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HERE is the FULL Patreon Exclusive Episode to the Hellsing Ultimate Finale!



Dragon Eye

Dracula Untold is very good in my opinion I have re-watched that movie a few times. The story and action is so good.

Ian Campbell

Highly suggest watching Hellsing abridged in future


It's not just you luke.

donald cuck

next show i recommend u akame ga kill, it would be cool if u put this anime in the next vote, but its 24 episodes so idk if its the best idea but this anime is ur type of show for sure


never understood why people didnt like the show it was great


Schrödinger's cat is a famous thought experiment in quantum physics, proposed by Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. In quantum physics it is believed that particles act like waves of probability until they are observed, and to better introduce people to this idea was brought forward. Imagine a cat placed in a closed off box with an explosive that has a 50/50 chance of going off. Until the box is opened, the cat exists in a state of both being dead and alive. And that's what Schrödinger in the show is - a cat that is neither dead or alive and also existing everywhere yet nowhere at once.


For answering some questions ... Major is diva that want to explain his plan in detail and it can feel like he monologues a lot ... If you really listen to his words, it can explain his thinking, his motivations and his mindset ... for example, when his explains shrodinger, he is revealing his plan ... With Mina Harker is it little harder. Mina is what you can call a lover of Alucard, or Dracula ... He made her a vampire, probably, and then offer his blood to her what makes her something more then familiar. when dracula was defeated, she return to normal but the thing that she takes his blood, that residuum stained her and made her into carrier of his menace. Major's Doctor find her grave and dig her out, experimented on her dead body and bring nazi vampire research into motion. That is why Walter call all of nazi vampires failures, even himself.


I'll try to be as diplomatic as I can Luke. I know the Major's monolog's are annoying, especially in the mid of action. But listen, don't gloss over it and just listen and think. Others described him as a Diva and I agree, he is very over dramatic and self absorbed, but within his drivel is knowledge about the show or characters he is talking about. I.e. Alucard is a Fortress, it is true. You can't see him as 1 but have to see him as 100000 and approach the problem like you would a fortress. Just to mention one example. Once you get over it it clicks. Besides you are not finished. you are missing 2 episodes of the ova prequel.


I could be wrong but I think they are basically referencing schrodingers cat. I'm not intelligent enough to explain it but that's what I think is going on? Also Mina Harker is from the novel Dracula. It's 100+ years old not a spoiler.

Nyte's Halo

To add to why Alucard stopped existing, As long a Schroedinger is observed, his current state remains unchanged. Since Schroedinger killed himself and was absorbed into Alucard, he became part of Alucard, and his current viewed state was death, or nonexistence. Until the time that nobody is viewing Schroedinger his state remains unchanged, which is why every time Schroedinger died, the moment nobody was looking at his body, he came back to life. Now the conundrum with Alucard is that there were literally millions of souls inside ALucard, with Schroedinger, and with that many "eyes" around, there would always be someone looking at Schroedinger's soul, therefore he would never go back from non-existing back to existing unless Alucard destroyed every soul housed inside himself except for Schroedinger, and once they were all gone, Schroedinger popped back into existence, thus Alucard comes back as well.


The woman Walter and Doctor were talking about is the skeleton that fell out from behind the curtain. Just as they told, as Alucard was defeated by the original Van Helsing and "died", she lost her power and reverted back to being human. But his essense still dwelled within her body. And Doctor used that very essense to create artificial vampires. Also, there are three more short OVA episodes that serve as a prequel. And I very much recommend you to watch the Abridged version - it is definitely worth it.

Miklar Sihn

The problem with turning into a titan to become immortal is that you seemingly have to eat a titan shifter to turn back.

die kokosnuss

the show butchered the ending of the Manga. I understand why it happened but i wish they would reboot the anime so it can have the ending of the manga.


my fav part of the show is the monologues. all the new characters like Mina are from the original novel from 1897


The Majors ideoligy to kill all non humans, and humanity should triumph. He killed the nazi leadership in south america. he led the survivors to a suicide attack on london, on a mad quest to kill Alucard. Remember what you said in the last 2 reactions, only a human can kill Alucard, And the major while being mostly machine, is still human.


You say the French guy coming out of Seras and being able to act was just glossed over, but the exact same things happened with the card trick vampire, and the vampire with the musket, that Alucard ate. He used them in his attacks when he got to London. So it's just showing that Seras is able to do the same thing.


it's not totally the same thing, like what was explained that when you recieve blood willingly it's diffrent than taken it.

Lu C

Mina Murray was not a lover of Dracula, she was his victim. Mina tried her best to save her friend Lucy that was suffering from unknown sickness (feeding by D), which also triggered the visit of Van Hellsing to England. Later in the story she married Johnathan Harker, he escaped from D castle after D left for England. She was connected to the group of men that wanted to stop D.

Lu C

Yeah, the Major kills the pacing with his talking. But we just watched 10 episodes in 10 weeks. When Hellsing ultimate was airing for first time it had long gaps between episodes from February 2006 to December 2012. It can serve as reminder for viewers. Mina Murray later Harker is an original character from Stoker's Dracula, she was bitten + forced to drink Dracula's blood. She started to change, that stopped when Dracula was killed (recommend to read the novel). Here she was that skeleton 'The Shi', as in Hellsing universe Dracula was not killed, Mina was never released from his spell. For Schroedinger cat explanation it's better to consult wikipedia, but I like this meme of S. plates 😁 > https://tinyurl.com/359tcect


Are we getting a video with all 10 endings?

Gabrielle Denise

In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's Cat is a thought experiment. Within quantum physics, particles can pop can in and out of existence. According to the thought experiment a quantum cat in a box can be there or not! Be dead or alive! In Hellsing Ultimate this idea has been turned into the character of Officer Schrödinger. Who can be shot dead in London by Alucard, for the body to then disappear. Only to pop back very much alive to rapport to The Mayor. That is why he has cat ears. He is Schrödinger's Cat!

Gabrielle Denise

Mina Harker was Jonathan Harker's fiancée in Bram Stokers Dracula. She was nearly drained of all her blood by Dracula, like her best friend Lucy Westenra, before saved on nick of time by Abraham van Helsing.

Gabrielle Denise

On the coffin: The bird of the Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.

Eirix Erosaito

For the part of the "poison" I would just say to read about the Schrödinger paradox, to understand it's principles

Gabrielle Denise

Agree about the major's speeches. Maybe the Hellsing tv-series would have been a better watch for you. I love both for different reasons. The cool vibe because of the amazing musical soundtrack and a more serious approach to the story-telling in the tv-series. The bombastic fights and camp comedy scenes in Hellsing Ultimate. Awesome!


Plaese, for the love of everything holy and unholy, watch Hellsing Ultimate Abridged. It has been years since I last watched it, but I can recite damn near the whole series.

Ryuden Tamarashi

Everyone Else has explain what you need to know quite well. As you said, its like a preference for foods, and hellsing has some very particular 'flavours' that I simply adore with its overly dramatic language and speeches. But that ending speech from The major is so powerful to me, his unadulterated drive to crush this inhuman monster that is alucard...I love it. truly one of the best villains in anime, both simple and nuanced, both vile scum and in a sense, the height of human morality. Its so fascinating. Also, to help visualize the Schrödinger thing 'erasing' alucard. Its like listening to one song. you can hear it and understand it, and even if someone was whispering in the corner, you could hear it. Schrödinger took that song, played it from a speaker in every angle of the room, slightly our of sync, and then played 3million plus other songs at once, also from every angle, also slightly out of sync, but just as loud. You'd barely be able to think let alone hear the song! now instead of music, its your concept of reality. Still I'm glad you overall enjoyed it. the show is very unique, and very special to me. I hope you decide to watch the Abridged series for a laugh. Also, for your next 'multi op reaction' I'd love to see the OP for Mnemosyne. (super dark show) and Watamote (Not dark at all but the OP bangs)

Matt Thompson

Out to make a MyAnimeList profile or something to track shows watched.


I agree about the mayors speeches. Also watch Hellsing Ultimate Abridged!

Júlia Stocco

I liked Dracula Untold but you probably should watch Dracula by Bram Stoker (the movie with Gary Oldman) to know about Mina (or read Bram Stoker book) and with that you fill the blanks about Mina in Hellsing universe. Now you can watch Black Lagoon! And pleaseeeee react to the Hellsing anime opening and endings.


This is not quite right, the major & Alucard explain it with their exposition. 34:22 Major: "He absorbed the essence of warrant officer Schrodinger" Alucard absorbed Schrodinger who had the ability to be everywhere and nowhere, thus obtaining his power. 34:34 Major: "By drinking Schrodinger's blood, Alucard has become the paradoxical cat" As other mentioned this is referencing Schrodinger's Cat which you don't know the state of unless it is being observed. Though the thought experiment is about others observing the cat, in this anime the ability is about observing(/being self aware) of yourself. 34:47 Major: "as long as he is self aware, he is every where and nowhere" As long as Alucard is aware of himself he can use/control the ability to be everywhere and nowhere. He has to be aware of himself at a specific place to be at that place, otherwise he is nowhere. 34:51 Major: "but that conundrum is now multiplied by the millions of lives and consciences within Alucard." 11:06 Major: "he wears the guise of a man, but i never thought of him as one, or even as a vampire for that matter. He is king and castle both." Now that Alucard has millions of souls within himself, he & all of the souls within would need to be self aware at the exact same time, continuously to be able to be at any specific location. Though he is a single self(the king), his existence(the castle) is composed of those millions of different souls. 35:02 Major: "to wit he is no longer capable of recognizing himself" 14:38 Major: "vampirism is brilliant. one can quaff another's soul like a vintage ice wine and steal everything that defines them...sharing one's life with another and they with you, losing the borders of oneself in the sanguine sea" So because his existence composed of all those souls, blending together, he can't recognize himself and thus can't put himself at a location. 1:08:30 Alucard: "killing oneself takes some time....3,424,867 souls were within me, clouding my mind, denying me awareness, I butcherer them all until only i remained" Alucard spent the 30 year killing every soul that he absorbed. There wasn't a particular order of leaving Schrodinger for last. 1:08:56 Alucard: "I have returned here, but I am also nowhere" Even after killing all the other souls within himself, including Schrodinger, he still retains the ability to be everywhere and nowhere. He just needed to kill off all the other souls so that there was just a singular self that could chose to return to that place.


Luke with regards to the you wanting some more messed up anime on the level of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, I don't think you will get what you are looking for. Any anime that is broadcasted on TV in Japan will have to meet certain standards, so the bulk of anime series will be fairly tame content. Then there are the series that are broadcasted late at night with censored content, but most of this is just echii or near hentai stuff. And i'm assuming this type of content isn't what you are looking for. So you might want to lower your expectations as to how messed up the animes that you will be watching on patreon will be. - Elfen Lied - 13eps+OVA - has full nudity and gore - Goblin Slayer - 13pes+movie - shocking 1st ep then rest relatively tamer


I think "Dracula Untold" is an ok one-watch movie. Not really bad, but not very good either. It was also supposed to lay ground work for the "Dark Universe" (a little bit like MCU, but with monster movies), but "Dark Universe" was directly scrapped after the bad Mumie remake with Tom Cruise. Back to Hellsing Ultimate: I overall enjoyed it, just the weird comedy scenes are always a bit out of place. The long speeches can be annoying but as others said the 10 episodes were released over many years, and so they were also used as story reminders so that you dont need to rewatch everything when after like 2 years a new episode came out. Also one point at least here for Germany: Hellsing Ultimate was firstly available with all 10 episodes for the first time only a few years ago. One publisher started with the release a long time ago but only did the first three episodes. They had to stop on Episode 4 due to all the Nazi stuff and the brutality. At that time the censoring was still heavy in Germany and the remaining episodes were considered as "un-releasable" without cutting like everything out and needing to edit all Nazi symbols. Maybe that is a reason why here in Germany we remember Hellsing Ulimate as a more "extreme" anime. Now there are also so many more brutal series so that Hellsing Ultimate feels not that extreme anymore. But for the original release time it really was.

Lu C

Agree, please watch Black lagoon, it has short arcs, active badass female characters and only has 29 episodes (2 seasons +5 OVAs). Dub makes more sense here.

Lu C

No problem, I read the book/listened to it like 10+ times


I do very much hope Castlevania remains the plan after Made in Abyss. Would be disappointed if it got shoved aside again. The vast majority of it is not Patreon worthy in terms of content but there are a couple episodes midway through that feature frontal nudity. The scenes are significant too so you'd be cutting a lot of story plot in those two episodes. Hence why it should be on Patreon.


I love the Major's monologues, it always struck me as a way of showing how much of an apathetic psycho he is, but I understand why you don't like them he is like grandpa Simpson telling one of his old war stories lol. Anyway, maybe in the future, you could react to the fanmade Abridged version of this show, it is a comedy spin of the story and they explain the plot points that the show doesn't in most parts

Fuck Google

Any chance of reacting to Goblin Slayer? Rough first episode, but it is a good show if you can manage it.


"Still a better love story than Twilight" Jokes aside, I hope we get Castlevania soon after "made in whatever" ends.

Aurora Raven

Did you do the mandatory gaslighting of "Eren was such a good character" "Eren's influence lives on past his death" "Mikasa is the real main character"?

Joseph Jaquinto

On the matter of your titan immortality, it wouldn't work. when you're injected, you can't turn back without eating one of the 9. And then you only have 13 years left to live. So it's an indefinite period in a continual nightmare leading up to 13 years left of life


If you get eaten by a vampire you're in them forever. Course you go to hell with them when they die, too. And Bro, have you not read Dracula? Mina Harker, the character.

Mortus Mg

Now you are obligated to watch anime "Drifters" from the same author. And I am sure that you will like it.


Basically Vampires absorb souls by drinking blood and those souls mix with their own. this is what grants them their immortality and the major said he's still human because he still has only his own untouched soul it's still a human soul that was never tainted like a vampires is. Now for why Alucard disappeared Schrödinger (that cat ear vampire that killed themselves) has the ability to be everywhere and nowhere at once and thereby being effectively immortal, but the ability needs the user to constantly have a grasp of themselves and who they are and when Alucard absorbed millions of souls they became part of him making his self very fuzzy and hard to keep track of for him and when he then gained that ability he couldn't maintain an image of his self so he disappeared. So in those 30 years he killed each and every one of those souls to get rid of any interference that prevented him from seeing himself until only he remained and thus being able to return as an actual material being


Pleaaaaase watch the abridged! It's way shorter and I know you will love it. Even the majors speeches in the abridged are just gold!

Bill Dieterich

Hellsing Ultimate Abridged is probably one of the funniest abridged series out there. I'd highly recommend it ^^


Do the original Hellsing opening ("The World Without Logos") and ending ("Shine") reactions :3 Ultimate endings as well, you've missed most of them

Casey Mitchell

No Kouta Hirano work would be complete without raving monologues. They're honestly my favorite parts. Though, unlike most people, I enjoy it when shows go to the extreme and wax poetic.


Mina Harker was a character from Bram Stoker's original novel, so no, you're not supposed to know her unless you've read the original novel or a retelling of it. It's not you, this tripped me up when I was watching Helsing too. =) In the story, she is part of the group that is attempting to fight Dracula; in revenge he bites her, then he feed her his blood so that she will become a vampire upon her death as punishment. I do enjoy Helsing Ultimate, but I do agree that the things like this, the references to characters like Mina, and earlier to the original Van Helsing and co, and confusing. Also, while I don't mind the extremely long monologues, they are INSANELY long, so no, it's no just you. ;)

Cyrill Attakpah

man ... english voice actors suck xD


One of the problem with Hellsing is it is very hard to understand.

Nick Housen

It seems no one had explained it yet so I will put my comment here. The Major explained back many eps ago with the Queen of Britain and the Round table presented through the tv that Schrodinger brought that he did not care about Great Britain nor Hellsing. He declared war on Alucard alone. It was Alucard that the Major wanted to defeat. In the same manner as Alucard, the Major was once at death door and was presented with the gift of vampirism. What vampirism is is the act of stealing another life for their own. Since blood is the currency of life through which the soul exists on earth, drinking blood is stealing life and with it the soul. By practicing vampirism, the vampires are damned by God and lost their souls. So no, Alucard does not possess a soul. He did possess a plethora of stolen souls within himself which he used to maintain his undead existence. Unlike Alucard, the Major rejected vampirism because his ideology of old Viking considered the afraid of mortality as cowardice. He did not fear death and he did not need eternal life. What he wanted is a worthwhile death on the battlefield. In order to do so, he must face the greatest foe he could find. Alucard fits this bill. Additionally, Alucard made a choice then him when he faced death. The 2 different choices clash with each other, one who reject eternal life and one who accepted eternal life. So how did the Major plan to kill Alucard? Alucard, first of all, possess extremely powerful regeneration. As long as his heart is not pierced or his head is not chopped off, he is alive. Even if you succeeded in doing so, you only managed to kill one life of his. By drinking his victims' blood, Alucard obtained the life of those he captured. If he drank 1000 souls, you need to chop off his head and pierced his heart 1000 times to exhaust his lives. Even when he is exhausted of lives, he could easily replenish it by drinking the blood of a nearby human. It is that simple for Alucard to maintain his undead. The major breakthrough for this problem is Schrodinger. He is a paradoxical existence. He is everywhere but is also nowhere. In this way, he could not exist. However, he did and he led a seemingly natural existence being a cat boy. He was able to do this because he recognises himself, his identity. When he no longer be able to identify himself, he would cease to exist in the real world. This is where the death of millions of British citizens came into play. Alucard gains the ability of the souls he stole. If he stole Schrodinger's soul, he gained Schrodinger's ability. However, Alucard himself does not have a soul and he shared his life with the countless lives he absorbed. This means Alucard can not distinguish himself from the various souls within himself. He will therefore cease to exist in the real world if he becomes anywhere and nowhere. So how did he do it? First, he needed Walter to get Integra to release Alucard from the basement. Then he set up a war in one of the most populous cities in the war to crank up the blood and casualties, the death of millions of British citizens. To do so, he needed his vampire army. The crusaders are also part of this part of the plan because he knew the Catholic crusaders do not like the protestants. Between saving some protestants and catholics mixing in the hellscrape that is warzone London and burning both the damned undead, the still alive protestants and catholics, it is easy to see what would happen. Father Anderson, Walter and the Captain are there to deplete the souls of Alucard. However, Anderson brought nails of Helena which are the nails that nailed Jesus. This holy object burned all the souls within Alucard. Hence, he didn't need to push Walter and the Captain forward to confront Alucard anymore. Walter fought Alucard because he wanted to best Alucard for once. The Major had never believed Walter could pull that off. When Alucard exhausted his souls, he as normal will drink the blood to replenish his reservoir of life. This is when Schrodinger came in and messed up Alucard's existence in a quantum level.