Its a very twisted character cause on one hand he does all this terrible things, on the other hes supposed to love children. I think this shows very good in the movie but even better in the manga. Also worth knowing is the fact that prushka knew of the cardridges and what they were, in the manga he explained it to her when she found one of them. Sad part they left out in the movie (besides that i think it covered most of it tho :)). So she verymuch knew what he did, and what he was doing on her and still did it cause she loved him. Just some notes of mine to maybe give some light on things that the movie maybe dident show enough.


The problem with that estimate is, that there literally isn't any content for season 3 to adapt. Manga is currently like 6 chapters ahead of where S2 ended, and chapters come out really sporadically, on average around 3 to 5 months. So unfortunately, For even the production of S3 to begin, we will have to wait quite a long time. Unless Tsukushi suddenly starts pumping chapter weekly or monthly, which i sadly doubt. :/


Please react to the Made in Abyss Soundtrack "gravity" before you start season 2


Even for season 2 the manga was only a few chapters ahead so it's pretty similar situation now with season 3

William Pina

Nanachi, the hollow, doesn't have a gender. They use gender neutral pronouns when referring to themselves. Reg and Marulk use "boku" (male pronoun), Riko and Prushka use "watashi" (female pronoun), Nanachi uses "oreimu" (gender neutral)

William Pina

I would also like to add that if you think of Nanachi as a girl, that's okay. I did so too for the first few times I watched to series. I still refer to Nanchi as a she most of the time. But to state that Nanachi is, unequivocally a girl, is just wrong, and without a doubt, not what the author intended.

Tuti Egg

A good summarization of the character Bondrewd i found: About Bondrewd: his character is easy to misread because most of the information about him and his motives is given here and there (and some of it was cut from the movie and anime for time), so it's easy to miss. In summary, due to the Zoaholic he lost his ability to feel bad about his actions, everything he says should be taken at face value (he's not trying to be manipulative or trick them at all; in fact, the process WON'T WORK if he's faking it—it HAS to be genuine), and he was trying to recreate what happened to Nanachi on himself so that he could safely explore the sixth layer and bring his findings back to the surface. More specifically: -Bondrewed is the sole reason people know anything about how the Abyss works; what the effects of the curse are, how it's triggered, the fact that it gets weaker further from the center of the shaft, how to make white whistles, etc. He was made a White Whistle because of his accomplishments in helping humanity more safely explore and understand this place. -The creation of a white whistle requires a WILLING human sacrifice. If the person doesn't want to become a white whistle to help the intended user, the process WILL NOT WORK. -Because of that, Bondrewed used the Zoaholic to copy himself, then sacrificed his original body to become his own white whistle. -One of the affects of the Zoaholic is that it destroys your humanity and literally MAKES you go insane. However, Bondrewed was SO dedicated to studying the abyss that when he lost his humanity, rather than becoming a mass murderer or serial rapist or something, he just became a scientist that didn't have the ability to understand what "too far" means. (Granted, that's actually scarier, for someone who's genuinely nice to LITERALLY NOT UNDERSTAND why it's a bad thing to hurt someone (no, not even if it's helping further science, Bondrewed...)) -To help make exploring the abyss even safer, Bondrewed wanted to find a way around the curse of the sixth layer (which will either kill you or turn you into a hollow like Mitty). -Since the curse only affects humans, he needed (what he viewed as) willing sacrifices who would let him study it, ultimately leading to the experiment that Mitty and Nanachi went through. -(The way the kids were transported from the surface wasn't a shortcut or a hidden path, it was literally just an armored box that the Umbral Hands would carry while they descended on the normal path (protecting the box from the monsters themselves).) -In the experiment with Mitty and Nanachi, he had already discovered that "forcing the curse to one container" wouldn't work with animals or two people who didn't care about each other. His next attempt was to try using two good friends (which is why Nanachi was "just in time"), in the hopes that the desire "I must survive to protect my friend" would override the desire "oh god, this hurts, please kill me" while being hit with the curse. -The results of that experiment gave him two ideas: one was the cartridges (which would use the same technology as the elevator to pump the curse away from him and into the person in the cartridge), and the other was to get the same "blessing" that Nanachi had (a body that, while not IMMUNE, was still RESISTANT to the curse). -He tried replicating the experiment on himself (using two of "him", like when he made his white whistle), but unfortunately, while he still had a body that could be hit with the curse, due to the Zoaholic, the abyss no longer saw him as human enough for the same process to work. He couldn't become his own cartridge, nor would the abyss give him its blessing. -Since he couldn't make cartridges (out of) himself, he went back to plan B. He started getting the volunteer kids to like him (using Nanachi as bait to lure them in) and became genuine friends with them. In his mind, he did genuinely care for them and appreciated (what he saw as) their willing sacrifices. Once the feeling was strong enough, he would turn them into cartridges. -While this worked for avoiding the curse, he still couldn't get the blessing. Friendship wasn't strong enough. It needed to be LOVE. -Prushka was the daughter of an Umbral Hand who was being transported in the box (like other children), but there was some sort of accident and the box was damaged, nearly killing her. -Bondrewed decided to become her father to develop a bond of familial love with her (after all, a child wouldn't develop romantic love for him (that would be weird! =O), and an adult wouldn't work at all—they would be too big to fit in a cartridge! So he needed the strongest kind of love that exists between an adult and a child: parental love). -Bondrewed GENUINELY loved Prushka like a daughter. Like with the white whistles, it wouldn't work if he was faking it; it had to be mutual, not one-sided. It's just that, since Bondrewed lost his humanity, he doesn't (and in fact is LITERALLY unable to) feel bad about sacrificing the things he loves for the greater good. (And he doesn't understand why that's bad if the "thing" in question is a person.) -The other requirement to get the blessing was that she had to want to PROTECT him (like Mitty was protecting Nanachi), but he was having trouble getting her to feel that. She loved him, sure, but all that was focused on devotion and the desire for adventuring with him, which—while appreciated—wasn't the emotion he needed her love to focus on. That's why he let one of "him" get killed in front of her, then revealed himself right afterwards; to maximize the feelings of "I don't want papa to die; I must protect him". -Now that Prushka's emotional requirements had been met, he turned her into a cartridge. Then, when she was "used", the emotions between them were the same as the emotions between Nanachi and Mitty in the elevator, and thus the same transformation took place in Bonedrewed. (The SFX in the manga for this moment was "the rumble of scientific triumph".) -Because Prushka was also wanting to sacrifice herself for Riko, she became her white whistle as well. -In the end, Bondrewed was genuinely impressed that they found a way to beat him and was happy that they would get to go learn more about the abyss. In his mind, while it was disappointing that he lost the body he had just gotten, he had still finally reproduced the experimental results he was wanting to, and they had proven that their will was stronger than his, so he had no problem yielding to them. -One small detail that I really like that I've never seen a reactor catch: when Reg tears away part of his mask, the eye reveals that it's a monster under there. But in the final shot, the eye is human. It's like losing to Nanachi and the others helped restore some small portion of his humanity. Just a cool metaphor. =D TL;DR Bondrewed is a fascinating and complex character. He's not an evil asshole, just a friendly scientist who's tragically and TERRIFYINGLY incapable

D 1 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-19 01:44:38 Bondrewd had to lose some of his humanity and his body(curse and death) to accomplish his goals and gain immortality(blessings and life) "the abyss gives it all". He knew their names out of love but only so he could get one to love him enough to endure the strain of him using their pain "life force" as energy as prushka was. thats why the first test with nanachi&mitty they had to love each other, so hes hes still fucked up. What makes it crazy is he's still a cave raider ata heart so he still gives choices and wants to see if rikos party can go farther than him without sacrificing as much and keeping their "worth"
2023-06-18 20:06:04 Bondrewd had to lose some of his humanity and his body(curse and death) to accomplish his goals and gain immortality(blessings and life) "the abyss gives it all". He knew their names out of love but only so he could get one to love him enough to endure the strain of him using their pain "life force" as energy as prushka was. thats why the first test with nanachi&mitty they had to love each other, so hes hes still fucked up. What makes it crazy is he's still a cave raider ata heart so he still gives choices and wants to see if rikos party can go farther than him without sacrificing as much and keeping their "worth"

Bondrewd had to lose some of his humanity and his body(curse and death) to accomplish his goals and gain immortality(blessings and life) "the abyss gives it all". He knew their names out of love but only so he could get one to love him enough to endure the strain of him using their pain "life force" as energy as prushka was. thats why the first test with nanachi&mitty they had to love each other, so hes hes still fucked up. What makes it crazy is he's still a cave raider ata heart so he still gives choices and wants to see if rikos party can go farther than him without sacrificing as much and keeping their "worth"


2 things. 1) when I first watched this movie, for about a week afterwards, I would think about what happened to Prushka and get so genuinely angry I couldn't help it. 2) when Reg and Bondrewd start fighting, when Bondrewd says Sparagmos, holy SHIT that voice was badass


It's not a wrapped up story but s2 has kinda caught up with the manga


He still missed the ending animations where they go down to the 6th layer in the pod. It was pretty cool and trippy looking.

Aaren YASS

that part about movies is usually right, but in this case its mostly true. the biggest take aways are Bondrewd, Reg losing his arm, Regs transformation, and Prushkas existence+new form. those are all huge plot points that can be understood but dont hold as much gravity if u just jumped into season 2 without it. it wouldnt be a smooth jump from season 1 to season 2 without the movie.


So, Prushka's name means "Flower of the Dawn". She wants to see a "dawn". The movei is called "Dawn of the Deep Soul". We know from season 1 that, typically, the only way a White Whistle (the item) can return to the surface after a Last Dive is if its owner has passed away. That means... the only way Prushka will ever see a dawn... is when Riko dies.


Noctislolig> A logical assumption that is often presented as indisputable, that's my main point. And, a logical assumption based on what? That Nanachi has a voice-actress? Reg and Marulk as well. Btw the voice-actress for Nanachi take good care having the most neutral voice as possible. Does Nanachi have any typical girly design details? Long hair, breast, skirt, a necklace, a bracelet, a brooch? In the house, is there anything to indicate that she's a girl? A few details, but above all each person's interpretation, may lead you to think that Nanachi is a girl. Just as there are just as many elements that could lead you to believe that Nanachi is not a girl, or even a boy. Like the pronoun used for Nanachi (used to be masculin, but can be also neutral). Or like, Reg isn't comfortable with girls and his body's reaction to them (he even tends to avoid this kind of contact with girls)...so it's logical to think that if he likes to cuddle Nanachi it's because he doesn't see her as a girl. In regard on his body's reaction, adults tend to consider things as sexual meaning while they are not. My son would sometimes got little erections cuddling his soft toy. A bodily reaction that obviously has nothing to do with any kind of attraction. My daughter practiced "genital stimulations" from the age of 6 to 8. Adults could see this as masturbation, i.e. a voluntary sexual act, but it's not. I've learned that for the child it's something else (it can be a reaction to anguish or, on the contrary, to joy), and also that it's perfectly normal and common. So, anyway! Reg's body reaction sometimes when he cuddles Nanachi is not particularly indicative of Nanachi's gender. You can think Nanachi is a girl, a boy or else. It's fine. EVERYTHING is deliberately done (since the beginning) to let you decide. William Pina > It's more complex. For ex, watashi can be used by male sometimes. It depends on who's talking (male/female), the age (little boy, little girl, teen boy, teen girl, man, women, old man, old woman) and to whom (gender, age and social status of the interlocutor). But yeah, Nanachi use the pronoun "oira" which is neutral but used to be masculine, with rural/wild connotation.

Regular Grayzone (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-19 21:28:54 We are watching the movie with you We don't mind!
2023-06-19 12:36:09 We are watching the movie with you We don't mind your silence! Btw. It was certainly the final episodes of s1 that rattled me more

We are watching the movie with you We don't mind your silence! Btw. It was certainly the final episodes of s1 that rattled me more

Zagrom Field

Im just saying 'evil' is subjective. Not black and white. Plenty of people in the show think what he is doing is for a greater good. Who WANTS to work for or with someone they think is evil? Everyone thinks their actions are done with the best intentions. Clearly you have your views which are entirely unshakable, so any conversation on they matter isn't really a debate. You think he's evil without question; I think he evil depending on who you ask.

David M

By "Papa Pole", she doesn't mean Bondrewd. She means "The part that defines someone a papa, and not a mama". Remember, she's very naive. You saw she assisted Bondrewd in surgical procedures.

David M

For what's going on with Bondrewd and his whistle and whatnot, the movie doesn't do a great job of explaining it in detail, but the manga does. 1) Bondrewd the original sacrificed himself to his consciousness in another body to create his own white whistle. This is only possible because he cared about HIMSELF so much to do so. His original body is gone, he's only a mind jumping to new bodies thanks to the Zoaholic. 2) Zoaholic is like making copies of copies. A little something is lost every time, usually from the host, but also from the user. In this case, Bondrewd is completely lacking in morals, ethical constraints, and has no conscience. He is entirely driven to his scientific pursuit, and no cost is too great. 3) Even still, Bondrewd doesn't IMMEDIATELY jump to human experimentation. He tried using his own consciousness and bodies to make cartridges, but the Abyss doesn't recognize them as human anymore, so they don't work for this purpose. He has experimented on himself as much as he has on others. 4) Bondrewd is still capable of love and caring about others, even if he is incapable of acknowledging how his actions hurt others. He genuinely loved Prushka as a daughter just as she loved him back. He genuinely cares for Nanachi. He remembers the names and dreams of EVERY child he has sacrificed in his pursuits.

tyler Pantaleo

I have the mangas up to 11, just started reading them. But i may stop reading when i get to the end of season 2's end.


the explanation is very good but I really don't like the guy, the experiment was a success he can literally recreate it again with another child. is it really worth it to kill children, adults or do something even worse just to satisfy your curiousity.

TsUNaMy WaVe

I watched the movie with you... it was I think my 5th time experiencing this part of the story as a movie, and probably 10th in general (I've read it in the manga many times as well). And I still cried like a little baby...


The explanation wasn't supposed to make you like him. it just shows that he is complex and good character. good in this case meaning well written not the morally good. If you liked the guy I'd be worried about your mental health.

Ringo Tang (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-22 17:48:07 I think your wife might like it? the show has a large emphasis on parental/mother love, the interaction between child and parent is key here Made in Abyss is best interpret as a children story, much like those old fairytales where disney had to tame down we see Habo (black whistle guy) is like a father figure Lyza gave up the unheard bell and choose to surface Riko instead was a huge sacrifice Ozen basically a step mother to Riko, Bondrewd is the father of Pruskha, and to some degree all the hollow children In season 2 you will see even more of these kind of relationship and I would say S2>S1 Pruskha's back story is the most touching part in this movie for me, she is the embodiment of the tenacity of life and how strong life is, you can recover from anything, very philosophical like nietzsche's quote, what does not kill you only makes you stronger Pruskha were introduced as a person traumatized, but she was never discouraged to keep living and becoming stronger as a person, even as a whistle she is alive (spoiler) PS; you should react to the endings of both S2 and movie ending song, they are basically the best heal for loss of love ones imo
2023-06-22 13:50:53 I think your wife might like it? the show has a large emphasis on parental/mother love, the interaction between child and parent is key here Made in Abyss is best interpret as a children story, much like those old fairytales where disney had to tame down we see Habo (black whistle guy) is like a father figure Lyza gave up the unheard bell and choose to surface Riko instead was a huge sacrifice Ozen basically a step mother to Riko, Bondrewd is the father of Pruskha, and to some degree all the hollow children In season 2 you will see even more of these kind of relationship and I would say S2>S1 Pruskha's back story is the most touching part in this movie for me, she is the embodiment of the tenacity of life and how strong life is, you can recover from anything, very philosophical like nietzsche's quote, what does not kill you only makes you stronger Pruskha were introduced as a person traumatized, but she was never discouraged to keep living and becoming stronger as a person, even as a whistle she is alive (spoiler) PS; you should react to the endings of both S2 and movie ending song, they are basically the best heal for loss of love ones imo

I think your wife might like it? the show has a large emphasis on parental/mother love, the interaction between child and parent is key here Made in Abyss is best interpret as a children story, much like those old fairytales where disney had to tame down we see Habo (black whistle guy) is like a father figure Lyza gave up the unheard bell and choose to surface Riko instead was a huge sacrifice Ozen basically a step mother to Riko, Bondrewd is the father of Pruskha, and to some degree all the hollow children In season 2 you will see even more of these kind of relationship and I would say S2>S1 Pruskha's back story is the most touching part in this movie for me, she is the embodiment of the tenacity of life and how strong life is, you can recover from anything, very philosophical like nietzsche's quote, what does not kill you only makes you stronger Pruskha were introduced as a person traumatized, but she was never discouraged to keep living and becoming stronger as a person, even as a whistle she is alive (spoiler) PS; you should react to the endings of both S2 and movie ending song, they are basically the best heal for loss of love ones imo


also there's no euphemisms in this show. Now he's put up S2E1, if they meant that, they woulda shown that.


I also think it makes more sense that he's got parts of himself in each body, and he's not swapping or something. He's just got his love and happiness in the body he talks with, that's why he's complimenting you on how well you're kicking his ass. He's got just his curiosity in the dissection room bodies. Just the part that wants to take things apart and see how they work. Hence why they want to take apart everyone who enters the room, even Prushka. And hence why he ordered them to do that, and then said "oops I made a mistake" when talking to Nanachi. He's got his "Not act like a psycho and scare children" instincts in the body with Prushka, not in the one with Nanachi. And when he went to fight Reg he pulled everything into the one body, and so the rest of the bodies became unable to function. The white whistles aren't even supposed to be human anymore. I think "Hive mind" is more eldritch and interesting than, "He's got extra lives"


wtf, why does it look like a happy ending, why didn't they kill that asshole? And I hope the manga author is visiting a psychiatrist


This one definitly messed me up more. In the manga "Prushkas spilling out" utterly shattered me. Btw Bondrewds theme "The rumble of scientific triumph" started as a translater note and they decided to take it as the theme name. And as you said, he's not evil. He simply has different priorities. Science trumps all in his mind so all the stuff he does become completely justified.


No one in the world asks a victim of violence what to do with the perpetrator, they just do it


Oh No Bonedrewds whistle does indeed work.

Harley Burnie

18:27 This part reminded me...in the Made In Abyss subreddit, there were some AMAZING discussions about the series. A few of them pertained to Riko, and her mental state and psychological state. Some folks remarked that she is pretty not right in the noggin', due to how quickly and concisely she understood the intents and goals of the most depraved and inhumane characters in the story. Like...you can see the world just like those deviants whom sacrifice all to attain their desires, but if you have a kind heart and the empathy to want to protect those you care about, you end up Riko, rather than Bondrewd. Man, take a look sometime. Reddit is a cesspool of brilliance and debauchery, unparalleled.

Harley Burnie

39:08 BTW, a couple of weeks ago, I managed to watch from S1 E11, up to the end of season 2, in on fuckin sitting. Now THAT was an endurance test for my stupid, greedy heart. I'm terrified of seeing season 2 again with our dear Luke, but to hurt is to grok.


The papa pole part had me dead bro. I was waiting to see if you caught that shit. That is some wild implications man


In my childhood I called my father’s dick “elephant trunk” lol


So, papa pole is actually not as bad as it sounds. hear me out on this. i believe i heard that while prushka and bondrewd were dissecting an animal, prushka questioned what the penis was. Bondrewd said that it was a 'papa pole' as it it the 'pole' that makes you a 'papa'. it's got nothing to do with anything else


The implication being that he made up dumb nicknames for genitalia the way most parents do with their kids…?