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DeN..S..1..EP..36.. Enjoy!!





Yep, that's an evil cliffhanger. That's basically why it's best treated as a two part finale. I wouldn't blame you if you recorded final episode straight after this episode (you've probably watched it already).

Karen Porter

have i mentioned how beautiful your eyes are? lol. They're striking when popped out of your skull with rage for "f**king vicious cliffhangers" (half teasing, but also serious about you having beautiful eyes) It's the second to last episode, of course it was going to leave on a major cliffhanger, silly. *pats your head* Poor Luke. You've gotta get used to the thought of cliffhangers though. It's how shows keep you wanting more. Also, so excited for FMAB!


L's real name is Lawliet btw

o k

NEAR ! I WIN !!!!

o k

so much intensity while everyone is sanding stilll, this show is fuckin great. No epic fight needed, just writting name, eyes moving, facial expression,and you feel like a word war is going on. And the soundtrack .. Just amazingly divine.

Antoine Jones

the whole reason why killing Makami before he could write names is... yes while that would save ppl from dying.. it would prove that Light was Kira.. which is the WHOLE point of that meeting

Antoine Jones

Also I dont know if you noticed thge "Near I win" part but Light actually said that out loud not in his head.. so Near doesnt have to prove Light is Kira... Light just outted himself on his own. Or maybe they will follow it right the beginning but take 30 minutes explaining how blah blah blah... like this even episode could have been 5 minutes on its own but they made it take 25

James Palmer

If someone took out Mikami before he wrote the names then nothing would have been proven by either side. But I guess it would remove the Death Note from play by having it taken in by the authorities meaning that aside from whatever clippings he still has Light would not be able to continue being Kira unless he could somehow manipulate his way into possession of one again... so I guess in that way it'd be a victory for the taskforce and Near.


Iconic laugh incoming


Man I love these Super Alive Scribbles


the end is NEAR

Manie Gudak

Man cant believe we're finally at this point. Rewatching DN while seeing your reactions is something i'm gonna miss but cant wait to see the next series. And man do i wanna see your reaction to the finale