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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OSHI NO KO Episode 7!!!



Yami Youssouf

Les go new epsiode time, this ones a banger

Roxy’s Holy Relic

I’ve read the manga and have been wondering how they’d adapt that final scene in todays episode and I have to say that my expectations have been exceeded. Absolutely amazing

Jackson Seales

In regards to your comments about this community, I am glad that you feel overall positive about it. It always worries me when there is someone genuine in this space that suffers from the responses people give on the internet, and please know we all appreciate your genuine reactions and spirit. Personally, I have been struggling with feeling a lot of emotions I once felt. Reading novels, watching shows, or even comforting someone during a sad time that once would have made me bawl, no longer create any reactions have decimated my mental state, and your genuine reactions has in an odd way helped. During a scene where you cry, tears start to form on my end as well. It gave me hope that I could still feel the same way I used to about stories and be as immersed. I've been working on it and my happiness has spiked from it. Love ya mate and appreciate all you do.


Yeah this show gets me too. I already know what's gonna happen and it still gets me really emotional and invested


Well you have to remember mentally Aqua is in his 30s (the age he was in his previous life) so ofcourse he would lose that arrogance and have more unique perspective on every problem that arise Forget Aqua... Akana gonna make Ruby fall for her :D


oh yeah, Akane is SCARY good at acting.


Idiosyncrasy: a mode of behaviour or way of thought peculiar to an individual. Googled it. You're welcome.

Gabriel Pires

Holy s**t, when Akane flipped that switch at the end, I felt like I was watching Episode 1 again...

Thomas Juino

WTF !!! this ep is insane !!!

Aldiandya Irsyad Nur Farizi

Everyone talk about star eyes but no one talk about Aqua and Akane has Galaxy eyes, which basically "peak Ai" moment.


Oh wow what an amazing episode! I love the fact everyone got together to support Akane. I also enjoy how they showcase that a lot of these people are TALENTED and not just a pretty face. Every one of them has their own unique strengths they can play on. My heart literally started beating faster and was like omg I'm in love, at the end. Some girl literally studied and replicated becoming your crush. That's crazy!!!! Even though it's an act. Fun fact: I once did the same thing as Akane during a discussion with some girl at a psychology class in college. I had to guess and infer her personality from her actions and how she talks. She told me it was scarily accurate and got creeped out lol.


Schadenfreude yeeeesss best german word XD


A few minutes ago Aqua said that nobody can imitate Ai. But looks like there is a very capable actress capable of doing that just by spending one night investigating her... Or at least Aqua looks very surprised, like he is seeing Ai in from of him. This recording probably will not be confortable for Aqua. Wonder if the audience of the show will recognize Ai's behaviour, and if that can cause problems for both Aqua and Akane. With that big character change after Akane returns, some in the audience will have questions. Or maybe Aqua will not be able to support that and will make Akane stop imitating Ai even before the recording starts.

Harley Burnie

As skilled as Akane clearly is, I have no doubt viewers are gonna say "Wow, doesn't she make you think of that idol who died like a decade ago? Same energy or something." I can't wait to see what Akane does with this new power and confidence!

Harley Burnie

1:54 That sound so much like my commented. I love Luke echoing that sentiment. That idea of Aqua is kinda my favorite bit of him, after the willingness to commit his life to taking out the bastard who ended Ai's dynasty and family. What a great episode. I was rooting for Akane hard, and I will ALWAY wanna see Aqua flex. He is terrifyingly clever and persistent.

Christian Diaz

Can’t wait till the next ep

Aled Jeager

People tend to interpret Aquas feelings for Ai differently I notice, I see it as more of a paternal bond, but he has trouble labelling his own feelings due to the fact in his past life he wasn't close to his parents at all

Akai Ryu

Quick FYI, Episode 8 will be delayed to the 7th of June due to another Program interfering next Week - Feel free to upvote so we might fill something else for the next Week's Wednesday Slot uwu

Pete Bickmore

I'd love a random anime movie watchalong. Something like I want to eat your pancreas.

Katie Wyatt

Yeah, if I was Aqua and some girl replicated my dead mother perfectly, I'd be creeped the fuck out. It's like some uncanny valley-type thing like Windows running on a Mac.

Jason Tam

So far this show is my anime of the year, and there have been some other good/great ones too. But this one is on top for me so far. Mushoku Tensei season 2 is coming out in a few month though, so we'll see. (really looking forward to The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses, that one is so cute, kenshin remake is coming as well as is duke of death)

Mr. Dog

Oh the director of the reality TV show had is age lowered in the anime compared to the manga. In the manga the director was 40 years old. Also Luke, what Akane was doing in front of the computer is a technique police, psychiatrists and detective's use. It's called profiling. Akane would have to have taken a few psychology classes and a profiling class from law enforcement type school to do this.


Akane’s nudity in the one scene represents her mental state. Her heart has been “laid bare” before the public. It’s symbolic.


Man if I were in Aqua's shoes I'm pretty sure I'd have a really messed up emotional sense of romantic relationships. It's no wonder they guy can't put his feelings to words. First he's an adult who feels awkward about having a celebrity crush on a girl too young for him and he's got a patient who's attracted to him who's WAY too young for him. Then the girl he liked became his mom and the girl who had a little crush on him became his sister. Now a girl trying to win him over is imitating his dead mom. That'd probably turn anyone into a psychological case study.

Scott Humphreys

'It suddenly becomes the darkest anime ever.' There is much darker than that :)


I know what that word is but I can perform english at university level


hey man no need to thank for the support, you're genuinely interesting and a joy to watch!

Frank Stendal

Sigmund Freud intensifies...

Jacob Langone

i would assume idiosyncrasies is a fancy word for "personal quirks" given the context, as she immediately follows it by talking about how everyone has flaws. Okay, now to google. *switching tab...fake typing, fake typing...* And it looks like I wasnt too far off: "a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual. "one of his little idiosyncrasies was always preferring to be in the car first"" I remember one time in history class where our teacher asked us to define "irony," and after i gave my answer, the teacher called the english teacher and asked him to define it. After a brief moment, he hung up the phone. He then told me that the english teacher and i had given, verbatim, the exact same answer. "The opposite of what is expected to happen, happens." I found the situation ironic, because i didnt expect to be right about pretty much anything after middle school


If your looking for another anime to react to I'd recommend welcome to demon school iruma-kun it has just the right amount of action and comedy at it's one of my all time favourites

Nicholas Roberti

You're my weird shouty anime friend! From down in the colonies, thanks for your nonsense. 'Sparkle Eyes'

Jacob Winslow

Yoasobi just did a English version of idol


it's absolutely brilliant!

Irvin Martinez

This anime is on its way of becoming one of the best anime of all time.


I'm also loving every episode Luke, it's amazing


This anime is hard for emotional people... The last two episodes were heartbreaking, I can still feel my poor heart crying... And the end of this one... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Kenn Souza

An emotional new anime might be to your eternity but I don’t know if you’re ready for that ride yet


It's such a relief to see somebody react emotionally at the same moments I did - looking back at your reaction to the ending of episode 1 - holy moly that was basically me. If the show can squeeze the tears out of you that means it's good. Easily an anime of the year. Can't wait to see more genuine reactions, brother!


can you react to the tv version ending? it has no spoilers in it


I end up cackling like a madman every time I watch someone react to that ending. I love this show.


Akane can sense a lot of fine lines, that "what the hell?!" yeah, she's connecting the dots to a nasty revelation