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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE reaction to Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Episode 23!




These parts of the anime are the ones I very much dislike. To each their own but for me without the perverted stuff, this anime could've been a masterpiece for me. Like Luke it's hard for me to detach from my own values and morals when seeing a story that I'm enjoying so much. Well, I just ignore those aspects of the show at this point.


Love how people think irl ideals is the standard for a fantasy anime that has shown multiple wives is common in the world and it's only the milis faith that doesn't allow it


This whole situation is strange to us in the modern world, and I don't blame you for feeling iffy about it. But if we're taking a "real world" look at things, polygamy was legal in most of the world for most of history. Even today, polyamory is beginning to make a comeback in certain circles and subcultures. And in the world of the anime, only the Millis Church requires monogamy. The initial action of Roxy sleeping with Rudy is a little less defensible, but I do want to point out that - selfish as it was on Roxy's part - she did also have good intentions for Rudy. She saw that he was hurt and breaking and needed someone to help him out of his depression. Ideally, that would have been Sylphy, but Sylphy wasn't there and he needed immediate help. The maid couldn't help him; she's almost as broken us as he is and is clinging to her duty to Zenith to keep her going for now. Elinalise and the Geese thought Rudy should just be left alone to grieve and that he would get better by himself. But Roxy knows him better; she knows that he needs help to pull himself out of his head. And to her credit, when Rudy proposed to her, she told him to wait. To get Sylphy's permission first. She is happy to be Rudy's support until he can get home to Sylphy, but she has no intention of wreaking their home by sticking around if it will cause contention.

Blake VanHouten

Yes it’s a weird horny anime, but this is all integral to the plot. They did skip some info from the light novel, maybe they’ll explain more next episode.

Jurriën Bolding

I think you're comparing our world too much with theirs, you need to draw a line. But even if you do compare both, polygamy is a real thing and personally I don't see an issue with it, if it brings all parties involved happiness, then who are we to say that it's weird? They might be happier than you are.


I won't ever blame you from feeling conflicted about this situation, if anything it is a good thing, that mean you are invested in the story.

Euan Thompson

Honestly, I felt the same when I read it, even though in the light novel it makes much more sense, it was still hard to read. I will say though, the way it takes the story is pretty great


I personally have no respect for Roxy or Rudeus for what they did, and for me no situation could ever make me feel it would be excusable. I don't care about polygamy or what ever other things peoples want to do as long as it is done up front with everyone involved agreeing.


Tbh, Sylphie did tell Rudy that she´s fine with him having concubines lol

Robert H.

In case you decide after the second season that you don't want to continue watching when season 3 comes out, no one will hold it against you Luke! Not everyone has to like every anime.


I knew you'd be especially conflicted by that. Let's say there's a cultural shock between Mushoku's Tensei's world and ours. Personally I love and hate at the same time the fact they did that. On one hand it really feels too convenient, like a teenager harem fantasy, but on the other hand I'm like "I respect that the author had the balls to do that in such a story" which is incredibly rare because it really goes against our values and it's hard to keep the story realistic while doing it. It's very particular, but that may be the value of it, whether we like it or not.


I am not able to often catch streams so idk if its been discussed but with Mushoku Tensei ending soon we can I advocate for Golden Kamuy to be the next Patreon series is one wasn't decided on already?

theAlexYou ProbablyDontKnow

Such a sweet episode after the trauma from last week. Different world, different mindset and I'm sure Sylphie is just waiting for this scenario to happen. I don't know how she'll initially take it but I bet she'll be good with it.

zaseum tikoro2

lesgo watch uncle from another world Luke, we need great laugh after depresso animo. And please make it on your main channel, not patreon exclusive.


7:18 The way Luke's eyes keep getting wider and wider is like a visual FX to enhance the scene.

Cion Distan

I mean, as far as "Anime Harem" tends to go, Mushoku Tensei feels a lot more genuine and real then any other anime I've ever watched.

Peter Zhang

This part when I read this in the original light novel yeah it definitely shocks me tbh and I even quit reading the book for some time. But then I thought it’s very common inside the story of mushoku tensei and this situation can not be judged properly by people outside of the book morally because the moral values are different. Same with what Paul did at the beginning but I find no issue at that time (probably because I never thought Rudy would do the same thing and I really don’t want sylphie to be treated like this) but anyway the author did do well with this plot that creates such a conflicting situation.


Tbh, I agree with you Luke, I'm hella conflicted as well. But I know that's my own preconceived notion, and that people in a world where polygamy is normal obviously wouldn't have the same outlook on the subject x)


This episode actually left out a lot of context out that helps explain why the affair happened. Before the affair, Elinalise, Geese, Talhand, and Roxy met in a bar to discuss ways to get Rudy over his despair and back on his feet. First it was jokingly suggested that Elinalise sleep with Rudy, but she said there are things even she wouldn't do... because Rudy was married to and expecting a child with her granddaughter (which is how Roxy found out). At which point Roxy got drunk off her ass. Elinalise then suggested Roxy should be the one to sleep with Roxy... and of course she did. So when Elinalise was giving "disapproving looks", it wasn't because she was upset with Roxy for sleeping with Rudy - after all, it was she that put that idea in her mind. What has Elinalise upset is she can't stand the despair Roxy is feeling. She is outright in love with Rudy but is prioritizing his life over hers, destroying her own heart in the process. Elinalise is closer with Roxy than she is with Sylphie, which is why she'll even prioritize Roxy over her own granddaughter - to the extent that, to get Rudy to seriously consider taking Roxy on as a wife she invented a "pregnancy scare", that Roxy wound up pregnant after that one night.


The way I see it is this is normal for people who don't follow Millis in the world they're in. That and it's fiction and doesn't have to play to the societal norms that we adhere to in the real world.

Sage Robinson

To be fair, I'm not mad at her prioritizing Roxy. She spent years traveling with Roxy and barely just met Sylphie. Blood may make strong bonds in theory, but nothing beats people you adventure with.

hussam abdelalim

Always expect bullshit when you see the title "turning point"

Kyle Garrett

What pisses me off is the fact that if Rudy got home to find Slyphie had another man living there, who she'd been banging every night, and that she planned to marry him and have kids with, Rudy would feel betrayed and heart broken. He'd feel that way even while he literally is bringing Roxy home to do the exact same thing, and the fucked up part is that he won't even recognize that both people are doing the same thing, he'll just view his cheating as acceptable and justified, and he'd view hers as a betrayal and wrong. As far as I'm concerned Rudy hasn't really grown as a person at all, he's still exceptionally selfish and still has little empathy or care for others.

Jordan Gumapos

I think hating you for being "confilicted" is kinda sad. I would say that being conflicted is the best case reaction for this scenario.


Rudy: Ive decided! I`ll be faithful to Sylphy! Also Rudy: Gotta catch 'em all!


This is so well written. Yes, you are supposed to be conflicted just like Rudy is; if he betrayed Sylphy in a scummy way, that would be so predictable, but Roxy is the one to seduce him similarly to Lilia, and that comparison is even stronger because Paul just died. Of course, I blame Paul way more than Rudy, especially because Zenith grew up following the Milis religion and it was said she was very strict, and Sylphy literally said she would be okay with a concubine. Just remember, this is not our world; most western morality is because of Christianity. Not that I think one is better than the other; it is what it is. Morals are usually dictated by what is accepted by most of society. In the end, if they can all be happy together, who are we to say it is wrong?


Honestly, a good world and story ruined by too much weird stuff

Aliaksandr Harodka

Need to tell - in anime it’s not clearly shown, but. Rudeus wasn’t eating for more than a week. After his mom awakening he closed in his room and only was sleeping and sitting on a bad, not reacting to other people who was trying to talk with him. Also, the way that Roxie used is completely normal in this reality, Elinalize was doing this sometimes before, only thing that stopped her was fact that she will betray her guy who is believer of monogamous religion and her granddaughter. They decided just to wait, hoping he will recover soon. Except Roxie, who remembered situation from Rudeus childhood and was scared, that he will not be able to recover by himself.

JC Capalad

So sad the anime cut-off this important context, so some people will definitely feel different about it.


I am against polygamy myself, but I think it is more morally acceptable for Rudy to cheat on Sylphy (I DO think cheat is no good though) and make Roxy a concubine in a polygamy acknowledged world, than those dramas or soap opera with a monogamous setting which the protagonist cheated on their spouse and then divorced.