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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OVERLORD Episode 8!!




Luke is still too young to get the Chuunibyou joke, the sword controlling her is all made up to make her feel cooler.

Tsusaku Cohenat

Its 13 Heroes and 6 Evil Gods. All of them were most probably players.


Okay Luke, i start chasing after unattainable dream to fly with out any gadgets or plane. I am just wondering how many times can i really jump off the cliff before i get hurt? :D


I entirely disagree with you on unattainable goals in this world in this instance, he’s trying to learn magic but can’t, so he will spend all this time on something that doesn’t help him instead of more sword training that could actually help him, although barely, so he could die. It’s not a shoot for the stars and you’ll land on the moon situation, it’s a shoot for the stars and you’ll land 6ft under situation. It’s literally as simple as be stronger or die. Also according to your own logic you should punch the tree like Superman and it won’t go to another part of the world but it could go to a different city. I’m sorry I just like being petty.

Shawn Oxley

Considering the world they're in literally won't let Ainz swing a sword unless he uses magic/items to change class first its completely reasonable for Evileye to tell Climb to give up on magic if he has no talent for it


I 100% agree with your point, By striving to achieve Huge goals you're outputting your maximum which makes your chances go up significantly.

Talix Rune

It's very fun how Overlord has scarred him so quickly with regards to non-Nazarick characters getting any amount of screen time.

George Fowler

Sees a man throw a woman in a bag into the street Completely trusts every word Sees Hughes being a family man Swears up and down that son a bitch can't be trusted.


So wait. If you get twice as far as you'd have gotten if you never chased the unattainable dream to begin with... 2 times 0 is still 0, so.... you haven't achieved anything at all.


"still too young" LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thats fucking hilariously accurate


I meant as an anime fan, but it’s still hilarious regardless


The poor guy is emotionally damaged. Every episode he watches must be like a round of Among Us.

Abe J

I just do not have the talent to recognize these voice actors. None of them... ever. Someone else I watch is the same way.. "ohh yep, that's so and so from... " what the heck. I went back like 4 times listening to that big chick's voice.. nothing 😆

freshyjazzy12 .

Luke: "Characters usually tell the truth in anime" Also Luke: Has watched AoT which is one of the most dialogue complicated animes where there are plenty of lies or half truths being told to people in order to scheme.

_____ Rasse _____

We really should make Luke watch Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai so he'll learn about chunibyo characters and maybe understand whenever one shows up.


The reason the names seem weird to you is because you understand english and know what they mean. I've noticed that a lot of japanese names aren't uniquely names and are instead just words. They're simply doing that but with english words instead.


I still can't get over how funny is the fact that the team takes so seriously their boss when is just roleplaying by herself


I'm so glad I wasn't eating because I would have spat my food all over my computer. That comment was brilliant!


I know, it actually makes me feel bad when Luke can recognize voice actors but can't remember what happened last episode, yet I can remember what happened on an anime from five years ago that I've only watched once yet can't recognize a voice to save my life.


Nope its 13 heroes (actually they were more than 13 people but they are always called that whyever), then 8 greed kings and 6 gods of the slane theocracy its hinted that they could be players, but also hinted that they are not ... and then there are others who could be players ..... its really hard to tell who was/is a player except the 6 gods and at least some of the 8 greed kings and maybe 2-3 of the thirteen heroes,

Matthew Williams

Yeah Luke Lakyus is just a Chuuni (8th grader syndrome) that's all everything she was spouting in those flashbacks was just nonsense in her head. We've watched quite a few anime already and we've explained it to you many times over. You really need to start picking up on that on your own already.

Antoine Jones

Superman COULD train you because he knows how to fight... you may not being able to HIT as hard as him but learning the moves would be enough to deal with NORMAL people. Training is about technique and skill as well as its application, not just being physically stronger/stronger

Marcio Neves

"Hamsterdude" is quite a proper translation for "Hamsuke", the name Momom gavet to it :D

Marcio Neves

Luke, a hint for you: the emphasis on Sebas name is on the "Se" syllable, not on the "Bas" 😉 But, yet, it is quite funny the way you pronounce his name 😁


While not clear, Climb dodges Sebas' blow during the training, meaning Sebas really was going to kill Climb if he didn't dodge.


I'm thinking for some series you may want to start taking notes to help yourself remember names at the very least.

Marcio Neves

Suculent is the owner of the "house" where the girl Sebas saved was "working for" Solution is the name of the Battle Maid pretending to be Sebas master, the Slime one

David.Perez Perez

If you didnt know, Lakyus is a chuunibyou like Megamin from konosuba.


The Excel for today. If you spot any errors, feel free to let me know right here ;) Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11NNmjdwmuKYWeY-yTlbqHaYMDHCevYV454aB3dX0rY8/edit?usp=sharing


Luke here trying to Luke curse Sabas.


im surprised luke didnt yell this time

Daniel Golas

I didnt realise it first time around but yeah she definitely is and I find it hilarious


7:00 Lakyus in chunnibyou mode. An idle thought, what if Gagaran traded hugs with Momon, would she survive? What would Albedo do?

dragean greyfield

Killing intent is deadly for those with weak wills.

dragean greyfield

From my experience only mc’s don’t lie in anime while all the others consider lying to be open season.


18:51 Brain might have the best character arc in the whole series.


i've been going through Luke's reaction to FMAB in between Overlord episodes and his distrust for Hughes cracked me up


Luke's habit of pausing before a scene is even complete..."Are they not going to talk about hamster" literally 1 second away when it was told lol :D


With this episode you have another example of the power level of Ainz / Momon because those who tell the story of Momon the adventurer are among the top adventurers and they themselves say that what he achieved as an adventurer was impressive and if that was the top People say you can rank it well in the power level


I dont think Evileye meant the same thing you did.. :D if you want chase ''unattainable'' dream.. i dunno like being number one boxer on the world etc.. be all means go for it.. :D but this is fantasy after all.. surely she ment unattainable.. like i dunno being strong as one of the guardians of nazarick (just an example) which would ruin him cause it would cost him his humanity etc and dream like that shouldnt be chased no ? :D


You know what Luke ?? ive seen people who react to stuff to takes notes :D like atleast names if they cant remember.. maybe you should try that :D if you want.. and if you feel bothered of not remembering (just an idea you can totally ignore it)


Video 2 of requesting a reaction to Akame Ga Kill


Me on the contrary don't get attached to characters so easily lol


Luke has a tender mind lol

Mr. Dog

Luke needs to start taking notes during anime watch along.


Yeah, his name is basically Sebastian (Sebas Tian) so just say the Sebas part as you would saying the full name.

Brad Jones

luke can't remember names for shit.

Bryan Wells

Nah that is the cringiest thing I've ever heard. Your not watching a lecture, your watching a TV show.

Bryan Wells

Yo that is actually so fricking cool dude I wasn't expecting it to be so detailed! And looks like there's no real spoilers, except maybe revealing the power levels of all the characters. Super cool though 😎


Where is Ainz? Is still his anime ? Climb missed the chance to climb his step-mom 🤪 Sebas sensei arc! No shit, I thought that random guy throwing a sack in the alley was a good guy, there was a nice spa facility at the temple


They kinda skip a lot of important story points compared with the novel here, I mean even more than they did in the past. If I remember well, Evileye talked a lot more about the Thirteen Heroes and about herself, as her story is instrumental to the overall plot. She's an interesting character, different from the others in her team of adamantite adventurers. Another thing they seem to have skipped, is about princess Renner, but maybe it's for a bit later. Also Luke, if you ever see that message, the 6 gods were different entities (600 years ago) than the Thirteen Heroes (100 years ago, and they weren't all that overpowered, except for...).


Never forget that Brain Unglauss is strong for a human, don't compare him with Climb. He'll handle himself. That being said, even if the difference between Climb and Unglauss is like the difference between a baby and a giant warrior, it's true that the difference between Unglauss and Sebas is way bigger. Like between an ant and an elephant.

Markus Wallin

Don't forget that there ARE men who thinks that all they need to sleep with a woman IS a compliment as payment. These guys do exist.


luke you giant hecking cinnamon roll

Harley Burnie

24:00 I ABSOLUTELY think Luke needs to take notes like AutoSave. His name retention is abhorrent. Lolz.

Harley Burnie

27:15 I was under the impression that lies are often the most prevalent form of conversation in many animes. Even the constant, overwhelming amount of false modest feels dishonest to me most of the time. Anime characters so often hide their feelings, manipulate situations to their intentions, or give false impressions. Blargh.