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Justin's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself sprawled on the frigid, shattered earth. His body throbbed as he struggled to shift. Blood masked one of his eyes, while shards of glass glistened like morose gems all around him.

"What in the world happened?" he murmured, his hand instinctively reaching to soothe his throbbing temple as he gingerly rose from the ground. A wave of shock and dread washed over him as he gazed at the grim spectacle before him. The once cutting-edge research lab now lay in ruins, a haunting echo of its former self. The room that once housed state-of-the-art technology was now a tableau of devastation: the floor cracked like a fractured mirror, and a vast obsidian void dominated the space where a wall had once stood sentinel.

Drawn by an irresistible mix of curiosity and concern, Justin cautiously approached the colossal chasm that loomed hundreds of feet tall before him. The biting breeze nipped at his cheeks, carrying with it a hint of desolation that matched the scene before him.

"Does this lead out to the city?" he mused aloud, his voice tinged with disbelief, as if asking the abyss itself for answers.


A feeble, pained moan cut through the air, jerking Justin's attention abruptly. Whipping around, his heart pounding, he desperately scanned the wreckage for any signs of life. His eyes scoured the debris, searching for even a glimpse of movement amidst the destruction.

With a mix of urgency and hope, Justin's eyes darted across the debris-strewn landscape, his heart racing as he scoured the wreckage for any signs of life. His persistence soon paid off, as the faintest glimmer of movement caught his attention.

"Eric!" he cried out, his voice thick with relief and worry as he spotted his colleague, trapped beneath the nightmarish heap of what was once their research lab.

Battling through his own agony, Justin sprinted towards Eric, a surge of adrenaline fueling his every step. As he drew nearer, the pain coursing through his body seemed to pale in comparison to the grim scene that unfolded before him. Eric's battered form lay imprisoned beneath the wreckage, his forehead oozing blood, his limbs pinned and crushed.

"What in the world happened?" Justin's voice shook with a blend of frustration and concern as he strained to lift the debris off Eric's body.

"Damn it!" Eric's anguished cry rang out, his pain evident in every strained syllable. "Can't you see? It's all right there in front of you," he retorted, his voice laced with agony. "Project TransGen went awry—went awry in the most catastrophic way imaginable."

"What do you mean?" Justin asked.


Amidst the dim, enigmatic confines of the lab, a symphony of unfamiliar technology cast an ethereal glow that danced upon Justin's surroundings. A mesmerizing blend of intricate machinery and curious vials brimming with alien substances adorned the room, shrouding it in an air of mystery.

Yet, the arcane marvels were not the focal point of Justin's attention. Instead, his gaze was drawn to the scene unfolding before him—a congregation of a dozen scientists, himself included, watching in rapt silence as skilled technicians orchestrated the colossal machinery positioned at the room's heart.

Sally and Derrick, his friends and colleagues, huddled together in one corner, their expressions marked by a mix of unease and anticipation. On the opposite side stood Sam, Casey, and Eric, each face betraying a complex blend of emotions. Eric, as always, stood tall with an air of self-assuredness, his smug grin a stark contrast to the tension that hung in the air.

Justin's gaze shifted to the focal point of the room—an elevated pedestal housing two cages. Towering beams of iridescent light converged on the cages, their glow almost hypnotic. As he strained his vision, he discerned the figures within the cages—Holly and Gigi, the dogs he cherished beyond measure.

A hushed expletive escaped his lips, a quiet acknowledgment of the dire situation that had unfolded before him.

As Eric strode forward, his presence commanded the undivided attention of the gathered scientists. He turned to face the assembly, adjusting his glasses with an air of confidence that only seemed to accentuate his already evident smile.

"Today marks a milestone," he proclaimed, his voice carrying a note of triumph that resonated throughout the room. "Today, we propel humanity one step closer to unravelling the mysteries that have eluded us for centuries." His words held a fervent conviction, like a preacher rallying his congregation. "While only a select few among you have been privy to the complete scope of this endeavor, let it be known that every single one of your contributions has paved the way for this moment."

Justin's annoyance gnawed at him, as he acknowledged that he was among the scientists deliberately kept in the dark about the true nature of the project. Assigned to monitor equipment and perform seemingly mundane calculations, he understood all too well that beneath this simplicity lay profound complexity.

A wry grunt escaped his lips, the mingling of skepticism and begrudging respect for Eric's charisma.

"Prepare to be astonished," Eric's voice carried on, imbued with a charismatic fervor. "Bear witness to what unfolds today, for this day heralds the dawn of a new era—the inception of the future itself."

A deafening hum filled the air as the massive rays came to life, their activation sending vibrations rippling through the floor and walls of the lab, creating an unsettling symphony of sound and sensation.

Turning on his heels, Eric directed his attention towards the epicenter of the room, where the machinery stood under the diligent control of the technicians. "Commence," he commanded, the weight of anticipation heavy in his voice.

As the rays' tips ignited, their glow intensified under the technicians' meticulous manipulation, casting an almost blinding brilliance into the room.

The dogs, Holly and Gigi, sensed the impending chaos, their frantic whines and desperate attempts to escape their cages serving as a heart-wrenching backdrop to the unfolding spectacle. Yet, their struggles were in vain, thwarted by the unyielding confines of their enclosures.

Justin's gaze remained fixated on the two captive animals, a conflicted mix of anguish and fascination etched across his features. The once dimly lit chamber was now progressively illuminated, the growing luminosity mirroring the escalating tension that gripped the room.

A crackling sound, reminiscent of a powerful electric discharge, pierced the air. Eric, his bravado momentarily wavered, averted his gaze from the impending outcome, unable to witness what was about to unfold.


In an explosive crescendo, a deafening detonation rent the atmosphere, the walls quivering as the room transformed into an iridescent inferno.


“That’s what happened.” Eric’s voice, strained and weary, cut through the aftermath of the cataclysm. His once confident demeanor had crumbled, replaced by the harrowing reality of his injuries—his mangled limbs dripping with blood as he leaned against the wall for support.

Shaking his head in a mix of anger and confusion, Justin’s voice trembled with incredulity. “What on earth was this project, Eric? What in the world did you lead us to do?”

Eric’s response was heavy with a somber gravity. “Innovatech Solutions has been fixated on tapping into the fundamental energies that weave through our reality, possibly even extending beyond it,” he began, his pain palpable.

Frustration etched across Justin’s features as he demanded clarity. “What does that even mean?”

Eric’s voice wavered slightly, a reflection of the immense weight he was carrying. “It means we attempted to introduce living organisms to these energies. This experiment was our first foray into merging life with these enigmatic forces.”

Puzzled and alarmed, Justin pressed for details. “What are these energies you’re talking about? And how do they impact our world?”

Eric’s response held a tinge of resignation. “The specifics are still elusive, but we’ve classified it as Animorph-7. It’s an anomalous energy found within all living species, but it’s most concentrated in domesticated animals.”

“We wanted to see the consequences of overwhelming one of these creatures with Animorph-7,” Eric choked out through his pained laughter, his voice reflecting both agony and remorse.

Justin’s shock was further compounded as the room itself began to tremble with an intensity that defied explanation. His voice trembled with anxiety as he looked upwards at the violently shaking ceiling. “What’s happening now?”

Fear etched into Eric’s response, his tone trembling. “They’re arriving,” he confessed, his fear palpable.

“Who’s arriving?” Justin’s fear mirrored Eric’s as he searched for answers.

“The abominations,” Eric’s voice quivered in response.

A colossal explosion rocked the room, shattering the already fragile remnants of the ceiling. Justin’s instincts kicked in, and he hurled himself away as debris rained down upon the wreckage-strewn floor. His eyes widened as he gazed up at the titanic hand, covered in fur, protruding through the gaping hole torn in the ceiling.

With a jarring pull, the massive hand withdrew, vanishing from sight in an instant. The trembling continued, each rumble accompanied by the crumbling decay of the ceiling above.

“What in the world!” Justin exclaimed, his voice laden with disbelief and fear, as he found himself staring up at the shadows of two colossal figures looming above, a surreal and terrifying sight that defied all reason.

“My god.”





Hey, I have an idea for what commissions you could sell.