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Here is the FULL PATREON Exclusive reaction to CODE GEASS Season 2 Episode 6!




Please finish Code Geass first before starting Mushoku S2. It'll be harder for you to follow along Code Geass's story when your watching another show that's gonna be insane this season. I love mushoku tensei, I've finished the novels, but I really want you focus on Code Geass for now please.


"I didn't know the Britannians were friends with the Americans" Luke... After all this time... The Britannian Empire in the show IS America. Their home continent is America. Look at the maps when they show them. Their invasions originate in America.


Answering Questions: 5:35 Nothing really happened to Nunnally she was apparently brought back to Brittania by V2, but nothing was done to her memories and she is now about to become the viceroy of Japan 6:15 Charlie as in Charles Brittania. In other words Lloyd is now directly serving the emperor 8:02 you seem to have forgotten the map from the beginning of every episode now. The revolution failed and Brittania controls all of the Americas. The capital of Brittania is now in the Americas. 8:15 lol, thats great, but in this universe US states never got created and England got invaded by the French under Napoleon 9:00 all Eunuch's get a very similar voice, this may be a side effect of not having any ball or any sexual organs in general. official in the palace without those parts that is what Chinese Eunuch's are. 9:50 Mr. Cheese is not so much a teddy bear as a symbol of her and the fans everlasting love of Pizza 11:40 Yes all the princes and princesses including Nunnally are the children of the Emperor 18:20 you interrupted yourself and complete the thought later but you seem to have missed what they said/implied "it would take an hour to get reinforcements" but lloyd had been following them close behind so he was not actually an hour away at all. They had just been lieing in wait to defend Nunnally from the beginning 18:40 in all honestly I hate all 3 of the new movies despite loving the original 3 and having no significant problem with the prequels. 24:11 She is the Japanese princess(from "the 5 houses of Kyoto" from season 1, she was having tea with the Chinese Princess a few minutes ago though. 27:35 you are really missing the important bit with this pause. Yes everyone knew she was in the garden what they didn't know was that the ship she's on is gonna crash in 47 seconds or that 0 is in the same room as her at that very moment


Finish Code Geass before doing more Mushoku. Feel like it would be unfair to Geass fans to suddenly reduce it.


Lelouch is prolly the best commander i'd say... i mean he only abandoned his team once and it was for his sister... ya gotta let that slide... right? xD

Roxy’s Holy Relic

The Holy Brittanian Empire is geographically American but the population is British. It is a nation born from the defeated remnants of the British Empire. My understanding of the lore goes something along these lines; in this Universe the American Revolution failed but when the Brits were still fighting over there France (now EU) invaded and conquered the British Isles so the Brits fled to North America and established a government in exile there. The nation that evolved from there, The Holy Brittanian Empire, now rules about 1/3 of the world and is currently fighting the EU which is heavily documented in the Akito The Exiled OVA’s that take place between Code Geass seasons 1 and 2


btw the names for C.C. and V.V. are pronounced "Shi-tsu" (kind of like C2). and V.V. is pronounced "Vee-Tsu" (kind of like V2).

Talix Rune

As far as America and Britannia being friends in this world....there is no America in this world. If you go back to season 1 episode 1 and look at the war map they actually launch their attack on Japan from North America. Here's the map from 45 seconds in https://www.kotaku.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/08/1421289427516571975.jpg

Barack O. Llama

i dont remember when but in another video luke revealed that his map knowledge is... not good.

Plou plus

Calling the new star wars "meh" is an understantment


14:50 This "secret technique" is actually a reference to a japanese folk tale, Shana-Oh Wandering Tale - Eight Boat Leap. Shana-Oh is a warrior of many names and many prowess, and this is one of them, a literal jump across eight ships during a battle. You'll learn more about this character maybe if you continue your Fate journey :)


What ending do I want? Everybody going out for Pizza Hut. 🍕


You were defending Hell Paradise


In the Japanese and English version. In german it be pronounced "C.C." and "V2"


you should watch the clone wars animated series, its very good


he isn't watching the English or German version. He's watching the original Japanese version. So it's pronounced Shi-Tsu and Vee-Tsu.

Andres Bustamante

The Eunuchs sound similar because they’re eunuchs. They’ve been castrated

Antoine Jones

"For someone so old she does act rather...." says the guy who has to pause and or rewind everytime some cartoon cleavage/pantyshots show up on the screen lol

One G. O A. T. One Dream

Code Geass is a master piece, but its a master piece of its time. It def has some amusing flaws and plenty of moments were you go "well thats just plain ass stupid, are they all on srumes? or what" XD But on the other hand, its also this messy flawed nature that makes it so real. I mean If we take a look on history there really are plenty of moments that also fall under so "stupid it should not have worked" Becuse even tho its easy to judge when you watching someting, we all do alot of stupid things when under pressuer in mid of battels. So idk, all i know its dam hard to hate Lelouch edgy flamboyant drama queen personality.


If I had Cheese-kun i'd cudde him all the time as well

yoash barak

Season two doesn't continue like this Luke. It escalates.

Nihilistic Blue

For the viewer, we can hear Lelouch voice, to others, its some voice-altered Zero voice, if Nunnally heard anything, its just someone calling her name in the wind far far away lol.


Luke's knowledge in general is not good, honestly, but it's why I love the guy so much! He's fun to watch, even if frustrating at times.


I need to rewatch Star Wars again. Been too long. Episodes 1-6, The Clone Wars, and Rogue One are the only thing that really exist for me, though. I liked Mandalorian but don't really consider that Star Wars canon...or anything else Disney Turd Wars has put out, except Rogue One, which I still have problems with, but I keep just for that scene at the end.


Mushoku Tensei - April 7, 2024


Code Geass would not be the same without Suzaku, he is a great character imo, even if he is so punchable by the viewers lol

Kiril Kupenov

Ye suzaku is a bitch... Who dafuq even likes him? An annoying hypocritic shitbag like him who doesn't even realize that


Everyone ends up taking part in school festivals nonstop XD

Elijah Wheaton

This has nothing to do with this episode, but I wanted to post this on the newest vid so Luke and others will see. can there be an American animation poll sometime in the future so shows like Castlevania and Invincible could actually have a chance of winning? I love anime. but I also love these adult animations, among others. Just something to consider :)


8:09 "England will always be the 51st state." Do NOT SAY stuff like that when I have a mouthful of tea. I came THIS CLOSE to spit-taking all over my keyboard! 15:45 "In the middle of the ocean. Are they just dead." I assume the pods float well. The USAF had ejection pods that floated and came with a paddle back in the 1950s. I'm sure these guys have more advanced tech now. 24:24 I'm not a big fan of mecha anime but I admit rebuilding and UPGRADING a mecha *in combat* is pretty damn cool. Haven't seen that in Gundam whateever. Lloyd should have said, "The new gun won't fire unless you take your top off." 30:11 "I am very curious to see how this anime wraps up." LeLouch kills L and becomes a shinigami.


Suzaku is a great parallel for our protagonist. Same goal with a complete flip in ideology and the fact we feel a type of way about him, imo, makes him a well written character. "Chinese princess" is actually Japanese btw Luke lol. I think 1 thing to note about season 2, Season 1 was wildly more successful than anticipated even though it aired in a non primetime TV slot. So when they moved it to primetime TV, the producers and directors decided they would pander more to the audience hence why the lewdness and fan service of the show drastically leveled up. Also the reason some of season 2 feels like a rehash of certain season 1 beats because they were trying to make the story eaier to follow for new viewers that didn't catch season 1

Yami Shoumetsu

Remember that Lelouch killed everyone in the monitoring room of the ship and someone mentioned on the black knights that they can't contact zero due to jamming. So at some point no remote communication can be done on where Nunnally and Lelouch are. So while the Britannians know that Nunally loves to hang out on that place, no one would assume she will stay there during combat emergency. This is why they are trying to look for her through camera feeds but having a hard time due to the jamming. I would assume the jamming already went out when the ship is near crashing in the water which is why they were able to see the camera feed and finally identify her precise location and its why they find her late.


I think the Americas are part of Britannia in this alternate history. The Britannian empire controls something like a third of the world. Ironically, I don't think they own Britain though.


So in this setting, Britain won the American Civil War for Independence but lost the battle of Waterloo against Napoleon and fled to the US, setting up the new royal palace in California, naming the new capital city Pendragon after King Arthur.


Know that Suzaku is nunnally's knight, Lelouch finally got what he wanted

Khanh Minh

Summary of Code Geass: who's gonna bang Lelouch..(by Luke)

Chrono 1002

Nunnaly didn't hear Lelouch at the end. It was just a "I have a bad feeling" type of thing. But honestly what I'm surprised about is that V.V. calling the emperor "brother" was not mentioned. it was supposed to be a pretty big reveal. Btw, It's gonna have the best ending. I think most people consider Code Geass a masterpiece because of it's ending. (without the movies)

Aaren YASS

I like him but he IS very annoying. Anyway endgame Suzaku goes hard. -

Aaren YASS

Lmao I was taken out when they called the Samba 3 and 4, 🎵3 in the subtitles 😂 -

Aaren YASS

Nunally has some sort of 6th sense. We've seen it multiple times already. No clue if it's cuz she's blind, but she's susceptible to changes in mood, especially when she's touched people's hands, she can seemingly look into their heart??? She just gets this feeling that tells her what she needs to know, it's not just dramatic effect. This is never explained. -

Khanh Minh

"Maybe Suzaku wants to bang Lelouch too" is Luke's best statement at the end lol

Khanh Minh

Just think of her heightened sense like a lie detector. If the person lies, their hands might shake or tremble a bit.


Kallen is what we tropers call "Miss Fanservice," the one who - a lot of the time that they're on screen - are giving us a good eyeful. The thing that sets Kallen apart from other Miss' Fanservice is that she's actually a complex character and a baddass fighter, on top of showing us a lot more skin than is reasonable; most Miss' Fanservice are just there to be ogled. Besides, the studio that made Code Geass is well known for a certain... art and animation style.


"Maybe Suzaku wants to bang Lelouch?" I mean, according to fifty percent of the fanfic writers...


i just realised based on what luke said on the 2000 anime opening video that violet evergarden was the only anime that made him really cry, i can see about 4 times when he will cry this anime and i hope he watches clannad and angel beats at some point aswell, but im really looking forward to this for now and every movie of code geass

Connor Hennessy

I believe the "Jump between floating ships" technique is a reference to some old Japanese legend, which makes sense given he's one of the Swords of Kyoto and all super nationalist

Aaren YASS

That makes sense! It doesn't explain the rest of what she experiences later, but the "lie detector" part is solid. Maybe if the palms get cold or clammy as well.-


Exactly, Hasso-tobi is from the tale of Minamotono Yoshitsune, one of the most famous samurai in 12th century. The tale says Yoshitsune jumped from ship to ship in the middle of a sea battle.


Kaguya the "Chinese Princess" is Japanese, their is an actual "Chinese Princess" so that'll get confusing later lol and she's Suzaku's cousin.


Yes, the Legendary "Hassou-Tobi". It's a Shinobi technique to "reach higher elevation".


Next Episode is gonna be "Wild" lol.

Steven Godbey

If I remember correctly, the dub actually uses this name for it. Not sure why the subtitles went with a boring literal translation.


I mean, the subs didn't even go for a "boring literal translation", they went and actually removed the reference that Asahina actually voices. Why they did that in the subs, but kept it in the dub, is beyond me.

AchmodinIV SWE

That phone call with nunnally at the start reminds me of that far cry 3 mission on the second island