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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to MONOGATARI anime openings PART 1!




oh helllll yeahhhh


These are not in order but that is okay. each story arc focuses on a character and each character gets their own opening that is themed around the arc. completely spoiler free unless you read deeply into the lyrics themselves.

Jan Paulsson

managed to hit the latter in the series in a weird order. but as you say, doesn’t really matter.

Jan Paulsson

”Really up beat song”. You didn’t read the title of that one :)

Corentin Fleuret

Here is a list of all the openings and endings of the monogatari series with links to all of them https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oMKJGBfNFS0B7HKk_LboZmNc6aLm4qByXaB_PAqHANc/edit


Hello Luke! Just wanted to say I am really glad that you're finally reacting to Monogatari openings, it's imo one of the best Anime series ever, but again it's not for everyone, as for opening order, these are openings from 3rd season, this here link has all openings and endings , Cheers! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhGeLZFjeNNr9eNMI79cf8sDYj5owpXeK ,(Edited in. https://youtu.be/G2hWYfflWB0 and https://youtu.be/rzXEw5VTtoo From Kizumonogatari movies, and finally Wicked Prince, https://youtu.be/9AUS3O9Ifhk apparently an opening from Monogatari game "Puc Puc" that is sung by all the voice actresses which I honestly wasn't even aware existed until today, and totally forgot about Kizumonogatari ones, thanks RiDgo for pointing it out ) for actual watch order of the Anime, there are several, release order, chronological order, for anyone interested this is the best one I found and I followed that one, it turned out great, only switched Nise and Kizu in the order when I watched it https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/322427140375314432/1100127914953035898/unknown.png (found a better link in end for full Playlist) one fun fact I'll add is that each opening song is sang by the voice actress of character that the arc follows.


LET'S GO! This will be a ride^^



Sebastian Stróż

One day... One day he will react to monogatari :copium:


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP0FvFKRCw6_hnsdl0KIh1ZMN_2QcC_di heres a playlist for all the monogatari openings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otn4aNHSCjk ^ this is the TV size version of mathemagics since the playlist has the full version


You actually started with the newest openings not the oldest but watching order of openings for this series doesn't matter too much imo. I'd enjoy watching you react to the remaining ones.

Yami Youssouf

yh you have a lot more left XD

Peter Pan

The titles of ur video unfortunately is not correct. As all of these openings in this video are beyond opening 9 in the third season. Copying the link from another comment but this is the correct playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6sQx5rb4MVoPP2DntDhA0-ojo4-Ivw2y


Damn you're amazing. I was about to post a low quality compilation video here xD


These are actually the last third of the Monogatari openings (I think 17-26). Don't worry this probably wont make a difference for a first time viewer since the openings are supposed to only make sense in context AND with the lyrics - because of a fun fact about them: they are all sung by the voice actors of the specific character they feature, in character. They are not just songs they made for the show but actually a big part of the story and have relevant information that you will only get when actually watching the show and analysing them. It is a mystery show after all.


Here's a link to a playlist with openings for all 3 seasons, and all the endings, 4 videoes total, the third one here is the one you reacted to. The playlists description explains which video contains which OPs/EDs. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhGeLZFjeNNr9eNMI79cf8sDYj5owpXeK


Thank you, I've actually found this Playlist that someone else linked on one of his reaction videos some 3 months ago or so and saved it, cause I knew that he'd have no clue where to find or in which order to start them in xD


Dark cherry mistery has one of the biggest plot points/spoilers of the series and it is so funny how without context is impossible to understand anything


Mah man nailed the pronounciation of "Monogatari" first try They grow up so fast 🥲


I would claim that the Monogatari is the MOST dialogue driven anime there is out there. While it contains some action here and there, it's very dialogue heavy. I reccommend watching at least the first 3-4 episodes :-D

brotato 96

We raised that boy 🥲. I still remember the struggle when he could not tell apart shinigami and shiganshina


As for if you should watch this anime one day, it's really hard to tell because you are still very new to anime and this one in particular is very very very japanese -a lot of dialogue, a lot of japanese folklore and plays on the language, a lot of cultural themes and tropes, mixed with a lot of references and parodies of existing media including other anime, manga and film. It's pretty unique even for anime and here comes my personal opinion: it's writing is absolute top tier if you enjoy deep character studies. There's really no tell if it's a show for you unless you try it - but before you do, make sure to consult your discord or some anime fan you trust because this show has a very specific watch order and naming pattern that is confusing to beginners and it also requires the best subtitles since like I mentioned earlier, it is a LOT of dialogue.

Alexandre Le Lay

Hi! This might interest you "First and Latest Anime Song of Singers and Bands #1" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfsHNq4tivE

brotato 96

Openings wont give away anything. Infact Monogatari gives more of a challenge on try to figure this out. Its kinda hard to describe monogatari, some call it a masterpiece, some unconventional, some wierd and even downright boring. Also its quite long with many standalone but interlinked stories. I would suggest to get into monogatari only if you are confidant that you have seen a lot of anime and ready to explore something unconventional, because japanese references are quite heavy and familiarity with references would make it more likable.


Hello GOT if one day you want to react to this anime here is a picture that give you the order to react to monogatari series :) https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/acwgj7/monogatari_series_simple_watch_order_guide_2019/


Could you stop it with the annoying intros where you scream in my face every time? I'm already watching, you don't have to get my attention.


Oh god, Monogatari will either make him or break him, lmao.


Luke, this is the one. The third video in this playlist is the one you watched so this’ll be perfect for keeping track of the ones you’ve seen. Good stuff Rey.

Väinö Laakso

I've been waiting for this Please do watch this show at some point it's definitely worth your time


I've been reading the Light Novel of the monogatari serie lately, and i'ts been very enjoyable overall. I'm having way more fun reading the novel then when I watched the anime. The anime is still fine. I just feel like I got the complete package with the Light Novel. As for the opening, they're all great on their own!


Thank you, honestly I put this Anime on hold when I watched it the first time, as the first 6-7 episodes are quite a bit on the slow side and I honestly thought that whole Anime was gonna be about Dialogues but oh was I so wrong, I could go on fangirling about it for 20 more pages at least but I'll spare everyone the headache of reading through it, really hope Luke gets to give it a shot eventually, I'm sure he'd love it.


I personally like it when he's screaming in my face. As I am half-asleep for the majority of the day it does the job of effectively waking me up so that I can enjoy his reaction in full focus and enjoyment. You'll get used to it eventually, it's not that big of a deal, just remember to decrease the volume at the start of his videos and your ears should be fine.

Ryan H

Op part 1 https://youtu.be/1MS0JaVzVIU Op part 2 https://youtu.be/cwOX9wSqMdg Ed part 1 https://youtu.be/d1b2_uTg2DM I think the video you found would be op part 3


Afraid to look through the comments on Youtube, this entire franchise is known for having a lot of tropes that many "anime fans" dislike and are very vocal against. Love that you continue to keep an open mind when watching anything anime related, don't ever let those people deter that aspect about you.

Väinö Laakso

most if not all (can't quite remember) of the monogatari openings are sang by the voice cast of the show and it makes for a cool final touch to the already great ost.


Without spoiling anything, the genres for Monogatari are psychological and supernatural. Crunchyroll has most of the series, but it’s missing the final three episodes of season one and the prequel movies.


I call this "The head tilt anime" :D


1) Bat 2) Crab 3) Cat 4) The Rest Edit: No, these are drastically out of order.


https://i.imgur.com/nfiEEn3.jpg Found this some time ago maybe going to help, very cool and unique series, very enjoyable if you like mysterious stuff


The novels are excellent. I'm not usually one for LNs, but Monogatari is written in a way that really grips a weeb's attention.


They are in order in relationship to each other but they are from the latter end of the series.


Just watch the first chapter and you'll be trapped in this universe, Monogatari is one of the best anime I've ever seen, But it's hard to keep up at first, then you get used to it and you'll see what we mean, Also, you reacted to the finals Openings, these are: -Tsukimonogatari -Owarimonogatari 1 & season 2 -Zoku Owarimonogatari


I also don't like it since the videos on patreon always play on 100% and my ears explode, but whatever.

10redturtles -

out of all the different monogatari anime, i think the openings from "Bakemonogatari"(5 openings) and "Nisemonogatari"(3 openings) are probably the most famous. If you want to continue with this serires I recomend you check out these openings next


You should watch katanagatari


Luke, please react to Darker Than Black OPs/EDs !


Monogatari series is probably the most unique anime ever, mostly because of the studio that does this series - Shaft studio. Shaft studio is a very artistic and unusual studio, they also did Madoka Magica. Series itself is ultra not friendly for an anime newbie, it has a lot of references to anime, manga, culture and japanese language. It's a very hard anime to watch but it's an amazing one for sure. If you would really want to check out anything from this series, the best choice would be 3 part movie "Kizumonogatari" (3 hours total) since this one is a bit more friendly and is a prequel to the series. However this movie is a bit different from the main series so you will not get the same thing, but, it's close enough.


I like it because i already know and I repeat the intro with my own voice jaja


Monogatari is definitely not for everyone, but it's a fantastically well written story, and one of my all time favorites (I still need to get around to reading the original LNs). It's very difficult to explain what Monogatari is about without delving into spoiler territory, but it's kind of like a psychological drama with some horror elements. There's a few action scenes here and there, but it's primarily a dialogue driven story, and it is VERY dialogue heavy. It definitely challenged my ability to follow along the first time I watched it, as I wasn't as good at reading subtitles at the time, especially with the way the first season likes to cut away to flash snippets of text from the novels on screen (that are largely impossible to read without constant pausing and unpausing; not something I'd recommend doing, even though that's exactly what I did when I was younger). Later seasons stop doing that, but the dialogue is still so dense and fast paced it can be difficult to keep up if you aren't a fast reader or don't understand one of the references or puns/wordplay. Be prepared to rewind a lot in order to make sense of what's being said (even then, I'd argue it's the type of show that you won't fully understand after a single watch; there was lots of stuff I only caught on my second or third time through). The author, Nisioisin, enjoys including a ton of wordplay and puns into his works, most of which gets lost in translation, and the show/story as a whole is very strange. There's a couple scenes in particular that will stand out as "WTF", especially if you aren't already familiar with the stranger side of anime/manga, but if you can ignore/accept those moments, it's a fantastic show that will really make you think about things.

Kolben Mayushuuu

the openings you reacted to where I think the last 9 of the series and not the first ones. But I dont think order really matters in this series since the openings are way to cryptic anyways to be able to connect them


You reacted to them out of order.


The Monogatari series has several really good ops, unfortunately non of those are in this video XD. Not that these are bad it's just that some of the others are much better. The best ones probably are the worst with copyright tbf. As for the anime... it's good but it's quite "japanese" in a way that can be offputting for people not used to anime. It's probably not safe for twitch and due to the heavy copyright it's probably a nightmare on youtube.

Ara Araragi

Can't wait to see you react to the rest of the OPs/EDs (and hopefully the anime itself one day)


Monogatari is very "artsy" so don't expect the OP's be taken literally. Each Arc that focuses on a certain girl has its own style and the VA of that girl singing it.


Monogatari basically means story. "insert something" kind of story. But yeah the order is from most recent to older. Some of the older songs were real bangers that circulated in the anime community. Looking forward to the rest.


Monogatari is definitely one of my favorites. It is definitely weird, and I can understand why some of the "stuff" in it can turn people off, but loved every minute of it.


The Show is VERY dialogue heavy just warning you.

Kaiki Deishu

omg yes! finally. i love this show and the music in it

- Its AH Shot

You always pause on the booba accidentally lmao

- Its AH Shot

Btw, the main character has the same va as levi from AOT. Araragi is the goat.


Monogatari has Masterclass level storytelling. So many wonderfully crafted characters. Your knowledge of Japanese folklore and deities will be greatly increased should you choose to take on this masterwork.


Don't try to guess the plot, even watching it it kinda defies being made into a genre.


Thanks for adding them to a playlist! The only ones missing on this are: étoile et toi (both blanc and bleu versions) and wicked prince (Monogatari Puc Puc opening)


Not sure why folks are recommending him playlists when they should just be directing him to the official studio youtube channel release versions as noted above. Can probably skip watching the EDs in my opinion. They aren't as good as the OPs visually and because most or all are performed by the same singer they all kind of blend into each other


It would be so interesting watching you reacting to this show, I have watched it 5 times and I still find something new everytime, but I feel it is not good to react to it live, the reason is its being totally dialogue driven and even a single sentence can twist everything. I love the author of the serie NisiOisiN and he's mindfuck brain and pen


I went in assuming he'd make shot in the dark guesses as to what the series can be about and be completely wrong. Though he wasn't that far off when he noticed that some OPs had two versions of characters and the potential meaning behind it. The monogatari series is one of my favorite anime series, but not a series I would recommend to those new to anime. It's very dialogue heavy which not a lot of anime fans are into. It be cool if he watched it, but it would have to be Patreon exclusive like Made in Abyss as he'd wouldn't be able to pay close enough attention if it were Twitch.


if you want a trip and you're not going to watch the show maybe watch the AMV "Into The Labyrinth" on the tube just a suggestion


Hey Luke and Friends, if you are still looking for a full list of all the openings and a possible watch order of all the seasons i got you covered. All of the episodes havent been released in chronoligical order. I would still recommend watching the show simply in the order in which the episodes were released (with the exception of the three Kizumonogatari movies) Btw most of the Openings have been performed by the voice actor of the main character in the respective arc. 1 Bakemonogatari (15 ep) Op 1 "Staple Stable": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG2_wmWc_QY Op 2 "Kaerimichi": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OC6ARG6fZA Op 3 "Ambivalent World": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlIoetj3KBU Op 4 "Renai Circulation": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiauQ7P7mtQ Op 5 "Sugar Sweet Nightmare": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOTi2YB726I 2 Nisemonogatari (11 ep) Op 1 "Futakotome": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBzALANmX0o Op 2 "Marshmallow Justice": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2Do3DVlmKg Op 3 "Platinum Disco": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vudHjYNy0Ic 3 Kizumonogatari (3 Movies) While technically being released later and at the same time being the chronological beginning of the show, it makes sense to watch the movies after you got to know the main character. Also doesnt have any Openings, but still some cool OSTs like "etoile et toi": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzXEw5VTtoo 4 Nekomonogatari Kuro/Black(4 ep) Only Op "Perfect Slumbers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNWSdPCNSPg 5 Monogatari 2nd Season (23 ep+ 3 recap ep) Op 1 "Chocolate Insomnia": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhZQ46ZRzq0 Op 2 "Happy Bite": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl9doTugrS0 Op 3 "Mousou Express": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kz3e_CKBHbI Op 4 "white lies": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhIeViPKANE Op 5 "Kogarashi Sentiment": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLlytsgLcr4 6 Hanamonogatari (5 ep) Only Op "the last day of my adolescence" :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i27cViremYM 7 Tsukimonogatari (4 ep) Only Op "Orange Mint": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWwd3z-Y1d4 8 Owarimonogatari (12 ep) Op 1 "decent black": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw_sBhVsgEU Op 2 "Mathemagics": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otn4aNHSCjk Op 3 "Yuudachi Houteishiki": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n3WBB0Q-vw Op 4 "mein Schatz": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12PR99C1ZN0 Alternative Release Order Spot for the 3 Kizumonogatari movies 9 Koyomimonogatari (12 ep) Koyomimonogatari contains 12 short storys that happened all over the timeline. It also doesnt have any original Openings. 10 Owarimonogatari 2nd Season (7 ep) Op 1 "terminal terminal": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6slgHkcpRoU Op 2 "dreamy date drive": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUv14HK_EUk Op 3 "dark cherry mystery": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhxmwHErUhU 11 Zoku Owarimonogatari (6 ep) Op "07734" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-p86RaRP2o If i did any mistakes or forgot anything pls let me know. :) Have a good day and a lot of fun!


This show is one of a kind. Very unique and very well written, but it's so dialogue heavy that I'd recommend it for Patreon. Also, there is a correct timeline that you need to follow if you want to understand the story. There are two ways of watching, by realease date or by chronologycal order (people tends to prefere the release order, but there is also an hybrid order). I recommend you to check some visual graphic order list to help you understand what I mean. It may sound like a pain to watch, but you absolutely NEED to check at least the first two seasons because there is not a single show like it


You can find them very easily (as well as pretty much any other anime OP in the best quality) on animethemes.moe instead of youtube

Aurora Raven

Mixtape.moe shut down quite a while ago. Half the links on that document are dead.

Bård Fredrikson

You can think of the show as a "girl of the week" kind of show, except it's girl of the season and they all get an opening that gives hints as to what troubles this girl has or her powers without telling you too much, as figuring everything out is the main character's job as a... Paranormal investigator? I guess you can call him that.

Danielius Stanevičius

I dmed you full youtube playlist on feb 24. Check your patreon private messages


Yeah, animethemes.moe is easily the best page you could ever use for searching anime openings/endings. All high quality and creditless as long as there's a BD/DVD sale of that anime.


Please watch this anime.


Being confused at the openings is perfect cause of how confused I was watching this show lmao

Israel Washington

I love monogatari way too much I had to join to see


I need to try watching Monogatari again... It feels really hard for me to get everything in the show. There are so many little details in the scenery or even in the character designs that I feel like I miss, and it takes so much focus to catch everything. I don't want to blame my ADHD for everything but I really feel like this is one of those times.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Subscribed just to see your Monogatari reaction. You should definitely check out this show, it’s an incredible journey. One of my all time favorite anime’s


This show should probs be patreon only. Also these openings are all from Owarimonogatari season 2. Which brings up another point, the watch order can be quite confusing. I highly recommend you get someone who is monogatari savvy, to help you with the watch order. It is an incredibly dense anime and can be tough to keep straight. But it is also my favorite anime. It has an incredible story and amazing characters. It has a soundtrack that I find to be even more incredible than Made in Abyss, and I think Made in Abyss is top tier in both music and story and characters.


what this anime its as weird and wacky as the openings

Egor Ficak

i think release order is alright and not that hard to figure out except putting Kizu and Neko(Black) in the beginning


It isnt bad if you find the flow chart people have created to show the order, but the fact that there are literal flow charts to show the order I think shows that it is at least a problem some people have had. But I definitely don't think Neko(black) or Kizu should be watched in the beginning. Neko(black) has a definitive place after Nise, but I wouldn't say Kizu has a definitive place. I could see debates for either just before or just after second season, but I would lean towards just after second season. The movies are probably the most argued placement just due to the nature of it. I've also seen lists that place it just after Bake. I personally think that removes the mystery of things too early. I think that the movies are better seen later in the order to help create more desire for the viewer to see that story. It also allows some of the character interactions to maintain more mystery and keep you intrigued in their relationship. To my original point though, most streaming sites do not tell you the watch order, so unless you seek it out on your own(which can potentially spoil certain aspects) you probably won't know what order to watch it in.


Luke watching "Terminal Terminal" for the first time: "This is so funny" Me watching the same thing: bursting with tears

Ale brenna

This is one of the best written story (not just in anime) you could find, you will fall in love and you will cry, there are a lot of different season and the total is around 100 episode, but is something that you must see once in a life. The opening are singed by the va of the character you see, you have listened to the latest 9, here's a playlist with all the opening, you can start from the first in the next video https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLseEFV79mesLWmo9Cpj7-NT3aA0ERKcPN


Don't worry Luke, monogatari is an Acid trip and a half. I've seen it and still don't know what it is about. xD


Missed Renai Circulation (OP 4) and Platinum Disco (OP 8)


Arararararararagi-san, kamimashita :P Hajikuji best girl :D


It's literally just a coming of age story. With some extra spice and mystery.


"They wouldn't kiss like that if they were sisters" Monogatari kinda is "Incest: The Anime" tbh Not that I'm complaining. brb going to brush my sisters teeth


You definitely need to make a part two and watch the other openings as well. Basically all the big and popular ones are missing in this one. Also when it it comes to watching this you should know it's very dialogue centered and it is unlike every other show you've watched until now. It is not an anime for beginners.


I almost died laughing 😂. I haven't seen this anime, but I heard it's very good, now I want to watch it too


I'd offer a explanation for the monogatari series but there's no explanation that would be good enough that would still make any kind of sense the show is chaos incarnate

BRUNO Marques

This show is a bit different to normal anime. It's heavy on dialogue and the action has a unique style. It also doesn't mind going to some odd, dark, and def not safe for work places every once in a while. I'd save this one for when you want a heavy duty anime you can get lost in for a few weeks.


Honestly, the whole series can be done in release order. Kizu movies being the exception, but not really. The only move I'd consider is watching the movies together. The chart probably exists because of people like me who have not watched it as it aired find themselves in front of multiple series with no way to tell the order they flow in without asking, except for those labelled "Season 2"

Russell Gambardella

It can definitely be overwhelming with so many subtle things going on during heavy (but amazing) dialogue. It would be a bit of an investment and leap, but I’d suggest giving the first book (Bakemonogatari) a try. I’ve read a lot of fiction and I’ve never felt like a story, mainly the dialogue, wrote itself so naturally as if given the characters, it actually wrote itself. Will make appreciating the incredible anime adaptation easy as you don’t have to focus on any specific thing.

Russell Gambardella

Also forgot to mention, all the opening vocals are done by the VAs themselves for the respective character it focuses on! But yeah I'd love for you to react to the series and the other openings. There are a few openings that are even more widely known and may be tough with copyright such as "Renai Circulation" and "Platinum Disco" among a few others.

Nadja Jj

Please react to shakugan no shana openings

Cult Gaming

I'm sure you'll see this quite a bit, but Monogatari is a very long series of shows with a ton of music. The order of the series is just as confusing as each episode however. I highly recommend looking for the release order of the series and searching for the openings and endings by specific series name. For those who don't mind mild knowledge of the plot, I heavily recommend a video by Misy/Cronexia. They have a video dictating the watch order for the series with a low spoiler understanding of the timeline.

Katie Wyatt

Hey Luke, as many people have mentioned, the OPs you reacted to here are the right anime, but WAY late in the show. The actual full list of OPs can be seen here (start from the top): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6sQx5rb4MVoPP2DntDhA0-ojo4-Ivw2y It seems other people have listed it as well.


Please do NOT watch Kizu before Bake. It is a prequel - that word includes sequel, look up it's meaning - as in, a story that explains previous events of something you are already familiar with (bake). It is NOT a starting point, nor does it make sense in isolation. Bake then Kizu, never the reverse.

Danielius Stanevičius



I can't believe we missed one of the best anime openings of all time can't wait to here kana hanazawa sing Reni circulation

Espen Onarheim

Fuck yeaaaah, lets goooo! Edit: Ok after watching this, here's a wall of text you probably don't have the time or effort to read, in the spirit of Monogatari; This is my favorite anime and simultaneously my most hated anime, which I think I'm far from alone in being torn on. Each OP is a metaphor for the characters personality/mentality, which is also changing over the course of the series for a lot of them. There are elements of story arcs for sure put in there, but then again arcs are usually tied to personality/mentality of the character in focus. Would you enjoy the show? Hard to say, the show is mostly dialogue, but very very well written dialogue. It's majority tell, and less show. You're not expected to pick up on everything first time around, the show literally has walls of text taken from the novel displayed for a fraction of the time it would take to read through it. Just go with the flow and be confused like the author intended. The show also, along with several other Japanese animes, has problematic scenes involving minors, some for story most for comedic relief. These usually make or break it on whether people can continue to enjoy the show. Everyone should recognize that these scenes are unnecessary and very bad, even ruining the flow of the story at some crucial points. There is no adequate defense for these being in the show. But there's not a ton of them, however when they do appear it is really cringe. The show also plays up fan service a lot, but uses these scenes as metaphors for the subject at hand in very interesting ways. There are definitely exceptions, I won't defend the toothbrush scene as being important to the story, but regardless the majority of the fan service doesn't detract from the subject or flow in any given scene. Personal recommendation, watch first two arcs of the show, I think it's six episodes total. Arc two is where I imagine most people fall off or get super hooked into it. Arc two kind of features the worst of the show while all in all being a very well written Arc. If you like analyzing philosophical meaning and psychological metaphors in heavy dialogue, then this is the bees knees.

Charlie Reeves

Yeh you basically listened to all the later openings in the series, like the last 9 lol. Here's the playlist to see all of them from the very beginning https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6sQx5rb4MVoPP2DntDhA0-ojo4-Ivw2y


this show i really recommend watching it in timeline order, the release order is really fucked up and confusing, thats because the light novels in which they derive from were originally timeline order, but the anime for some reason did not follow that and just made it super confusing expecting people to already know the previous events, i love this show but how the released it in the anime is its one flaw in my opinion, if you say you rather watch how everyone originally watched, thats not how it orginally was, as again the light novel wrote in normally, you can easily find online the timeline order as well.

Angel Lara

Personally I would really love to see you react to this anime, it is my favorite anime series by far and I have enjoyed it so much. It would be awesome if you could too

Angel Lara

That is certainly subjective because that's something that has boosted my enjoyment of it all by a lot, piecing together everything on my own was a very interesting journey that made me love the series as much as I do today c:


I get that I guess, but the thing is like I would get if that’s how it was intended, but it wasn’t and just gets confusing and messy at many times


I originally watched it in release then eventually rewatched it in timeline with a friend, timeline was so much easier to follow and felt more right if that makes sense, my friend eventually rewatched it in release and he liked timeline order, but I guess that’s only 2 people, so that doesn’t make up everyone

Pete Bickmore

I think Luke monogatari is one of those series that you have to watch in your own. It's got very fast-paced dialogue, which is one of it's strengths because it allows for such energetic, fun back and forth dialogue. But man does it need focus to watch, especially early doors as you get used to it.


Here are all the Openings btw., i would like you to redo this reaction in correct order and with all Openings ^^ The ones you did in this Reaction were opening 16-24 btw., so the last 9 and not first 9. Opening 1-9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MS0JaVzVIU&ab_channel=%E3%82%A2%E3%83%8B%E3%83%97%E3%83%AC%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%8D%E3%83%AB Opening 10-15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwOX9wSqMdg&ab_channel=%E3%82%A2%E3%83%8B%E3%83%97%E3%83%AC%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%8D%E3%83%AB Opening 16-24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL3s82oBaMg&ab_channel=%E3%82%A2%E3%83%8B%E3%83%97%E3%83%AC%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%8D%E3%83%AB Also the Endings here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1b2_uTg2DM&ab_channel=%E3%82%A2%E3%83%8B%E3%83%97%E3%83%AC%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%8D%E3%83%AB