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Here is the PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to Made In Abyss EPISODE 9!!! And wow this one was intense!




Love this episode, and can’t wait for the rest!


Leet's gooo!! I'm gonna save this for later when I'm going to bed and being all cozy!


tomorrows episode is gonna be fun


From the next episode we can say that the real "descent" begins, but since you have already seen it, I can only tell you that from this moment on, you will never be ready for what you will see.

Regular Grayzone

I think the Recaps have some naration too simetimes... I'm not sure. Been a while since I've watched this show now. Good that you check for after credits scenes! (edit) Checked: No narration, but lots of the episode is before the opening on the next one. But you would have caught that.


This is show so intense. I was a little traumatized after I watched the movie.

tyler Pantaleo

I knew this would be in your top 10, im willing to bet it will be your number 1. From this point on you will start to learn the true nature of the abyss.

BRUNO Marques

The curse doesn't affect the creatures in the abyss. S2 is not the end but answers a few things. S3 is confirmed but will take a long time to release. Watch the short with Marulk just before the movie, it's a fun little thing. Don't get too excited about underwater stuff, it's not the focus of the 5th layer, reg wouldn't struggle with it. Btw, Reg did have a purpose in going up to Orth.

James Perrott

TOMORROW OH MAN one of the episodes I and probably everyone have been waiting for. its just... something else This is the true turning point for the show after todays episode, and the beginning of where the show is at its absolute best IMO, from episode 10 to the end of the movie are my absolute favourite part of made in abyss

James Perrott

I love how excited you are to go into episode 10 haha

James Perrott

The show is definitely very fast paced when it comes to layers 1-3. But it slows down now that were in the real depths

James Perrott

My reccommendation for how to watch and upload the movie and rest of season 1 would be next week episode 11 and 12 week after episode 13 on friday, and a reaction to season 1s opening and ending on saturday week after on friday you could react to the second version of the ending sung by another character, and then the movie all at once on saturday? it just feels kinda pointless to split the movie into 2 uploads, I dont think anyone is going to want to watch just half on friday and everyone will wait till saturday


We need to remind him to watch the movie to understand season 2

James Perrott

I absolutely love the caption saying this episode was intense xD you werent ready for whats next...

Daniel Griffiths

the stories ongoing atm and well be waiting a while for season 3... weve basically caught up to the manga... but its a story worth waiting for

Daniel Griffiths

now that you've recorded next episode... welcome to the abyss lol


Season 2 for me was the real trauma! I can't listen to "Old stories" anymore because I burst into tears every time.


I've been looking forward to ep10 for weeks now and it's finally coming tomorrow. This will be fun :)


Pretty sure pickaxe has limited amount of uses left, cant quite remember how many Ozen estimated, maybe 3 to 4. Not sure if they used some while training to use it.


"Why didn't they use it earlier". Dunno, maybe they are 12, in a state of panic and just try their best to survive. :D I mean, I'm older but I would start running away or change into a statue without doing anything intelligent besides screaming. XD


You can't leave this anime now. The strain of ascending is too great. You must press on. Looking forward to the next episodes.


Fun Fact : This episode is technically more or less a filler episode! When I watched this episode it felt kinda off. Something about the "fly trap monster" and the strain of the 3rd layer didn't feel right for me. Only after reading the manga I realised that they more or less skipped the entire 3rd layer originally. There was only like 1 chapter that took place in the 3rd layer and originally Reg didn't use the incinerator but rather Street Fighter Combo'd the crimson splitjaw until it flew away. I kinda just wanted to point that out in case someone felt like this episode was *different* too.


You should play subnautica, pretty much exactly what you described.

Victoria Pritchard

You like the ocean, you'll probably love one piece.


A fight between a white whistle and native creatures, you'll get answered in the movie.


Ever since i watched Re:Zero Madoka Magica and Arifureta i just cant view bunny-like creatures in anime as "cute things"


The show is caught up to Chapter 60 of the manga (chapter 65 is coming out next week). A continuation of the anime was announced not as season 3 but as continuation of season 2.

Sebastian Stróż

A reminder to everyone to not talk about anything that can be a spoiler, please. Things will get explained as we go on and let have this man experience everything for himself. When it comes to movie. Best way would be to release it in one go (pretty please?) but just do it in a way that feels right to you. If you gonna split in into 2 parts for us then release on Friday and Saturday and fill one day with some music reaction from MiA. Also... Stop skipping recaps, they often have new info and they flow really well into the episode anyway.


for me season 2 is the best part. Not only in anime, media in general. But ep10, ep13 and the movie are absolute great, too.

Patrick Jacobsen

Riko is the epitome of high int, low wis.

Edu S.

tbh not even high int, she just has a good memory


Even if you could skydive down into the abyss, you would just be an easy meal for the flying monkaSes. That Crimson Splitjaw wants REVENGE! 14:10 Attack on Titan PTSD. If Riko stayed put, she would not have burnt so much energy or threw up and would have been less hungry. But she would have one less crazy adventure to remember. What a ride.


Riko is knowledge without experience. She's naïve but not stupid, enthusiastic but realistic, empathetic but determined. Above all, Riko is the strength to keep moving forward. Made In Abyss is already in your top anime list? And yet, you've only just scratched the surface of Made In Abyss.


STOP SKIPPING THE "RECAP" there is new information being given in the recaps!


You do see the boat again in the season after the movie. There's a massive ocean of nothing around the abyss, it's on an island. There'd be nothing up there to interest the monsters.

Jesus Lopez

Hey, episode 10 is after this episode.


Not sure if it was mentioned yet - the last episodes of each season are double length. For your planning.


Another question about the ship in the third layer is, why is it half-way stuck into the wall?


Oh can't wait for next episode where the fun begin :D


they had Reg forget how to do that until the movie. It was impactful.


"An ocean world where Bob has to sail from one side to the other." So basically you need to check out One Piece someday?


Have you played Subnautica? That's pretty much what you're describing regarding ocean exploration


Theres also the fact that Ozen told them that its on the verge of breaking, so relying on it too much might come back and bite you in the butt later on


There is actually 2 anime I can think of that just take place pretty much in water there's one called Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet which is the story of a planet covered in water where civilization lives in countries comprised of massive colonies of linked ships. And another one called between the sky and the sea and it's about an earth that has decimated its fish population and there are massive planetoids of oceans in space where fishers travel to bring fish for the rich.


Not a spoiler but layer 4&5 are longer than 1,2,3 and layer 6 is a flipping whole season.


Hi Luke, at the end of each episode they show the part of a map of the Abyss where they are currently located. It is after the ending when the name of the next epsiode is shown. I think you might find this interessting so I wanted to let you know.

40 luck

You could have just said you love Waterworld with Kevin Costner 😆

Edu S.

They didnt use the pickaxe earlier on because they were on a closed environment, a cave. The relic makes the area of impact explode every second for who knows how much time, so it wouldnt be a good idea.


I love that Riko apologizes to those furry things she throws not because she's killing them, but because she won't get to make them into food for herself.


Riko's that D&D character who put 20 points into intelligence and 0 points into wisdom.

Marc Schuster

2. Season is not a wrap up, but is realy close up to the manga, because the mangaka of Made in Abyss realy is taking his time with the story, even so that there isn't even enougth content in ne manga rn to make a 3. Season. so we probably have to wait quite a bit to see the next one

Marc Schuster

can not wait for tomorrow, this is gonna be good


There is a game called iron lung. You are welded into a windowless submarine to explore another planet's ocean as a death row inmate, sending back photos of the surroundings using sonar. Promised freedom, you dive into the blackest depths to investigate "suspicious" locations. In your iron cage, you hear sounds outside the sub where there shouldn't be any living creatures.

Tom Boggess

you gonna get dunked on tomorrow.


The ending is not 2.5 minutes long. It's the normal 1.5 minutes, with a ten second next episode title. The rest is just the credits in English with no audio. Many streaming services do that.


Luke - "is made in Abyss wrapped up - does it have a full ending?" Long term fans: "ha ha ha ha ha. HA. HAAAA. HAAAAAAAAAAAA. haaaaaa. ha. *sobbing*"


A good reason why they didn't use it, was the short amount of time they had, from seeing the madokajack and until it attacked the second time. To use the Blaze Reap, they would have had to unhook it from the pack, unwrap it, unfold it, and arm it, all while the madokajack just decided to wait patiently for them to do that. And all of that would be on Riko, since Reg was too busy watching the beast.

Scott Humphreys

Yes. It's just a cute anime about exploration. :)


Such a cute anime :) It could never change in just one episode right ?


He probably thought that it ended considering how fast the pacing is early on through the layers, but yes..... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Just a sugestion about the Movie for this series. Plz PLZ PLEEEEEEEEEZE make it one video so we dont have to wait a week for the two parts, and also on an edited version for Youtube would be nice to promote your Patreon again before you get into season 2. Last thing for the next Patreon exclusive I would recomend either the Fate series considering its hard to put on Youtube due to lots of copyright. Anyway's I am loving your reactions as always Luke!!!!


Riko is very unhinged with her cute animal brutality XD, but then again it shows the reality of the show cuz normally in a deep hole filled with monstrous alien-like predators, you only have to think of yourself, I'd do the same too

Martin Vaclavik

if you like explorations stories, i definitely recommned Girls' Last Tour (anime)... its a bit similar to Made in Abyss in its style, actually, and is just an exploration of an unknown world and it's really well done, i enjoyed it very much


Right off the bat, I think if you parachuted down, even if it was a straight shot, that would leave you vunerable to some of the flying creatures.

kazadori164 .

after the ed there is a map of the abyss that shows where reg and Riko are at the end if each episode.


Not only would parachuting not work cause of all the different paths. But the Abyss has many GIANT birds of prey which could easily swoop you out of the air.


You know what, I just realized. If you're interested in an anime where they explore and keep meeting new people and creatures throughout, you might like One Piece. It's a VERY long series but it's about a gang of talented pirates searching the world for a legendary treasure known as the One Piece, hence the name. I started a few week ago and I'm already over 100 episodes in


Slightly unrelated but about your thoughts on the ocean exploration theme, if you have never played or watched it there's a game you might very well enjoy called Subnautica

Thomas M

Creatures from the Abyss don't come out of the Abyss because they have evolved to depend on the curse. The Crimson Splitjaw uses it to fly, IIRC. Outside the Abyss it would be stuck worming around on the ground, if it could move at all.


There is a 3rd season coming, the end of the 2nd season is kinda wrapped up in a sense until the 3rd season comes out. But yea it doesn't stop with the 2nd season.


I'm so glad you're enjoying this series. It really is something special, though I suggest you wait a bit more before you decide if this is something your wife would enjoy. There's... some stuff coming along. Another excellent adventure series would be Astra Lost in Space, which tells a story of a group of kids getting lost in space and discovering new worlds while trying to find their way back home. Check it out, I have a feeling you'd like it :)


Its not over not even close.

David M

So now that you've seen this episode, I can tell you why the Crimson Splitjaw was on the first layer. Remember when they first saw it, it ate Nat's backpack full of relics? They like eating relics for some reason. This is why it was on the first layer, it was HUNTING REG because he's a big walking bundle of relics, and it followed him up from the third layer when he first came up.


I wonder if we can get him into lets playing as well. Maybe as streams every now and then or something

Daniel Golas

This person needs to play some barotrauma XD


If you haven't seen it already, but the movie called Underwater is pretty much exactly what you described. Deep ocean horror