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Abbie settled into the plush leather seat of the sleek black luxury car, flanked by two impeccably dressed men whose black suits exuded an air of mystery. Nervously, she twirled her fingers, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

The day had been an exhilarating whirlwind. Just hours ago, she had stood amidst her classmates at the school assembly, heart pounding as she participated in the prestigious Brobdingnagian Lottery. Now, with a swift detour to bid a tearful farewell to her family, she found herself en route to the fabled Brobdingnagian lands – a realm inhabited by giants that loomed large in her imagination.

As Abbie’s thoughts drifted, the weight of her impending transformation into a Brob settled upon her. She envisioned herself towering over landscapes and cities, her once-normal world now seen from a Brobdingnagian perspective. A pang of guilt cut through her excitement as she thought of Kara, her dear friend.


Abbie and Kara stood outside the PAC Building, a world away from the festivities of their peers.

“Abbie how could you do this?!” Kara’s angry voice reverberated, accusing Abbie of something hurtful.

Tears welled in Abbie’s eyes as she looked at her friend, her voice heavy with sorrow. “Kara, I’m so sorry, I never meant to…”

“You wanted to steal my dream!” Kara’s interruption was sharp, her frustration palpable.

“No, that’s not what I was trying to do…”

In the tension-filled moment, a swift slap cut off Abbie’s words. She recoiled, her cheek stinging from the impact. As the surprise faded, she gazed at Kara, realizing that words were futile.

Abbie watched helplessly as her closest companion walked away, leaving her behind without a second glance. The weight of unspoken apologies hung in the air, and Abbie’s whispered apology fell upon the winds, unheard.

“Kara, I’m sorry…” Her voice barely carried above a hushed murmur, a quiet lament for a friendship that had been fractured.


“Ms. Road, we are here,” a calm voice broke through Abbie’s thoughts, prompting her to realize that she was the only remaining occupant of the car.

Jolted from her reverie, she looked around and saw one of the men in black suits holding the car door open, patiently awaiting her exit.

“Oh, sorry,” Abbie exclaimed, hastening to exit the vehicle.

“No problem at all, Ms. Road,” the man replied with a nod.

As Abbie stepped out of the car, she took in her surroundings. A vast expanse of open grassland stretched out before her, seeming to extend infinitely into the distance. Her gaze trailed along the horizon, revealing towering walls adorned with watchful guards holding guns – a formidable sight that sent shivers down her spine.

Turning away from the walls, her attention was captured by a majestic building that soared high into the sky. In the forefront of the structure, the flag of Lilliput fluttered proudly.

A sense of reverence washed over Abbie as she understood the significance of this place. It was clear that she had arrived at a location of immense importance.

“Please follow us, Ms. Road,” one of the men spoke, holding the door open for Abbie, gesturing towards the entrance.

Curiosity tinged with confusion filled Abbie’s voice as she asked, “What is this place?”

One of the men regarded her with a knowing smirk. “Tell me, Ms. Cook, what do you know about inter-dimensional travel?”

Abbie shook her head thoughtfully. “Not much. I’ve heard it requires a significant amount of energy and certain qualifications to undertake. That’s about all I know.”

The man nodded approvingly. “You’re right. Now, as you’re aware, the lands of Brobdingnag and the Gulliverians inhabit a distinct plane from ours. To access the realm of giants, one must pass through a dimensional gate.”

“Dimensional gate?” Abbie’s interest grew.

“Yes, these gates are called ‘Astralscapes,’” the man introduced, “and the particular gate you’re about to enter is linked to the foremost Genetic Research facility in Brobdinag. It’s there that you’ll undergo the size transformation.”

Abbie’s mind raced with possibilities as she absorbed the information. The Astralscape gate held the key to her metamorphosis, leading her into a realm where she would become part of a larger world, both figuratively and literally.

As Abbie, accompanied by her fellow participants, walked through the sprawling facility, she observed a world of strange machinery and laboratories. Closed doors lined the corridors, alongside offices filled with chairs and lengthy tables, the atmosphere buzzing with anticipation.

After a brief journey, she found herself facing an archway constructed from intricate technology and intricate wiring. Positioned between two men, Abbie was surrounded by a group of white-coated scientists stationed at two separate consoles.

“We are ready to launch in three,” one of the lab-coated men announced, initiating the countdown.

Abbie’s heart raced as the dimly lit room transformed into a dazzling spectacle of light. The archway pulsed with an emerald green energy, shaping a path into the unknown, its destination veiled by the brilliance.

Stunned by the sight, Abbie hesitated momentarily before regaining her composure. “Ms. Road, you may step through when you’re ready,” one of the men instructed.

Shaking off her surprise, Abbie mustered her courage. “Right, okay,” she murmured, her voice uncertain. With determination, she took her first step, then another, each subsequent step feeling less daunting.

As she neared the portal, the vibrant energy enveloped her body, sending tingling sensations that energized her spirit. She closed her eyes, moving forward with unwavering resolve. The electrifying embrace of the energy slowly dissipated, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself in a new reality. The world around her had transformed.

Abbie’s scream pierced the air as she confronted an immense, foreign black structure that loomed impossibly tall, stretching for miles into the sky. A hint of brown intertwined with the massive object caught her eye, but the urge to flee clashed with her lack of physical strength.

“Ms. Woods, do you hear me? We have arrived,” a voice broke through, drawing her gaze to the two men in black suits who had journeyed with her through the portal. Unfazed, they observed the colossal object with an air of familiarity.

Beneath her feet, the ground quivered and shook, pulling Abbie’s attention back to the enormous entity that appeared to be moving. Its motion sent reverberations through the earth itself.

“Is that an eye?” Abbie’s voice wavered, her fear palpable.

In a surreal twist, the colossal object began to shift, revealing a monumental visage that could dwarf a thousand, no, a million skyscrapers combined. Abbie’s breath caught in her throat as she stared up at a figure so enormous it could rival the largest mountain ranges on Earth.

This was the realm of the Brobs



Wow different realms and portals in this story that is awesome and I hope Kara and Abbie can make up again also what about Abbie’s family or was it just her mother well she even call her and say goodbye. Any way this was a amazing chapter 10/10 story already