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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OVERLORD Season 2 Episode 10!



Kyle David Barnes

The handkerchief was the one Sebas loaned to Tuare, and the Diary belonged to the girl who was pretending to be a boy in the party of adventurers that Ains travelled with at the start. She was the girl who was tortured by Clementine.


The first group of adventurers in season 1, remember. All of them get killed by the crazy girl. One member was her little sister, she pretended to be a boy because only men were allowed in the group.


just some random info about when Ainz told sebas to kill that girl. That whole situation was Demiurges idea to test Sebas, and he didnt want to put Ainz at risk so that's why all the guardians were in the room with them, also Ainz was actually Pandora's actor in that scene Disguised as Ainz, because Demiurge was paranoid theyd have another situation like shaltear. EDIT: forgot to add this but many other comments brought this up, but you can tell if its Pandora's actor or Ainz by looking at his eyes, if he has glowing red pupils then it's Ainz, if it's all black it's Pandora, throughout the entire anime this is true except for one scene later that idk if it was intentional or if they just forgot, but it's just a small detail

Jacob Winslow

The sister was the mage from the adventurer party he was with in season 1

Baneful Otter

Aniz met the little sister in season 1 when he started playing the role of Momon. She had died, but Ainz kept her diary and it gave him a bunch of useful information.


Tuare is Ninya's older sister, the mage from the adventuring group in season 1!


Before teleporting away with Victim, Ains was actually Pandora's Actor shapeshifted into Ains. Only after confirming Sebas's loyalty and Pandora's Actor teleporting away did Ains actually show up. They don't explain this in the anime


You left out Aura and Mare, I'd def take them. Good odds of surviving as long as you don't threaten Nazarik somehow xD

Rozel Buzzard

The little sister was the female adventure from season 1 that died.


The little sister is Ninya - the spellcaster - from the Adventurer group he met and went on a quest with where he met the Wise King of the Forest.

John Cabral

The younger sister was Ninya from the first party Momon was a part of that got killed by Clementine.

Michael Böckmann

A small hint about "Ainz" at the beginning of the episode up to the spell "Greater Teleportaion", he seems a little off in the way he talks, maybe rewind and look at the eyes and compare them to the other scenes and you might get what really happened in that moment.

AchmodinIV SWE

Like to hang out with: lupusreigna beta (the werewolf maid), Mare, Aura To not like to hang out with: Neuronist painkiller, kyouhukou (two characters you haven’t been introduced to yet), Entoma


Tuare is the sister of the silver ranked mage we saw in Season 1. The one that Clementine killed.


Lol that princes is nutty

noah van den berg

luke be cooking, if you know what i'm talking about

Éli Nadeau

The sister that ains talked about is the mage from momon group of "friends" in season one ( they were killed by Clémentine)


There is more to the end with Albedo. Putting it simple: Its not in the show but she has some resentment forward the other 40 as she ses it as them abandoning them. So its the part were he say "in the name of Aniz Ooal Gown" that she finds ridiculous to her its Aniz (in her mind its still Momonga) she is loyal to. Thats why the flag of the 41 Aniz Ooal Gpwn is dedicated

jo johns

It's a little better explained in the novel but the little sister Ainz was paying back was the adventurer from season one that was dressed like a boy. It flies over most people's heads (including me the first time she mentioned it) but the adventurer had an older sister. Also i believe her last name was mentioned as well and Ainz was able to put two and two together.


Yeh tuareNINYA’s reference is a very weak one imo, very hard to get on a first watch. It’s the little girl Clementine tortured… What you missed with the princess is they showed you her creepy smile but didn’t show you her eyes, which he was referring to. Yeh overlord to me is all about all shades of grey and evil. The flag albedo looked at on the floor is from when ains was still momonga, I always interpret it as she think “under ains’ name” as ridiculous because deep down she is still programmed to love momonga, not ains, as momonga typed exactly that in her personality on episode 1. Dunno might be wrong….

D Jung

Albion Sheep = Human

Kyle David Barnes

Princess Renner is putting on a "Good Girl" act around others. She wants to be seen as a kind of "Innocent and Ignorant" when in reality she's lowkey kinda insane. BEST. GIRL. HANDS. DOWN.


Albedo wasn’t referring to Tuare when she said it’s ridiculous.


holy shit, watched this shit more than five times and I never knew that.


In the flashback about the sister of tsuare, the adventurer from season 1 is shown. So it is probably the sister of the young mage of the adventurer party


The people arnt good or bad really it's a story about how sometimes humans can be more monstrous then "monsters"

Marcio Neves

Sebas loyalty to Ainz is absolute, most like with all other beings from Nazarick. So, if the Superme Being commands to kill the girl, he will kill the girl, regardless of how he would feel about it. The test was done to measure exactly that, hist loalty, wich he passed

Morgan Hellström

The Sister is the girl from season 1 adventure group that turn into zombies


Yuri,nigredo, and beta


a lot of the details got omitted from light novel when overlord got animated, i dont know whose bright idea was to stuff 3 novel volumes into 13 episodes...That day the dude who suggested that must of had a stroke when he was making decisions.


Super important info the anime left out about that final scene with Albedo. Here's exactly how that scene played out in the book (not a spoiler cause the anime never clarifies this scene or brings it up again so there's no other way to get this info without reading the book) . “I understand!” The ‘Message’ ended and silence returned. Albedo slowly stood up and proceeded to put the cushions away. “...But I really don’t understand.” In Albedo’s eyes, there was an unnaturally rigid look. She looked towards a corner of the room. The reason she did not let any maids in the room was to make sure she could monopolize her Ainz dolls and that nobody could touch them. But there was another reason as well. That was a flag with the emblem of “Ainz Ooal Gown” embroidered on it. The flag which should have been visible as soon as someone entered the room, laid crumpled in a corner of the floor. There was no sign of admiration or respect towards it, only hatred and hostility. “Ainz Ooal Gown… How boring.” In place of the flag of Ainz Ooal Gown, Albedo had raised a different gigantic flag instead. A flag so large, it resembled an opera curtain. “This, Great Tomb of Nazarick is only yours. I, Albedo wish to only serve you. Ah… One day, I want to hear your great name once again…” She's been programmed to be madly in love with momonga then he changed his name to Ainz, the flag she had hanging up instead of Ainz's was his original flag before he changed his name. at the time this book came out there was a few theories on how and if Ainz might die and this made people speculate that Albedo would eventually turn against Ainz, (not a spoiler just what fans speculated with the info they had at the time)


in german Albedo says "why does he care so much its just a name and not even his" and if im part of Nazarick 1 person Shalltear, Demiurge, Cocytus or Ainz Group the Twins (Aura and Mare) and Shalltear if im a Human and not part of Nazarick 1 person Ainz or one of the Twins, Group Twins and Ainze or Cocytus


Renner is a full-on sociopath, she is putting on an act as the perfect princess.

Arcade'owy Łowca

Albedo jealous that Sebas gets his bone but she doesn't xD

Marcio Neves

13:20 that flashback scene is funny, because one created Sebas (Touch-me) e the other created Demiurge. That's why Ainz remembered that :D


For the three members of Nazarick I would choose 3 characters you haven’t met yet. One is a member of the Pleiades which you’ve seen but don’t know. But for a backup you do know I choose Hamsuke.

Kyle Hunt

She plays the part of the refined and eloquent princess, but the dark smile was to suggest that is all an act, and she is quite demented.

Neko Meki

i would pick ainz he is the only human of the bunch hahaha


You missed the point at the end

Neko Meki

she doesn't like him renaming into ainz that's what she dont understand and think is ridiculous

Zero Shonen

When Luke said, "Are they playing a game?" when the princess smiled and the other guy "overreacted", I assumed that Luke had never faced a person like that before (glad he hasn't). Most people think that something like that isn't possible, that no one can be so much different by only changing their expressions, but holy shit they are wrong. If you have ever faced a person like that, you will for sure know and remember how that is possible. Although in anime this is "exaggerated" in some way, once you have lived something like that, it is probably the best thing that you can use to describe it: "It is like when in anime they do this..."

Robert Preston

The “real” princess thing is her not putting up the facade of perfect princess while they talk since she’s a sociopath who can’t understand human emotions (evident in last episodes face squishing in the mirror to get the correct expression scene) If I remember right The “this is ridiculous” comment is due to the fact that Albedo’s setting was changed to (madly in love with Momonga) and he’s currently going by Ains Quick refresh on his names - Momonga = Original Character name Momon = adventurer name Ains Ooal Gown = Current Name & Game Guilds name Also I believe that a flag/banner on the floor is a sign of disrespect for whatever flag it is


It's an easy miss but he did noticed something was off. Maybe he will catch on by the end of the season.


Right, so, the one member I'd hang out with would be Albedo. She'd kill me, yes, but totally worth it. Now, if it's a party of three, I'd go for Pandora's Actor (because he's great for party tricks), Eclair (because he's just cool), and Neuronist (that girl must surely have some interesting stories to tell).


So there is more to Albedo's words than meets the eye. There was two crucial details in that last scene with the flag on the floor bearing the mark of Ainz Ool Gown and a blurred out flag on the wall.


Bro.. you/we are not surving with Albedo for a 1 second yet alone a whole day.. xD my pick is obviously Mare.. and even that im not sure ill survive lmao.. other choice would be.. thats a spoiler cant say.. OR the penguin lol

Lucas Gianini

Luke, they call the princess a monster because she's a deranged psychopath. It's not literal like in the case of someone from Nazarick being a monster.


Come on, you don't need to explain it. It's there to figure out.

Adam Saunders

Who I would hang out with is Mare, the three I would like to hang out with for a day would be Aura Mare and Shalltear.


They have not elaborated on this even up to season 4 so don't think it is a spoiler, just really hidden detail. Ainz swore to protect Tuare in the name of Ainz Oal Goan. Albedo is upset because she is programmed to love Momonga, not Ainz. There is a flag on the floor of her room that represented Momonga in the guild so she feels like the name of her love has been forsaken. Also, the Ainz in the beginning of the Sebas interrogation was actually Pandoras actor. He was there as a security measure in case Sebas had turned against them and attacked. There is a visual que, the red eyes are missing, and his actions were more extravagant (Greater teleportation). After the teleport he (the real Ainz) returns because Sebas proved his loyalty. Tuare's younger sister that Ainz knows is the girl from the party that got killed and turned into zombies at the potions shop. She even said on the adventure that she is trying to get enough money to rescue her sister that is being held by aristocrats.


there is one other human in nazarick, the only human NPC Nazarick and the only human the NPC's don't ahve to be told to not hate, but she's probably the scariest NPC. even Ainz doesn't approach her


I'd recommend reading the light novels, the anime is great on it's own, but each episode had to cover about 100-200 pages of content so a lot of random details and lore got left out

Talix Rune

Ninya was the name of the mage girl from the adventurer group that Clemetine tortured back in season 1, that's the sister.


1. Those "Abelion Sheep" are Humans, which get skinned alive for parchment for the magic scrolls. After processing the "hide", the get healed so they can be used again. (was explained in the Novel but not in the Anime) 2. What Albedo doesn't understand in the end (which was clear in the Novel but not in the Anime) was the Namechange. She LOVES Momonga and not Ainz Ooal Gown - She still loves him as a Person but not his Name.

Juho Kaartoaho

The audio didn't bother me personally. I could take it or leave it, but the slow zoom ins I didn't really care for.


Albedo loves Momonga, but despises the other 40 members of Ainz Ooal Gown who abandoned them. As for Tuare's little sister, she was the wizard from season 1 who was going to tell Ainz/Momon about the dragons but she got murdered by clementine- the crazy knife lady who got hugged to death.

Jurriën Bolding

The thing with the "real" princess is pretty simple, she's always putting on a fake smile/front and when asked to see the real princess she let that front go and just showed her psycho face and talked about what her real thoughts are


17:45 Nope, this is my fourth time watching Overlord and somehow haven't figured out who Tuere's sister is until now. I had just assumed that her sister was the girl in Carne Village.


Video 4 of requesting a reaction to Akame Ga Kill


3 people I'd hang out with for a day...Nobody in Nazarick. I'd be dead within a second. Probably a micro-second. And the Princess is probably the type to torture cockroaches just to see if they squeal.


Ah you're right. I believed the "voice changer guy" was referring to Entoma, but that's just because I just don't recognize voice actors.


Hi I have a good ost idea for you. Could you please react to Tsubasa Chronicle ost a song of storm and fire?


Very quick/easy descriptions and spoiler free, well said! I hope Luke gets to read this


pretty sure it’s that one party member who had the magic talent thing from the first season that clementine killed


It is, but I hadn't realized that until I watched Luke's reaction 🤦‍♂️

Bobby Vang

I'll hang out with Aura, Mare, and the dog maid. That's my 3.


About the question of Sebas knew that Ainz was testing him: Yes and no. Yes: He knew that the order to kill Tsuare was definitely a test of loyalty. However: No: he did NOT know that Ainz planned to not let him actually kill her in that exact moment. Sebas expected that he would actually kill her, and this shows in the fact that Cocytus confirmed that Sebas used enough strength to definitely kill Tsuare. He was ready to accept the "punishment" of getting an innocent human killed because of his actions. Touch Me did not have a human character. In fact: nobody in Nazarick had a human character, since that was one of the rules to be in the guild (non-human character, and a secure job IRL) You didn´t notice immediately since you were focused on the subtitles, but where you paused when Ainz talked about the sisters, you can see Ninya's (that girl from the adventurer-group he travelled alongside as Momon, those that were slaughtered by Clementine before the fight on the graveyard) dead body in the background. Tuareninya Veyron is the older sister of Ninya, so for that reason not only do they resemble each other relatively closely, but also have a relatively similar name. So Ainz was reminded of her, because he actually liked the small adventurer group. So yes, Ainz literally met Tsuare's little sister when he was travelling alongside the adventurers as Momon. "What´s going on" when Renner's expression changed is very easy to explain. Remember the scene with Renner in front of the mirror, where she "chose" the correct face before she called in her maid? Yeah, that was already a small glimpse into Renner's personality. Now the discussion with Marquis Raeven and him stating "the real princess" once again shows that princess Renner is putting up an act when talking to people. She basically has 2 faces. One is just for show, depicting the "beautiful, kindhearted princess from any fairy tale" (the princess that Climb so deeply respects). The other one..... you could say is her "true" face. So when she drastically changed her expression, we got a very small view behind the curtain of nobility, a tiny grasp of her true personality. When people talk about Renner as "monster", they 100% mean her personality. She is absolutely a human. But her mind is completely twisted. they don´t call her "monster" because she is not a human, but some of the nobles PROBABLY know a bit more about her true personality (well, "know" is probably a bit of an overstatement, but they probably feel something's fishy about her). Also: remember when Renner said in the discussion that it "will make eight places to raid", when just a moment before Renner told them the "seven locations". The last statement of Albedo ("Ainz Ooal Gown.... ridiculous") is VERY important. Because Albedo actually despises "Ainz Ooal Gown" (the guild) for abandoning them, but she is deeply in love with Momonga (which now uses that exact same name). So in that case, her despise of humans (which is absolutely true) is actually not involved in that reaction in that moment.


15:00 Tuare just got the safe pass to Nazarick, being under Ains' protection no one in Nazarick would harm her or allow her to be harmed. 17:12 When Ains is looking in that pouch the person lying on the floor is Ninya the mage and that is her pouch Ains is holding. 21:30 "haven't had anything crazy happen in a while" just wait, Luke, just wait. Albedo hates the Guild Ainz Ooal Gown, she blames them for leaving Nazarick and abandoning Momomga. Jim Croce has a song with the line "You don't tug on Superman's cape" Eight Fingers just yanked hard on Ains' robe, having an angry Sebas after you would be bad, but now you have Nazarick in arms and blood in their eyes for disrespecting Ains.


If I had to pick someone from Nazarick, it would be someone like Pestonya. Sure, she has a dog face, but at least she is nice.


In season 1 there was a magic caster named Ninya that was in the Swords of Darkness party and traveled with Ainz. She mentioned that she had a sister that was taken by a noble and she was trying to find. Since Tuare is Ninya's sister Ainz is helping her as a way of repaying the debt he feels he owed Ninya.


The Excel for today. Ulbert has been added and Aureole Omega has finally been mentioned, not much else. If you spot any errors, feel free to let me know right here ;) Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11NNmjdwmuKYWeY-yTlbqHaYMDHCevYV454aB3dX0rY8/edit?usp=sharing


With the politics, you have the Royal faction (the king and his allies) and the Noble faction (the aristocrats and monetary power brokers) in a tug of war. The King tries to keep the peace between the two, attempting to provide for his citizens while placating the whims of those who help bring money and influence into the nation. Marquis Raeven is a fence sitter between these two groups, siding with and making secrets deals to ensure the prosperity of him and his. His methods and rationale are better than many of his Noble peers. Princess Renner, being the daughter and third born of the King, is supposed to be a set piece. She's meant to do her pet projects and be eye candy and nothing more as she spends most of her time in the palace. Despite her looks, outward kindness, and seclusion, she has somehow developed genius intellect and hears things she, by her stature, shouldn't be known to her. Her obsession with Climb is perceived by all but the object of her obsession. Where he sees a kind and smart Princess, others can see she's a somewhat cold and calculating tactician, and a force to be reckoned with if she obtains a path to the throne. She already has the love of the commoners. Any more than that, and she'd likely be Queen.


his sister was the girl in the group of adventurers (sword of darkness if i remenber the name of the groupe correctly) that Ainz traveled with in season 1 and who were killed by Clematine

Daniel Webb

3 individuals I would hang with in Nazarick. Pestonya Shortcake Wanko the head maid is one of the safest options even if she does have a doggo head. Nigredo, I know how to handle her trap and after that she would be mostly uninterested in me. Lastly Fith, she might be prejudiced against me, but I know how to get on her or any other of the homunculus maid's good sides, plus the maids can't do much to hurt you.

Strange Bird

The sister is Ninya, the mage that was in Momons party in season 1 that was killed by clementine. The end bit where Albedo says that it's ridiculous isn't explained well here, but is explained in the books. You can see in the room that the flag for momonga is lying on the floor. My assumption is that with the flavor text having been edited to 'She is deeply in love with Momonga', she thinks its ridiculous that he is going by ainz now.


The little sister was the mage in the adventurer group Momon went to carne village with in season 1. They all died to that crazy chick Clementine. Clementine had her "fun" with the little sister.

Danielius Stanevičius

It wont be explained in a anime so I will tell you. At the start of the episode it wasn't Ainz, it was pandora actor disguised as Ainz (Ainz creation who overlooks treasure room, a shapeshifter). In a anime you can tell its ain't Ainz because how he acts, calling supreme beings and how he called human a pet. And later on then sebas returns after a kiss scene into a room then real Ainz teleports in, you can now hear him calling her a human. It was Demiurges plan, he did not want to put Ainz into dangerous situation once more. You can hear them talk about it 9:45 in a reaction,


This is spoiler for ending season 4... Z.Z edit the comment

Nicki Noble

Then little sister here was the mage from Momon's first adventurer party that was killed by Clementine. They all thought she was a boy.


Princess Renner wears a "mask". She makes sure to come off publicly as the prim and proper princess of the kingdom. She is a twisted person beneath and she let her creepy unapologetic grin and her face shows her inner thoughts. Look up Yandere images on google and you'll get an idea of what her face looked like in comparison to her usual one.


Little something of Note. The person who appears before Sebas right at the start ISN'T Ains but is Pandora's Actor, you can tell by the lack of the red dots for eyes (you can also tell from how he acts). Not a spoiler since the anime never addresses it.


Sebas is completely loyal to Ains so no he didn't know he was going to kill her because that is what his master ordered.

Danielius Stanevičius

Explain me how its a spoiler? We were already shown he can morph into supreme beings. They just straight up removed whole conversation/interaction from a anime, overlord does it a lot... And wont even mention it.


So what Demiurge does at the Happy Farm to the "Chimera" (Humans) is peel their skin off while they're still alive then uses healing magic so they won't die, he then uses the skin to make the scrolls used by Nazarick. While not intended as tortures per se, it most definitely is torture.


If you think they look weird, you should play more MMOs. There's plenty of people who would make their characters look like them.


tbh its hard to pick 3 people from Nazarick if i want to survive.... Albedo views everyone aside from Momonga as insect to be crushed, Shallchair is sadistic af, if you dont have warrior spirit - Cocytus doesnt care about you and Demiurge just wants to see what makes you tick.... I think the safe choice would be Nigredo, Omega and maybe Pestonya I dont want to spoil it cause you are yet to see these characters but lets just say those seem like best choice imo. Now if im to pick 3 of them as a non-human - id pick Shallchair 3 times :D


Ninya the adventurer from season 1 the girl who pretended to be a boy and was tortured and killed by Clementine is Tuare's little sister. Ninya having an older sister was mentioned twice in season 1 and her having to be saved was mentioned once. The little short flash back scene was a direct rip from season 1 right after Ains as Momon had killed the zombie adventurers and was investigating the crime scene.


Yuri Alpha is who i'd like to spend time with.


You have not met this character yet but if I had to choose 1 character to hang out with it would be cz delta. Also the princess is hella evil. Its not apparent just how much yet but people calling her a monster isnt because she's not human, its because shes EVIL.


The Ainz who ordered Sebas to kill the girl was actually Pandora's actor disguised as Ainz to ensure Ainz's safety in case Sebas really did turn traitor.


Princess Renner is crazy and has been faking being normal, it isn't her smile, but her eyes you should focus on. The pan down was to hide her eyes. She is a textbook Yandere. When it comes to Climb he has more to fear from his own side than he does from Ains. "Yandere" is derived from the Japanese words yamu, meaning to be sick (mentally or physically), and deredere, meaning affectionate or loving. Simply put, a yandere is someone who is lovesick, someone who has been driven to insanity by extreme obsession or love, thus resulting in abnormal behavior if not violence."


Immediate thoughts starting the vid was that the audio sounds great! Great job Luke! Hope you start feeling well soon.


See your issue here is you think there is a good side. In reality and this series does try to ground itself in such, very few things can be truly classified as good or evil yes Ains to us is evil but to his people he is good (though his moral alignment does make him legitimately evil). Good and Evil are for the most part purely subjective.

Cyrill Attakpah

i would pick shalltear, albedo and pandoras actor to hang out with .. the girls would be fighting all the time one i say "who do you think ains likes better of the two of you?" and pandoras actor would be satisfied with me praising ains


I hate to be the one to break this to you but even if it's called a boner there are no actual bones there, so no Ains does not have a donger.



Karen Porter

I would hang out with the twins... and that's probably it honestly. Maybe VIctim?


I’d probably hang out with the dog maid, the penguin butler, and Hamsuke. I think I might survive that. Day 42 requesting that we watch Ascendance of a Bookworm after Vinland Saga.


I would hang out with Yuri(from the Pleiades), Pestonya(dog lady) and Aureole Omega(leader of the Pleiades and the only human npc in Nazarick). They have a decent personality, and they'll probably won't kill me for no reason.

Jacob Lauder

Whoa foreal? Don't recall if that was mentioned in the anime or if it was a detail left out from the light novel.

Pelle Andersson

I would not say ainz is evil. If you want to be friendly towards him he will also be friendly towards you.


Renner scares me more than anyone in this show. Anyone. And the other characters in this show are *literally monsters*.


Albedo saying "ridiculous" in the end had more to it than her hatred to human. During that scene, you can see that the guild's flag (Ains Ooal Gown flag) is on the floor and Momonga's flag is up on the wall instead.

freshyjazzy12 .

These are some of the times where it sucks that you don't see comments as soon as you upload since you're usually ahead with your recordings lmao. That whole scene was they knew she was crazy, they wanted to see her when she's not wearing a mask and pretending to act all nice and proper. So she stopped acting proper and told them that she "loves" Climb in that she wants him chained up and unable to leave her or actually go anywhere. Then suggested that she could Publicly Marry the Marquis' son because of political reasons. Of course, after figuring out that she truthfully is insane, he doesn't want her anywhere near his son. Also I'd definitely hang with Aura, Mare, and Cocytus. I think those are good options, plus I've always had a liking for characters that are Beast Tamers or something of that sort.

Jakob Connell

its there to guess at, especially because the next time it happens there is a much bigger indicator than just black eyes


If I were to hang out with someone for a day? Hmm, I would probably go for non-combatants. Eclair the penguin, Pestonya the dog-faced maid and the mushroom-like bartender whose name I don't recall all sound pretty safe. If I had to pick among those who are actually dangerous, I'd pick Cocytus, Aura and Mare. Neither of them is a particularly good person, yet neither of them would kill you for little to no reason. The worst ones would be... Well, define "worst". If we are talking about the risk of being slaughtered on sight, it would be Shalltear, Solution and Entoma the bug maid. But what Demiurge would do is arguably worse than just death.


I don't remember if it was explicitly mentioned in the light novel, but you can tell from the way he slips up in his speech pattern. The way he almost says "the great ones" is one and how he dramatically turns around and shouts "greater teleportation" is another.


It's the mage from the adventure group he worked with that got killed by the crazy lady when she came to kidnapp the potion making kid. The mage was a girl disguised as a guy and we find out now it's the younger sibling of tuare.


There are a few cues there, such as when he was speaking he wanted to say me but then said the 41, how cocytus and demiurge didn't address him as Lord, him not recognizing the girl and acting goofy(which is how Pandora's Actor, well acts). It wasn't explicitly mentioned in the Light Novel but there are clues for you to figure it out.


There is, literally, not a good side nor is there an evil side. It's all a giant spectrum of selfishness and desire for power. There are genuinely good people and there are genuinely evil people, but no one side is completely one way or the other.

Marcio Neves

It evens show her face lying dead on the ground. But, weak memory can't recall that ever happened, right? 😅


Sebas' morality is second to his loyalty. He does the right things so long as he thinks it wont interfere with his responsibilities. He misjudged the situation with the girl and got too much attention in town. Solution being on the evil side of morality had a more clear view of the situation and felt Sebas was making intentional moves against Inze when he refused to tell him about the situation earlier

Nob Kenobi

Hi Luke! Tuareninya Veyron is the older sister of Ninya, the magic caster who was tortured and murdered by Clementine in the first season.

Marcio Neves

He still doesn't get that Princess Renner is a total psycho. When the noble asked to talk to the real Renner, she drops the "angelic face" she alwyas does as a facade 😅


The thing about what Albedo said at the end is that she doesn't understand why Momonga chose to change his name to Ains Ooal Gown, which was/is the name of the guild, and finds all of the other things he does on the side, like adventuring as Momon ridiculous since they view him as powerful enough to be the ruler of any and all worlds. No one in Nazarick realizes that Ains is a human inside of that skeleton and they all, to some degree, view humans as the lowest of all beings.

Marcio Neves

25:03 As explained by the Marquis himself right after, Climb is a commoner, so, she can't marry to him without causing some "trouble" to her image and position in the nobility. So, she throws that propostion to have a facade marriage, where she pretends to be married with one person but really indulging in real love with the "lover"


I don't really want to comment in too much detail about Albedo's comment about Ains Ooal Gown, but know that it is very important. You can essentially look at it as she doesn't like that Ains (Momonga) is distracted with the goal of finding his friends from the guild (Ains Ooal Gown) and wants him to just focus on Nazarick's future. When Ains says he put the name of Ains Ooal Gown as an oath on something, like protecting Tuare, she understands how important the guild and his friends are to him, and she doesn't like that, because everyone but Ains abandoned them in their eyes.


The girl he is talking about who had the diary was the young magic caster girl he formed a party with, who was killed by that plate stealing bitch

Marcio Neves

Dude, Aureole has just been mentioned, the anime is yet to show her, she was never shown or mentioned again in the 4 seasons we have. Chill out with the spoilers 😅

Mihaly Szamak

Albedo's sister Nigredo. The other two would be Aura and Mare. Still not 100% surviving the day but I like those odds the best...


There were a couple clues, mostly in the voice, but when Sebas was first talking to Ains that was actually Pandora's Actor. That's why he seemed more extravagant than usual (like throwing the handkerchief at his feet). Others have already said it, but Tuare's sister was the mage from the adventurer group in season one. She was the only one that Clemintine did not turn into a zombie. Princess Renner talked about marrying the Marquis' son because as a Princess it would be hard for her to actually marry Climb who is a commoner. So publicly she would be married to the son of a Marquis but actually have kids with Climb. As far as Albedo at the end, I can't think of how much the anime talks about it so what I will say is that in Season 1 episode 1 Albedo had her settings changed to "love Momonga" not Ains Ooal Gown. Also there were two different flags shown at the end of this episode and one was on the floor

Brad Jones

oh boy here we go again

Tsusaku Cohenat

Soo, first thing. The Ainz, that was with Sebas at the beginning, was not actually Ainz, but Pandoras Actor (the easiest way to know if its the real one is to look at his belly. When it is Ainz actually, he has inside his chest a glowing orb, which is a World Item). He was there, because they were not sure, if Sebas is not a traitor, and would not try to kill Ainz. Later, after the teleport, that was the real Ainz. And no, Sebas didnt know. His loayality to Ainz has no bounds, thats why even though he didnt wanted to, he did try to kill Tuare with a real intent, which showed that he is not a traitor and is still loayal.


first, you didn't notice but it was not ainz in the begining, it was pandora actor who take the appearance of ainz. Second the book is from the girl who die in season 1 when ainz act as momon. third, the princess is a psycho, so the real her is not the cute little girl but the crazy girl. fourth, what albedo didn't understand iw why he pledge on the name ainz to protect her.

Rave Recage

Someone tell him about the Happy Farm...

Rave Recage

I would hang out with uncle Cocytus.

Rave Recage

Luke: "They are all idiots". Exactly, 'Sasuge Ainz Sama...'


Mushoku Tensei - April 7, 2024


The reason why Ainz knew Tuare is because of her sister, she's the crossdressing girl that got killed by Clementine in the basement (she was a member of the group of adventurers Ainz and Nabe travelled with)

brad marsh

Coycoctus, Demiure and Shaltear


Cocytus, Nigredo, Pestonya


Luke wanting to scream, while I am really happy that he isn't doing his ridiculous over the top starting scream or yelling in the episode. This level of voice is good =). This episode had so many hidden things, that it's not surprising Luke didn't catch almost any of them, but they are really hard to get compared these scenes in the novel.


The good guys in Overlord are the ones who die

Subaquatic Toaster

The sister was the mage girl disguised as a boy who was tortured and killed by Clementine in the last season


I don't think she cares about the pledge, she will obey it regardless, she said that because she hates Ain Ooal Gown - specifically - she hates the guild members because they abandoned the NPCs and Momonga (by stopping playing) Albedo loves "Momonga" and hates that he took the guild's name. (which is why every now and then she calls him Momonga) The flags crumpled on the floor are the Ainz Ooal Gown guild flag while the one she hangs is Momonga's personal flag.


Honestly, Sebas should discipline Solution though, she didn't go through the proper channels. Solution did that mainly to get Tuare killed. She could have given Sebas an ultimatum (saying we should report this together) but instead she went behind his back and wasted the Supreme One's time. We've seen in season 4 that Ainz doesn't like it when they bypass the chain of command, she could have asked Yuri to talk to Sebas.

Druva Reddy

It was never mentioned but that wasn’t ainz that showed up in the beginning, based on his dialogue style and action that’s clearly pandora’s actor disguising as Ainz


4:35 Luke, what part of "Sebas is Evil" did you not understand? 19:07 Hang out with one - Cocytus Hang out with three - Cocytus, the penguin dude, one of the elf siblings. Don't hang out with - my god, the list is endless. 27:01 There are actual, strong good guys but they've had little screen time so far.


Uncle Cocy is the most Lawful Evil I've ever seen. He's a make a good next door neighbor.

R_Vengeance V

Albedo has reservations or hatred for the name of Ains Ooal Gown since its the name of the guild that left them alone. Momonga taking the name of the guild as his, makes her angry since she only wants to addresses him as Momonga and hates and thinks as ridiculous for Momonga to make a promise in the name of Ains Ooal Gown since it does not feel sincere or valid for she does not acknowledge that name and wishes to hear and praise the name of the one she loves ones more.


dang, this is my third rewatch and I never figured that out! A least one of them has a better life now

BRUNO Marques

They call her a monster because of her personality. The anime doesn't fully get across how demented she is meant to look when not controlling her face. Like a shapeshifter that can't fully get how a face is supposed to look. Uncanny. She also goes into a bit more detail about her... disposition towards climb in the books. She is a bit extreme. Albedo.... loves Momonga, she couldn't care less about Ainz. Her programming is a bit off. She doesn't understand why the need to go through this Ainz pantomime. That flag was the flag Momonga took down in s1. His own flag. In the books she starts doing her own scheming in the background.


I liked the audio today, far less echoy than they've been since you moved.

BRUNO Marques

At this point Yuri was not deputy leader. Sebas was her direct superior. It was after this event that the Pleiades were restructured with Omega as leader and Yuri as deputy. So no chain of command was broken here.

BRUNO Marques

He does more than that. Also bit of a spoiler at this point, he could have guessed but still.

Katie Wyatt

It's hard to tell in the scene, so I don't blame you for being confused, but the girl is the sister of the adventurer girl who was disguised as a boy and killed in season 1.

dragean greyfield

Albedo is conflicted. She is loyal to momonga (due to him changing her settings) not necessarily to ainz ool gown. The flag in the corner was momonga’s personal flag. The one he burned when he changed his name to the guilds name.

Katie Wyatt

The ending part with Albedo is a bit confusing, but Albedo is a staunch "Momonga" loyalist, as she hates the guild since they abandoned them. Albedo virtually worships Momonga and wants him to rule Nazarick as himself as the ONE and ONLY Supreme being.

Daniel Herron

Who to hang out with and survive? 1) Pestonia (the dog lady the is the most good in nazerick because she is their cleric) 2) Eclair dude is a penguin butler who seems pretty nice 3) Victim because his only purpose is to die and debuff the enemy. Cocytus would be cool but it would be so cold just being around him


The diary is from the adventure party member in season 1 that looked like a boy but when he found the bodies, it turned out she was a girl.. and unlike the men that got killed right away.. she got tortured really badly.

Zen Reacts

I think Cocytus Aura and Mare would be the most chill to hang out with among the guardians

Daniel Golas

One member? Pestonya (dog headed maid) not only I would survive but it would actually be a good time, she cooks very well and is one of the most kind and good people in Nazarick


The younger sister of Tsuare (the woman who saved Sebas) was one of the adventurers who accompanied Momon (Ainz in black knight form) on the adventure to search for herbs. In season one, Momon and a couple of adventurers take the carriage to the village where he got the hamster. One of the adventurers was a boy, that is the younger sister who posed as a boy to look for her sister who was kidnapped. She was then killed along with the other adventurers by the one with the daggers that Momon fought against in the graveyard

Chicken Permission

The princess is just a touch psychopathic.


Even if it was obvious, he would probably miss them regardless if he's sick or not tbh x)

john cody ramsey

also something that isn't very obvious, the first time we see Ainz in this episode wasn't Ainz, it was Pandora's Actor. Demiurge didn't want Ainz in a situation like Shaltear, if Sebas HAD actually revolted, he wasn't going to be in harm's way until they figured out what was happening.


well i guess just the name isnt a spoiler :D i could say that aswell.. glad i wasnt alone who picked her^^ not sure about Cocytus though :P better grab an extra blanket :3

Yami Shoumetsu

always pay attention to Ainz eyes moving forward. If you don't see any red dot on the eyes, it is Pandora's Actor disguised as Ainz.

Thomas Morlock

I watched a bunch of your reactions that you happened to be sick in, and woke up sick today. I blame you.


Only a lil bit :) The Marquis is a very observant man who noticed there was something weird with the princess since she was a child, so him asking to speak with the real her is him asking her to stop putting a show of being normal and show him what her real feelings and thoughts are.


I believe the diary is from the disguised female adventurer who traveled with "Momon" and killed.


Him saying to talk to the real princess meant, that she should speak what she really means and not pretend to be a perfect holy princess in cage( because she is always pretending with others, crafting her fake image)

Mr. Dog

Exactly. Princess Rener, the blond princess who like Climb, was putting on a false smile and an act of innocence and demure in front of people. When the Marquis asked to speak to the real her, he meant for her to stop acting. She did. That shadow over a person's face when they smile in anime is a signification that they are pyscho and putting on crazy eyes. Usually someone who smiles gently but has weird attachments to people are hiding things. Also the Princess got buggy eyed. This is to reflect her obsession with Climb and her cruelty towards those who mock Climb. One more thing to note. She is called a monster because as a Princess, Princess Rener is not allowed to get involved in the kingdoms international politics and certain domestic affairs. Thus she spends most of her time in the castle. It was shocking on her knowledge and intel of the relationships between countries, and secret dealings between nobles in the Kingdom. She's very observant and a genius, thus being portrayed at sly. She's able to piece together bits of information from gossip between adventurers, maids and letters. Hence she is a monster. A genius.


She is loyal to Inze, she just takes orders from Sebas. When Sebas tried to hide his error and fix it before it became an issue, it put the mission in jeopardy. So she went higher up the ladder. Wanting the girl dead wasn't enough to get her to disobey orders but putting the mission at risk was.

Mr. Dog

ONe thing to note is that Albedo at the end calls Ainz Owl Gowen ridiculious. Her parameters were reset to love Momonga. However Momonga took on the name Ainz Owul Gowen, the personification of the guild and abandoned the name Momonga. In season 1, Ainz burned up the flags of each of the 41 guild members but only left the actual guild flag intact. IN this epiosde we see the a flag on the floor. We can't tell if it's the guild flag or the perosnal insignia flag that used to be Momonga's. I think it's the guild flag. And the symbolism is that Albedo with her parameters to love "momonga" is greater than her loyalty to Nazarik and the name of Ainz Owul Gowen. So all of Albedo's loyalty is to Momonga, not Ainz Owul Gowen.

Wayte Elsik

yep that's the one, her name was Ninya and the line about paying back kindness with kindness and evil with evil was a nod to how he dealt with both Tsuare, the sister she wanted to save (kindness), and Clemintine, who killed her (evil).

Hououin Kyouma

That's an easy question to answer. I will hang out with Aura. If the choice is three I will hang out with Aura, Mare, and if possible Cocytus.

Charles Fine

Damn sounding sexy! love the new mic


for me it would be shalltear, it would need some praise for her, her creator and Ainz and my way is clear to be her pet xD


Touch Me was an insectoid similar to Cocytus but obviously a different type of insect.


one of the elf twins; both elf twins and Shaltear. They do not strike me as homicidal maniacs. I d just procure some greast quality animal blood for her, and have her talk about Ainz all day lol. Members to avoid tho are all the pleiades lol.


yay he didnt scream my ears of at the beginning.

Abe J

"We all know she's fucking insane.." We may, but their general public doesn't. Marquis Raeven had noticed it when she was younger and was delighted to see the "real" her again. Obviously he has a thing for crazy girls 😬


24:22 her INTELLIGENCE is monstrous. and I guess she keeps a persona in front of people to AVOID TROUBLE. she is a sociopathic genius and doesnt wanna BOTHER with people misunderstanding her, I guess ? that way it is easier I guess :) maybe I am projecting cuz I am kinda similar tho I am "only" autistic, not a sociopath, but I guess it is kinda the same in some social aspects.


I actually like the screams, but I always lower the volume XD was born with ears hearing up to 60 kHz ( tho am 35 now ) loi


3 characters to survive, minus Sebas: Pestonya (dog maid, she's actually kind to humans) Yuri Alpha (she's serious, but also good aligned) Cocyutus (he's a pure embodiment of the warrior spirit and honor) Least likely to survive meeting: Narberal Gamma (openly hostile to humans) Albedo (openly hostile to humans) Solution Epsilon (openly hostile to humans, and extremely sadistic) Bonus bad time, you'd wish you were just killed: Demiurge (literally "farms" humans for skin)

Marc Lucksch

I would choose Delta. Albedo’s Sister, Delta, General Enri the Bloody of three are required.

Tom Boggess

my three are aura, mare, and lupisregina beta. the twins seem like fun kids to hang out with and not particularly inclined to malice. Beta is generally a cheery girl, but has a sadistic streak when need be. I'd be taking a risk with her, but if i had to be killed, i would want it to be by her.


I have to start the video to lower the volume but then it's already too late

Eddie Gingras

i would pick alpha omega


my three are Victim, Nabe, and Cocytus. Nabe isn't so hostile towards humans she just wants them to know their place.


New maid, poor Solution and Albedo. Crazy princess is here! Ainz is back!


The penguin guy seems safe to hang out with as well as Cocytus. Maybe also the dog maid?

joshua Gibson

Since Aura and Mare both have neutral dispositions i would pick them as well as the dog maid Pestonia


As some comments pointed out, her little sister was a member of those adventurers killed by Clementine in season 1. Remember, she said (though she was pretending to be a man) that her sister had disappeared and that she was searching for her, she had been for years. Her companions tried to desperatly protect her, dying in the process, so that could escape and continue to search for her sister. But it was no trouble for Clementine and that adventurer was killed too.

Harley Burnie

9:20 "I've never shared a happy kiss." One of the MOST innocuous, yet extremely fucking dark, lines I've ever heard from a woman in anime. Ever since I stopped to consider what that meant, it has haunted me every time I see this episode.

Harley Burnie

24:10 Eh. It was hella clear up to this point that Renner is NEVER "her true self" where other people can see. Raeven's request would normally be weird af, but with that psychopath princess, it is an absolutely valid difference. As crazy as she is, she's one of the best characters in Overlord, to me.

Amarjit Ubhi

I would pick Nigredo, Cocytus and Pestonia. I'd be safe all day lol