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DeN..S..1..EP..20.. Enjoy!!




Antoine Jones

you dont remember who the new Kira is because we dont know which one of them it is yet


Is something up with the sound? almost like its in a surround sound mode or something?

Angelo Marchantt

we do know, they all look very diferent and they already showed us who REM gave the death note to a couple of episodes back


5:43 There's a theory about whether or not the Death Note actually corrupts people, or if it really is all Lights fault for his crimes. I think it's all Light. There's a saying my dad always talks about, "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely". I think that's what we are seeing. Light's sense of justice is still there at his core. But he's still going about things a fairly "legal" and "moral" way. But once you gave him absolute power. He snapped. His morals shifted to account for the new power he gained. Think about people within such high power positions. Sacrificing a few people, whether it be their quality of life or their actual lives, is ok now because their mind is set on dealing with things at a higher level. Saving millions instead of thousands and all that. Some people aren't good with power and tend to abuse it. :p Especially not some 18 year old student xD


I think youre vert confused here, we dont know Who the Kira is because it hast been revealed, if it had then you would see ryuk/rem behind him, and youre saying 4 death notes? Right now there is only 1 in human hands and 1 underground, and ryuk has his entra, im confused by your reactions now hah.

AchmodinIV SWE

And I think it's also a different in scenario. In the beginning, Light was the first to find the death note, but after his memory wipe he wasn't the first to find the death note (in Light's perspective) (I want to continue and give an example, but then it would go into spoilers)

AchmodinIV SWE

I think he misspoke, or he is suggesting Misa having hers, Lights, Ryuk and Rems death notes (since Rem does have her own death note too. So there are 4 death notes in the human world)


Something that I miss from this episode is that in the dub when Misa says "I couldn't live in a world without light." L just deadpan says "Yes, that would be dark." As for whether or not you can work out Kira's plan it's pretty much impossible. I don't think anyone ever figured out Light's plan more than some simple anecdotes

Antoine Jones

What about the possible plan L himself stated in this episode?

Bård Fredrikson

This section of Death Note is definitely a 4D chess part and a lot of parts do not make sense until you know the outcome and rewatch it. And then you start appreciating things and how they were set up.

Bård Fredrikson

Also someone did the numbers and so far 893 people have died from the Death Note in the show.


is that the ones who we see written in the death note or is it some kind of calculation and if so based on what was the calculation made?


On the part where you said that L is going behind lights back I don't agree. the thing light had a problem with is manipulating misa through her emotions. if she does things out of her own will because she wants to help thats different


Let's be real this is right about when death notes goes down hill.

Bård Fredrikson

Someone sat down and did the numbers on a wiki per episode, so I just added their results together.


Aww I'm sad that the sub didn't have the "I can't live in a world without Light" "Yeah, that would be pretty dark" pun that was in the dub lmao I loved so much