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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to AOT Season 2 Episode 2! 




00:30 "How many of you are watching with me for the first time?" I watch the episode then I watch your reaction. So almost first time!


Am I dumb or did you name this and the last one episode 1 of season 2???


noooo you messed up


ur supposed to watch the 'ilse's notebook' OVA before this episode

Luis Sanchez

Noooo! Don't react to The Rumbling opening yet, it has so many spoilers. Wait until you finish Part 2 of season 4


SpyxFamily is relatively new one with currently airing its second season. Its a good stress reliever and what we call a rly wholesome anime

Frank Stendal

you never know when you're going to get to eat again, gotta make the most of it when you can.


Yeah don't react to "Rumbling" until you are done season 4 part 1.

Tyler Rimmel

You already reacted to the rumbling. It's the final season's opener when you listened to all of them before you started the show. Great song but you should avoid it for spoilers

Kevin Zebroski

AOT = Blue Balls. Gets you right up to the edge and then makes you think about it and hold everything in for upwards of a week! And you know all you can think about is how blue your becoming!!!


PLS READ: There are a lot of details you need to pay attention to in Attack on titan. HOWEVER, looking into it too much will make you question every little bit of detail, which is not the best, because not everything has a twist, or has some crazy meaning to it. Some things are exactly as they seem. For example, you asked why the titan didn't go after Sasha, its probably because it was eating the girls mom, there isnt a hidden message to it. I didnt think Sashas story was weird, but I get what you mean. When you look into things too much you start questioning what is really happening. My suggestion is, just take everything in literally, and if there is something important, it will be answered. Thanks for the awesome reactions!!

Kevin Zebroski

If he listens to the music video of it, there aren’t too many spoilers - there’s too much red and tons of other stuff going around the band/group!


The rumbling isn't actually before season 4 part 2, so you'll have to wait even longer before you hear it I'm afraid

Martin Vaclavik

so many seeds planted this episode that will be payed off so much later in the anime... wow :D ALSO, Spy X Family is a new show from spring that now has a second part of its first season airing, so already you have 2 great OPs and 2 awesome EDs to react to! <3


To your questions about this small titan: Some Titans behave weird. But all in all they hunt humans down until they are dead. Like in this episode: he was not big enough to eat her in once, and maybe not smart enough to bite off her head to kill her fast, so he just chewed on her until she was dead. And when she died he immediately lost interest in her and turned on sasha and the girl. The girl just seemed to be in shock and the woman maybe already unable to speak anymore.


I thought you like G.O.T. story telling style? Isn't this similar? LOL

Stoke me a clipper

If you think THAT'S a cliffhanger, this season is going to be rough. I'm so fkn ready for the wild ride that's coming.


I'd personally recommend G.O.T to not search up anything related to Attack on Titan on Youtube before he catches up with all the episodes, so he doesn't get spoiled on anything.

Kamil Butala

The same thing with endingds takes place in most of anime get ready lol :DF

Nate luiz

Yea that’s true, if he looks up AOT content he runs the risk of AOT videos with spoilers in the thumbnails popping up in his recommended.

Nate luiz

I always watch until the end.


Your rambling and thoughts are the best part


waiting for the sudden realization to kick in. Once he found out why they focus on Conny's eyes. So sad and tragic


"Mikasa, what are you doing in my room?" To be continue.....


Papa Blouse enters as the wisest man on the show, and forever shall he remain so. Theres a few part of a few episodes over this season that are a little bit odd, but its essentially showing.. stuff that isn't so important to the overall plot, but are just very much building the characters for those we haven't seen a huge amount of. They have told you about Mikasa, Eren, Armin.. this season we learn more about who the other cadets are, what drives and motivates them. The village Titan is a bit odd, but you do start to see more and more variable shapes and sizes of Titans. My take on this Titan is that its eating the mother and is just focused on that. The mother is holding on to life because of her daughter. Her daughter doesn't run at first because she is waiting for her mother who can't walk very well/at all (she says her mothers legs are bad) and then shes just in shock. She is literally paralysed with fear and doesn't know what to do.

Ore Ogunleye

The Rumbling song is actually a song you should wait to listen until Season 4