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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to SOLO LEVELING Episode 9!




Ayeeee I’m extra early


Read after you watch..... That way you don't get spoiled for THIS episode, NOT a spoiler for the series itself. Potential spoiler?? Potential spoiler?? So at the end of it, they did change a little from the manhwa, one of the prisoners was playing dead the whole fight and when Jinwoo went to defeat the boss. He took the prisoner with him and threw him into the horde of globins so that he could die and pay his debts of what he did to the daughter of that one guy asking to kill them. Other than that, great episode!!!


All i'm going to say is Prewatched


The thing she was holding up at the end was the mana gem he gave her before to pay for a meal when she got out of the double dungeon.


wow had my theories about todays episode.. didnt expect this.. xD i mean i expect the outcome.. but not from that person xDD


Luke predicted what was going to happen, even the motivations.


bruuh.. :D he had several fatal wounds.. dont blame the healer.. she was doing her best.. ;_;



Marcus Alger

Part of me wishes that I hadn't read the manhwa to completion, every episode of this is peak and I wish I didn't know everything that is ahead. Thankfully we haven't been introduced to who I would consider to be best girl. Wont spoil it though.


its an kinda inside joke, anytime luke says/guesses something then it happens soon after he unpaused, you claim prewatched as a joke


ye joohee is only a b-rank healer iirc, theres only so much she can heal, its not like shes an s-rank that can bring someone back from the brink of death with a wave of their hand

Hamza Stiti

luke casually forgetting the system exist so I am not surprising he didnt remember the gem xD


25:50 Wasn't Woo Jinchul the guy reading the report about the spider raid and looking at the photo of Jinwoo? That's the stone Jinwoo handed her in the double dungeon telling her to use it to buy a meal.


Oh man, the last episodes of this season of Solo Leveling gonna be wild Luke. Now you slightly can understand why people call this the "ultimate hype" series. Beware bc last episodes will blow your mind.


you assume that theres a small gap between B rank and C rank cause of OPM system... It might be completely different here. We still dont know how far apart ranks are... and it could be progressive gap too. What im trying to say (and no i havent read the manhwa or anything) is that if you think about it - the difference between E rank and D rank is that while E rank cant even take a single goblin (atleast not without taking lots of damage), D rank seems to be fine finishing monsters in D rank dungeon.


This is really a hype series, but funny enough, I don't think it's my favorite of the season. I love every episode, don't get me wrong, but I think my favorite series this season might be "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic." Still, this season of anime overall has been AMAZING. I can't wait to see how Solo Leveling finishes this season.


The #1 of B rank is significantly weaker than the weakest A rank. Even if the A rank was a shlub and the B rank was a master in 100 different fighting techniques the A rank would win from sheer power alone.


https://chapmanganato.to/manga-dr980474/chapter-34 only read till you see chains


I thought the same exact thing, and was saying that to my friend when we were watching when the guy was talking about apologizing

Patrick Jacobsen

the essence stone Joohee was showing at the end, was the one that Jinwoo gave her at the end of the double dungeon, when he thought he wouldn't make it.


Bro, I just realized that if we don't get 24 episodes, we won't see Igris for at least a year D:

Toasted Toad

It’s not a linear increase, it’s exponential. C to B, B to A is therefore a big jump. For a C ranker, even supported by a buff from a B rank healer , to kill a B ranker, he’d need quite a lot of luck.

Toasted Toad

Yep. If she’d been even A rank, she could have saved him. S rank could have done it as easily as sneezing.

Toasted Toad

And no, Song does not level up from killing the assassin. The ONLY one who levels up is Jinwoo. Your level is based on your manna, not your accomplishments. Song is not suddenly a B rank.


I dislike this healer. she's even more useless than Sakura lol (anime only here so i don't know about her in the manhwa)


The Anime is following the novel and manwha. Actually what was supposed to happen during this whole dungeon in the novel is that, the death of the prisoners were glossed over in the novel. Kang Taeshik was acting like he got hurt by the prisoners and fabricated that they attacked him. Joohee quickly rushed to heal him only to be caught off guard and almost killed but was saved thanks to Jin Woo. The whole fight with Song and Taeshik wasn't in the novel. It was just jinwoo ending him like it did in the anime. Also about the prisoner that was alive. Jin woo took him to the boss room and watched him die. They adapted it pretty well. Adding both Manwha and Light Novel. Its sad that there are some scenes that are skipped from both the mediums, but its still pretty great. Adapting both the mediums really adds more depth to the anime. Cause there are a lot of things the manwha skipped in the novel. So were getting a better version of the manwha here basically with the anime.


Loved your reaction and the episode <3 Stay with me if you want better comprehension, spoiler free, of this episode : 1:41 Ahem... Let's see if at the end of the episode you still want to compare 'im to your Waifu. 2:26 What are you refering to Luke ? Is it about the moment a long time ago that was shown briefly that Jin-Woo was lost and separated from the main party and got almost killed by goblins ? It can't be the moment with the spider, 'cause that's not "splitting up", that's "keeping watch". Or are you mistakening from an other anime ? 4:35 Ahem... Luke, it's Jin-Woo we're talking about, not you. He's not gonna forgive them that easily since that dungeon made him realize life was "survival of the stronger" and humans were greedy, etc... All the more was he reminded in the lizard dungeon incident. 5:20 In novel and Manhua, there was just one of the three who assaulted the daughter, but it doesn't make a major difference. Since for Kang Taeshik killing one or three prisoners isn't making him feel anything... and when you've seen what happened next in this episode... yeah... all the more. 10:21 : Yeah from what is shown, it's normal to think a B rank healer could have managed to heal him. Albeit this was a scripted death. You see, in the manhua and novel, he didn't even got to apologize since he breathed his last before (or just the moment) they arrived. So in comparison, in the anime, we got to have Jin-Woo's thoughts about him, and see ? Like I told you, he wasn't gonna forgive him that easily. Maybe with time, but we'll never know... 12:54 yeah, or you can say his after-image. 17:22 It could have been that way, but no he took the money all right... In novel and manhua, he even made him raise the sum. A scum. 19:11 what's he doing ? Just the usual dash skill ^^ 20:44 He just meant his anger emotion left him when fighting another human. Jin-Woo is a bit scared of not feeling anything, and is wondering if this is normal, or if the system (his screen + stats + quest thing) is changing him that way. 25:35 Oh so we're not gonna see the dungon boss fight... (don't worry, the fight with Kang Taeshik was the most hypping one). There was just one more twist with the prisoners. It's just making me wonder if it was a time issue, or a gory issue... i hope it's the former. 28:07 "That" is the E rank monster core that Jin-Woo gave her on the double dungeon to say "go pay you a meal with this first, I'll join you later (or rather because I WON'T be able to join you later)". Kinda death parting gift... quite inauspicious isn't it ? ^^' 29:26 Just to be sure : he doesn't level up when fighting humans, he just receive stats and sometimes skills (and only if a mission is given to him) and either way it's always 0 experience point gotten from fighting humans. 31:18 I can only tell you without spoiling that you are right theoretically on that one (the fact about leveling, and about Woo Jin-Cheol strength on the A rank rankings), since confirming or denying would spoil what will be shown later. See you next time ;)


Also his death was scripted, in the manhua and novel, he didn't even got the time to apologize to Jin-Woo. He breathed his last before. The anime did it so that we could understand Jin-Woo's opinion about him (Kim) a bit more. Else, Joo-Hee would normally be able to fully heal that when full of mana, B rank is still no joke. The wounds on Kim were less than in manhua, so it's normal that it's confusing people in the end, about the actual abilities of B rank healers.


@brandipity true, if there's no class disadventages like mage weaker to assassin, but stronger against brawlers

Jaylious Yew

I enjoy Luke's reaction. Can't wait for him to pick up Demon Slayer in the future :)


if we assume a baseline of: A = 100 and B = 80 , then strongest B is 90 and weakest A is 95. So it's quite close . He was also weakest "E". Others E would literally have less problems.

Abe J

Jinwoo saves Song... Luke Achievement Unlocked: Gushing Fangirl lvl 1 🤩


Differences between the original webtoon and this episode? In the original, the fight was twice as long and our MC had much more trouble dealing with it. But I guess the purpose was to make ppl fanGirl over the MC even harder.


It is a shame about Kung though. It was still well done, but there was one line in particular I was really hoping they'd have added to the episode. When he says "I wanted to bow my head when I apologized, but if I did I'm afraid I'd die on the spot". It was pretty powerful and without it the scene doesn't have quite the same impact.

freshyjazzy12 .

That was the crystal that was supposed to pay for her to get a meal instead of him since he thought he was going to die in that double dungeon. She's looking all good and dressed up for the boy, bringing up that crystal, JINWOO IT'S TIME TO GO ON A DATE BRO

Piotr Stopa

same in manhwa, she's pretty much sent to non existence after this ep


Even more useless than sakura then


Yeah, my hope is that we see ARISE! before the end of the season...


I think you're misremembering it. In the Manhwa he actually talked a lot longer and apologized more thoroughly. They also explained that the reason she couldn't heal him was because he'd lost too much blood before they even got there. A healer can heal his injuries, but not replenish blood loss, and there was no transfusion kit handy, exactly.


I disagree, the anime is great, but in order to keep the pacing it's skipping over quite a bit of explanation and worldbuilding. I think reading the Manhwa and then watching the show is best combo.


Actually they explain it in the manhwa. The power curve is exponential, but it IS a continuous curve, since ranks are set arbitrarily by mana cut-off thresholds. Basically if you have X mana, you're B-rank, if you have X+1 mana, you're A-rank. That said, the baseline is exponential, and the author says in the manhwa that each rank is 10x more powerful than the previous one, meaning it would take 10 baseline B-ranks to have the same mana, and therefore the same potential as a baseline A-rank. So assuming E-rank is 10 mana (which we saw Jin Wu had at the start as the weakest E-rank in the world, ellegedly), the thresholds are: E - 10 D - 100 C - 1,000 B - 10,000 A - 100,000 S - 1,000,000 and higher The curve never stops.

Marcio Neves

4:00 that was TELEGRAPHED from far, far away: "he will die" 😅

Toasted Toad

I don’t think you’re right about healing capabilities, actually. Just think about what we see S rank healers do later (I won’t detail anything due to spoilers).


Sometimes (most times ngl) luke has the memory of a goldfish

Marcio Neves

16:25 "why is he such an evil?" Answered right after he hits play again 😁

Marcio Neves

16:50 Luke, it is the same "feature" that prompted him to elimnate the 6 hunters from the previous dungeon. The "system" wants him to keep alive, so it is commanding him to defeat (kill) anyone who has murderous intents against him

Marcio Neves

26:52 he is TOTALLY not buying it, but letting it slip, for the time being

Avis Pakaya

True, usually they adapted 4-5 chapters per episode, this time they adapted 6 chapters

Pakom (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-10 19:25:20 That innocent smile
2024-03-10 19:15:47 That innocent smile. If somebody really looking into this. they will remember the assassin from one punch man. The same smile only a mother could love.

That innocent smile. If somebody really looking into this. they will remember the assassin from one punch man. The same smile only a mother could love.

Bryce Patterson

it costs alot to make fight scenes in anime production but also a anime doesn't have as much free time to throw around as a piece of written literature sometimes they make budget reductions to episodes to make other episodes like ones with fight scenes have more production time allocated to it thats why sometimes you get episodes that dont have alot of moving scenes or view point behind the one speaking so they dont have to anime the mouth moving.


Luke would make a horrible MC in this. He would have let his emotions take over all the time and exposed his secrets and became a government guinea pigs trapped in a lab and experimented on.


@Bryce There are ways of making fights shorter, but show that they lasted longer. One way is to use cuts where damage accumulates. There are other ways too. So they could have saved cost and time while making the fight look like it took more effort to beat.

Daniel Golas

Was already spoken, but this fight was originaly way harder and propably the closest one so far or at least one of them


It was confirmed to have 24 episodes in s1. But split into 2 cour, 2nd cour is going to air in the fall season


Ooo a little educated guess is paying off. They were pretty evenly matched, jinwoo has the poison debuff dagger and that guy is resistant (at least partially) to poison, I don’t think this part was mentioned in the anime. Song best 👊:) Such a shame we have only 12 episodes 😢

Jeremy B.

Im liking the anime but im getting kinda pissed how much they cut

Wizardo Keebler

the amount of time for each episode would either have to be doubled like rezero levels of length or make a 36 or 48 episode season since its already gonna be a 24 episode season just split into 2.

Barack O. Llama

easy top 10 anime its so insanely good