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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to Demon Slayer Episode 12!!!




Moon Order - Strongest to Weakest (King -> Upper Moon 1 -> UM2 -> UM3 -> UM4 -> UM5 -> UM6 -> Lower Moon 1 -> LM2 -> LM3 -> LM4 -> LM5 -> LM6)


6:07 I can't stop but laugh at that amazing line there


The first season is the worst one according to me. It only gets better trust me


9:35 stop that zenitsu hate, the boy deserves to be loved :(


Important character lists: Muzan Kibutsuji = Michael Jackson Tanjiro Kamado = MC Nezuko Kamado = MC's sister, cute demon Giyu Tomioka = The one that helped Tanjiro and Nezuko in the first episode Sakonji Urokodaki = The one who trained Tanjiro Tamayo and Yushiro = Good demons Zenitsu Agatsuma = Yellow boy, crybaby Chuntaro = Zenitsu's bird, best character


Nah demon eats people not just the blood, not vampire haha. Only ones who survive on blood is the 2 good demons previously shown coz they were modified. They show you how zenitsu survived the test this episode, he just faints/ sleeps when in fear, and zap them :D explains why he thinks himself as weak…

Land Hooman


Maks Lesniewski

Apparently Zenitsu is a sleepwalker, which turns him temporarily fearless.

Fay X84

Unstoppable Dual Wielding Kirito again!!! Sorry I mean Inogashira-kun (boarhead-kun) 😅


I still hate Zenitsu to this day. Worst. Character. Ever. Inosuke (Boar) is amazing, though. I love him so much!

Josh kerry gray

you can watch the op and ed now

Kaladin Stormblessed

Sevro from Red Rising is actually a pretty good comp for Inosuke. never thought of that before


I love boy of yellow


Lol idk why, I've never hated Zennitsu, without him this anime wouldn't be comedy-drama balanced :)


Finally you saw the other side of Zennitsu :)


Isn't it considered a spoiler? I just thought the lower moons were the only moons, and only theeeen I found out and it was cool


Tbh it's a weird ranking system I just don't want him to be confused the entire way through the anime. I don't think it's a spoiler because I think it's just common sense to think that if there were a lower category there would have to be a upper one too. But idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Agree, actually in my language it was weirder because there was no "Up" and "Low" stuff but "Old" and "Young" moons :D

Mason D

Maybe, but they do constantly mention there's 12 and it says lower 6 on his eye which should mean there's an upper, and some sites do translate into waning/waxing instead of lower/upper.


Yeah it'd be easier if they just had "Moon [Number]" and the lower the number would be the strongest or smn

Edu S.

Upper moons (1 to 6) are stronger than Lower moons (1 to 6 too) the lower the number, stronger the demon

Josh kerry gray

Because it shows the characters for not even a second he won't even see it unless he pauses on the exact moment

Josh kerry gray

Plus they black all the unseen characters until we have seen these ones I mean people told him after ep 8 was safe but that spoiled zenetsu being useless but he won't get spoiled


I see you love those flowers the same way we loved them XD

Edu S.

i think the swordsmith arc is a little worse, but they are all good still


Zenitsu is not useless.


Nah, you're definitely not too hard on Zenitsu. I actually took a break from the show for a few weeks when he was introduced because I just couldn't deal with the screaming, so you're mild in my eyes xD Flip side was that I could binge few episodes in one go after that.

Julián Max

I say the same, I would like him to see the chapters with the op and ed

The Luminary

Its a shame how annoying they made Zenitsu. Zenitsu when hes asleep is top 3 characters. When hes awake hes the worst

Josh kerry gray

As the story progress at this point they slowly un black out the characters 1 by 1 when they are introduced witch is pretty cool


I wonder why sometimes the translators don't translate things in this anime and leave the Japanese word, but other times they translate things using wrong words lol So the twelve kizuki (lit 12 demon moons) are the strongest demons that serve Muzan. They are separated in upper moons (6) and lower moons(6). The upper moon 1 being the strongest and the lower moon 6 being the weakest.


The lower moons are the bottom six of the twelve moons. This guy is at the very bottom, I think?


In regards to the comment Tanjirou made about the oldest son, it had to do with responsibility, taking on burdens and pain (literately in this case). He's saying, if he was the second son, he wouldn't have had the fortitude to keep on fighting the way he has been.

Marcio Neves

Luke, I know you already have seen my messages, but I will keep reinforcing them to beg you: DO NOT SKIP the ending for episode 19. It will be a different music (it will be the regular one back by episode 20) and it is directly connected with the FEELING of the ending of that episode. Do not skip, or the felling of the moment may be ruined. You may edit it out on publish and keep it all for yourself, but, please, do not skip it and watch it straight to the end. Trust me 🫡 (I will keep repeating this message until episode 18. It will be worthy)


weird way of saying weakest of all xD although im pretty sure s1 is better than s4^^

Hwiyeop Kim

As much as I love DS, the one thing that bothers me is how long these monologues are. Too much talking! (even though it will prob help someone like Luke to understand what's going on)

Arcade'owy Łowca

Luke right before Zenitsu shows main character rizz: man, this guy is useless!

Marcio Neves

"Most annoying guy ever". After this and the next episode, I DARE you to keep those words :D


its not even the very bottom.. he broke the floor and went undeground.. xD he is not part of the moon anymore :D the number is there but crossed out.. and there is someone else having his position


you must really hate new slime season huh ? :D dw i dont like it much either.. but in DS what i have a tiny issue is thats its just too good.. and the episode ends too fast.. with monologues even faster.. they ''fixed'' it in season 2,3 :D but then came back in s4 sadly.. :D


he already saw them.. :D and will be watching them again later.. but whatever im not going to argue.. xD have better things to do

Josh kerry gray

But true I don't care too much just saying it shouldn't spoil now because he asked at the beginning when he can watch them


Nezuko does indeed get stronger. Which isn't a big surprise. BUT, the reason for it is a HUGE spoiler though. So it's probably better if you try to avoid people talking about it.

One G. O A. T. One Dream

Zenitsu is a mouthfull and a half, but for all his earbleading, he has some of the Coolest moves in DS hands up. And well that dose make him pretty funny.

One G. O A. T. One Dream

Demon clearly need fresh blood, or well they want it. We only seen 1 demon now that use none fresh blood but she was clearly a special case that had also freed herself from the big bad guys control. I like how Demons are just messed up, what ever they need humans or not, they just kill humans anyway. I think big bad HeeHee has a deep hatred for humans, or something. well time will tell


5:41 The Zenitsu 911 operator is a spin-off series that NEEDS TO HAPPEN. Demons and Blood Banks. Perhaps. However, in a world with demons who did that, blood banks would put trap blood filled with Wisteria extract. That would kill the demon.

Adam Cake

petition for Luke to watch demon slayer even more so everyone doesn't suffer so much because of these damn cliff-hangers xD

Kyle Hunt

There are two characters in this episode that were the impetus for me dropping this show. I loved the show, then these characters ruined it for me. I envy those who can ignore, or even better, enjoy their antics.


for me the most amazing fact about zenitsu is how his voice actor can make both scary and serious voices and give him a complete vibe change, you can't barely tell it's still the same dude

Gai Valentine

Man, I really wish you’d make Demon Slayer a 2 ep session. I know you wish it too, Luke. Do it, give in to temptation.😈


Luke every episode: "I hate these cliff hangers!" *sees nezuko in the after credits* "Nezukoooo!" Yeah demon slayer is the show with the worst cliffhangers I have ever endured


The cliffhangers can definitely be annoying, but they definitely do a great job of getting viewers (or at least me) to come back each week! Watching your reactions is super fun and is currently helping me deal a tiny bit better with the wait for the s4 English dub. I do watch subs sometimes, but I generally prefer dubs, especially for action-heavy shows. Looks like they're not gonna start releasing the dub until after this (short) season ends, which is killing me! 😭


Luke basically the order of strength from top to bottom and left to right (strongest first) are : Upper Moons: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 Lower Moons: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 Kyogai is the EX Lower Moon 6, which means he is the EX-lowest-ranked-moon-amongst-all-moons. The others surpassed him a long time ago apparently and he lost his status because he's now weaker than all. It's basically a good way to assess where tanjiro stands. A few episodes ago we thought we were battling a moon, but it was a lie, this time we're battling an ex-lowest moon, as a checkpoint.

Tokken Release

Honestly, Zenitsu is by far the worst about demon slayer.. even the cliffhangers or it being sometimes slow aren't as bad as him. I really want to like the anime but I always have to overcome my dislike of Zenitsu to watch more of it.. 😅

Tokken Release

Fully understand you here.. I forgot the name of the boar guy but him I can bear.. Zenitsu though on the other hand. I started skipping scenes with him in it just because he's so infuriating.

XT 421

Nothing is more hilarious than watching Luke mald over metacommentary about how we're "definitely" going say something, only to be proven totally wrong in literally the next scene. Him pausing RIGHT before Zenitsu brings the thunder is comedic gold.


To make it simple, HeeHee demon lord can turn people into demons and It's said that once turned they will kill and eat even to their family, friends, etc. Now Tamayo broke her connection with HeeHee and she turned the boy into a demon in a way so he almost doesn't even need blood but like we saw they aren't strong. So my conclusion is that a normal demon probably would starve if only drinks blood (the same way we would if we only drink water) so they eat the body too because It give them more power (and maybe their connection with HeeHee forces them to consume more humans).


Im just like you the first time with Zenitsu. I like the voice actor but it can really be annoying. But i like zenitzu more when he is sleeping 😂


It will only get worse for you in the later seasons with the cliffhangers. Maybe you should consider whatching 2 episode in the upcoming seasons otherwise I don't know how you would survive these.

Jose Zeledon

zenitsu is a "normal" person he is afraid, he said it himself he became a slayer cause of dept while all the other slayers are normally cause a reason like revenge given the nature of the demons, and they hatred and other emotions can usually to at some extend make it ignore whatever fear they might have, but that is not zenitsu case, and i would argue that doing what he does despite the fear is more valerous that the ones that dont feel fear

Chris Gama

Ya gotta love Nezuko's voice actress. Just has to do a "hmmm, hmmm!" every so often! What an easy job! LOL


I just wanna say please dont skip Ep 19 Ending ,that ending need to be watch right after you watch Ep 19

Crunchy Potato

I've known quite a few people who unironically call Muzan "Michael" as if it were his actual name. At this point, I've already accepted that the final boss is indeed the late superstar, Michael Joseph Jackson.


To answer a few of your questions as it was already explained or alluded to in previous episodes: It is implied that regular demons cannot survive on just blood. The demon doctor and her assistant from the previous episode had modified themselves so that they can survive on just blood. Nezuko sleeps to recover her strength in lieu of drinking blood like the two good demons or simply eating human flesh like regular demons. We haven't yet seen Nezuko really damaged to fully determine if she needs to sleep longer to recover from greater damage or that if she sleeps longer she would get stronger, but it was posited by the demon doctor that her initial long sleep that she did while Tanjiro was training in the mountains was her modifying herself to survive on just sleep.

Marcio Neves

EVERY! SINGLE! TIME! That face, when the flowers come in 🤣

Kyle Garrett

First time watcher so I'm as blind as you, but I assume the 'curse' the lady demon mentioned is why they have an urge to kill humans rather than just collect blood or capture rare humans and farm them for blood or something. If demon king guy wants no one to be a threat to him, then he probably ensures they can't efficiently power level like that? Just my assumption.


No point in talking about it because Zenitsu is hopeless and wouldn't understand. Also, in anime the bubble coming out of someones nose shows they are sleeping.

Thiago Serra

Luke, I'm here just to BEG you to watch 5 Episodes of HxH tuesday and not only 4. If we keep the 5 episodes pacing you will truly experience peak after peak


someone else may have already mentioned this, but the 12 demon moons are split into the upper six and lower 6


I didn't mind it much in Season 1, but later on it started getting to me


The boar head guy has the same VA as Kirito in SAO and he is dual wielding omg


The 12 demons are separated into lower 6 (weak) and upper 6 (strong). This demon used to be strong enough to be a lower 6 but has been replaced.


In most animes, injuries are not played out, but in many of these animes there is a fight. The main character gets injured, but the fight ends anyway and then it usually takes several weeks until the next episode or longer, or it is played out in the manga but not in the anime because there is no time for that. You can only see that injuries have an effect in long anime Dragonball, for example. Songoku is also lying there in the hospital after certain fights (or he heals in another way....spoiler....) in My Hero, One Pice, Fairytale etc., injuries have an effect because they have enough consequences to be able to use them


For your helth and other's, don't wake up a somnambulist who received military training. Learn more on Ivebeendecapitatedbyasomnambulist.gouv.com

Sakaiya Johnson

I haven't seen any Zenitsu love here so im going to provide it since honestly he's my favorite, which is hilarious as i normally hate crybaby clinging types. But even without going into spoilers i can go a bit into what i adore about him. I do admit he's a love or hate him type character but i do think his flaws have balance other than 'badass when sleep'. For one most of the coward archetypes get themselves into situations to then be cowardly about but that didn't happen here. He didn't know who saved him and it speaks to his dedication (and his desire to have people like him) that he stuck through the hellish training. Also he cares enough about what people think that he still went. Tanjiro distinctly said "im not going to force you". There was nothing stopping Zenitsu from leaving other than not wanting to disappoint someone who was nice to him and considering how scared he was, he ranked that OVER surviving another day. He also didn't abandon Soichiro when they were found. He had to grab Soi multiple tines to make sure the boy didn't get hurt dodging those attacks and his begging for his life was very much for both of them. It wasn't "im not tasty" it was "WE aren't tasty." He clings to people very easily and when its not annoying its very endearing. And honestly i find most if his whining more funny than i do annoying. Its a lot upfront but overall i was more entertained than annoyed.


I also really can't stand Zenitsu. His antics are clearly meant as some level of comedic relief, but it's just dialed up way way too far for me to enjoy. Sadly, it was wondering what went so wrong with his character that made me appreciate several characters a lot less. Even some of the ones I like a lot like Tanjiro, if I look at them objectively they seem to be awfully one dimensional. He's selfless and empathetic. Zenitsu is cowardly and girl-crazy. Other's you haven't met yet or properly gotten to know are also easy to sum up in one or two words. Now that's not to say all the characters are that bad. In particular some of the higher ranked demon slayers you'll meet later are a lot more interesting to me. I do wish though some of the main guys didn't come across as so one dimensional though, especially when that dimension is a horribly annoying trait like cowardice.


It's probably been mentioned already but just in case, here's how the 12 demon moons are ranked. From strongest (top) to weakest (bottom): Muzan ------------------ Upper Moon 1 Upper Moon 2 Upper Moon 3 Upper Moon 4 Upper Moon 5 Upper Moon 6 ------------------ Lower Moon 1 Lower Moon 2 Lower Moon 3 Lower Moon 4 Lower Moon 5 Lower Moon 6 The demon Tanjiro is fighting used to be lower moon 6 but was "degraded" by Muzan for being too weak, so he was replaced


Zenitsu is the weakest link of the series but he does get better-ish. He has his moments but Ionosuke (Boar Head guy) now he's the Fan Favorite! Side note: I think you should watch the movie instead of the Mugen Train Arc. As Someone who watched the Arc first then the movie it really is the same just better and without opening/closing credits. Watch the first episode of the Arc then jump to the movie as the first episode of the arc isn't in the movie at all and worth a watch- also you don't have to rage about "those damn flowers" or whatever that arc's equivilent will be :p


Agree on the less cliffhanger bit, but that's a 2 hour movie, way longer than the usual length of the mon/wed/sat episodes. Has that been done before? Would be cool to have that, but if the time is a constraint, I dont think there's a choice haha.


Luke, I can bet you that Zenitsu will become one of your favorite characters.


I am kinda rooting for the demon😂 Ofc. Zenitsu sleeping mode on! Pig face rulz!