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LET'S DO THIS!!! TIME FOR MY FIRST ROM-COM ANIME!!! Kaguya-sama: Love Is War!!

Here is the FULL VOD from our TWITCH stream! Make sure you follow me on Twitch to catch these live! GotGames_TB - Twitch




yesss, peak rom com


This show is SO GOOD!! Can’t wait for you to watch it all! Wish I could have been in the stream to watch it live

Netto Diakozu

BROOOOOO my fav anime in the last year... Yes. This is why I pay this patreon. Awesome selections. Hope you enjoy of it.

Kian Kavanagh

Honesty I think the dub is a lot better for kaguya sama


been waiting for this, the show definitely managed to acquire masterpiece status IMO

Toast Ghost

In sub again? Can't believe it especially when the Love is War dub is so god damn good. Shame I was looking forward to watching this...


you have to understand, he asked chat to vote and 85% voted sub. If he would watch dub then he would lose ton of viewers, which make no sense from a streamer perspective. He is an entertainer and he must obey the rule of polls. If you are in minority sucks to be you @_@. I already suffer from seeing cyberpunk and hellsing in eng dub. So everyone will suffer at some point.

Toast Ghost

Oh yeah I completely understand why and get it dub is never gonna win an open poll, it's just frustrating is all to get a notification for something and its not what could have been. Not to mention the split second tease of the dub making it worse.

juan santiago

Love is war dud is dam good


As a not native english speaker I never found english dub enjoyable, maybe only Ghost Stories but that's a different case. Watching english dub without subtitles is a real pain in the ass, and if I need subtitles anyway, who not just watch original japanese one.


I want to put My Dress Up Darling on the polls for Sundays if we keep the trend of happy romcom/slice of life series on it. It was one of my personal top favorites of last year.


You people who think the dub is better have to be trolling. It's one of the worst dubs I've ever seen.

Kian Kavanagh

Saying it’s one of the worst dubs has to be a troll it is objectively not


Well liking something is never objective, it is always subjective.


There are some objective properties to it, or at least as close to objective as it gets. And it is objectively way, way worse, which can't be helped when you have 10000 professionals to choose from VS dozens of hobbyists, and the characters are adjusted to the professionals' quirks not the hobbyist VAs. So yeah, dub is almost a hundred percent objectively worse. Mind you I'd tell you the same about a show ran mostly on a British guy's voice talent vs dubbing it to any language.


Oh and the Mayo the Japanese and other asian countries use on foods is totally different than western mayo. Japanese mayo is sweet and salty and only uses the egg yolk, western mayo uses the whole egg.

James H. Hobbs

Kaguya-sama is definitely top tier romcom. Though I'm still surprised that it first tied with Tanya and then almost tied with it again.


I say this as someone who's spent thousands of hours learning Japanese, I don't care what language people want to watch a show in, but sub purists are ridiculously obnoxious and aggressive about their preferences. It makes me embarrassed as an anime fan.

James Collins

Another reaction to another great show in sub🥲🥲


Alright, who's the psychopath that said A Silent Voice is a rom-com at 58:08? What is wrong with you?


Last I checked the dub received a lot of praise from the fans so wherever you get your “information” from is wrong. I bet you don’t even watch it in dub and just slander it just because it’s not even Japanese 💀. The reason Anime gets dubs nowadays is because of how extremely popular it is around the world the only time it doesn’t receive a dub is due to not able to find the right VAs for the cast and that takes time to do and all Dub VAs do their job very carefully and well done and also deserves praise even Hellsing Ultimate has a Legendary Dub it was just that perfect speeches.


Even though Cyberpunk is supposedly to be in dub since it’s based in the US and it’s also the prequel to the Cyberpunk 2077 game as well

Toast Ghost

Every one praises Cyberpunk as “an actually good dub” just cuz it has Gus in it but as someone who watches all anime dubbed Edgerunners has one of worse dubs I’ve seen. Everyone is just blinded by “dub is bad” cuz it’s just how they’ve been trained to think and stuff like “you’re supposed to watch anime in sub” so dub just doesn’t ever get a chance regardless of quality and it’s so sad.


The sub fans needs to realise that not everyone can watch it in Japanese due to some people have what you call “Auditory Processing Disorder” if you check out Lett’s React they only do dubbed animes due to this disorder and they have a lot of views/subscribers and because people like them are reacting to the dub version the dub are getting a lot of attention/recognition which is pretty good.


When the french in chat said they couldn't understand the supposed french students, I was just thinking of all the anime which have "german" in it and as a german i also have trouble to understand what they say. Sometimes it's just words without any meaning. :D


What are you talking about, the dub is really controversial. It's inauthentic to the source material, changing character's personalities. It's serious and emotional moments don't hit as hard, making it mostly just a comedy, and the dub narrator completely ruins what good the dub might have had. The dub is almost an official abridged version, which it's fine if you enjoy that, but at that point it's not the creator, Akasaka Aka's, vision. You're not watching a story created by Akasaka Aka, but a comedy inspired by Akasaka Aka's work.


personally I think all the people that showed up here to whine about dub not winning are the obnoxious ones.

Rick James

honestly, what about all the dub whiners? I think both sides are not good, but the poll has spoken and it's a done deal from Luke's perspective as well. What's the point of making a bunch of comments whining that it's not dubbed?


And not a single dub fan saying they're "going to quit watching if he watches the sub", or saying "the people who say the sub is better have to be trolling", or insulting the seiyuu. They're just expressing disappointment and moving on, enjoying the content regardless. Sub purists are doing all of those things. They need to stop acting so antagonistic and grow up.


your not moving on, actually, your here trying to make the comment section as negative as possible.


?? Corn on pizza is great.. :DD not sure about mayo :D


Just calling out some toxic behavior that needs to stop. If that seems negative to you, that's because it is, and not something I enjoy doing. You're here trying to make the comment section as negative as possible, and I'm telling you to knock it off.


I never expected you to react to this show. Hope you find it entertaining enough to follow next seasons and movie :)

Ron Farmer

I can agree with you somewhat. I enjoy the dub for itself. Some moments hit different in the dub and I find it very funny. I could watch either but I would never say its better, just different.


As i always expected ,Twitch chat is annoying as usual making luke miss some moments Ahh why kaguya must on twicth watch along -_


Too bad this show is on Twitch. The chat distracts too much -.-


To answer the dumping question, I was dumped by my first ever girlfriend and the reason was that apparently her friends saw me with another girl and I cheated on her, so she couldn't trust me because of that anymore and wanted to break up, of course none of that was true, I always try to be honest regarding everything and loyal, and incidentally she had a new relationship less than a week in the future, my guess what that she cheated on me and then thought that the best way to break up and be with him would be to shift the blame on me I guess, It just sucks that I figured that out months after, would have been nice if she was at least honest after being my first real girlfriend.

Aditya Chakrabarti

Well, I can put up with Dubs as long as the translations are done well. That's why a particular episode in the FMA:B Dub irritates me, making a change in a dialogue that changes its complete meaning. It especially ticked me off because it was a character defining dialogue to me.

Regill Derenge

yeah... I think I'll stop watching the twitch reactions... seriously spending more time looking at chat than watching the show...

Regill Derenge

yeah... he already didn't understand a single thing about steins gate because it was on twitch...


i honestly wish there was a timer version so i could sync up a dub reaction. i'd love to use these reactions as background audio, but I don't know japanese so I actually just can't


How are you so sure that the dub version of kaguya sama is so different from what aka akasaka's vision was? I'm pretty sure aka akasaka didn't cast the sub voices, and even so, what has changed hasn't eliminated any emotional impact at all. It just made the funny moments funnier.


How dare people have actual respect for the medium they love.