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A frigid breeze swept through the ancient trees of the Gehenna forest, a shiver-inducing prelude to the otherworldly spectacle that followed. Amidst the obsidian canopy, a colossal pillar of radiant violet light thrust upward, piercing the brooding clouds that blanketed the heavens. Accompanied by jolts of deep purple lightning, the landscape trembled in response.

Aric's brow glistened with perspiration, his very skin numbed by the unnatural chill. He sensed an imposing presence ahead, one that radiated an aura of unparalleled might. Doubts crept into his mind, casting shadows over their mission to confront and eliminate the enigmatic menace lurking within the depths of this sinister forest.

"We must press on," Aric declared, his voice a firm assertion of determination.

Gideon's concern was palpable as he questioned Aric, "Are you certain about this, Aric? The power we face could be beyond our reckoning."

Stepping forward, Seraphina's voice wavered with a mixture of caution and apprehension, "We've embarked on countless journeys, yet this... this feels different. Our ranks aren't those of the elite, the S Rank."

"True," Aric acknowledged, pivoting to face his comrades, "We may not hold S Rank status, but in our city, we stand as its mightiest protectors. Our land's three S Ranks are engrossed in quests far more treacherous than our own."

With an emphatic thud on his armor, he continued, "It's our duty to demonstrate our city's defenses are in capable hands. The weight of this responsibility falls upon us!"

Lyra chimed in with a smug grin, "Aric's got a point. This assignment might not be as challenging as it seems."

Gideon interjected, his arms folded, gaze unwaveringly fixed upon the distant pillar of pulsating energy. "Caution is vital. We can't underestimate the obstacles ahead. This endeavor won't come without its trials."

"Having said that..." Aric shifted his attention towards Duncan, who stood in silence, his gaze fixed upon the mesmerizing pillar of energy. "We need to decide what to do with our friend here."

Lyra's arms remained defiantly crossed as she remarked, "I say we leave him. We're heading into danger, and we don't need any dead weight."

"We can't just abandon him," Seraphina countered, her voice tinged with concern.

Gideon's words were pragmatic and stern, "Where we're going is perilous enough. Carrying extra burden could jeopardize us all."

A heavy silence settled over the group as they wrestled with the decision.

Unexpectedly, Duncan's voice broke through the quiet, his tone subdued, "I'll come with you." His long, raven hair danced in the wind, his eyes devoid of emotion as he fixated on the ascending pillar.

The group exchanged surprised glances; Duncan's silence had led them to believe he was distant and disinterested.

"Very well," Aric nodded, stepping towards Duncan. "But you must remain vigilant and ensure your safety."

Duncan's gaze shifted towards Aric, his eyes conveying thoughts left unspoken.

"Let's proceed," Aric announced, turning away from Duncan to lead the way deeper into the forest. The group followed in determined silence, the tension of the moment underscoring the gravity of their mission.


Laufey's imposing figure stood tall, her gaze unwavering as it locked onto the ascending pillar of energy, its radiant glow reflecting in her eyes' slitted pupils. A triumphant smile curled her lips, an anticipatory thrill coursing through her veins.

Behind her, Beatrix's smaller frame inquired, "Laufey, what is that?"

A mischievous glint danced in Laufey's eyes as she responded, "Something exhilarating."

Her heart raced with exhilaration, each beat echoing her anticipation as she began to stride forward. With every step, her heavy heels crushed the undergrowth beneath, trees yielding to her determined path. Her smile only broadened, intoxicated by the magnetic pull of the energy.

"Whoever awaits there," Laufey declared, her voice laced with fierce determination, "I will shatter them into mere dust."

Her battle-hardened smile bore witness to her unyielding resolve, a force of nature poised to meet the challenge head-on. The forest rustled with a mix of trepidation and the undeniable thrill of impending confrontation.

Amidst the heart of the forest, an eerie purple miasma enveloped everything, a malevolent force that devoured life itself. The once-vibrant trees were now twisted and withered, their ashen leaves falling like tears of death. The once-fertile ground had turned into a barren wasteland, a testimony to the horror that had taken root.

Within this nightmarish landscape, a sinister figure emerged, its skeletal frame cloaked in a raging aura of purple energy, pulsating like an inferno. Its eyes were hollow pits of darkness, and its creaking bones exuded an aura of malevolence.

"IT'S ALMOST TIME," the creature exclaimed with a twisted sense of elation. "SOON, MY EVOLUTION SHALL BE COMPLETE."

Its bony hands stretched towards the sky, as if attempting to embrace the heavens themselves, its voice echoing through the desolation.

But then, an interruption—rustling bushes drew the creature's attention. Its hollow gaze shifted downward, fixating on the disturbance in the distance.

"WHAT ARE THESE PESTS THAT DISTURB THIS JOYOUS DAY?" The creature's words thundered like a chilling command, its wrath palpable as it sought to unearth the source of the disturbance that dared to intrude upon its moment of twisted anticipation.


The intrepid band of adventurers persevered through the beast-infested woods, navigating territories that no sane soul would dare tread. Their journey led them to a desolate expanse, a bleak field marred by death and decay, enshrouded in the ominous miasma.

Gideon's voice was muffled, his hand instinctively covering his mouth as he questioned the scene before them, "What the hell happened here?"

Aric's somber gaze remained fixed as he indicated toward the source of the devastation, "That's what happened."

Lyra's voice quivered with concern, "I-is that a Lynch?"

Seraphina's response carried a deeper understanding, her grip on her staff growing tighter, "No, not quite. It's a halfling, a hybrid of sorts."

Aric's grip tightened around his sword's hilt, the steel ringing as it was unsheathed. His tone was resolute, "And it appears to be in the midst of transformation."

His eyes bore the weight of the situation, "We have to halt it, now!" He turned to address his comrades, a call to arms in his voice, "Prepare yourselves for battle!"



Oh hell yeah we getting a big bad guy in this story too let’s go!!!!


So are we reaching to the end of season or volume 1 of this story or do we got a little bit longer until the end of the season?


Damn how many chapters do you think it will be for this volume 10 or like 8 ?