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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE Reaction to Code Geass Episode 8 Season 2!



Suraj ayinde

13:27 Well in this scene Lelouch seems to only be talking to 3 members, of course there's more.


Luke, for the Solo Leveling episode later today, there is a scene after the credits.


One of the weirdest " big brain" plys that lelouch/ 0 ever pulls has just occurred 2:50 No they are not, that is purely in Kuya's head 15:15 they may have been fighting but they were wittled away, down to a tiny remnant force on the verge of being wiped out until 0 was revived at which point the resistance activites massively picked up again, and a bunch of the captured black knights were freed 16:40 um yes I think I know what you were thinking, but as you realize later the implication here reinforced by the visual cuts is that it is Lelouch/Zero who made the second candle and mourns Euphy, not another more mysterious character


It was Lelouch that left the candle for Euphy...


Big difference between zero dying a martyr and him running away. The logic the rounds were using is that if zero was seen as a coward the rest would have crumbled as they saw him as a savior where as in season 1 it ended with his "death" which hurt the operation but did not deter people from rebelling. The viceroys don't have ultimate authority but it looks very bad on the crown if they publicly state something then turn around. Both euphy and nunnally were chastised for their actions but they still have to follow through with it. Also it was lelouch walking away from the church with the candles so its implied he lit the other one as he did love his Euphy.


Sayoko was Lelouch and Nunnally's maid. She didn't know Lelouch was Zero, which is why she wasn't watching over Nunnally when she got taken away at the end of season 1. Now she knows.


Nunnally is Royality, it doesn't matter how far down the line she is, she is still the dauther of the emperor, everyone else is by law ranked lower than her, except ofc the rest of the royality. We also saw a scene last episode i believe where the emperor talked to nunnally and asked about what she declared and now we see them follow through with it, that implies the emperor has nothing against ist AND he didn't even striped her status away like he did with euphy, if we remember that she put down her royal status for that selfish wish to govern the japan zone, not sure if she suggested it herself or if it was a punishment either way, they all go along with nunna's plan because the emporer hasn't said anything against it. This is not a democarcy.

Rem is best waifu

I admit I dislike Nina also but Luke has went above me with the Nina hate. It is funny.

Subaquatic Toaster

I genuinely think you should keep code geass at 2 episodes a week until you finish it. Things only ramp up from here so it'll be a viewing hell for you to go to one episode a week.

Ramzes Khakimov

Euphy discussed her plan with Schneizel beforehand and he approved it


I'm Zero and so's my wife!

Khanh Minh

Could you please do 2 eps a week until ep 13?


Today we're all Zero

Juho Kaartoaho

You nailed it, we now have just 17 episodes of credits rolling.


I was sad when I realized we werent going to listen to the amazing dub. The dub is so nostalgic.


I don't know. I've been rewatching the dub episodes before the reaction episodes and they're not great. Lelouch is good, but many others are not.


Please keep doing 2 eps a week

Khanh Minh

He does this for all his shows regardless of whether it has fanservice or not, and it's fine


I rarely dive into comments so I apologize if this has been touched on already, but I do remember there were complications between the creators and the production company Sunrise over many things. Sunrise didn't want to invest much into it and got Pizza Hut to sponsor the show to offset the cost to produce it. Why there's so many pizza references. Originally they straight up had pizza hut labels on everything. Showrunners also wanted it to be one continuous 50 episode season, but again, Sunrise didn't believe in it, and only gave it a season. They finally gave it a second one after the year after a successful run and after some dealing was made. Part of the deal though meant getting a new timeslot and having to add in alot more fan service to help make sure viewer numbers stayed high. Because of the new timeslot and the huge break in the seasons, they ran back the beginning of season 2 similar to season 1 to ease people back into the story, which did not help with the pacing issues. Again, sorry if any of this has already been brought up for you

BRUNO Marques

You were mentioning that Lelouch isn't going after the mother issue. But he is. They aren't in Japan are they?


Villetta (platinum haired Britannian) is helping them cause they threatened her some episodes ago, it is implied that she still has a little fondness for ohgi but that isn't the reason for her actions.


Bruh covid always holds ya longer, your voice should be better least u let it just recover with time.


Ainz to solution hahahah " I HEREBY GIVE YOU CRIMINALS, FEAST!" 😂😂😂🥂🥂

Jason Kong

remember, it's a group of female manga artists called CLAMP who do the character design, if anything looks sexy, that's how the female artist want.


Luke, Code Geass isn't focused on who's righteous or who's evil. There's no wrong or right, the stories based on ideological conflict and the saying " the winners get to write history". Schneizel is the opps and Lelouch vice versa


Also with regards to Nunnally just going ahead with the Nippon SAZ, as Viceroy she is essentially the representative of King Charles, so any push back or dissent would be considered a slight to the King I believe

Chrono 1002

"Push Nina out the carriage!" I wish that would come true. By the way, I feel like 30+ episodes should have been enough to get used to the clothes already.


Oh noo, the most racist girl is back! Șnițel is nice guy! Who is Zero? Maybe he is Chinese?

Mushroom_of_Doom ,

your comments about the fanservice are so true, but some of them are really funny considering all the artists involved with code geass were women


10:35 "That giant bomb...' It's a nuke. Recall she was experimenting with U235 a few episodes earlier. It appears that this world hasn't developed nuclear power. That's why they need that Magic Mineral (whose name I forget) from Japan. 18:42 "everybody goes along with what the Viceroy orders." What part of absolute Totalitarianism do you not savvy? "But the emperor..." Yeah, he wasn't in on it. But he approved it after the announcement. Are YOU going to stall THAT guy?