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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to HEAVENLY DELUSION Episode 12!




19:40, yes you shower then bath. But she did the opposite showing that those who are born after the disaster have lack of manner, knowledge, culture, etc. In 1st episode, she ate from a bowl holding the spoon with the hand not the fingers like us. It's just small attention to details for those who care about that.


So let me make this as easy as possible to understand Haruki the boy who made his own Crossbow who looked up to Robin who had his lower half of his body eaten by one of the monsters when he went to try and kill it and in order to save him had his brain put into his sister's body. his sister the girl is Kiruko the one who raced go carts. Let me just state this right now. Robin is a fucked up piece of shit. but to me what Robin is trying to do is make Haruki the boy whose brain is in his sister's body now is trying to make Haruki forcibly realize that he is no longer a boy he is now a she down to his/her body to his/her voice and everything else he is no longer Haruki he is now Kiruko a she not a he. And no one better get pissed off or offended at me. This is what I got from the anime.


You will get more insight into Robin next episode so without spoiling anything it's simply a lesson that some times the people you look up to as a kid aren't the people you think they actually are it's a brutal scene it's not ment as fan service but to put a spot light on the horrific thing that is taking place here since alot of people think of rape as a joke in reality this is how horrible it is.

One G. O A. T. One Dream

"was he into it" Luke come on, try and put you head into the character just a bit. Robin was like a brother to him, his protector his idol. Its like parent going down on a child, you dont say no to the person whos words always have been you law and moral compas. If Robin said the eath was flat, Haruki would clearly try and belive it What should he have done? say no? he did? overpower him and run? yeah no. Being lost in horror and confusion is 100% the most natural response one would take if betrayed like that. Oh so i would say. And another thing with the: "well why did she not fight back" if you trapped by someone you got 2 options, struggle and risk dying, or be docile and comply. Do you have what it takes to face you own fear of death? and would you fight someone stronger than you trying sex you? Films always make hero's seems cool, but hero's are usly the first to die, thats why we love seeing them beat the odds and win.

Harley Burnie

Dude, these kind of things can make for such incredible debates and whatnot.


It’s so unfortunate to have a character so ugly performed by Zoro/Toshi’s VA. Totally agree!