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WHAT THE F*** IS THIS?????????

Here is the NEXT and most CRAZY Episode of Hellsing Ultimate yet!!! WOW! Episode 5! 




Please watch the ending of episode 8! The music rocks!


best opening to an episode, so weird, yet so insight full when you break it down.

Tyler Rimmel

Good choice. Dub is the right call with all the different accents


The uk military/civil communications are down. no one knows they are there.


Please watch the endings. All are different.


Next Patreon can be "Elfen Lied". It is not to long.


great reaction, allways a highlight of the friday ^^ reminder to watch the eds when ya done.


All communications are down. Nobody can contact either Army, Navy or Airforce. Traitors and infiltrators have taken down any possible resistance before they could act.

Luke Evans

Castlevania is definitely Dubbed since it is an American "Anime" Please don't watch it in Japanese


Honestly, I want bocchi the rock as a patreon exclusive As for other ones, Helluva boss maybe, though it's not anime, it's an indie youtube animated series. Euphoria. (That's a joke, don't look that up)


Yeah, as far as Hellsing ultimate goes Dub is just better for it imo.

Matt Thompson

Here we go. Escalation continues. If I remember right, the next one was one of the best. Will have to see though. 👍


No he is right all military bases have traitors that why no response and are still in combat with those traitors.


your thinking of episode 7 i think. great choice for best episode. defently my 3rd favorite

AchmodinIV SWE

What was the thing that he didn’t feel comfortable about?


Man I don't know how better to spell it out for ya... They said already in the show several times, giving examples of the many branches of military that they have lost contact with... It's the traitors, the alt-right idiots signing away their humanity to the Nazis killing their commanders and causing chaos in every military installation in Britain. Remember, this is a story about VAMPIRES with Magical Powers, just roll with it lmao

Szayel H

Devil man crybaby would be the perfect replacement for hellsing


I was initially on the sub side, but then I heard Taliesin and Liam and now I'm totally fine with dub Love those guys <3

Matt Thompson

Possibly. Memory is very poor. Definitely looking forward to finding out though. 👍


The army had traitors so they had no defense against those zeppelins...


You could tho attempt doing something like download the episode and use VLC or other app and download a .srt file sub for the episode, or add it post production (if u don't wanna watch yourself the subtitle but that way you can add it to the viewer)


yes in episode 9 says a few lines on it, but with info at hand and what happend in episode 4 taking over the carrier you can conclude that in some from there are traitors

Lu C

No, your tea was not spiked, they just did a movie pop quiz 😁 I dig the homage to the both Jackal movies, and after that I got lost.. .😂 The 'banging' song is 'Broken English' by Schaft. The 'queen' one should be by 'Kawaii brutality'. BTW there is a japanese band 'The Queen' that covers Queen songs in japanese. It's fun 🤣


I love sub more than dub But I love Luke more than any of those two, so who cares? :)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 21:07:44 No question Castlevania should be Dub also!
2023-03-31 22:52:25 No question Castlevania should be Dub also!

No question Castlevania should be Dub also!


Castlevania is a western anime so English is THE option and default. The cast and characters are amazing.

Ryuden Tamarashi

Oh hell yes baby Dubs get to shine! This is such a good episode because it shows that it doesn't NEED alucard to be good! and that look when the vampire was enjoying a...bite sized snack. you did keep saying the show wasn't THAT bad...well, war is hell. As mentioned by others, There's no real response due to all the bases being compromised. Also the show is kind of set in 1999? there's evidence for it being roughly 1995-2000 so take the tech with that in mind. Penwood was doing his best to establish communication, not a pointless attempt as he has SOME short range success, but alas it was a sacrifice that was ultimately in vain. I'll point it out a bit more clearly. There has been a question of someone at the round table conference (the men that gathered during the valentine brothers attack in episode 2, the top hat guy we saw a brief shot of was the one that made Integra kill her own men turned ghouls). Integra had thought it was Penwood, but this kind of cleared him of being the traitor....so...who is it!?

Marcus reynolds-Harrell

I think berserker would be another pretty good patreon exclusive, good finds and interesting story


too bad theres no good anime adaptation that goes more than just a little past eclipse

Miklar Sihn

Sir Penwood wasnt staying for nothing. Pretty much every British military base was under attack and he was sitting at the command central of the British military. He was basically saying that he would hold as long as he could so he could help coordinate the defense of the country for as long as he was alive. Any base that defeats their attackers can then get further orders. Without him it is all a mess that is left up to whatever the highest ranking officer that survived the battle in a specific base wants to do. So i would call this a pretty well done heroic sacrifice. Not like the half-assed ones that we see so often.

Miklar Sihn

Rip Van Winkle was basically just a way to force Alucard onto a ship in the middle of nowhere. The moment he was out there, the Nazis made their move so he was stuck out there, leaving him with a crippled ship to get back.


someone probably already explain it but to let be thorough ... commander of last battalion done one hell of the job to pull this up ... his troops infiltrated high positions within British military and dissolve it from inside and that is why there is opposition against nazy zeppelins ... Brits simply lost control over their sky and military. To top it off, infiltration units of millennium, that was latter "cleaned up" by Walter were just cherry on top


If you like the voice actors here, you will love the ones in the abridged. Especially Alexander Anderson. A small sub minute soundbite for you (no spoilers) for the abridged voices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flQacttO-qw


slight spoiler: same with the american goverment. allthough only the white house


allmost all .mkv files allready have subs included. i don't get why he would use cruncyroll for anything


the reason hellsing ultimate is bad is because you have to watch hellsing to get context, then hellsing ultimate make more sense. BUT no one ever told him this which is why he z.z doesn't get the show 100%.

Kasper Rask Jensen

Hey there. 14:50 the reason nobody is fighting back, as several comments have alluded to, is "explained" in the scene a little prior between Sir Penwood and Integra. Basically every single military/police or any other form of "defence" force base/installation, has been compromised like the navy ship last episode. Once the attack began they all started destroying and killing from the inside these places. Effectively neutering any and all options Britain had to fight back. And if you are wondering why the public isn't fighting back, or being aggressive, remember these are still secrets. All they know is that several huge blimps are flying over London.

Eirix Erosaito

It is fairly easy, there are a lot of traitors at every level of the government in the UK

Júlia Stocco

The UK army did nothing because the nazi attacked at tea time.


how dare you bring logic into my vampire anime LUL


Luke was hoarding all the salt during the first 25 minutes of this episode.

Daniel Golas

Luke is sad that his beloved nation gets bullied by nazi so we should vote for Code Geass where Britain is the nazi superpower that bully everyone else XD


Castlevania definitely needs to be in English for the VAs

Lu C (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 08:01:35 Guys I'm confused... Why are you recomending Castlevania as anime? Netflix labels under anime also non-japanese asian works. Castlevania was produced by US company with outsourcing to south korean studios, watch credits. The original VAs are English speakers. This model is used already for 40-50 years: US(moustly) company produces &gt; east/south asian studio animates. Many 80/90s cartoons were like this but they are not called as anime but as cartoons/western animation: Transformers, The Real ghostbusters, Thundercats... many many others... Even X-Men have a separate opening for western audience and 2 japanese, which are worth to check out.
2023-04-02 22:05:03 Guys I'm confused... Why are you recomending Castlevania as anime? Netflix labels under anime also non-japanese asian works. Castlevania was produced by US company with outsourcing to south korean studios, watch credits. The original VAs are English speakers. This model is used already for 40-50 years: US(moustly) company produces > east/south asian studio animates. Many 80/90s cartoons were like this but they are not called as anime but as cartoons/western animation: Transformers, The Real ghostbusters, Thundercats... many many others... Even X-Men have a separate opening for western audience and 2 japanese, which are worth to check out.

Guys I'm confused... Why are you recomending Castlevania as anime? Netflix labels under anime also non-japanese asian works. Castlevania was produced by US company with outsourcing to south korean studios, watch credits. The original VAs are English speakers. This model is used already for 40-50 years: US(moustly) company produces > east/south asian studio animates. Many 80/90s cartoons were like this but they are not called as anime but as cartoons/western animation: Transformers, The Real ghostbusters, Thundercats... many many others... Even X-Men have a separate opening for western audience and 2 japanese, which are worth to check out.

ColdHeart 1c3

Hell yeah, dub for the win

Angel Martinez Barrera

the name of the "japanese queen" is Kenji Ohtsuki, you should watch some of his music. In specific the openings of sayonara zetsubou sensei


Not really. Original Hellsing was mostly fillers because the anime already caught up with the manga at the time so that’s why they decided to Remake Hellsing as Hellsing Ultimate and it’s a perfect adaptation to the manga

Michał Koczorowski (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 08:01:35 I normally don't write comments at all, but i just have to say this. Man, the Dub Nazis sound like absolute garbage. The german accents are absolutely overdone, i can't even take them seriously.
2023-04-03 22:21:59 I normally don't write comments at all, but i just have to say this. Man, the Dub Nazis sound like absolute garbage. The german accents are absolutely overdone, i can't even take them seriously.

I normally don't write comments at all, but i just have to say this. Man, the Dub Nazis sound like absolute garbage. The german accents are absolutely overdone, i can't even take them seriously.


I do agree on the pointless sacrifices being annoying but for the titanic example thats a bad one since they never had enough lifeboats so of course the captain who is responsible for this mess stays behind. if everyone could have evacuated then he'd surely have followed as well.


I was so waiting for this outburst in this episode when London burns. Just put your logic to the back of your brain as you will just get headache if u try apply logic to Hellsing Ultimate


Your reaction to the beginning was priceless :D Also, ya Castlevainia Dub since it's an American production (but also because the voice acting is great).


I also agree with being annoyed at the pointless deaths.

Shadowy Fox

And now we see why no military was mobilized in England. 😏

Casey Mitchell

The Millennium forces were inferred to have taken over a sizeable number of the British naval forces that were nearest to England. The fact that communications were cut off suggested that a lot of traitors and saboteurs had done something to isolate the city of London in particular. You also have to take some of it with a grain of salt, tbh. Kouta Hirano is often a bit... fast and loose with some storytelling elements. It's actually kind of his style to let "the rule of cool" carry a lot of his stories. But that's what makes them fun, imo.


not only sub sound better quality,, but subtitles arent working so.. its weird.. for going for dub,, :D not angry or anything cause i already seen it and dont really need to understand everything.. but if i did watch this first time with you.. i would not be happy.. :D just sayin :)


It's simple millenium had inflitrated most of the armed forces. When the time was right the sleeping agents caused chaos and cut off all communications.


I frown at your choice for dub, but it's fine, not really, but it's in the past. I would like to plug the abridged version again, there is an entire playlist for it, by TFS. I highly recommend. "WTF is going on?" Drugs...lots of drugs. "I forgot his name" Anderson, Alexander Anderson. He's a Priest, so you can call him Father Anderson, or Mr. Anderson in a creepy voice, like Agent Smith does to Neo. "You remember in school where you shared a book..." No. We either had extra books in class for ppl who forgot, or the books didn't leave class and we couldn't forget them, because they were already there. I liked those classes, books were heavy. "I don't understand, someone needs to explain this to me" Apparently since comms have been taken out, along with key members of the military, no one else seems to be able to determine there is a danger and action needs to be taken. Basically, it's in the script, so we must suspend common sense and just think 'this would totally happen'. "Where TF is Alucard in all this?" On a boat. That he doesn't know how to drive and everyone aboard is dead, so...yeah. "Is Alucard stuck on the boat?" Yes. Running water, salt water at that, yes, Vampire lore and all that. "There's a Nun now?" Well...there are a bunch of Priests running around and Catholics don't allow Women to be Priests, so yeah, she is a Nun.