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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OVERLORD Season 3 Episode 5!

Enjoy! (P.s apologies for the delay)


Muligan Shinzuo

The worst part is that we only have half a season with one of the best anime intros :'(


Isekai quartet is still left :D

Dresz Seven

Nemu, she us the new name in the list, Enri little sister

Marcio Neves

14:40 that's where the commercial break would come in, on TV

Arcane Pengi

"So I'm a Spider, So What?" could be fun now that you're invested in Overlord. It's very similar and only 24 episodes. You've reacted to the OP/EDs last year already.

Marcio Neves

The 3rd person would be Nphiria grandmother

Nicki Noble

The three people Ains said to protect Nphi, Enri & Lizzy see grandmother.


Sounded like you figured it out but the list was the 3 people that are MUST protect people that can not die. The 3 were Enri, the girl that speaks to monsters, and Nfirea the potion maker, basically the 2 that were invited to the dinner by Ains and the 3rd one was the grandma. Ains is now adding Nemu, the kid sister, to the list of basically VIP that must be protected and can NEVER die. Ive seen overlord a LOT, but there are so many characters that it is pretty hard to keep up and remember each and every one.


list : nfirea (mop hair), enri (his girl), lizzy (the guy's grandmother), and nemu (the little girl ainz just added).


the child now :D the one with the red hair is now on the list. Before that there was 3 people she had to protect, now its 4


the list -Nferia (blond kid who can't see) -Lizzy (blond boys grandma) -Enri (Village goblin chief) -Nemu (just added) He added nemu because she complimented his home that he built with his friends, and Ainz is a real sucker for that.


A character that could be a weak person from Nazarick would be Evil Eye. She basically won the fight against Entoma, though that was mostly because of the insecticide spell which was an exact counter for Entoma. The 3rd person on the list is Lizzy, Nephi's grandma. She was shown briefly this episode holding Nemu while in hiding if you want a reference.


I can’t wait for his reaction to the next arc

Matthew Fox

Since Luke asked for it - Don't remember in your last episode at 9:03 minutes that Aura asks Ainz if she should clear out the Demon Snake, and the Giant? Ainz said "No, I want to at least see the monsters and maybe make a test for Lupisregina." So the attack was purely to make sure that Lupisregina did a better job of following orders.


You know, I used to like longer seasons, but I realized that 13 episodes is perfect for an anime. If it has multiple seasons that are 13 episodes, that's even better, but it's still not long to the point of me wishing the series would just be over. Then again, I've only watched anime that are generally complete, and Winter 2024 was the first time I've watch just a cour at a time, and I enjoyed it a lot more. Like, I'm glad Solo Leveling is going to return, but I'm glad it's going to return LATER instead of starting in Spring. It gives me a chance to miss it.

Marcio Neves

Also because she is important for Nemu AND, by association, to Nphirea, just like his grandmother


The people on the list are Nphirea(the guy who keeps his eyes behind his hair), Enri(the girl that Nphirea is in love with and who controls the goblins), Lizzie(Nphirea's grandmother) and the recent addition is Nemu, Enri's little sister.


Just remember, if they in anyway benefit Nazarick, they tend to stay alive... mostly


i get a little chuckle every time Luke mentions the second goblin horn

Yuri Huffles

Why are you so scared? I would say because Overlord breaks the normal "pact". Like, most anime ether breaks your heart by killing characters you care about often - or they wrap the characters you like in plot armor so you know you're safe. Overlord kinda breaks this by showing us early in the show that it there is no such thing as plot armor and will kill characters we care about, but then leaves characters we care about alive so long - that you watch never sure if this means they're safe in the show... or if it's all part of some evil torment with the show pulling a fast one on your emotions again!


Love it, but there are even more really nice isekai shows he can watch, if he likes the genre.

Ainz Ooal Gown

difference is, this anime is NOT perfect for 13 episodes. almost 40% of the content of the series is skipped. The adaptation still gets the point across but it is a very poor adaptation.


literally dont see the point of 13 episodes seasons.. you need few of the episodes to just build the world.. then introduce main characters.. and the show is already on the finale.. xD and what do you know ? next season is in 3 years happy waiting :D also.. didnt read overlord (planning when the anime ends) so dunno what was skipped but it sure feels like there is alot of skipped content lol even for someone who havent read it.. so wish there would be more of overlord.. :((


3:31 this is the infamous Hntai protagonist haircut :D

Oliver Schubert

"It's better than the battle of Winterfell" yeah they legit use strategy and their walls as advantage, instead of a suicide charge. They use generally solid strategy and they're not even a proper army. "Who is now on the list?" immediately cuts to the little redhead girl that just made him really happy with her excitement about the place he built with his friends. xD Some things it basically just tells you through shot composition, that's worth looking out for. At least for Potion guy, his grandma, Chief Enri and the little redhead Ainz basically gave them plot armor for now, the rest of the village could still die though.


Most of the time I agree but there are exceptions, like "Mortals journey to immortality" If they do smaller seasons even in 20-30 episode ones, i feel it would take them 15-20 years to finish if they release a season once in a year or in two...

Cyrill Attakpah

guy who cant see, little girl, love interest of guy who cant see, granny of guy who cant see - i hope thats simple enough xD


Most of the comments have covered the list, but just to add a bit. You have to remember, if characters are from Nazarick, Ains will give them the utmost protection and prosperity he can provide. If they have a value to Nazarick, like Enri, Nphi and Nphi's grandmother, then Ains will grant them that same protection and prosperity. If they show the utmost respect and praise for Ains and his friends' creations that Ains takes so much pride in, i.e. Nazarick and its NPCs, he will show you that same respect in kind. That is what Nemu did here and that is why she earned his protection.


So, here's the list Lupisregina Beta (The hot red head werewolf maid who just killed the troll) is ordered to protect now four people: - Enri Emott (The leader of the goblins. Red head, village leader) - Nphirea Balear (Curtain haired nerd, alchemist, in love with Enri) - Granny Balear (Short old grandmother of Nphirea, valued potion maker) and the fourth addtion, - Enri's little sister, whom Ainz did not know was relevant. (Little kid who just ran up to Ainz throne without proper decorum. Certain members of Ainz' court might've flayed her alive for that disrespect, had they been there to witness it) Also, Yuri Alpha has appeared once again! I love her so much. I would die for a chance to just sit in a library and drink tea with her. Also also, you're not scared of Ainz? Just you wait. After the (Spoiler) between (Spoiler) kingdom and (Spoiler) kingdom, where Ainz (Spoiler) (Spoiler)'s and (Spoiler) the (Spoiler)? Anyone in their right mind would be terrified of him

Morgan Hellström

Funny reason for Nemu to be added to the list is because she loved Nazarik. No other reason hahaha

Jason Frasier

Luke hasn't realized that to anime characters, nothing is more translucent than hair. Weird anime hair never gets in the way or keeps people from being able to see. Also, Luke isn't afraid of Eins. What's to be afraid of? He's just a man who loves adorable little baby goats.

Von Yoosten

As we can see in this Episode, Side Characters are nothing we have to worry about. Seems like Overlord got over its Phase to kill them and will now properly protect them instead :)


List for dummies: Goblin queen girl, Blind boy, Old crazy girl (Grandma), added new: little hyperactive girl

Fahed JKR

overlord 😍


And even with a supper counter effective spell X10 damage critical fatal, lasted more than 1 hour fighting like that. Just imagine if Evil Eye ran out of mana or something

David Taylor

If you want to see Ainz more then watch Isekai Quartet

Adam Saunders

Imagine instead of only watching 1-2 a week, you binge it all in a day or two. Its over so fast it makes me wanna cry.


List- 1) Nfirea Bareare - Working on making new potions 2) Lizzie Bareare - Nfirea's grandmother. Ainz used her to get Nfirea to move into Carne Village. 3) Enri Emmot - Enri is what keeps Nfirea happy and in Carne Village 4) Nemu Emmot - Nemu was added to the protecc list because she made Ainz very happy by saying how great Nazarick was and how awesome his guild mates are.


Some of the eps have ending scenes after the outro


2:08 "Are we going to meet anyone in this world who can take on even the weakest in Nazarick?" Did you forget Entoma got her chitinous ass kicked in the 2nd half of s2? Sure it was 3 or 4 on 1 but most of it was the mage with a mask (and the insecticide spell) 22:50 (Luke joining Team Cocytus) You haven't even seen PEAK Cocytus!


One of the REALLY cool things about Overlord is how they manage to keep the tension and stakes high despite the fact we all know our core characters are functionally invincible. By having us follow along and get attached to all these normal, mortal little people caught up in events Nazarick is causing, it all becomes so much more dire than if we were only concerned about the actual characters from Nazarick.


I don't know if I've ever been more let down by an anime than season 2 of Shield Hero. They have *so* many cool characters and concepts going on but I felt like they took cop outs on every major arc and character development instead of spending just a bit more time to properly flesh out the arc / character.

Subaquatic Toaster

Speaking of not wanting to eat any food in Nazarick, has Luke put together what Abelion sheep are?


You know my opinion Luke. If you want more Overlord and friends after season 4, Isekai Quartett is the way to go. 😏😏


Luke when someone mentions French food: "Allow me to respectfully decline"


He needs to watch Shield Hero next so S2 of IQ doesn't confuse him.

brad marsh

well Luke you're in luck as the Overlord movie is releasing this year likely late summer

Nero Integrate

If you're wondering why the music was so intense and why you're so on edge it's because they will they're the ingerdients for dinner actually. Sorry for spoiling.


SPOILER FREE COMMENT There are technically 7 people on Ainz's "No Kill List" at this point in the Anime. Worded as easily as possible: The 4 from the Village. - Hair Guy (Nephi) - Girlfriend - Sister - Hair Guy's Grandmother 2 from the City - Secret person Demi and Shalltear were ordered not to kill - Another secret person, hinted but not straight up mentioned. That's for next season. 1 from Nazarick - The Girl saved by Sebas


It's strange for you to see a child in Nazaric because people in Nazaric are usually food/livestock/experimental object/source of resources. That's why the OST is so ominous and the viewer feels uncomfortable. And this is all under the leadership of the good-natured Ainz 😂

Marcio Neves

I hope he did already, although he may get confused by the final episodes of this season 😅


Time to start the arc that will teach Luke what Overlord is about


It certainly wouldn't hurt to watch Shield Hero first, for sure. But honestly? I think it's not really a requirement since they play a less important role in Isekai Quartett. I also watched S2 without having watched Shield Hero.


I'm so hyped that the best arc imo in all the seasons starts now! :D And SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT for good measue ;)

Daniel Golas

I presume anxiety meter is gonna be on the incline starting next episode


If you're still wondering what's going on with the last guardian, you already saw him in episode 4 with the lizard people, that was the huge stone golem that threw the rock and if you want to know more about Nazarick you'll unfortunately have to google it It isn't shown or explained in the anime, but there is a really cool wicki about the great tomb of Nazarick

Rave Recage

You should react to AniNews' Overlord 'skipped content' videos. You will fall in love with overlord world building even more.

Daniel Roberts

I've been waiting for you to get to this episode since day one. Why? This is the only episode where the 'power' of Ainz is actually explained. 99.9% of folks don't put it together because it's so up front and easily dismissed. This will explain a lot of the confusion. Unlike other imports of heroes and villains from the online game, this is where it shuts down for good, so this final import doesn't add a hero or villain to this world, but as an actual diety. That's right, even Ainz doesn't quite figure out that he is actually put in as an evil god. "It's like I'm being watched over by an evil god," right out of her mouth just before the intro rolls, and here is the proof that this is exactly what is happening... 1. Ainz shows favor to the village and Enri. This gives a passive power where her voice has some authority over the stronger creatures that have not been summoned by that horn. The trolls felt it, and they bowed their heads. She has no idea that she is actually a Priestess of the god who is giving her protection and favor. Later on, even Ainz is shocked at her growing skills, you'll soon see and this is no real spoiler, as from this episode out, these powers do have a source from Ainz as an evil god. 2. His own NPC minions keep referring to Ainz as a Supreme Being. Since Ainz and his friends built, or 'created' these NPC's, he is actually a god to them and they treat him as such. 3. Every time Ainz shows favor to somebody, they gain confidense and passive abilities to grow in their roles, and I'm not just talking about the NPCs from the tomb. Later on this will become much clearer, though it's not directly referrenced. If you keep in mind that Ainz is now a diety, that his favor has value that even he is not aware of, the growth and rewards of certain characters will start making sense. I hope I've helped, as keeping this in mind does nothing to spoil the fun, but it will help erase much confusion on why some characters grow in power and others do not. Enjoy it, as this ride is on a epic level of fun!

Juho Kaartoaho

If I were in their shoes even with my somewhat mild nut allergy, Ains could be serving selection of different nuts and I would take my chances with the nuts.

Karen Porter

The list of who Beta is to protect. Nphi (the potion making boy), Enri (the now village chief girl with the summon goblins item), Lizzie (Nphi's grandma) and now Enri's little sister, Nemu.

Hitomi Ochiai

Lol. Lizzy is the last person. Nphi's grandmother.


Ainz killed the ogres and trolls in the cave last episode. Then he turned them into zombies and sent them and the minions of the demon snake to attack the village as a test for Beta because she failed to relay information about the Giant of the East and Demon Snake of the West.


Hmmm.....y'know, if you're feeling like you're blazing through Overlord too fast, you'll probably want to slip in some other anime in between. Slime is been great, but since it's a currently airing series, it'll be too slow to be a buffer to slow down Overlord and let it simmer a bit. Not only that, there's the gap between season 3 and 4 I keep mentioning that's supposed to be filled with the movie that hasn't come out (but will soon this year). So if you need some other anime for buffer we can certainly recommend some


1) Nfirea, Hair in face 2) Enri, Just a village girl 3) Nfirea's Grandma, Flob Glob (the one with the green hair) 4) A little girl that said Nazarick was amazing. The attack on the village had two purposes. One of which you guess correctly.


Hey Luke maybe you want to react on idol x mashle mashup (idk if u do react to mashups, if u don't then you can just listen on your own), but someone made a genuine real GOOD mashup that combined both songs. title on youtube (6.3 mil views): IDOL x Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (Full Ver.) | Mashup of Mashle 2, Oshi no Ko (YOASOBI, Creepy Nuts) If one didn't listen to both, they could believe it's an original song.


Hungry for more isekai? Might I suggest watching Ascendance of a Bookworm after Vinland Saga? 📚

Tamus Heath

They'll either die within 2 episodes of being introduced or live happily ever after

Tamus Heath

Mmm, and bear in mind that Gazef, Brain, and 1 person we haven't met yet were stated by Clementine to all be equal to Evileye. Honestly getting the 5 of them together as rivals to the Maids would've been a lot of fun

Tamus Heath

The story and world are incredible, but the animation is so bad in the 2nd half I cannot recommend it. One of my favourite Light Novels, absolutely do not watch it.

Jason Tam

Trailer says fall 2024. They didn't say what countries though. So it still be a while for everyone not in Japan


Since you want more overlord, you should consider reading the manga/novel/webcomics as there is quite a lot that doesn't fit into the anime. There is even a long story about how Ainz and his friends conquered and expanded Nasarik in the game


Ainz and his people are very very strong compared to the people in the world since almost all NPCs have level 100 (except the monsters, pets and undead). In the world, 90% of all living creatures are between lvl 1-40 Gasef (the knight type) is the strongest warrior in the kingdom and only lvl 45 +/-. Climb is a small knight who is only lvl 19. But yes, there are also strong beings in the world who could even kill Sheltiyya without any problem. Unfortunately, the level information is something you won't find in the anime


Oh good, they have survived, all the people from the village that you like are alive and your curse has not become active

Yami Shoumetsu

and so Nfirea's very tiring day starts...why?...because of his Girlfriend Enri who is a nympho. This is something the anime won't go into detail but Nfirea even had to create stamina potions in order to keep up to her.


I think with Overlord it helps to remain detached from events if you can. All the peices are on the board and now they must interact in this lopsided scenario. Sometimes that means good people will get hurt when they face the overwhelming power of Nazarick.


24:55 "How many maids does someone need?" Ainz: "Yes."


Is this like, actually canon? Bc if so, that's rad as hell! I never knew this, but it makes a lot of sense!

Mr. Dog

Luke is beginning to believe. Well enough of the jokes but. Now that he has been converted to the church of anime he is realizing how fast a good anime will pass by. You press play and in the next moment the anime is over .

Mr. Dog

Also it's easy to predict that Carne village where Nefilia and Enri live will survive. Carne Village was first action Ainz took in the new world and was the last act of him of having human sensibilities. Carne Village is the only place aside from Nazarak where Ainz as some sort of attachment too. You'll notice that since Carne village no matter how friendly of a relationship he builds with other people or towns he doesn't really have any attachment. Carne Village is a symbol of Ainz's first and last grace as someone once human in the new world and the only place he'll bother to protect with good intentions and good will. Even E-rantel the city of adventurers isn't treated in the same way.


the list: Nphirea (potion guy with hair over eyes), Enri (goblin owner girl), nphirea's grandma, and now Nemu too (little girl)


the list: 1. Nphi (the guy with his hair covering his eyes) 2. Enri (the girl that all the goblins want to bang) 3. Nphi's grandma (she's the old lady that we don't see often) 4. Nemu (the kid, Enri's sister, added to the list at the end of this episode) Video 13 of requesting a reaction to Akame ga Kill

Brett Ripley

The attack on the village was mainly to test Beta on if she would warn Nazarick of impending danger to the village, though it also likely was to give their defenses a test so as to help to prepare them for potential future threats that they may need to face on their own.

Wayte Elsik

Luke "Ainz is a big skelton teddy bear he isn't scary"... Also Luke "yeah beta seems like a realy chill awesome person." Welp let's see how this prediction plays out

Ian Campbell

The sad part is the books for shield hero ‘season 2’ pace very well for the intensity and plot, but the anime skipped so much. The tortoise felt like nothing in the anime…


His hand was too low for a first innocent hug😂 The 3 people on save list were: guy who can’t see shit cause of his hair, his grandma and his girlfriend and now Ainz wants to add on that list the little girl

Hououin Kyouma

Read the book if you want more content on Overlord. I wish there were even more but they have only 16 volumes so far :(.


Nfirea's Grandmother was the third name now Enri's little sister has been added to the lsit.


overlord: let's make an anime about the background characters

Misaka Mikoto

The request for the anime to slow down was the same majority of fans who watched SAO. SAO pushed time too fast... did not give enough time for background people and their stories or development. Which sadly is why SAO failed to be a Legendary Anime. Bleach is pretty much a legend with background stories and epic fights.

Harley Burnie

18:00 Well, I've heard it said numerous times that near-death experiences can heighten or stimulate one's libido right afterwards. Kinda like, "I could have died!!! Better make sure I make offspring now!" by nature. Sounds legit.

Harley Burnie

21:50 Yup. That was the "Giant" Ainz just killed. Put even the dead to work for Nazarick!!!

Amarjit Ubhi

Hahaha Right!? Being alive is just an advantage, being dead offers no reprieve from the workforce. We'll literally work you to death and then you'll really be put to work lol

Ricardo Fierro

the 3 people where nphirea(the pharmacist), lizzy (his grandmother) and the enri the new village chief, ains added the little sister nemu cause she was showing admiration over nazarick, and ains friends for build it, so that pleased ains, and cause to add her to the list to protect her.