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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to JUJUTSU KAISEN Episode 9!!!



Thomas Juino

Now you have the answer of why Mahito (patch-work face) look like a human, it’s because he’s a curse born from a human Like Jogo (volcano head) who fights Gojo, he embodies the fear of mountains who’ll meet the forest and the ocean one later ^^

Thomas Juino

Quick japanese honorifics lesson -san is like mister -kun is for younger or same age man -chan is for younger or same age woman -senpai is for senior -sensei is for teacher


One thing you might have missed during the episode (~16:40) is that they explained how techniques get stronger when you explain them to the opponent. Similar to how curses are stronger the more society 'fears' that concept, I guess explaining a technique makes it more 'real' for the opponent. Essentially an in-universe explanation for why everyone just goes around explaining what they can do.


25:55 i wear glasses like that :D

o k

When there is multiple subtiles i just pause the video ^^


3:03 I just pause. I read everything!

Sebastian Stróż

Ok this will be a longer one but I hope it will help you understand some things about Japanese culture which translates into your understanding of anime. First of all at the beginning of episode we saw an older guy watching while they were bullying Junpei. That's a teacher. Anime often tackles the massive problem of bullying that's a VERY prevalent in Japan. You will get more about this specific situation later so just keep that topic in mind for future reference. When it comes to honorifics, it's a very important thing. Kun- is usually used towards males that are younger than you/same age or you are familiar with (Itadori could call Megumi, Meguimi-kun if they are close to each other) Chan- mostly towards female that you are familiar with but not exclusive San- is used when you show respect and its basically a default you would use when addressing anyone (Itadori could call Nobara, Nobara-chan but she would punch him in the face) Sama- will be used then you address someone with great respect, like a head of a very important family (he could call Gojo, Gojo-sama considering his status but they are his students so they use sensei instead) Senpai- someone who is of a higher status than you at the school/work but also someone who works there longer (Itadori calls 2nd yeas using -senpai since they are 2nd years and he is 1st) They you drop honorifics and use first name then you are considered to be very close to each other. Some translations dont include honorifics which is annoying as it really help you understand relationships between characters. There are many more and most of them can be used in different scenarios than I just said but its just to give you a simple idea of how they are used. And I can guarantee you will love Nanamin because he is up there with some of the better written characters especially for shounens. Also if i made a big mistake then please correct me because I'm after few beers, just keep in mind I tried making it fairly simple. Also if you really like those ghost stories and apparitions then you may want to look into Monogatari more. It's all about that, just keep in mind that it can be a lot at times. I still think you would love it.


what are those video titles.. ?? :DD who is stronger than gojo ? lmao.. man.. another week of waiting.. pain ://


I recommend watching the opening again off-camera


You're doing the right thing with subtitles. Top stuff you can read if you want, but it is the background noise. It's the same if it was actually sound not subs - the noise is there and you could listen to it if you want, but you have to kind of focus onto it underneath the main noise.


At 29:13 you say something that will be proposed in season 2 by nanami itself (the guy with the suit) but they wont do it for some reason. I do think he taking missions all around the world while checking up on his students but because of his strength not even the higher ups dare to force him to do more missions and stop teaching (which would be the best thing to do in my opinion) because if he snaps then it's over for the higher ups.

Jonathan Kinney

Nanami’s speech about “little despairs” building up to make a person an adult is the thing that has stuck with me the most about this show, and I fucking love this show, so that’s a high bar.

Samir Larras

The reason why it works is because it forces a pact. You gave your opponent info they shouldn't have, so you get an advantage.

Nightshade Dim

stuffed bread is like pastries. usually like cream or fruit or chocolate filled


A little detail I noticed that I missed on my first watch-through, the supposed curses they fight that ended up being modified humans, were bleeding red blood. Every other curse we've seen so far bleeds purple. Idky but that little bit of attention to detail is really impressive to me.

Hououin Kyouma

They are called half-rimmed glasses. I used to have one.

Albino Brother

Just also wanted to point out that I think that Nanami had a black flash at 16:50