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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OVERLORD Season 3 Episode 1!




Mr. Pulcinella, the white clown looking subordinate of Demiurge says that they are doing breeding experiments - this is exactly what you imagine it to be - forced breeding between humans and other species.


Btw what that plague doctor like character (the one who gave Mare the dosier) said what Demiurge does is kinda crazy. I cant remember everything but it was along these lines: Basically the breeding experiments are what you think and how you think, but he also gives them "HAPPINESS" (what the doctor said when leaving Mare). Ergo he does healing experiments etc. Person A chooses which person loses a Limb, gets skinned alive etc (or hinted that who gets to the other experiment). Person B who loses the limb decides which limb and which person eats it. So the first Person is happy he doesnt get skinned, loses a limb etc. The second person is happy to live and get healed. The thrid person is happy that he only needs to eat the flesh of another person etc. Everyone is happy and therefore world peace. (At least in the eyes of the pleague doctor alien thing aka Pucinella.) PS: Regarding the bath scene: yes Nazarick is full of traps and pranks even in such places. Dont trust ANYTHING in Nazarick ... I mean even the chandeliers we see are mostly monsters and traps. Invading this base in any game would make players ragequit so damn hard. XD


Sounds like a place i would love to invade in a game, just for fun and jokes.

Tom Boggess

I love that Mare also has convenient censoring covering his chest even though he's a boy since his twin is a girl.


Very very weird, but also one of the best episodes! Tutorial for how to behave as an overlord. I don't even know if it is possible to happen, but I wish them luck:))

Harley Burnie

12:30 I believe the dude they are discussing is a giant cockroach sorta of Floor Guardian. He stays on a floor with his "family,. They were the once mentioned last episode, the ones that ate out the Eight Fingers lady, and not in the fun, not-screaming-for-the-mercy-of-death way.

Harley Burnie

27:00 Never really thought about it, but her doing this is "succubus" as fuuuuuuuu! Lolz

Amarjit Ubhi

Bwahahahaha the look on Luke's face lmaooo Priceless Bruv! I can't even....